e8ec7a |
5c3e93 |
* FeedEk jQuery RSS/ATOM Feed Plugin v3.0 with YQL API
5c3e93 |
* http://jquery-plugins.net/FeedEk/FeedEk.html https://github.com/enginkizil/FeedEk
5c3e93 |
* Author : Engin KIZIL http://www.enginkizil.com
e8ec7a |
5c3e93 |
750fab |
(function ($) {
750fab |
$.fn.FeedEk = function (opt) {
750fab |
var def = $.extend({
750fab |
MaxCount: 5,
750fab |
ShowDesc: true,
750fab |
ShowPubDate: true,
750fab |
DescCharacterLimit: 0,
750fab |
TitleLinkTarget: "_blank",
750fab |
DateFormat: "",
750fab |
750fab |
}, opt);
750fab |
750fab |
var id = $(this).attr("id"), i, s = "", dt;
750fab |
$("#" + id).empty();
750fab |
if (def.FeedUrl == undefined) return;
750fab |
$("#" + id).append(' ');
750fab |
750fab |
var YQLstr = 'SELECT channel.item FROM feednormalizer WHERE output="rss_2.0" AND url ="' + def.FeedUrl + '" LIMIT ' + def.MaxCount;
750fab |
750fab |
750fab |
url: "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=" + encodeURIComponent(YQLstr) + "&format=json&diagnostics=false&callback=?",
750fab |
dataType: "json",
750fab |
success: function (data) {
750fab |
$("#" + id).empty();
750fab |
if (!(data.query.results.rss instanceof Array)) {
750fab |
data.query.results.rss = [data.query.results.rss];
750fab |
750fab |
$.each(data.query.results.rss, function (e, itm) {
750fab |
s += '';
750fab |
750fab |
if (def.ShowPubDate){
750fab |
dt = new Date(itm.channel.item.pubDate);
750fab |
s += '';
750fab |
if ($.trim(def.DateFormat).length > 0) {
750fab |
try {
750fab |
750fab |
s += moment(dt).format(def.DateFormat);
750fab |
750fab |
catch (e){s += dt.toLocaleDateString();}
750fab |
750fab |
else {
750fab |
s += dt.toLocaleDateString();
750fab |
750fab |
s += '';
750fab |
750fab |
if (def.ShowDesc) {
750fab |
s += '';
750fab |
if (def.DescCharacterLimit > 0 && itm.channel.item.description.length > def.DescCharacterLimit) {
750fab |
// Patches upstream FeedEK to correctly
750fab |
// handle HTML tags embedded in the
750fab |
// description text.
750fab |
var d = $(itm.channel.item.description).text();
750fab |
s += d.substring(0, def.DescCharacterLimit) + '...';
750fab |
750fab |
else {
750fab |
s += itm.channel.item.description;
750fab |
750fab |
s += '';
750fab |
750fab |
750fab |
$("#" + id).append('');
750fab |
750fab |
750fab |
750fab |
750fab |