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#centos-devel: cbs/infra
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Meeting started by bstinson at 13:02:39 UTC. The full logs are available
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at centos-devel/2014/centos-devel.2014-09-22-13.02.log.html .
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Meeting summary
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* LINK: https://trello.com/b/CKGGvcKU/cbs-centos-org is the url to the
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board (kbsingh, 13:02:50)
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* Greetings / Who's Here? (bstinson, 13:03:03)
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* Agenda (bstinson, 13:04:21)
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* FAS/IPA Testing - Short Status Update (bstinson, 13:04:24)
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* Centpkg Progress - Short Status Update (bstinson, 13:04:28)
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* Blocker List (bstinson, 13:04:32)
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* Brainstorming SIG Branch and Build Target Names (bstinson,
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* Open Floor (bstinson, 13:04:41)
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* FAS/IPA Testing (bstinson, 13:05:28)
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* Infra team provisioned three VMs last week to use for FAS & IPA
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testing (quaid, 13:06:27)
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* can use the mailing list discussion to get requirements (quaid,
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* ACTION: quaid can write-up the requirements in to a wiki page to
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reference (quaid, 13:10:39)
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* IDEA: should we have a second koji for ease of SSL testing, etc.?
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(quaid, 13:13:31)
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* dev.git.centos.org can be used for testing git connection (quaid,
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* Centpkg Progress (bstinson, 13:20:00)
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* centpkg is reading in user certs and is able to kick off koji builds
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(quaid, 13:21:16)
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* IDEA: put git branch to koji target in a config file instead of
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being hard-coded (quaid, 13:21:53)
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* ACTION: bstinson will clean up his commits and send centpkg patches
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to the mailing list (bstinson, 13:25:15)
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* LINK: http://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/bstinson/Centpkg/
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(bstinson, 13:27:13)
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* IDEA: have centpkg eventually live in e.g. CentOS Extras (quaid,
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* not currently relying upon EPEL directly, anything needed gets
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pulled in to local build, e.g. rpkg (quaid, 13:29:59)
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* Blocker List (bstinson, 13:31:44)
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* integrate upstream patch in koji to support git.c.o (alphacc,
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* ACTION: Build CentOS koji rpms and install them (server-side).
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(alphacc, 13:35:52)
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* AGREED: Project will carry own koji RPMs to carry our own patches
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etc. (quaid, 13:39:28)
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* can't use sshkeys for auth for git, needs to go over https for code
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pathway (quaid, 13:47:27)
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* LINK: https://git.centos.org/summary/centpkg.git (kbsingh,
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* need to settle on temp auth method for git.centos.org over https
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(quaid, 14:03:27)
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* Next Meeting: Monday 29-Sept, 13:00 UTC (bstinson, 14:06:19)
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Meeting ended at 14:06:55 UTC.
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Action Items
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* quaid can write-up the requirements in to a wiki page to reference
c3b3e1 |
* bstinson will clean up his commits and send centpkg patches to the
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mailing list
c3b3e1 |
* Build CentOS koji rpms and install them (server-side).
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Action Items, by person
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* bstinson
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* bstinson will clean up his commits and send centpkg patches to the
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mailing list
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* quaid
c3b3e1 |
* quaid can write-up the requirements in to a wiki page to reference
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* Build CentOS koji rpms and install them (server-side).
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People Present (lines said)
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* kbsingh (55)
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* MerlinTHP (48)
c3b3e1 |
* bstinson (46)
c3b3e1 |
* quaid (33)
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* alphacc (19)
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* Evolution (9)
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* centbot (5)
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* gwd (3)
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* mattymo (3)
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* Arrfab (3)
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* mikem (3)
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* wolfy (1)
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* jitseklomp (1)
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Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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