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13:01:06 <bstinson> #startmeeting
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13:01:06 <centbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 15 13:01:06 2014 UTC. The chair is bstinson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
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13:01:06 <centbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
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13:01:27 <bstinson> #meetingname CBS-Infra-2014-09-15
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13:01:27 <centbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cbs-infra-2014-09-15'
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13:01:52 <bstinson> #chair alphacc Arrfab kbsingh bstinson MerlinTHP_
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13:01:52 <centbot> Current chairs: Arrfab MerlinTHP_ alphacc bstinson kbsingh
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13:02:45 <bstinson> #topic Is this a good time to meet?
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13:02:54 <MerlinTHP_> Well, it works for me :)
c3b3e1 |
13:03:51 <alphacc> Me too if we keep it under 30 min
c3b3e1 |
13:04:01 <bstinson> Good, I think we should make this a regular thing (weekly, or every-other-week) for a while until we run out of things to talk about
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13:04:09 * MerlinTHP_ nods.
c3b3e1 |
13:04:11 <bstinson> short meetings are good
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13:04:17 <alphacc> I think weekly is good for now.
c3b3e1 |
13:04:39 <MerlinTHP_> Agreed, i imagine we can find things to talk about
c3b3e1 |
13:04:57 <wolfy> works for me too. although I am just a lurker
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13:05:18 <bstinson> #agreed Weekly meetings on Monday at 13:00 UTC
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13:06:36 * lalatenduM is here too
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13:06:54 <bstinson> #topic SIG/Developer authentication
c3b3e1 |
13:07:39 <alphacc> so far cbs has his own CA, I don't know the status of git.c.o auth
c3b3e1 |
13:07:53 * MerlinTHP_ assumes it's ssh key auth
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13:07:59 <MerlinTHP_> Can anyone confirm?
c3b3e1 |
13:08:08 * kbsingh is here
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13:08:14 * gwd is here
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13:08:17 <bstinson> we also need to worry about the lookaside cache
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13:08:42 <MerlinTHP_> I'd be tempted to start from a default position of "what does fedora infra do?"
c3b3e1 |
13:09:01 <MerlinTHP_> If only that they've solved a lot of this stuff, and have existing tooling
c3b3e1 |
13:09:10 <bstinson> I think FAS is on the radar
c3b3e1 |
13:09:24 <kbsingh> i am not sure if FAS is indeed on the store for CentOS though - is it ?
c3b3e1 |
13:09:38 <MerlinTHP_> I've heard it mentioned, but nothing conclusive.
c3b3e1 |
13:09:49 <kbsingh> there certainly hasent been any movement on that front - FAS was brought up a few times, but only in line with other potential solutions as well
c3b3e1 |
13:09:49 <gwd> What's FAS?
c3b3e1 |
13:09:57 <Arrfab> alphacc: atm git.c.o uses his internal auth DB
c3b3e1 |
13:09:58 <kbsingh> gwd: the Fedora Accounting System
c3b3e1 |
13:09:59 <MerlinTHP_> Fedora Account System
c3b3e1 |
13:10:24 <MerlinTHP_> I'm not sure we really want to build something from scratch.
c3b3e1 |
13:10:33 <alphacc> Arrfab: but gitblit does support ssl cert ?
c3b3e1 |
13:10:45 <kbsingh> git.centos.org can more or less do anything, includiung ldap, krb, shared certs, shared ca, pub certs, internal pipe backend for auth or even static files
c3b3e1 |
13:10:51 <kbsingh> alphacc: yes
c3b3e1 |
13:10:57 <MerlinTHP_> What does g.c.o do now?
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13:11:13 <kbsingh> MerlinTHP_: flat file, internal auth
c3b3e1 |
13:11:24 <MerlinTHP_> I suppose we're at the point of not having a huge userbase to reeducate
c3b3e1 |
13:12:24 <kbsingh> are we talking purely in the context of git.centos.org + cbs.centos.org ? I guess having FAS like system would help if were to come up system wide for all of .centos.org - and we can move wiki + bugs + forums + other things to it as well
c3b3e1 |
13:12:41 <MerlinTHP_> I'd suggest that ideally the latter
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13:13:15 <MerlinTHP_> In addition to FAS, I'd be tempted to throw IPA into the ring as an option too.
c3b3e1 |
13:13:48 <MerlinTHP_> I spend a fair amount of time in $dayjob getting stuff to auth against our IPA instace.
