diff --git a/_site/README.md b/_site/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e150b80..0000000
--- a/_site/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# a test conversion of this site to jekyll
-## test it in a container
-sudo podman run -d --name centos-jekyll -p 4000:4000 -v $(pwd):/srv/jekyll:Z jekyll/jekyll jekyll serve --watch
-## todo
-* Need to figure out `media.erb`.
-* Also, the layout is html, the jekyll-haml gem is handling haml conversion for a few haml-based pages, like the download page, but it wasn't working right for the layouts. I don't know if that's a problem.
-The site is built with *nanoc* and *Bootstrap 3*.
- * http://www.nanoc.ws
- * http://getbootstrap.com
-We use haml for templates where it makes sense and mostly markdown for
-Required Gems:
- * nanoc
- * cri
- * compass
- * haml
- * nokogiri // available from Fedora (EPEL?) repository
- * kramdown
- * pry
- * rainpress
- * rubypants
- * sass
- * susy
- * systemu
- * asciidoc // also requires the asciidoc package
- * adsf // if using 'nanoc view' command
-May be in RPM:
- * ruby
- * asciidoc
- * nokogiri
-## Installing on CentOS 7 as well as F19/20/21:
-## Using a built container (all platforms):
-Assuming that you have this git repository cloned under /opt/data/git/centos.org :
-sudo docker pull registry.centos.org/arrfab/nanoc:latest # Download the container
-sudo docker run --rm -v /opt/data/git/centos.org/:/nanoc/:Z registry.centos.org/arrfab/nanoc:latest
-Please note that it also works with Podman, so no need to install Docker anymore ! :
-sudo yum install -y podman
-sudo podman run --rm -v /opt/data/git/centos.org/:/nanoc/:Z registry.centos.org/arrfab/nanoc:latest
-#Site Layout
- * Template and menu files live in /layouts
- * Markdown, erb and processed text files live in /content
- * Static site content such as images and javascript live in /static
- * The /lib directory contains nanoc helper files used to process the site
- * Compiled site content exists in /output
-#Building the site
- * Run 'nanoc' to compile assemble the static site. files from /static, /content, and /layouts will be combined.
- * You may view the site with 'nanoc view' and then pointing your browser at
-You may compile and view the site live as you make changes using the guard module. To do this, run 'guard init' at the root of the site.
-This will create a watch file that will serve as list for what files the guard module will keep an eye on. Changes to these files will trigger an automatic rebuild of the site.
-Next run 'nanoc view &', followed by 'guard'
-Now in another terminal, you may make changes to the website content, and it will rebuild as you touch files.
-#Deploying the site
-Simply run 'nanoc deploy --target=' where the target value is either prod1 or prod2. These targets are defined in the nanoc.yaml file.
diff --git a/_site/about.html b/_site/about.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b00ed..0000000
--- a/_site/about.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
- About CentOS
The CentOS Linux distribution is a stable, predictable, manageable and reproducible platform derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). We are now looking to expand on that by creating the resources needed by other communities to come together and be able to build on the CentOS Linux platform. And today we start the process by delivering a clear governance model, increased transparency and access. In the coming weeks we aim to publish our own roadmap that includes variants of the core CentOS Linux.
Since March 2004, CentOS Linux has been a community-supported distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by Red Hat. As such, CentOS Linux aims to be functionally compatible with RHEL. We mainly change packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork. CentOS Linux is no-cost and free to redistribute.
CentOS Linux is developed by a small but growing team of core developers. In turn the core developers are supported by an active user community including system administrators, network administrators, managers, core Linux contributors, and Linux enthusiasts from around the world.
Over the coming year, the CentOS Project will expand its mission to establish CentOS Linux as a leading community platform for emerging open source technologies coming from other projects such as OpenStack. These technologies will be at the center of multiple variations of CentOS, as individual downloads or accessed from a custom installer. Read more about the variants and Special Interest Groups that produce them.
The CentOS Project
The CentOS Project is a community-driven free software effort focused around the goal of providing a rich base platform for open source communities to build upon. We will provide a development framework for cloud providers, the hosting community, and scientific data processing, as a few examples. We work with several ‘upstream’ communities to help them layer and distribute their software more effectively on a platform they can rely on.
The Governing Board
The CentOS Governing Board is made up of members of the CentOS Project, many of whom have been around since the creation of the Project, as well as new members from Red Hat who were instrumental in bringing the new relationship together. The focus of the Governing Board is to curate the CentOS Project, assist and guide in the progress and development of the various SIGs, as well as to promote CentOS Linux. For more information read the governance page.
The Project Structure
The CentOS Project is modelled on the structure of the Apache Foundation, with a governing board that oversees various semi-autonomous Special Interest Groups or ‘SIGs’. These groups are focused on providing various enhancements, addons, or replacements for core CentOS Linux functionality. A few notable examples of SIGs are:
Core - Building and releasing the core CentOS Linux platform.
The CentOS Project governance structure has two main tiers:
The Governing Board, a group of 8 to 11 people, responsible for overall oversight of the CentOS Project
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), teams within the community that focus on either enabling a technology solution as an add-on to the core CentOS release, or building and maintaining a functional aspect of the Project, such as infrastructure or documentation.
The Governing Board is like a greenhouse, providing support for starting and maturing a SIG the way a greenhouse uses sunlight, water, nutrients, and soil to turn seeds in to fruiting plants.
The CentOS Governing Board
The focus of the Governing Board is to assist and guide in the progress and development of the various SIGs, as well as to lead and promote CentOS.
The CentOS Governing Board is the governing body responsible for the overall oversight of the CentOS Project and SIGs, the creation of new SIGs, and the election (and re-election) of new board members. The Board also has the responsibility to ensure the goals, brands, and marks of the CentOS Project and community are protected. The Board serves as the final authority within the CentOS Project.
Current Sitting Board
The initial CentOS Governing Board will be made up of members of the CentOS Project, many of whom have been around since the creation of the Project, as well as new members from Red Hat who were instrumental in bringing the new relationship together.
In the free and open source software communities, meritocracy is one of the 3 main governance models in use and is likely the most popular, powerful, and successful. However, there is still, at times, confusion over how exactly this model works.
First and foremost, the basic tenet behind meritocracy is that people gain merit by their actions and activities within the community. What actually comprises that merit is determined by the pre-existing community itself, and so there exists an internal, stabilizing feedback system that prevents a healthy meritocracy from going askew. This basis of “what is merit” and “how one earns it” is self-defined and known within the community and can, and does, vary from community and project. For example, one FOSS project/community may value simple coding capability above all, and thus heavy-coders will gain merit quickly, whether they do so as volunteers or are paid to do so, and whether they work well with others or not. Other communities value a healthy balance of coding skills with consensus-based collaboration skills, whereas others also include the individual’s personal stake in the project (how much they are personally involved and invested).
As the above shows, a meritocracy is not, therefore, a democracy proper but a pseudo-republic. The wants and desires of the community are weighed in the atmosphere of merit that enables access and control.
Consensus decision making
One practice of meritocracy is the consensus-based decision model. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consensus_decision-making, “Consensus decision-making is a group decision making process that seeks the consent of all participants.” In practice, it is different from a majority-vote-wins approach. In the CentOS Project a discussion toward a decision follows this process:
A proposal is put forth and a check for consensus is made.
Consensus is signified through a +1 vote.
A check is made for any dissent on the proposal.
Reservations? State reservation, sometimes with a ‘-1’ signifier
Reservations about the proposal are worked through, seeking consensus to resolve the reservations.
A reservation is not a vote against the proposal, but may turn into a vote against if unresolved. It is often expressed with an initial -1 vote to indicate reservations and concerns. This indicates there is still discussion to be had.
Stand aside? No comment, or state concerns without a -1 reservation; sometimes the ‘-0’ signifier is used.
This option allows a member to have issues with the proposal without choosing to block the proposal, by instead standing aside with a +/-0 vote.
The stated concerns may influence other people to have or release reservations.
Block? Vote ‘-1’ with reasons for the block.
This is a complete block on a proposal, refusing to let it pass. A block is a -1 vote and must be accompanied with substantive arguments that are rooted in the merit criteria of the Project – protecting the community, the upstream, technical reasons, and so forth.
Block (-1) votes used as a veto are typically used only when consensus cannot otherwise be met, and are effectively a veto that any sitting Board member can utilize with sufficient substantiation.
Guidance and leadership over the ultimate Project roadmap.
Community outreach.
Maintenance of health and viability of CentOS community.
Maintenance of a healthy and proactive relationship with the Project users and consider those needs and uses in decisions.
Coordination of Project messaging.
Overall Project leadership as the final escalation point for decisions unable to be resolved effectively at the SIG level.
Approval of new SIGs and changes to SIGs charters.
Approval of new contributors as requested by SIGs.
Approval of SIG graduations.
Oversight of SIG variants, including those that may fork or drive the core base OS. At a minimum,
There must be overwhelming community support for this;
It must be net-positive or, at least, net-neutral to the core.
Trademark and brand oversight.
Create Git licensing and contribution policies.
Appointment of Board Chair.
Appointment of new Board members.
Re-appointment of Board members after 12 month term of service.
Individual Governing Board Member Responsibilities
Work with SIGs as mentors to help SIGs reach effective stability and self-sustainability.
