f536c1 |
# Control files for CBS ↔ repositories synchronization
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This repository contains control files for the synchronization process
f536c1 |
between CBS tags and RPM repositories.
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f536c1 |
The general syntax of these files follows this convention ([wiki][sync-legend-wiki]):
f536c1 |
f536c1 |
<tag>|<destination path>|<dir to run createrepo in>|<destination on mirror.centos.org>
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1b1131 |
## Running the lint tool
1b1131 |
1b1131 |
Included in the root of this repository is a lint tool to check the files for
1b1131 |
common errors. Please run this tool before submitting a pull-request. This tool
1b1131 |
requires python2
1b1131 |
1b1131 |
### Check a single file
1b1131 |
1b1131 |
$ ./cclint sign_list
1b1131 |
1b1131 |
1b1131 |
### Check all files
1b1131 |
1b1131 |
$ ./cclint
1b1131 |
1b1131 |
f536c1 |
[sync-legend-wiki]: https://wiki.centos.org/SIGGuide/Content/Mirror "Steps to request space on the mirror network"
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## Buildlogs synchronization
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The file in control of buildlogs synchronization is `buildlogs_list`.
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As stated at the top of that file, it is universal for all architectures
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– the synchronization script will automatically substitute `aarch64`/`ppc64le`
f536c1 |
for `x86_64` for any tags that have content on the respective architecture.
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## Mirrors synchronization
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The synchronization to mirrors is controlled by architecture-specific `sign_list` file:
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File nameArchitecture
f536c1 |
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f536c1 |
sign_list x86_64
f536c1 |
sign_list.aarch64 aarch64
f536c1 |
sign_list.ppc64le ppc64le
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