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13:14:04 <Arrfab> MerlinTHP_: such discussion started too, but the scope is wider than just cbs+git which is supposed to be the "to be discussed points" today
c3b3e1 |
13:14:06 <alphacc> kbsingh: yes. In term of interaction between cbs/git we just need people to be able to create branches at the git level
c3b3e1 |
13:14:26 <MerlinTHP_> Arrfab: agreed.
c3b3e1 |
13:14:38 <MerlinTHP_> Seems silly to build something just for cbs & git, though
c3b3e1 |
13:15:34 <kbsingh> how would branches in git.c.o work - at the moment, the distro brach is locked - noone can commit to those. and I've been working to have branch name be the sig name for someone
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13:15:37 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: I think it's better to test the workflow for building and defer auth for later.
c3b3e1 |
13:15:54 <kbsingh> eg. VirtSig people will need to work with their own branch - but wont be able to create and push to other ones, unless they had acl's for other sig's as well
c3b3e1 |
13:16:21 <MerlinTHP_> alphacc: I'm just a bit worried about getting people too familiar with something that we might well change later
c3b3e1 |
13:16:21 <Arrfab> MerlinTHP_: agreed too, but it would be good to know what are the blockers now on the git/cbs status. and if common auth is the real issue, then another meeting around centralized auth can be foreseen :-)
c3b3e1 |
13:17:19 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: the koji part won't change, and educate user to access git with pass or ssh key doesn't seems an issue for our audience
c3b3e1 |
13:17:27 <MerlinTHP_> alphacc: fair enough
c3b3e1 |
13:17:40 <gwd> kbsingh: So I think we need to be able to have dev branches from which we can issue a pull request.
c3b3e1 |
13:17:50 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: I would agree if it was for everybody.
c3b3e1 |
13:18:29 <MerlinTHP_> alphacc: I'm a bit worried that you don't scale, though ;)
c3b3e1 |
13:18:37 <MerlinTHP_> alphacc: you're doing all the account creation by hand atm?
c3b3e1 |
13:19:04 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: correct. this is part of this week documentation effort.
c3b3e1 |
13:19:05 <Arrfab> MerlinTHP_: yes, but afaik less than 10 people have access through approved SIGs
c3b3e1 |
13:19:17 <kbsingh> in terms of forward-looking-planning, my estimate on user accounts to end of the year 2014 is 50
c3b3e1 |
13:19:27 <MerlinTHP_> OK
c3b3e1 |
13:19:27 <kbsingh> and in the next 18 momths, is to grow that to 150
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13:19:44 <bstinson> which is not so bad
c3b3e1 |
13:20:10 <kbsingh> most SIG's are only going to have a few people commiting into git.centos.org right ? I'm counting on the biggest ones having 10
c3b3e1 |
13:20:18 <Evolution> I still think long-term it should be automated, rather than blocking on a specific person
c3b3e1 |
13:20:27 <Evolution> or group of people.
c3b3e1 |
13:20:31 <MerlinTHP_> Mm
c3b3e1 |
13:20:48 <MerlinTHP_> This is one of those "FAS has already solved this issue" things, tbh
c3b3e1 |
13:21:04 <kbsingh> gwd: would'nt that be local though ? eg. if come of people want to do local branches ? or are you saying that people will need commit access to git.centos.org where from a 'privileged' account can merge into the production branch and issue a build req ?
c3b3e1 |
13:21:06 <Evolution> yeah. fas or a bit of scripting around ipa.
c3b3e1 |
13:21:11 <MerlinTHP_> Evolution: exactly
c3b3e1 |
13:21:27 <alphacc> Evolution: yes agreed
c3b3e1 |
13:21:36 <MerlinTHP_> TBH I personally like IPA a lot, but I'm trying not to be too biased ;)
c3b3e1 |
13:22:01 <kbsingh> gwd: if we want the push coming to git.centos.org - we might need to workout some sort of a convention for personal branches.
c3b3e1 |
13:22:18 <kbsingh> automate everything
c3b3e1 |
13:22:49 <gwd> kbsingh: Well it doesn't need to be on git.c.o, if that's what you mean; it could be on gitorious/github/some other public repo. But wherever it is, we want to be able to build from it. At least, I assume the burden of testing to make sure it builds properly should be on the person sending the pull request, not on the person potentially doing the pulling. :-)
c3b3e1 |
13:23:04 <kbsingh> specially, since automation is the only way to really make sure there is a 'user-exiting' cleanup process as well
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13:23:15 <MerlinTHP_> Just bear in mind that koji needs config for each git server you want to pull from
c3b3e1 |
13:23:26 <kbsingh> MerlinTHP_: it will only pull from git.centos.org
c3b3e1 |
13:23:27 <MerlinTHP_> I'd recommend only having koji pull from g.c.o
c3b3e1 |
13:23:33 <MerlinTHP_> Right.