Act as leaders across the community, generally and as appropriate.
Continue to be active in one or more SIGs.
Attend Board meetings on a regular basis via the agreed-upon meeting methods.
Occasionally be available on short notice or for important Board business, electronically or in person.
Be responsive to highly important or critical items raised by the Chair or Liaison (both defined below), including attending urgent or emergency Board meetings, to provide a quorum and conduct voting or other necessary actions.
Strive to conduct Board business transparently following the principles of the open source way.
The CentOS Governing Board shall include two named roles: a Chair and a Liaison, which shall be present at all times on the Board. The Board is responsible for appointing one Board member as Chair. Red Hat is responsible for appointing the Liaison role to a Board member, who must be a Red Hat employee.
Chair Responsibilities
Organize and run the Board meetings.
Be the coordinating and lead voice for the Project.
Coordinate the Board to set direction and articulation thereof.
Focus on helping the Board to reach consensus.
Guide the Board in transparency and practicing the open source way in leadership and decision making.
Red Hat Liaison Responsibilities
Provide the perspective and insights to the Board on Red Hat business (including potential legal, ecosystem, and security concerns) by acting as the interface for various Red Hat constituencies.
Allow for the Board to bring concerns or perspectives from the community to Red Hat.
The Liaison may be requested by the Board Chair to escalate a decision beyond the Board in some cases when the Board cannot reach consensus. This is discussed in the section on The Role of the Liaison.
The Liaison is required to be a Red Hat employee, which will enable this person to be an effective bi-directional conduit between Red Hat and the CentOS Project. The Chair, however, can be anyone selected by the Board from among its members. The Liaison may be rotated at any time to an alternate Red Hat employee who is a Board member. Newly appointed Board members may also hold the Liaison seat. The Chair and the Liaison cannot be the same person.
The Board will operate under the principles of meritocracy, having the Board be driven by a consensus-based decision model. This model fosters an active healthy debate that furthers the Project while recognising its relationship to Red Hat’s product source, the new formal relationship with Red Hat, and preserving the viability of the key upstream that feeds it.
There are 3 primary paths within the CentOS Project for individuals to obtain and grow merit. The main path is by proving yourself within a SIG or between SIGs (if the SIGs are related in such a way that merit would be transferred.) A second path is to get involved in the primary technical SIG, CentOS Core. A third path is to be part of the Governing Board.
Variant or Functional SIGs
Individuals wishing to participate in the CentOS Project typically start as users then contributors and eventually committers to a SIG. A contributor is anyone who contributes something to the Project, such as documentation, code, forum help, wiki edits, IRC moderating, and so forth. A committer is a contributor who has gained the right through merit to commit their own contributions directly to Project source repositories, such as git.centos.org (code) and wiki.centos.org (documentation.)
The initial level of effort required is quite low, and generally consists of those who use CentOS and submit bug reports and patches to the build, or other contributions as per a SIG’s needs. By creating a steady reputation in helping out a SIG, the SIG team may decide to provide that person with commit access (to any stream of contributions required to show and gain merit, such as code, wiki articles, design artifacts, etc.) under the watchful eye of an assigned mentor. The individual is expected to grow in merit enough that the mentor is no longer required, and at the request of the mentor, the individual becomes a peer within the SIG committer group. The structure in a SIG is flat and a peer with 1 month of experience has as much of a voice about project direction as one with 1 or more years.
CentOS Core SIG
A SIG with a higher barrier to entry is the CentOS Core SIG, which has the ultimate say in technical and directional decisions related to the build and components in the core. The CentOS Core SIG team is selected for membership from the CentOS Core SIG committer group, as voted on by the current team. Obtaining core team membership requires current members to give at least 3 +1 votes and no -1 votes. A -1 vote on core team membership must be based on a substantive reason, such as technical, Project merit, community behavior, etc.
A SIG that consistently has a significant number of -1 votes, especially from a single person, indicates an issue that should be brought to the attention of the Board , as it may be an indicator of a dis-functional SIG and may adversely impact the meritocracy.
Board Members
Each Board member appointed or reconfirmed by the Board will be selected based on merit. Merit criteria have been defined to recognize, among other things, active participation in the CentOS Project, an understanding of the Project, and an understanding and ability to balance the objectives derived from the relationship with it’s Red Hat-based upstream. In this regard, Candidate Board members must:
Have demonstrated, including through active participation and contribution to the broader aspects of running the CentOS Project for an extended period of time, a solid understanding of and motivation to foster a healthy relationship to it’s upstream, the factors that influence and guide that ecosystem, and the need to maintain the health and vitality of that ecosystem.
Promote CentOS and the needs of the community projects in CentOS to achieve active and vibrant adoption in the community for CentOS.
Have the ability to debate, understand, and balance sometimes opposing CentOS Project objectives.
Have a solid understanding of meritocracy, the merit criteria and running, operating, and/or governing a large scale FOSS community project.
Based upon the merit criteria, the existing Board may nominate additional Board members. The Board must consist of at least 8 members and is capped at a total of 11 members. Given Red Hat’s strategic hiring of original core members to focus more extensively on the Project, and in consideration of its strategic ongoing contributions and investment, Red Hat will maintain and hold a majority of governing Board members. In addition, the Board values user representation on the Board directly through members seated on the Board who have met the merit criteria. This is in addition to the indirect user community influence via interactions with individual Board members.
As the new CentOS grows and learns, the CentOS community may propose to the Board and/or the Board may propose its own changes to the governance and/or the merit criteria to account for, among other things, confusion or inadequacies.
The Special Interest Groups (SIGs), are the teams responsible for their specific CentOS Project variants. Variants are specialized and focused rebuilds of CentOS to meet the needs and requirements of their corresponding communities and the technology associated with those communities.
SIGs are usually self-forming around a technology by a small community of enthusiasts and interested parties. In addition to the existing CentOS SIGs, it is expected that additional SIGs, as approved by the CentOS Board, will be created.
Each group will be responsible for its own variant in CentOS that is specifically targeted towards its community (e.g., The CentOS FooBar SIG creates a CentOS variant targeted to FooBar users and developers, the CentOS Hosting SIG builds a variant for web hosters, included in the CentOS distribution). The SIG is the deciding authority on what is required in their variant to satisfy the needs of their community, with the understanding that the Board has ultimate oversight as explained elsewhere. If required, the CentOS Board will help the individual SIGs to reach consensus on any issues or problems.
SIGs are the only way for an entity to use and associate the CentOS brand with a variant. You can always use Git and the repo to fork and try-out ideas, but only those packages in git.centos.org and released and signed by CentOS can be called ‘CentOS’.
Another type of SIG is functional, focused on maintaining parts of the Project itself, such as infrastructure, documentation, and design. A unique SIG is the Core SIG that builds and maintains the core CentOS derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is unique because it is the central, orchestrating platform that all other variants are built from.
CentOS Core SIG Responsibilities
Build the CentOS release.
Sign the CentOS release.
Push official CentOS releases to the initial mirror.
Coordinate with upstream as required.
Accept changes into Git.
Manage Git licensing and contribution policies.
Variant SIG Responsibilities
Create and maintain one or more variations with technology in CentOS on top of or modifications to the core base.
Foster a user community as a primary purpose of the variant.
Keep the Project artifacts (the variant) relevant and useful to the user community.
Ensure the software brought in to support the variant is licensed and prepared properly for packaging and distribution as part of the CentOS Project.
Oversee inclusions of code related to the variant in to git.centos.org.
Conduct the business of the SIG following accepted open source practices around meritocracy and consensus decision making.
Functional SIG Responsibilities
Accountable for designing, building, and maintaining key Project component(s).
Make the functional area open for participation, with barriers to contribution as low as feasible and reasonable.
Foster a community of users and doers around the functional aspect, to share the responsibility, workload, and innovation.
Work within given legal constraints and requirements.
SIG Governance
The SIGs themselves also have a merit path toward autonomy and accountability for Project aspects. The determination of merit level is reflected in the amount of oversight required by the Board and the SIGs ability to self-sign and release software builds. As merit increases, Board oversight goes down, with a transition spot in the middle where the SIG naturally obtains more autonomy, usually toward the end of the “Early” phase.
Sandboxes are the entry point for all proposed SIGs. To enter, there must be a Champion from or approved by the Board and a proposal (which indicates the reason for the SIG, the expected audience, initial team, risks, etc.) For a SIG to be created, there must be at least 3 +1 votes from the Board (NOT including the Champion) and zero (nil) -1 votes. When approved, the Champion becomes the formal Mentor of the Sandbox SIG.
Sandboxes cannot make formal releases, but can create releases that allow people, developers, etc. to use, test, and play with the build. Sandboxes are also closely monitored by the Board to ensure that they are attracting interest and developers and users are learning the ropes regarding SIG operation. All new committers, developers, SIG core team members, etc. must be approved by the Board.
SIGs that have expressed a level of merit, as determined by the Board, will move to the Early SIG stage (Sandboxes can request graduation to Early, if they like). These SIGs are allowed to create formal releases, but the release must be approved by the Board and signed by the Mentor. In all other matters, however, they are self-sufficient and no longer require Board approval, such as as in adding committers and so forth. Movement from Sandbox to Early is via 3 +1 vote of the Board (Mentor not included) and zero (nil) -1 votes.
