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#centos-devel: Board meeting live http://centos.org/media - agenda for today: Storage and Cloud-related SIG proposals
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Meeting started by quaid at 20:58:13 UTC. The full logs are available at
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centos-devel/2014/centos-devel.2014-03-19-20.58.log.html .
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Meeting summary
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* LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muUOhg12FKs (kbsingh, 21:04:26)
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* Storage SIG proposal (quaid, 21:07:26)
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* LINK: http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage/Proposal
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(quaid, 21:07:28)
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* AGREED: we have a quorum (quaid, 21:09:25)
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* SIG members currently include Ceph and Gluster (quaid, 21:12:20)
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* SIG members include Patrick Mcgarry (Ceph) and Lalatendu Mohanty
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(GlusterFS) and KBSingh (Board mentor/liaison) (quaid, 21:13:28)
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* Need to work on repository structure (quaid, 21:18:16)
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* qemu dependencies mean work with the Cloud * SIG who adopts qemu to
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figure out if it can be worked together, hierarchical setup, with
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maintain-your-own the last possible answer :) (quaid, 21:18:56)
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* a storage SIG repository could be cleaner and keep things out of
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CentOS Extras and CentOS Plus (quaid, 21:22:45)
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* ACTION: need to consider best way to handle questions from IRC,
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Twitter, etc. for live Board hangouts. (quaid, 21:27:27)
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* AGREED: start new SIG work on main -devel and users lists, then
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branch as needed (quaid, 21:36:01)
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* IDEA: having an all-SIGs-overview mailing list for cross-SIG
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coordination (esp. if things move from -devel) (quaid, 21:36:24)
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* ACTION: make sure new SIG work gets exposure of ~first 3 months on
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main centos-devel list (quaid, 21:37:18)
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* IDEA: have a SIG coordinators (or all maintainers) should have a
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chat every few weeks, such as a public Hangout or IRC (quaid,
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* AGREED: quorum voted yes to Storage SIG propsals (quaid, 21:39:48)
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* ACTION: KB to follow up with Jim and Tru (quaid, 21:40:00)
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* ACTION: KB to send call-to-action to -devel list (quaid, 21:40:11)
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* IDEA: include CentOS package/build expert, Ceph will bring their
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maintainer (quaid, 21:40:41)
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(kbsingh, 21:42:06)
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(mikem23, 21:42:08)
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* Cloud Instance SIG (quaid, 21:42:22)
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(quaid, 21:42:27)
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* the intention of this SIG is to have folks who know what they are
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doing and represent mindshare, come together and help us build
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images that work across cloud providers, meet best practices,
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development environments, tuned up for environments. (quaid,
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* primary charter is to bring in existing experts to help us build
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images (quaid, 21:43:36)
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* SIG will deliver a basic image that others can bundle with their
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RPMs to do their own image (quaid, 21:49:53)
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* cloud-init, minimizing for certain instances, perf tuning for
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certain hypervisors (quaid, 21:50:13)
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* most of the work will be kickstart files v. RPMs (quaid, 21:50:37)
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* IDEA: SIG is focused on tuning and curating the image, but there is
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room in the scope to provide multiple images tuned for various
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environments (quaid, 21:51:47)
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* Primary interface will be with the Core SIG (quaid, 21:53:40)
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* SIG is requesting cloud.centos.org as a source (with an API?) for
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distributing images, cf. mirror.centos.org for packages (quaid,
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* QA for images are basic/essential, may look to spread out toward
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different hypervisors (quaid, 22:00:10)
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* IDEA: having 2 physical machines ready for a few hours every day for
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QA (quaid, 22:00:24)
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* IDEA: it would be nice to have a process to promote image when they
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get enough testing/traction to official installation media.
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(alphacc, 22:04:42)
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* AGREED: Vote agrees to the Cloud Instance SIG proposal; follow-up to
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happen with Jim and Tru to confirm their votes (quaid, 22:07:45)
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* ACTION: KB to follow-up with Jim and Tru about this vote (quaid,
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* ACTION: SIG needs to define primary point of contact/coordinator
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(quaid, 22:08:18)
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Meeting ended at 22:09:20 UTC.
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Action Items
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* need to consider best way to handle questions from IRC, Twitter, etc.
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for live Board hangouts.
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* make sure new SIG work gets exposure of ~first 3 months on main
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centos-devel list
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* KB to follow up with Jim and Tru
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* KB to send call-to-action to -devel list
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* KB to follow-up with Jim and Tru about this vote
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* SIG needs to define primary point of contact/coordinator
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Action Items, by person
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* need to consider best way to handle questions from IRC, Twitter,
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etc. for live Board hangouts.
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* make sure new SIG work gets exposure of ~first 3 months on main
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centos-devel list
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* KB to follow up with Jim and Tru
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* KB to send call-to-action to -devel list
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* KB to follow-up with Jim and Tru about this vote
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* SIG needs to define primary point of contact/coordinator
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People Present (lines said)
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* quaid (51)
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* kbsingh (9)
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* Evolution (7)
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* scuttlemonkey (7)
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* alphacc (6)
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* centbot (3)
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* TrevorH (3)
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* range (1)
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* mikem23 (1)
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* hughesjr (0)
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* Arrfab (0)
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* tru_tru (0)
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