c3b3e1 |
13:23:39 <alphacc> yes
c3b3e1 |
13:24:02 <MerlinTHP_> So anything you want to build has to end up in g.c.o, even if people are pushing to github or whatever
c3b3e1 |
13:24:34 <Arrfab> MerlinTHP_: yes
c3b3e1 |
13:24:43 <kbsingh> yeah, its a good problem domain to fix, its the classic who CI's and how does the CI queue work
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13:24:46 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: There is SRPM use case, but I really didn't find any good reason.
c3b3e1 |
13:24:47 <gwd> MerlinTHP: Then that would imply either 1) sending pull requests from trees that haven't been tested on koji or 2) having development trees on git.c.o so that things could be tested on koji before sending a pull request
c3b3e1 |
13:25:06 <kbsingh> i wonder if we can have people do scratch builds, and the results be a consideation for people doing the pulls
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13:25:16 <alphacc> gwd: koji should not become a CI.
c3b3e1 |
13:25:28 <MerlinTHP_> Yeah, koji isn't great for CI
c3b3e1 |
13:25:37 <kbsingh> i dont think gwd is talking CI though
c3b3e1 |
13:25:51 <MerlinTHP_> Right.
c3b3e1 |
13:25:53 <kbsingh> were not testing the code, per se - its just to make sure the branch is buildable
c3b3e1 |
13:26:04 <kbsingh> maybe --scratch builds might be a middle ground there ?
c3b3e1 |
13:26:05 <alphacc> Yes just a warning, casue I have koji users :)
c3b3e1 |
13:26:21 <gwd> Just because it build via an SRPM doesn't mean it will build from a git tree. :-)
c3b3e1 |
13:26:44 <MerlinTHP_> There's not that much difference between koji building a package and mock on a user box, as long as mock is using the koji repos.
c3b3e1 |
13:26:54 <kbsingh> gwd: right, but koji only ever builds from a srpm - the git is just where the srpm is stored, were never building from git
c3b3e1 |
13:27:15 <kbsingh> when koji gets a build-this, it git checksout, make it into an srpm - then does the mock run to build rpms out of it
c3b3e1 |
13:27:17 <MerlinTHP_> Well, koji pulls the source from git and builds a srpm
c3b3e1 |
13:27:24 <alphacc> kbsingh: yes
c3b3e1 |
13:27:24 <MerlinTHP_> Yeah, tha
c3b3e1 |
13:27:25 <MerlinTHP_> t
c3b3e1 |
13:28:13 <bstinson> (bringing it back in a little bit) it sounds to me like we aren't quite ready to talk about long-term auth
c3b3e1 |
13:28:21 <kbsingh> nutshell: gwd's point is that people need to be able to propose changes, without running their own buildsystems. right ?
c3b3e1 |
13:28:24 * MerlinTHP_ is getting that ;)
c3b3e1 |
13:28:28 <MerlinTHP_> +feeling
c3b3e1 |
13:29:30 <bstinson> what can we do in the short term to get people access to the lookaside caches? i know that's come up a couple of times
c3b3e1 |
13:29:45 <MerlinTHP_> Auth with the same SSL cert they use for koji?
c3b3e1 |
13:30:10 <alphacc> bstinson: I think we need at least docs on the process will be handled.
c3b3e1 |
13:30:27 <MerlinTHP_> The upload script for fedora's lookaside is public, and can be easily adapted to our cache
c3b3e1 |
13:31:07 <MerlinTHP_> I can hunt that out if there's interest
c3b3e1 |
13:31:07 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: can it be part of centpkg ?
c3b3e1 |
13:31:11 <kbsingh> are we talking about https://git.centos.org/sources/ ?