The final stage is the Mature SIG. Again, this graduation is based on the judgment and determination of the Board, but this movement must be a unanimous decision of the Board. The Mature SIG has full control over the SIG, pulling in its own sources to git.centos.org, its releases, its internal governance, and has the ability to self-sign releases. The Board members may vote in, or participate in any SIG decision at any time.
In both the Sandbox and Early SIGs, the role of the Board is primarily to facilitate the movement of those SIGs towards the Mature level; it serves as an initial gateway with the goal of getting out of the way of the SIGs.
Note that in all cases, maturity is a measure of the community itself, and not the codebase or the actual SIG variant release. A mature SIG could create a non-mature (e.g., Alpha or Beta release) distribution and, conversely, a Sandbox SIG could produce a very mature (robust and reliable) distro.
##Community and SIGs
-SIGs represent the true power and value of the CentOS Project. As seen in the current CentOS Dojos, and in the CentOS community itself, the builds provide a safe, neutral, and communal central meeting place for major technology areas. This is the reason why SIGs should not be program/project specific (e.g., a MariaDB rebuild), but rather technology-area focused (e.g., the “Hoster’s” rebuild). By creating a central point where all projects and communities can interact, using the OS as the common foundation, upstream projects will be able to reach and interface with a much larger audience.
It is expected that SIGs may propose significant forking of the base CentOS core, such as introducing a new Python version or Linux kernel. It is the job of the Board and CentOS Core SIG to oversee and approve any forks that are pulled back into Git, including to ensure that these forks are supportable. This support is best done by an active and engaged variant SIG. The Board or CentOS Core SIG can pull a variant from release if they reasonably believe the variant SIG is unable to support the variant. Another option is reassigning an active variant from a dead SIG to a willing living SIG. The Board is specifically not limited in what it can do to protect the quality of the CentOS mark where it comes to the content and quality of a variant.
Except where noted, decisions require 3 yes votes (+1) and no objections (-1’s) and, except as noted below, votes should be left open for at least 72 hours. Any Board member may cast a vote in any SIG vote and it is considered binding (counted against the vote). If a vote is held on a public list (e.g., to test the broader consensus of a group) only the votes of the Board members for Board votes or SIG committers or Board members for SIG votes are considered binding. All other votes are just considered as valuable data in the decision process. Board business may be conducted on a private or public list, whichever is more appropriate for the issue at hand.
All -1s votes require reason/ explanation, -1’s with no substantiation may be overturned.
When do votes need to be called?
Votes need to be called for all substantial business. Votes need to be left open for a reasonable period (not less than 72 hours) if members of the Board are not available to participate in the vote; provided that for votes/matters that have been deemed time or business critical by Red Hat, as noted below, voting must be held open until the Liaison has voted.
Lazy consensus may be used for non-substantial business. Lazy consensus is defined as asking for objections as opposed to calling for a vote. Any objection on lazy consensus is considered the same as a -1 on a vote. There is no minimum +1 vote requirement.
Role of the Liaison
The Liaison also has the role of dealing with issues such as security, export, or items that have a direct legal or other Red Hat business connection for the Project, and on issues of such business may have an additional role as defined by the following:
A. If a decision/solution cannot be found on an issue that is deemed time and/or business critical by Red Hat then, after a reasonable time, the Liaison may be requested by the Chair to seek assistance from Red Hat in making the decision, obtaining additional input from Red Hat executives, engineers, and stakeholders.
B. The Liaison may, in exceptional circumstances, make a decision on behalf of the Board if a consensus has not been reached on an issue that is deemed time or business critical by Red Hat if: (1) a board quorum (i.e., a majority) is present or a quorum of Board members has cast their votes; or (2) after 3 working days if a Board quorum is not present at a meeting or a quorum has not cast their votes (list votes); provided that the Chair may (or at the request of the Liaison, will) call a meeting and demand that a quorum be present.
Unless the Liaison specifically indicates on a specific issue that he/she is acting in his/her official capacity as Liaison, either prior to a vote or later (e.g., after an issue has been deemed time or business critical), the Liaison’s voice and vote is treated the same as any other member of the Board. Decisions indicated as Liaison decisions made on behalf of the Board by the Liaison may not be overturned.
- if (error) {
- obj.html(error);
- } else {
- obj.fadeOut(500, function() {
- obj.html(tableHTML)
- }).fadeIn(function() {
- // trigger loadComplete
- setTimeout(function() {
- obj.trigger("loadComplete");
- },0);
- });
- }
- });
- });
- };
diff --git a/_site/assets/js/jquery.csvToTable2.js b/_site/assets/js/jquery.csvToTable2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 358e1fe..0000000
--- a/_site/assets/js/jquery.csvToTable2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
- * CSV to Table plugin
- * http://code.google.com/p/jquerycsvtotable/
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Steve Sobel
- * http://honestbleeps.com/
- *
- * v0.9 - 2010-06-22 - First release.
- *
- * Example implementation:
- * $('#divID').CSVToTable('test.csv');
- *
- * The above line would load 'test.csv' via AJAX and render a table. If
- * headers are not specified, the plugin assumes the first line of the CSV
- * file contains the header names.
- *
- * Configurable options:
- * separator - separator to use when parsing CSV/TSV data
- * - value will almost always be "," or "\t" (comma or tab)
- * - if not specified, default value is ","
- * headers - an array of headers for the CSV data
- * - if not specified, plugin assumes that the first line of the CSV
- * file contains the header names.
- * - Example: headers: ['Album Title', 'Artist Name', 'Price ($USD)']
- * tableClass - class name to apply to the
tag rendered by the plugin.
- * theadClass - class name to apply to the tag rendered by the plugin.
- * thClass - class name to apply to the
tag rendered by the plugin.
- * tbodyClass - class name to apply to the
tag rendered by the plugin.
- * trClass - class name to apply to the
tag rendered by the plugin.
- * tdClass - class name to apply to the
tag rendered by the plugin.
- * loadingImage - path to an image to display while CSV/TSV data is loading
- * loadingText - text to display while CSV/TSV is loading
- * - if not specified, default value is "Loading CSV data..."
- *
- *
- * Upon completion, the plugin triggers a "loadComplete" event so that you
- * may perform other manipulation on the table after it has loaded. A
- * common use of this would be to use the jQuery tablesorter plugin, found
- * at http://tablesorter.com/
- *
- * An example of such a call would be as follows, assuming you have loaded
- * the tablesorter plugin.
- *
- * $('#CSVTable').CSVToTable('test.csv',
- * {
- * loadingImage: 'images/loading.gif',
- * startLine: 1,
- * headers: ['Album Title', 'Artist Name', 'Price ($USD)']
- * }
- * ).bind("loadComplete",function() {
- * $('#CSVTable').find('TABLE').tablesorter();
- * });;
- *
- */
- (function($){
- /**
- *
- * CSV Parser credit goes to Brian Huisman, from his blog entry entitled "CSV String to Array in JavaScript":
- * http://www.greywyvern.com/?post=258
- *
- */
- String.prototype.splitCSV = function(sep) {
- for (var thisCSV = this.split(sep = sep || ","), x = thisCSV.length - 1, tl; x >= 0; x--) {
- if (thisCSV[x].replace(/"\s+$/, '"').charAt(thisCSV[x].length - 1) == '"') {
- if ((tl = thisCSV[x].replace(/^\s+"/, '"')).length > 1 && tl.charAt(0) == '"') {
- thisCSV[x] = thisCSV[x].replace(/^\s*"|"\s*$/g, '').replace(/""/g, '"');
- } else if (x) {
- thisCSV.splice(x - 1, 2, [thisCSV[x - 1], thisCSV[x]].join(sep));
- } else thisCSV = thisCSV.shift().split(sep).concat(thisCSV);
- } else thisCSV[x].replace(/""/g, '"');
- } return thisCSV;
- };
- $.fn.CSVToTable = function(csvFile, options) {
- this.processRow = function(headers , items){
- var outItems = [];
- var header;
- for(var h = 0 ; h <= headers.length ; h++){
- header = headers[h];
- if(typeof(header) == 'string' ){
- outItems.push(options.preRenderItem(header , items[h]));
- }else if(typeof(header) != 'undefined') {
- if(header.hidden) continue;
- outItems.push(options.itemMerger(header , items));
- }
- }
- return outItems;
- };
- this.preRenderItem = function(headerLabel , item) {
- return item;
- };
- this.itemMerger = function(header , items) {
- var outItem = [];
- for(var i in header.items){
- outItem.push(options.preRenderItem(items[i]));
- }
- return outItem.join(' ');
- };
- var defaults = {
- tableClass: "CSVTable",
- theadClass: "",
- thClass: "",
- tbodyClass: "",
- trClass: "",
- tdClass: "",
- loadingImage: "",
- loadingText: "Loading CSV data...",
- separator: ",",
- startLine: 0,
- rowProcessor: this.processRow,
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- Seven.CentOS.org
- http://seven.centos.org
- News, views and reports on CentOS-7
- Tue, 07 Jan 2014 08:27:16 +0000
- en-US
- hourly
- 1
- http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8
- CentOSPlus kernel for .el7
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/centosplus-kernel-for-el7/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=centosplus-kernel-for-el7
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/centosplus-kernel-for-el7/#comments
- Mon, 06 Jan 2014 17:36:17 +0000
- http://seven.centos.org/?p=78
- There are two main roles offered by the centosplus kernel; one is to provide features that are disabled in the distro kernel and the other is to fix known issues by applying patches. The plus kernel for .el7 is now under development and can be followed in this bug tracker.
So far rebuilding the kernel with modified config file(s) seems straightforward — at least not as convoluted as it is in .el6.
A number of drivers have been removed / disabled in EL7beta compared to EL6.5 as seen in the EL7beta Release Notes. They are good candidates for the plus kernel. A user who needs the ath5k driver realized it wasn’t in the el7beta and rebuilt the kernel. This and other drivers will be included in the .el7 plus kernel.
At some point, a test version will be made available, so stay tuned. In the meantime, please file a request for features and propose bug fixes by opening a new bug tracker report.
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/centosplus-kernel-for-el7/feed/
- 0
- State of the build 20140104
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/state-of-the-build-20140104/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=state-of-the-build-20140104
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/state-of-the-build-20140104/#comments
- Sat, 04 Jan 2014 02:16:03 +0000
- http://seven.centos.org/?p=76
- This is what our to-build queues look like at the moment, note that they are by arch of the required resulting rpms ( so srpms that produce multi arch binaries will be listed twice ).
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/state-of-the-build-20140104/feed/
- 0
- A bigger pool and more fish
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/a-bigger-pool-and-more-fish/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-bigger-pool-and-more-fish
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/a-bigger-pool-and-more-fish/#comments
- Thu, 02 Jan 2014 00:47:00 +0000
- http://seven.centos.org/?p=72
- A fallout of how we are setup, where we are setup and what constraints we worked under : only a very small number of people have been able to request builds, look at output, make changes to the build environment and the process around it.
One of the big goals for the CentOS Linux 7beta effort is to try and fix that. And over the last few days, I’ve pushed code and make process changes that now allow anyone on the CentOS-QA team to request builds, make changes to the mock templates, manage per-package build environments, modify hints and process templates.
Given that the content isnt de-branded and we’ve not got the local mod’s in place as yet ( or even the overall distro blacklist ), cant make the build-result public as yet, but thats on the agenda.
Also on the agenda is a public git repo that contains all the metadata and mock configs used in the build process, with a merge-request-process that allows anyone to come and help. It wont be done tomorrow, but it should be done and in place, working by the end of Jan; And unless Red Hat pull something dramatic, well in time before the EL7 release.
- KB
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/a-bigger-pool-and-more-fish/feed/
- 2
- EPEL-6 buildrun on RHEL7b1
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/epel-6-buildrun-on-rhel7b1/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=epel-6-buildrun-on-rhel7b1
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/epel-6-buildrun-on-rhel7b1/#comments
- Thu, 02 Jan 2014 00:39:00 +0000
- http://seven.centos.org/?p=69
- One of the big challenges we had while building CentOS-6 was to do with scaling the builds. While resources existed, I was unable to get more than 3 ( and in some cases, like perl modules that build with -j1, upto 5 ) concurrent builds. I’ve been quite keen to solve that problem and a bunch of changes, locking in the pre-chroot-build and locking-post-build code had me thinking we could get upto somewhere near the 32 concurrent builds mark.
Based on some very rudimentary maths, 32 concurrent builds will allow us to build/rebuild the distro in just under a day, including the tests, the media and the staging process. In other words, changes to metadata in the build environment would not slow things down for more than a day or so.
Because el7b1 itself isnt quite ‘done’ yet, I cant use that as a benchmark – so it was EPEL6 built against the el7b1 content as released upstream; You can read more about that here : http://www.karan.org/blog/2014/01/02/an-epel-build-in-rhel7b1/ and I really don’t recommend people use that content for anything other than academic purposes ( figure out what broke and why …. maybe use some of that on their el7b1 test installs etc ).
The real outcome was that I still cant scale beyond fifteen concurrent workers, without losing the ability to chain builds through; or not use just-built content in subsequent builds. The EPEL6 churn took just over a day, but this was just for the source -> binary conversion ( where and when it did build ); extrapolating back from there it means we should be able to build el7b1 in just over a day and a half, once everything works and we know that the metadata around the builds is good – were not there yet, but getting close.
Given that the number of long running builds has reduced from el6 to el7, the drop in numbers from thirty two to fifteen concurrent builds isn’t that much of a problem – plus, given that we have a much more open process, with the potential for a lot more people to get involved, we should have the environment issues resolved faster.
- http://seven.centos.org/2014/01/epel-6-buildrun-on-rhel7b1/feed/
- 0
- t_functional update
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/t_functional-update/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=t_functional-update
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/t_functional-update/#comments
- Thu, 26 Dec 2013 21:56:07 +0000
- http://seven.centos.org/?p=60
- So, the t_functional stack should now be able to use ’7′ to distinguish between releases in various tests (as it allready does for 5 and 6). This has allready been added to the test for vconfig. So 45 tests remain to be fixed.
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/t_functional-update/feed/
- 2
- t_functional status against el7b1
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/t_functional-status-against-el7b1/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=t_functional-status-against-el7b1
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/t_functional-status-against-el7b1/#comments
- Thu, 26 Dec 2013 17:01:14 +0000
- http://seven.centos.org/?p=55
- So, Christoph blogged about t_functional and how it is used for CentOS QA. Here is the first status of the actual t_functional stack against el7b1 : the following tests need to be adapted to work on el7 (I’m talking about our QA test scripts, not our build results !) :
So if you want to help, be sure to contribute to the t_functional QA stack by fixing/writing those tests to be el7 compatible . Happy holidays and QA’ing !
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/t_functional-status-against-el7b1/feed/
- 2
- State of the build 20131224
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/state-of-the-build-20131224/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=state-of-the-build-20131224
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/state-of-the-build-20131224/#comments
- Tue, 24 Dec 2013 12:18:17 +0000
- http://seven.centos.org/?p=51
- RHEL7b1 is composed of 2520 srpms; Of these, some are arch specific to arch’s we are not building (yet).
The x86_64 distro is made up of 8,520 binary rpms. Of these, 2,863 are noarch rpms and 1,919 are 32bit multilib. Leaving us with 3,738 x86_64 rpms that need to be built. Lets assume that building a clear x86_64 distro is our first goal here ( its not, but things are simpler with that assumption ).
As round-1 of the build cycle, we built all 2520 srpms against f19/32bit and then all of them again against f19/64bit; I use this result set as a backstore, to borrow from when we need to either break a dependency loop, or satisfy an interim build requirement locally. These packages are not otherwise a part of the regular buildroots used for round-2.
Round-2 is then a mass build attempt against r7b1/32bit and r7b1/64bit. Of these, nothing built against r7b1/32bit since large chunks of packages needed, even for the baseline buildroot are not published upstream. And needing to borrow from the f19/32bit backstore meant almost using a f19 buildroot, which isnt ideal. So lets put that aside for the time being.
The second part of round-2 was the x86_64 build attempt against r7b1/64bit. The results are a bit more promising there : 85% of the packages build. But only about 75% of those that build, look like the ones shipped by Red Hat as the 7b1 repos. I’m using percentages here, since using exact numbers for built-matched takes away from the aim of getting to complete. Now adding in the noarch builds, we get to : 5636 of 8520 built. Taking away the 1919 that are i686 rpms, we get a deficit of 965 that failed completely. These 965 represent 122 source rpms.
And this 122 set is going to be our next target. Alongside, I am going to start working on the blacklist/whitelists so we can start making the build roots public. Look for more info on that in the coming days, along with how everyone can contribute towards the 7 build effort.
- KB
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/state-of-the-build-20131224/feed/
- 2
- preventing gnome3′s initial setup
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/preventing-gnome3s-initial-setup/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=preventing-gnome3s-initial-setup
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/preventing-gnome3s-initial-setup/#comments
- Mon, 23 Dec 2013 21:48:36 +0000
- http://seven.centos.org/?p=47
- The first time a user logs into the default desktop for the rhel7 beta, they’re prompted to set a language, add online accounts, and dropped into a help menu right from the start. While this might be nice for brand new users, it’s certainly not ideal for everyone.
Turns out there’s a very simple way to prevent this annoyance from spreading further than it needs to.
Alternatively, if you want to do this for every new user on your system rather than dealing with it one at a time, simply drop the .config directory and file into /etc/skel before you create your new users.
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/preventing-gnome3s-initial-setup/feed/
- 0
- NetworkManager and bridging
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/network-manager-and-bridging/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=network-manager-and-bridging
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/network-manager-and-bridging/#comments
- Fri, 20 Dec 2013 15:46:02 +0000
- http://seven.centos.org/?p=37
- In previous iterations of NetworkManager, it was really only useful if you were dealing with wireless networks. Anything involving a bridge meant removing the device from NetworkManager, and manually configuring the network.
A fair amount of work has been done to make NetworkManager more friendly to bridged devices, however it’s still far from perfect. My experiences so far:
There isn’t an intuitive way to create a bridge in the NetworkManager gui.
Configuring the bridge manually, and leaving control of the devices with NetworkManager works. I tested this using bridged network devices and virtual machines in virt-manager.
With a manually configured bridge, the status icon in gnome is confused at best. Do not rely on it to provide an accurate status of your network.