c3b3e1 |
13:31:26 <bstinson> kbsingh: yes
c3b3e1 |
13:31:27 <MerlinTHP_> Yeah
c3b3e1 |
13:31:35 <kbsingh> the privileged path to that store is via ssh or rsync over ssh at the moment
c3b3e1 |
13:31:42 <Evolution> 868963
c3b3e1 |
13:31:43 <MerlinTHP_> Hmm
c3b3e1 |
13:31:58 <kbsingh> but its a flat filesystem, so a cgi script ( like what fedora use ) might be easy to adapt, and we can protect branches at the unix level
c3b3e1 |
13:32:09 <Evolution> 195082
c3b3e1 |
13:32:16 <kbsingh> ( ie. I can make sure the buildsystem and distro branches are owned by someone else )
c3b3e1 |
13:32:27 <kbsingh> Evolution: move your yubi key to a different usb port
c3b3e1 |
13:32:32 <MerlinTHP_> Heh
c3b3e1 |
13:32:36 <alphacc> ah ah
c3b3e1 |
13:32:39 <Evolution> bah, was dialing phone.
c3b3e1 |
13:32:47 <kbsingh> alternatively, folks - anyone needing to break into Evolution's 2FA accounts, you ahve about 180 seconds to use those two codes
c3b3e1 |
13:32:48 * Evolution moves laptop
c3b3e1 |
13:32:50 <MerlinTHP_> No, you weren't ;)
c3b3e1 |
13:32:55 <bstinson> heh
c3b3e1 |
13:33:18 <kbsingh> i need a better keyboard, way too many typos
c3b3e1 |
13:33:31 <bstinson> alphacc: to answer your question, it's already built into rpkg we just need to figure out how to say if a user has upload privs or not
c3b3e1 |
13:33:32 <kbsingh> so, what / how would centpkg integrate with the sources / lookaside push ?
c3b3e1 |
13:33:47 <MerlinTHP_> centpkg has upload support
c3b3e1 |
13:33:57 <MerlinTHP_> It needs tweaking for centos' cache layout
c3b3e1 |
13:34:11 <MerlinTHP_> It does an HTTPS request with the client cert for auth
c3b3e1 |
13:34:42 <MerlinTHP_> sorry, rpkg has that, centpkg can override that code
c3b3e1 |
13:35:02 <alphacc> ok
c3b3e1 |
13:35:14 <kbsingh> what do we need on the server to support that push ?
c3b3e1 |
13:35:31 <MerlinTHP_> A CGI script on an HTTPS server with some client auth config
c3b3e1 |
13:35:41 <MerlinTHP_> So cgi + httpd config
c3b3e1 |
13:35:47 <kbsingh> what sort of auth backend can that support ?
c3b3e1 |
13:36:05 <kbsingh> also, upload via https.... is going to need some multipart fluffery
c3b3e1 |
13:36:40 <MerlinTHP_> That bit is a solved problem, afaik. rpkg already does it
c3b3e1 |
13:36:57 <MerlinTHP_> The server validates the client cert against our CA
c3b3e1 |
13:37:14 <MerlinTHP_> Needs a CRL to be able to revoke certs.
c3b3e1 |
13:38:14 <kbsingh> right, so this would then share the ca with koji ?
c3b3e1 |
13:38:19 <MerlinTHP_> Yeah
c3b3e1 |
13:38:39 <kbsingh> and we'd need to have git.centos.org also then use the same CA
c3b3e1 |
13:38:47 <MerlinTHP_> Mm
c3b3e1 |
13:38:55 <MerlinTHP_> IPA getting more attractive by the second...
c3b3e1 |
13:38:56 <MerlinTHP_> ;)
c3b3e1 |
13:39:31 <alphacc> if we keep the koji CA (and use it for soemthing else) we may want to move easy_rsa + git-crypt (for scaling issue)
c3b3e1 |
13:39:37 <alphacc> or FreeIPA ;)
c3b3e1 |
13:40:36 <gwd> I'm more of a stout man myself...
c3b3e1 |
13:40:40 <kbsingh> gitblit can maknss calls as well if that makes life easier
c3b3e1 |
13:40:53 <kbsingh> can make nss
c3b3e1 |
13:41:22 <kbsingh> from the git.centos.org perspective, we can use pretty much anything and it will consume it .
c3b3e1 |
13:41:27 * MerlinTHP_ nods.
c3b3e1 |
13:41:49 <kbsingh> there are 2 things that we need to protect though - (1) there is always going to be a privileged path for rhel sources and buildsystem feedback - both of those can never fail
c3b3e1 |
13:42:09 <kbsingh> and (2) we need a way to gurantee branch names and commit access to branch names is locked down
c3b3e1 |
13:42:33 <bstinson> does gitblit currently give you that control?