The screenshot below should demonstrate the confusion to some extent. I wouldn’t expect the ‘Wired’ connection to show up, as it’s a slave to the bridge. Both the virbr0 and the vpn show as off, even though both are active and in use.
At this point the best course of action for anyone who needs a bridge is simply to remove NetworkManager from the equation. Since this is already current practice, it’s not really a deviation for folks tracking 6->7 differences.
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/network-manager-and-bridging/feed/
- 2
- State of the build 20131219
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/state-of-the-build-20131219/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=state-of-the-build-20131219
- http://seven.centos.org/2013/12/state-of-the-build-20131219/#comments
- Thu, 19 Dec 2013 09:53:46 +0000
- http://seven.centos.org/?p=39
- One thing that everyone is going to want to know about, or not, is the state of the CentOS-7 beta build. Yes, we are building it, slowly and making system changes as we need and adapting the buildsystems for the changes needed, but we are building it. I will try and do a short status update of this nature everytime we hit a benchmark, but at-least once a week from now till we are ‘done’.
At the moment the c7builder consist of 1 machine, 128GB ram, 4x1TiB sata’s and 4x64gb ssd, 48 cores. Its a nice machine, but its completely self contained. In the coming days I will expand this to include another similar machine.
So, are we there yet ? Not quite. 72 Failed builds, 388 Done, Lots to go.
remember this is run#1, things get better with every iteration of the build, and then we start looking at that failure reasons and working up from there.
Best news of the moment ? I am pleased to report that from run#2 onward, the build results, logs, configs and metadata of build will be published publicly allowing everyone to help, get involved and contribute! Stay tuned for more news on that in the coming weeks.
The IRC meetings schedule is driven by the github.com/CentOS/Calendar repository. To propose a change or add a meeting, please submit a pull-request to that git-hub repository. This repository is mirrored to git.centos.org.
Here is the link to a .ics file containing all CentOS IRC meetings, for use in your favorite calendaring app: iCalendar Meeting Schedule
The proposed CentOS Cloud SIG (CCS) is a group of people coming together to focus on packaging and maintaining different FOSS based Private cloud infrastructure applications that one can install and run natively on CentOS. We are a non vendor, non technology and non agent specific focus group, but we will gladly work with and build content to suit relevant niches or vendor ecosystems. This group specifically targets users who wish to install and run their own, independent ( or hybrid ) cloud infrastructure on CentOS Linux.
The CCS intends to take ownership of existing CentOS Project relationships with vendors, and help to maintain the updated package repositories for all participating cloud projects.
The CBS/Infra meeting is for discussing and coordinating operations in the Community Buildsystem. Anyone are welcome to attend and discuss client tools, jobs in the buildsystem, feature requests, and anything related.
The Config Management SIG is a SpecialInterestGroup that aims to bridge the gap between Config Management tools Power users and traditional users by producing and release RPM packages of several Configuration Management and Orchestration tools.
I am going to make myself available to anyone who wants to come along and
-talk about CentOS Linux, the CentOS Project, the SIGs or anything else that
-is related to these. During this time, you can find me on #centos-devel @
-irc.freenode.net as kbsingh, and you can also call me on the phone
-at +44 207 009 4455.
I am going to make myself available to anyone who wants to come along and
-talk about CentOS Linux, the CentOS Project, the SIGs or anything else that
-is related to these. During this time, you can find me on #centos-devel @
-irc.freenode.net as kbsingh, and you can also call me on the phone
-at +44 207 009 4455.
Meetings not necessarily held every single week but will meet most weeks. However, they can always be held upon request.
The CentOS NFV (Network Function Virtualization) SIG will provide a CentOS-based stack that will serve as a platform for the deployment and testing of virtual network functions (VNFs) and NFV component packages on compliant CentOS platform.
The SIG will provide tools for operators, system administrators, devops and developers doing infrastructure engineering on content based on CentOS Linux. We will aim to support the Config Management SIG ( https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/ConfigManagementSIG ) and repurpose their content as and when needed in our space.
The SIG will work on delivering multiple PaaS Stacks. These stacks will come in various formats (rpms, containers, images etc ) The content will be delivered into the CentOS Ecosystem for end user consumption, run as a service, and support other CentOS Ecosystem projects.
The Software Collections SIG will provide an upstream development area for various software collections and related tools. Developers can build on and extend existing SCLs, so they don't need to re-invent the wheel or take responsibility for packaging unnecessary dependencies.
The CentOS Storage Special Interest Group (SIG) is a collection of like-minded individuals coming together to ensure that CentOS is a suitable platform for many different storage solutions. This group will ensure that all Open Source storage options seeking to utilize CentOS as a delivery platform have a voice in packaging, orchestration, deployment, and related work.
The CentOS Virtualisation Special Interest Group ( virt-sig ) is a group of people coming together to promote and use CentOS Linux as a base platform as a suitable platform for various virtualisation efforts. This includes type-1 and type-2 hypervisors like Xen and KVM, containers and containment based technologies like LXC and other system and process level virtualisation technologies in the future.
The CentOS ecosystem has been built up with and around people. With no real commercial ambition we set out to try and solve problems for people as they exist in the sysadmin / operations trenches around the world. This page will try and collect some of the user stories over the next few months.
If you have one you’d like to offer up, get in touch with me at http://wiki.centos.org/KaranbirSingh
CentOS Community Stories
Major Hayden’s story
I started with Linux in 1998 and my first distribution was Mandrake. My
-PowerPC machines (older Macs) ran Yellow Dog Linux and I really started
-to enjoy using YUP (YUM’s predecessor). I transitioned later to Gentoo
-Linux and spent quite a few sleepless nights testing the effects of USE
-flags as I compiled various software packages. Eventually, I stumbled
-upon some of the early Red Hat releases (prior to Enterprise Linux) and
-I enjoyed the ease of use and stability of the releases. It seemed like
-so many other distributions were being pulled in multiple directions but
-the group working on Red Hat was highly organized.
When Red Hat switched to the Enterprise Linux model, I didn’t have the
-large sums of money available to purchase the support licenses. After
-all, I was just a college student at the time. CentOS was a welcomed
-find and I was able to get it running quickly with my previous Red Hat
Linux has always been enjoyable for me because I don’t have to fork over
-large sums of money for Windows licenses on multiple machines. It’s also
-really rewarding to teach other people how to use Linux-based operating
-systems and I love seeing the smiles on their faces when they see how
-much they can do with a free, open source operating system.
When I started at Rackspace six years ago, I worked in support and spent
-much of my time assisting customers with servers running Red Hat. That
-led me to a position in our Cloud Servers product group as a Linux
-Engineer. We worked through the Slicehost acquisition and eventually
-created a brand new cloud compute offering with OpenStack. My
-contributions were a small part of what became The Rackspace Open Cloud
-servers product. The knowledge we gained from operating such a large
-multi-tenant virtualization solution was poured into our new offering
-and we’re excited to be working closely with the OpenStack community for
-features and bug fixes. My focus has shifted a bit as the Chief
-Security Architect at Rackspace but I’m still a big fan of CentOS for my
-personal projects.
If you’d like to get in touch with me, find me on Twitter[1] or on IRC
-(mhayden on Freenode). I’ve made plenty of posts regarding CentOS,
-Red Hat, and Fedora tips on my blog[2] and I maintain some Fedora/EPEL
-packages[3] that may be of interest.
My name is Christoph Galuschka - tigalch on IRC and in the fora - and I’m part of the CentOS QA team. I’m from Innsbruck, Austria, 36 years old and I’m working for a local utility company in their IT operations department. My responsibilities include VMware, everything VPN and firewall-related, the companywide internet access including security, and operating the company network. Previously to that I was working for an IT consulting company, which also operated its own WAN network to interconnect various customers. Apart from consulting I also handled most of the network related things (FrameRelay, ISDN- and ADSL-dialup, running internet related services like bind, apache, sendmail and the corporate firewall). As we also provided internet access and related services to our customers, we used Linux as the OS of choice for our servers. At was Slackware at that time, and OpenSuSE later. My first contact with CentOS was in 2007 or 2008. A company selling opengroupware.org as a ready to deploy collaboration server used CentOS5 as OS of choice.
Within the CentOS Project I’m doing QA. I’m also contributing to the wiki (German release notes) and the fora. Together with Athmane Madjoudj I’m also handling the t_functional stack (take a look at http://ci.dev.centos.org) which helps us automate tests around CentOS-QA and Updates and the infra behind that setup.
At my current company we used to use OpenSuSE for various tasks i.e. syslog, rsync, local update repositories, internal firewalls or as base OS for virus scanners. The change in OpenSuSEs lifecycle policy forced us to reconsider the Distro of our choice, and so I recommended CentOS (C6 at that time). Within the time of 2 years I replaced almost every Linux installation (3 SLES servers are still left, but working on that) with CentOS6. Locking back, this was the right choice, which is proven by stability, easy applying of updates/point releases, manageability by using funcd and in general ease of use. Also the lifecycle expansion to 10 years and the joining of forces with RedHat are a big plus for CentOS in my view.
For the foreseeable future, the core SIG will probably be the part of CentOS in which I will be most interested/most used by me.
It is also looking like we will be deploying some more machines with CentOS6 at work, as running typo3 and wordpress is starting to pick up momentum there.