c3b3e1 |
13:42:34 <kbsingh> so if the auth setup is going to happen at koji CA - that needs to provide a user:sig name mapping which can be used to map users:branch
c3b3e1 |
13:42:34 <MerlinTHP_> Can gitblit do that per-branch stuff?
c3b3e1 |
13:42:38 <kbsingh> bstinson: yes.
c3b3e1 |
13:42:52 <MerlinTHP_> Hrm
c3b3e1 |
13:43:20 <MerlinTHP_> We need more than just a CA for this
c3b3e1 |
13:43:30 <MerlinTHP_> CA + something with groups and things like that.
c3b3e1 |
13:43:33 <kbsingh> I worked with the author of gitblit ( james moger ) to work that in, and I've made some more tweaks at this end that make it work quite nicely
c3b3e1 |
13:43:49 <MerlinTHP_> That's cool.
c3b3e1 |
13:44:10 <kbsingh> for the git code itself, and the lookaside cache - the privleged path is via ssh
c3b3e1 |
13:44:28 <kbsingh> and gitblit does not mind that, it will happy refresh local git content cache if it finds the underlaying storage changee
c3b3e1 |
13:44:53 <MerlinTHP_> I'd have assumed that git+ssh was the default push method anyway
c3b3e1 |
13:45:06 <kbsingh> fwiw, gitolite can also consume and implement a user:branch mapping
c3b3e1 |
13:45:37 <kbsingh> push mode for git is over https
c3b3e1 |
13:45:41 <MerlinTHP_> Oh, ok
c3b3e1 |
13:45:54 <kbsingh> thinking there is that if we need entity verification, an EV cert will give you that
c3b3e1 |
13:46:31 <MerlinTHP_> Do we have a cert revocation system for the current koji CA?
c3b3e1 |
13:46:48 <MerlinTHP_> If I lose my laptop with koji cert now, what happens?
c3b3e1 |
13:47:09 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: we can revoke access to koji
c3b3e1 |
13:47:23 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: no crl right now but agreed it's needed.
c3b3e1 |
13:47:55 <MerlinTHP_> Is that turn off the user, or turn off the cert?
c3b3e1 |
13:48:05 <MerlinTHP_> ( so to speak )
c3b3e1 |
13:48:16 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: user
c3b3e1 |
13:48:21 * MerlinTHP_ nods.
c3b3e1 |
13:49:02 <bstinson> ok, let's start wrapping up
c3b3e1 |
13:49:07 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: user-rsa when Arrfab show me it existed. I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
c3b3e1 |
13:49:16 <MerlinTHP_> alphacc: *nod*
c3b3e1 |
13:49:23 <alphacc> MerlinTHP_: easy_rsa
c3b3e1 |
13:49:26 <MerlinTHP_> Being a CA is a PITA.
c3b3e1 |
13:49:45 <MerlinTHP_> OK, so, do we have any sort of consensus? :)
c3b3e1 |
13:49:54 <MerlinTHP_> Or anything to have a consensus about
c3b3e1 |
13:50:34 <MerlinTHP_> koji requires either SSL or KRB auth, and we're using SSL. Trying to use that for everything we can sounds appropriate?
c3b3e1 |
13:50:44 <MerlinTHP_> Sounds like g.c.o can use it
c3b3e1 |
13:51:07 <bstinson> so (if i'm understanding correctly), we want gitblit to talk to the koji CA but we need to work out some name:sig mappings, and we want to look at having the lookaside cache use the fedora-style cgi script
c3b3e1 |
13:51:08 <MerlinTHP_> We need a way to store cert / user / group / sig info
c3b3e1 |
13:52:00 <kbsingh> yeah, if we can get some groups info in there that would rock
c3b3e1 |
13:52:16 <MerlinTHP_> OK
c3b3e1 |
13:52:16 <kbsingh> if not, we can always store user:group mappings in gitblit itself, and just have it querry the CA for auth
c3b3e1 |
13:52:31 <MerlinTHP_> I reckon we probably want that centrally too
c3b3e1 |
13:52:41 <kbsingh> and i presume the upload script can do something with the same CA as well ... if so - then we should trial it - or start trialing it at git.dev.centos.org
c3b3e1 |
13:52:53 <kbsingh> yeah, ideally all the info would be in one place
c3b3e1 |
13:53:01 <MerlinTHP_> It's the httpd config rather than the script itself, but yeah
c3b3e1 |
13:53:40 <kbsingh> ah i see
c3b3e1 |
13:53:50 <kbsingh> but will that be able to map user's to dir names ?
c3b3e1 |
13:53:59 <bstinson> once all that's in place we can sculpt centpkg around our setup
c3b3e1 |
13:54:04 <kbsingh> eg. if someone is locked to branch 'virtsig' they can only upload into <packagename>/virtsig/
c3b3e1 |
13:54:17 <MerlinTHP_> kbsingh: ok, that bit would need script changes :)
c3b3e1 |
13:54:40 <MerlinTHP_> the httpd-level stuff is authn, the authz would need to be in the script, I think
c3b3e1 |
13:55:28 <bstinson> Is MerlinTHP_ volunteering to look at that for the next meeting?
c3b3e1 |
13:55:36 <MerlinTHP_> Sure
c3b3e1 |
13:56:30 <bstinson> ok, great!
c3b3e1 |
13:56:35 <MerlinTHP_> :)
c3b3e1 |
13:56:47 <MerlinTHP_> Running out of meeting
c3b3e1 |
13:56:48 <kbsingh> when are we meeting next ?
c3b3e1 |
13:56:54 <MerlinTHP_> Same time next week?
c3b3e1 |
13:57:09 <kbsingh> ok, weekly works, but longer term we should think about making it bi-weekly
c3b3e1 |
13:57:13 <MerlinTHP_> Sure
c3b3e1 |
13:57:18 <kbsingh> maybe do ~ 6 weekly ones ?
c3b3e1 |
13:57:21 <bstinson> #info Next meeting: Monday 22-Sept 2014 13:00 UTC
c3b3e1 |
13:57:36 <bstinson> kbsingh: that's reasonable
c3b3e1 |
13:57:40 * MerlinTHP_ nods.
c3b3e1 |
13:58:12 <bstinson> #info We will be doing 6 weekly meetings, then moving to a bi-weekly schedule
c3b3e1 |
13:58:14 <lalatenduM> works for /Me
c3b3e1 |
13:58:24 <MerlinTHP_> Is there a meetbot give-merlinthp-an-action command? ;)
c3b3e1 |
13:58:41 * MerlinTHP_ should read the manual
c3b3e1 |
13:59:20 <lalatenduM> does "#action" work
c3b3e1 |
13:59:21 <bstinson> #action MerlinTHP_ Research lookaside cache authentication and upload permissions
c3b3e1 |
13:59:35 <MerlinTHP_> Ah :)
c3b3e1 |
13:59:42 <bstinson> i think i said that right
c3b3e1 |
13:59:52 <MerlinTHP_> Works for me.
c3b3e1 |
13:59:54 <bstinson> anything else that needs to go in the minutes?
c3b3e1 |
14:00:07 <kbsingh> is someone going to look at storing user:groups in the koji auth layers
c3b3e1 |
14:00:18 <MerlinTHP_> I'll have a think about that too
c3b3e1 |
14:00:19 <kbsingh> there must be something like this already - since users are limited to some tag's and targets
c3b3e1 |
14:00:27 <kbsingh> cant those just be the groups and sig names as well
c3b3e1 |
14:01:32 <alphacc> kbsingh: user are limited to the tagging action not to some target. This policy stuff need investigation. I don't think there is a group directive.
c3b3e1 |
14:02:54 <MerlinTHP_> OK, so we done with the meeting? :)
c3b3e1 |
14:02:59 <bstinson> gwd: i think that was you who sent a message to -devel with other agenda items, sorry our discussion sort of trampled over yours
c3b3e1 |
14:03:00 <alphacc> #action alphacc investigate koji policy for cbs.
c3b3e1 |
14:03:08 <bstinson> hopefully there will be time for an open-flood next week
c3b3e1 |
14:03:53 <bstinson> #info send agenda items for next week to the centos-devel@centos.org
c3b3e1 |
14:04:01 <bstinson> 1 minute warning before I close the minutes
c3b3e1 |
14:04:16 <MerlinTHP_> I'm good.
c3b3e1 |
14:04:44 <kbsingh> same here
c3b3e1 |
14:05:02 <kbsingh> i think were going to need some of these sessions of just open chat before we start working on and only on agenda items.
c3b3e1 |
14:05:04 <alphacc> ok with me.
c3b3e1 |
14:05:28 <bstinson> sure thing
c3b3e1 |
14:05:31 <bstinson> #endmeeting
c3b3e1 |