At the current time the CentOS Project does not have the time nor manpower to produce documentation for the supported CentOS Linux releases.
The upstream documentation is, with certain exceptions such as subscription manager, applicable to CentOS Linux and can be used in its place and can be found at access.redhat.com.
-As you download and use CentOS Linux, the CentOS Project invites you to
-be a part of the community as a contributor.
-There are many ways to contribute to the project, from documentation, QA, and testing to coding changes for
-providing mirroring or hosting, and helping other users.
-Legacy versions of CentOS are no longer supported. For historical purposes, CentOS keeps an archive of older versions. If you're absolutely sure you need an older version
-then click here »
Need the Source?
-In order to help ease the workload for our primary mirror network, the source rpms are not kept in the same tree as the binary packages. If you need the source packages used to build CentOS, you can find them in our vault
-vault.centos.org »
Export Regulations
-By downloading CentOS software, you acknowledge that you understand all of the following: CentOS software and technical information may be subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (the "EAR") and other U.S. and foreign laws and may not be exported, re-exported or transferred (a) to any country listed in Country Group E:1 in Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR (currently, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan & Syria); (b) to any prohibited destination or to any end user who has been prohibited from participating in U.S. export transactions by any federal agency of the U.S. government; or (c) for use in connection with the design, development or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or rocket systems, space launch vehicles, or sounding rockets, or unmanned air vehicle systems. You may not download CentOS software or technical information if you are located in one of these countries or otherwise subject to these restrictions. You may not provide CentOS software or technical information to individuals or entities located in one of these countries or otherwise subject to these restrictions. You are also responsible for compliance with foreign law requirements applicable to the import, export and use of CentOS software and technical information.
-CentOS welcomes new mirror sites. If you are considering setting up a
-public mirror site for CentOS, please follow the mirror guidelines to make
-sure that your mirror is consistent with the other mirror sites.
-CentOS welcomes new mirror sites. If you are considering setting up a
-public mirror site for CentOS, please follow the mirror guidelines to make
-sure that your mirror is consistent with the other mirror sites.
-If you're searching for mirrors providing AltArch content (like ppc64,ppc64le,aarch64,armfhp) please use this link
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- About CentOS
The CentOS Project is a community-driven free software effort focused on delivering a robust open source ecosystem. For users, we offer a consistent manageable platform that suits a wide variety of deployments. For open source communities, we offer a solid, predictable base to build upon, along with extensive resources to build, test, release, and maintain their code.
We're also expanding the availability of CentOS images across a number of vendors, providing official images for Amazon, Google, and more. For self-hosted cloud, we also provide a generic cloud-init enabled image.
For more information about updates and improvements in CentOS 7, please check out the release notes or the release announcement in the mailing list archive.
February 1, 2019: We will be hosting a Dojo on the day before FOSDEM, in Brussels. The schedule and registration are now available. See you in Brussels!
Each stable RPM package that is published by CentOS Project is signed with a GPG signature. By default, yum and the graphical update tools will verify these signatures and refuse to install any packages that are not signed, or have an incorrect signature. You should always verify the signature of a package prior to installation. These signatures ensure that the packages you install are what was produced by the CentOS Project and have not been altered by any mirror or website providing the packages.
Importing Keys
The Project GPG keys are included in the centos-release package, and are typically found in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg. Please note that not all keys in this directory are used by the CentOS project. Some keys may be placed in this directory by 3rd party repositories to enable the secure use of extra packages as well. The keys used by CentOS are enabled in the yum repository configuration, so you generally don’t need to manually import them.
If you want to verify that the keys installed on your system match the keys listed here, you can use GnuPG to check that the key fingerprint matches. For example:
The following keys are currently in use by the CentOS Project for the specified release versions. Please note that each CentOS Linux release may have several GPG keys assigned.
By downloading CentOS software, you acknowledge that you understand all of the following: CentOS software and technical information may be subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (the “EAR”) and other U.S. and foreign laws and may not be exported, re-exported or transferred (a) to a prohibited destination country under the EAR or U.S. sanctions regulations (currently Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and the Crimea Region of Ukraine, subject to change as posted by the United States government); (b) to any prohibited destination or to any end user who has been prohibited from participating in U.S. export transactions by any federal agency of the U.S. government; or (c) for use in connection with the design, development or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or rocket systems, space launch vehicles, or sounding rockets, or unmanned air vehicle systems. You may not download CentOS software or technical information if you are located in one of these countries or otherwise subject to these restrictions. You may not provide CentOS software or technical information to individuals or entities located in one of these countries or otherwise subject to these restrictions. You are also responsible for compliance with foreign law requirements applicable to the import, export and use of CentOS software and technical information.
CentOS software in source code and binary code form are publicly available and are not subject to the EAR in accordance with §742.15(b).
This is a Community mantained site. Red Hat, Inc is not responsible for its content.
All other trademarks throughout the CentOS website are the property of their respective owners
Links to 3rd party sites
This website may be linked to other websites which are not under the control of and are not maintained by the CentOS Project. The CentOS Project and Red Hat are not responsible for the content of those sites. We provide these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link to such sites does not imply endorsement by the CentOS Project or Red Hat of those sites. We reserve the right to terminate any link or linking program at any time.
Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement
To file a notice of infringement with us, please provide the following information to the Red Hat-designated copyright agent listed below:
A description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed.
A description of the material that you claim is infringing the copyrighted work listed in item #1.
An address, telephone number, and an email address where the alleged infringing party can contact you.
The following statement: “I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.”
The following statement: “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.”
Your electronic or physical signature.
- *
To file a counter notification with us, please provide the following information to the Red Hat-designated copyright agent listed below:
A description of the material that Red Hat has removed or to which Red Hat has disabled access.
Your name, address, telephone number, email address, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located (or Wake County, North Carolina if your address is outside of the United States), and that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of infringement or an agent of such person.
The following statement: “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the material identified above was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled.”
Your electronic or physical signature.
Red Hat has registered a designated agent with the Copyright Office pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 512(c). Please send notifications of infringement and counter notifications to the designated agent at:
Assistant General Counsel
-Red Hat, Inc.
-100 East Davie Street
-Raleigh, NC 27601
-fax: +1 919-754-3704
This Privacy Statement is intended to describe the CentOS Project’s privacy
-practices and to provide information about the choices you have regarding the
-ways in which information is collected by the CentOS Project is used and
-disclosed. For Convenience, the CentOS Project is referred to in this document
-as “CentOS”.
Our Commitment to Privacy
At CentOS, your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, we have provided this Statement explaining our information practices and the choices you can make about the way your personal information is collected, used and disclosed. To make this Statement easy to find, we have made it available on our homepage and at every location where personally-identifiable information may be requested.
The Information We Collect
This Privacy Statement applies to all information collected by or submitted to CentOS, including personal data. “Personal data” is data that can be used to identify an individual.
CentOS collects personal data when:
you create an online account with CentOS. Examples include but are not
- limited to:
mailing lists
Bug tracking
you participate in surveys and evaluations
you participate in promotions, contests or giveaways
you submit questions or comments to us.
CentOS may also collect personal data from individuals (with their
-consent) at conventions, trade shows and expositions. The types of personal
-data collected may include (but is not limited to):
your first and last name
your title and your company’s name
your address
your country code
your email address
your telephone number
any additional information that helps us make physical or online contact
-with you
your GPG key ID
your ssh public key
your irc nickname
your language preference
your timezone
your geographic coordinates
your affiliation(s).
Publicly Available Personal Data
In keeping with the open nature and spirit of CentOS, some personal
-data attached to CentOS accounts is made public by default.
your first and last name
your country code
your email address
your language preference
your ssh public key
your timezone
your GPG key ID (if defined)
your irc nickname (if defined)
your geographic coordinates (if defined)
If you wish for this information to be kept private, you can opt-out of
-displaying this information publicly in your account preferences. If you
-choose to opt out, CentOS will still have access to this information, but it
-will not be displayed to others, and will be considered private. The only
-exceptions to this are for your name and email address, as these may still be
-visible in some services such as our bug tracking system.
Using your Personal Data
CentOS uses the personal data you provide to:
create and maintain your accounts
identify and authenticate you
attribute data and content you produce directly and indirectly in our
-public-facing services
for research activities, including the production of statistical reports
-(such aggregated information is not used to contact users)
answer your questions
send you information
We also use this personal data to provide you with information related
-to your account and the projects or services you acquire from us, to improve
-our service, and to personalize communications, and to comply with or fulfill
-any contractual obligations to you. It is in CentOS’s legitimate business
-interests to provide you with the information, communications, and services
-you request; to create a public record of the data and content produced by
-CentOS’s services, and to maintain the integrity of that data and content for
-historical, scientific, and research purposes.
Sharing your Personal Information
Unless you assent, CentOS will never share the personal data you
-provide us except as described below:
CentOS may share your data to third parties under any of the
-following circumstances:
Your publicly available personal data is openly available unless you as the CentOS account holder opt-out (as already described in this Privacy Statement).
As may be required to provide service, and for e-mail housing (as a consequence of uses already described in this Privacy Statement). It is in CentOS’s legitimate business interest to provide all users an accurate record of data and content provided by CentOS’s services, and to maintain the integrity of that data and content for historical, scientific, and research purposes. This data and content may include but is not limited to email, code changes, comments, and artifacts.
As required by law (such as responding to a valid subpoena, warrant, audit, or agency action, or to prevent fraud)
For research activities, including the production of statistical reports (such aggregated information is used to describe our services and is not used to contact the subjects of the report).
Receiving E-mail
CentOS may send you e-mail about your account, to inform you of important upcoming CentOS events (e.g. Dojo event changes), or in response to your questions. For your protection, CentOS may contact you in the event that we find an issue that requires your immediate attention. CentOS processes your personal data in these cases to fulfill and comply with its contractual obligations to you, to provide the services you have requested, and to ensure the security of your account.
Cookies and other Browser Information
CentOS’s online services automatically capture IP addresses. We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our servers, to administer our website, and to help ensure the security of your interaction with our services. Your IP address is used to help identify you and your location. in order to provide you data and content from our services as quickly as possible. It is in CentOS’s legitimate business interest to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of its services for all users.
As part of offering and providing customizable and personalized services, CentOS uses cookies to store and sometimes track information about you. A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a Web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. All sections of centos.org where you are prompted to log in or that are customizable require your browser to accept cookies.
Generally, we use cookies to:
Remind us of who you are and to access your account information (stored on our computers) in order to provide a better and more personalized service. This cookie is set when you register or “sign in” and is modified when you “sign out” of our services.
Measure certain traffic patterns, which areas of CentOS’s network of websites you have visited, and your visiting patterns in the aggregate. We use this research to understand how our user’s habits are similar or different from one another so that we can make each new experience on centos.org a better one. We may use this information to better personalize the content, banners, and promotions you and other users will see on our sites.
If you do not want your personal information to be stored by cookies, you can configure your browser so that it always rejects these cookies or asks you each time if you accept them or not. However, you must understand that the use of cookies may be necessary to provide certain services, and choosing to reject cookies will reduce the performance and functionality of the site. Your browser documentation includes instructions explaining how to enable, disable, or delete cookies at the browser level(usually located in the “Help”, “Tools”, or “Edit” facility).
Our Commitment to Data Security
CentOS trains its administrators on our privacy policy guidelines and makes our privacy policy available to our partners. Our website uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, which encrypts your personal data when you send your personal information on our website. In addition, CentOS and its partners enter into confidentiality agreements which require that care and precautions be taken to prevent loss, misuse, or disclosure of your personal data.
Public Forums Reminder
CentOS often makes chat rooms, forums, mailing lists, message boards, and/or news groups available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information. Exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal data. Although we value individual ideas and encourage free expression, CentOS reserves the right to take necessary action to preserve the integrity of these areas, such as removing any posting that is vulgar or inappropriate. It is in CentOS’s legitimate business interests to provide all users an accurate record of data and content provided in the public forums it maintains and uses; to maintain the integrity of that data and content for historical, scientific, and research purposes; and to provide an environment for the free exchange of ideas relevant and constructive to the development and propagation of open source software.
Our commitment to Children’s Online Privacy
Out of special concern for children’s privacy, CentOS does not knowingly accept online personal information from children under the age of 13. CentOS does not knowingly allow children under the age of 13 to become registered members of our sites. CentOS does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information about children under 13.
In the event that CentOS ever decides to expand its intended site audience to include children under the age of 13, those specific web pages will, in accordance with the requirements of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), be clearly identified and provide an explicit privacy notice addressed to children under 13. In addition, CentOS will provide an appropriate mechanism to obtain parental approval, allow parents to subsequently make changes to or request removal of their children’s personal information, and provide access to any other information as required by law.
About Links to other sites
This site contains links to other sites. CentOS does not control the information collection of sites that can be reached through links from the various CentOS websites. If you have questions about the data collection procedures of linked sites, please contact those sites directly.
Your Rights and Choices in the EEA
Where the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) applies to
-the processing of your personal data, especially when you access the website
-from a country in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), you have the following
-rights, subject to some limitations, against CentOS:
The right to access your personal data;
The right to rectify the personal data we hold about you;
The right to erase your personal data;
The right to restrict our use of your personal data;
The right to object to our use of your personal data;
The right to receive your personal data in a usable electronic format and transmit it to a third party (also known as the right of data portability); and
The right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority.
If you would like to exercise any of these rights, you may do so via email at centos-pdr@centos.org. Please understand, however, the rights enumerated above are not absolute in all cases.
Where the GDPR applies, you also have the right to withdraw any consent you have given to uses of your personal data. If you wish to withdraw consent that you have previously provided to CentOS, you may do so via email at centos-pdr@centos.org. However, the withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
How to Access, Modify, or Update your Information
CentOS gives you the ability to access, modify or update your personal data at any time. You may log in and make changes to your login information (change your password), your contact information, your general preferences and your personalization settings. If necessary, you may also contact us and describe the changes you want made to the personal data you have previously provided by emailing us at centos-pdr@centos.org.
If you wish to remove your personal data from CentOS, you may contact us via email at centos-pdr@centos.org and request that we remove this information from the CentOS Account System. Other locations where you may have used your personal data as an identifier (e.g. Bug submissions or comments, list postings in the archives, wiki change history, and spec changelogs) will not be altered.
How to Contact Us
If you have any questions about any of these practices or CentOS’s use of your
-personal information, please feel free to contact us by email at
-centos-tm@centos.org or by mail at:
Assistant General Counsel
-Red Hat, Inc.
-100 East Davie Street
-Raleigh, NC 27601
-fax: +1 919-754-3704
This document (the “Guidelines”) contains guidelines for use of the CentOS word mark (the “Word Mark”), as well as the CentOS logotype, the CentOS graphical symbol, the 'Powered by CentOS' logo, and all other CentOS logos (the “Logos”) (collectively, the “CentOS Marks”).
The CentOS Marks are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. (“Red Hat”). Trademarks provide assurance about the quality of the goods or services with which the trademarks are associated. Confusion can arise if the same or similar names are used on identical or similar offerings. Red Hat's protection of the CentOS Marks thus benefits the CentOS Project and the CentOS community.
These Guidelines aim to provide sufficient clarity for you to understand whether your use of the CentOS Marks will be acceptable.
-Nothing in these Guidelines limits your permissions under the open source or other copyright licenses covering packages in any CentOS software distribution.
The CentOS Project is by its nature a noncommercial community project that provides software free of charge, even though the copyright licenses covering the individual component packages that comprise the CentOS software distribution may permit commercial use.
Role of the CentOS Community
Red Hat welcomes the assistance of the entire CentOS community in reporting non-compliant uses of the CentOS Marks and in encouraging those engaged in non-compliant uses to take corrective measures.
General Principles
Whenever you use the CentOS Marks, you must do so in a way that does not mislead others, either directly or by omission, concerning what they are obtaining and from whom. The law reflects this requirement in two principal ways: it prohibits creation of a “likelihood of confusion” but allows for “nominative use”.
For example, you are not allowed to say you are distributing CentOS software when you are actually distributing some downstream modification of an official CentOS release (“Official” packages, builds, and releases are those that have been approved for the CentOS Project's release by the CentOS Project) . Otherwise, your recipients would be confused if they do not receive the same features and functionality they would have obtained had they received software officially released by the CentOS Project. As another example, you are not allowed to use the Logos on your website in a way that suggests that your website is an official website of the CentOS Project, or that the CentOS Project endorses your website. On the other hand, you may of course say, for example, that you like the CentOS software distribution or that you participate in the CentOS Project.
You may not use or register, in whole or in part, the CentOS Marks as part of your own trademark, service mark, domain name, company name, trade name, product name, or service name.
Trademark law does not allow your use of names or trademarks that are confusingly similar to the CentOS Marks. This means, among other things, that you may not use a variation of any of the CentOS Marks or any phonetic equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation for a similar or related project, product, or service.
Software-related uses
Acceptable uses
You may use the CentOS Marks in connection with your noncommercial redistribution of (1) bit-for-bit identical copies of official CentOS releases, and (2) unmodified copies of official CentOS source packages.
You may use the Word Mark, but not the Logos, to truthfully describe the origin of the software that you are providing but not the software itself, where what you are distributing is modified official CentOS source code or is a build compiled from modified official CentOS source code. You may say, for example: “This software is derived from the source code for the CentOS distribution.” However, you may not say that the software is CentOS.
You may use the Word Mark to truthfully describe the relationship between your software and the CentOS software. In such a case, you may only use the Word Mark following a verb or preposition that describes the relationship. For example, you may say “MyProject package for the CentOS distribution” but you may not say “MyProject’s CentOS package.”
You may use the ‘Powered by CentOS’ logo to truthfully state that your application runs on or uses an official CentOS release.
You may use the CentOS Marks in themes, personas, or skins for applications to show your support for the CentOS Project, provided that the use is noncommercial and is clearly decorative, as contrasted with a use that is likely to be understood as the branding for a website or application.
Unacceptable uses
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided in these Guidelines, the following are examples of unacceptable uses:
Use of the CentOS Marks in connection with commercial redistribution of CentOS software (Commercial redistribution includes, by way of example but is not limited to, redistribution in connection with any commercial business activities or revenue-generating business activities.) , regardless of whether the CentOS software is unmodified, except as may be permitted above.
Use of the CentOS Marks to identify software that combines any portion of the CentOS software with any other software , unless the combined distribution is an official CentOS distribution. For example, you may not distribute a combination of the CentOS software with software released by the FooStack project under the name “CentOS FooStack Distro”.
Use of the CentOS Marks in connection with any rebuild of CentOS software, unless such rebuild is an official CentOS build, regardless of whether the CentOS software is unmodified.
Use in relation to non-software goods and services
Acceptable uses
You may use the CentOS Marks on your website to show your support for the CentOS Project, so long as:
Your own branding or naming is more prominent than the CentOS Marks;
All Logos hyperlink to http://www.centos.org/;
The site is not likely to cause users to believe that your website, service, or product is a website, service, or product of the CentOS Project; and
The site clearly states that it is not endorsed by the CentOS Project.
You may use the Word Mark in the titles of books, articles and presentations, and you may use the Logos in illustrations contained within books, articles and presentation slides, so long as the use is not likely to suggest that the CentOS Project has published, endorses, or agrees with your work.
Unacceptable uses
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided in these Guidelines, the following are examples of unacceptable uses:
Use of the CentOS Marks as part of a domain name or sub-domain, except as may be permitted by applicable law.
Use of the CentOS Marks on promotional goods for sale.
Proper trademark use
Use of trademarks in text
Always distinguish trademarks from surrounding text with at least initial capital letters or in all capital letters.
Unacceptable: centos
Acceptable: CentOS
Always use trademarks in their exact form with the correct spelling, neither abbreviated, hyphenated, nor combined with any other word or words.
Unacceptable: Cenntos
Acceptable: CentOS
Don't pluralize a trademark.
Unacceptable: I have seventeen CentOSes in my lab.
Acceptable: I have seventeen CentOS boxes in my lab.
Don't use “a” or “the” to refer to an instance of the trademark. When you use a trademark following an article, you should only use the trademark as an adjective modifying a noun.
Unacceptable: I installed a CentOS on my friend's laptop.
Acceptable: I installed a CentOS release on my friend's laptop.
Don't use a trademark as a verb.
Unacceptable: We are CentOSing our servers.
Acceptable: We are installing the CentOS distribution on our servers.
Don't use a trademark as a possessive.
Unacceptable: CentOS's distribution is stable.
Acceptable: The CentOS distribution is stable.
Use of logos
You may not change any logo except to scale it. This means you may not add elements to the logo, change the colors or proportions of the logo, distort the logo, or combine the logo with other logos.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about these Guidelines or uses of the CentOS Marks not addressed in the Guidelines, or if you encounter any confusing use or misuse of the CentOS Marks, please contact centos-tm@centos.org.
21:55:53 <quaid>#startmeeting CentOS Board meeting - SIG proposals & other business
-21:55:53 <centbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 2 21:55:53 2014 UTC. The chair is quaid. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
-21:55:53 <centbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
-21:56:16 <quaid>#chair Evolution tru_tru range kbsingh hughesjr cctrieloff Arrfab
-21:56:16 <centbot> Current chairs: Arrfab Evolution cctrieloff hughesjr kbsingh quaid range tru_tru
-21:56:31 <quaid> all users can use most of the actions, such as #info and #idea
-21:56:43 <quaid> chairs can do the #agreed, not sure if #action is restricted
-21:56:52 <quaid> anything before we jump in to the first topic?
-21:57:04 <kbsingh> show of hands ?
-21:57:22 * tru_truraises hand
-21:57:34 * hughesjrshows his hand :D
-21:57:53 <smooge> here
-21:58:05 <Arrfab> same here
-21:58:06 <kbsingh> me too
-21:58:16 <Evolution> yep
-21:58:58 <quaid>#info We have a quorum of Board members, safe to proceed :)
-21:59:08 <quaid> first topic is Desktop SIG?
-21:59:19 <Evolution> sure.
-21:59:20 <quaid>#topic Desktop SIG proposal
-21:59:38 <quaid> (channel title hasn't changed because centbot doesn't have ops, but it's changed in the log)
-21:59:51 <quaid> also, you don't need to use #link, just post the URL in the channel and it's the same thing
-22:01:11 <Arrfab>Evolution: you already started a discussion with smooge about a desktop SIG, right ? what's the status and so the "proposal" ?
-22:01:20 <Evolution>smooge: you proposed the desktop sig. want to lay out your ideas?
-22:01:24 <smooge> I would like to propose a Desktop Special Interest Group that would cater towards alternative desktops to the main CentOS one.
-22:02:16 <Evolution>smooge: is the thought just to provide alternative desktops such as mate, or would you add additional 'desktop' style packages as well?
-22:02:24 <smooge> Its main goal would be to make sure that working desktops that cater to other users needs are made available, tested, working and periodically updated
-22:02:57 <smooge> my first goal would be to provide just alternate desktops and then from that gauge growth inot additional desktop style packages.
-22:03:06 <smooge> s/inot/into/
-22:03:29 <smooge> I would like to have an initial goal we can reach and build momentum from
-22:03:52 <hughesjr>smooge: is the inital focus of this desktop for all active versions of CentOS or only for a specific CentOS
-22:04:43 <smooge> My initial focus would be 7. The ability to build desktops to older releases will require extra effort and testing
-22:05:15 <smooge> as the solutions may require some things like SCL's or other "we aren't replacing core stuff.. but we are." type solutions
-22:05:43 <Evolution> most desktop users seem to migrate to newer versions reasonably quickly
-22:05:44 <quaid> are there other desktop-like activities you might include in the SIG other than alternative DEs and styling? for example, UX testing.
-22:05:56 <hughesjr>smooge: and you have some kind of plan to make sure we are not running afowl of patent issues (like mp3)
-22:06:01 <smooge> I apologize for the wishy washy ness of this. I want to get some questions answered so that I can better focus a finished proposal to you.
-22:06:01 <Arrfab>smooge: do you see that as a "coordination" effort between existing desktop environments ? (for example EPEL providing already alternatives)
-22:06:41 <Evolution>Arrfab: I think part of it certainly should be.
-22:06:46 <smooge> hughesjr, I do not plan to put anything in that could not be shipped in Fedora. Things like VLC etc will have to be done by an associated group which would not be troubled like I personally would be
-22:07:14 <Evolution> mate and cinnamon are already in epel. we should certainly appropriate that effort and help where we can.
-22:08:22 <smooge> the items that will be a further focus is how to package these items for older releases. I would like to have it that people who need to develop/run EL5 could have a better experience but not replacing certain core items like glibc/gcc/kernel :)
-22:09:01 <smooge> Arrfab, I see it as partially coordination. I am worried that EPEL may not be the best place for itmes which change every 6-12 months.
-22:09:57 <quaid>smooge: are there other desktop-like activities you might include in the SIG other than alternative DEs and styling? for example, UX testing. -- alternately, I'm not asking if you'll do that work per se but if you are receptive to that work happening within the SIG? Is there a boundary where it's not SIG-relevant?
-22:10:05 <smooge> If it turns out that EPEL is not the best place then it is on building the group which will be a better ground.
-22:11:10 <smooge> quaid, to answer that I needed to reverse it. How strong a boundary is the board looking for SIGs to have.
-22:12:01 <hughesjr>smooge: SIGs already have the ability to go higher in version for things that are part of even the "Core" OS .. so it would be fine for newer things that in EPEL they choose not to maintain a version that we need
-22:12:30 <smooge> Well the EPEL issue is that it can't replace stuff that is in Core.
-22:12:39 <hughesjr> right
-22:12:51 <hughesjr> but the SIG can, if requried
-22:13:56 <Evolution> so epel for some things, and then possibly a 'desktop' repository or whatever for things not suited for epel, but maitained by the sig
-22:14:01 <smooge> so my question was "Is the board looking for well defined boundaries that a SIG has in place from the beginning" or is it wanting a lose rule of thumb
-22:14:04 <quaid>smooge: it's a fair question you reversed to -- we're interested in it being a wider focus, so "Mate SIG" isn't right, but "Desktop SIG that includes Mate" is ... at that point, the boundary should be what the SIG wants to support and thinks their community needs
-22:14:30 <quaid> I think loose rule of thumb is better, let it grow organically
-22:14:39 <hughesjr> WRT the board question about SIGs, we will have at least one board member in the SIG ... so we will give SIGs as much lattitude as possible
-22:14:43 <quaid> I was mainly curious if you saw that in the future (cf. styling) or thought it was out of scope
-22:14:50 <smooge> also is the board wanting me to do a PRD or similar tools to have ready as a full fleshed proposal
-22:15:09 <quaid> you can use the existing proposals as a template, but yes, we do want something concrete to vote on
-22:15:48 <smooge> quaid, I haven't been presented with any examples of items yet for desktop tools that weren't redlines (VLC, mp3 plugins, etc)
-22:15:55 <smooge> so I can't answer clearly yet
-22:17:26 <cctrieloff> I'm here but distracted.
-22:17:27 <smooge> can someone send me a link for an existing SIG? I will work from that and have something for you asap
-22:18:00 <Evolution>smooge: http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/CloudInstance
-22:18:06 <Evolution> unless kbsingh has a better one.
-22:18:16 <smooge> okie dokie
-22:18:18 <Evolution> strip CloudInstance off for a list of others.
-22:18:46 <quaid>#info current boundaries for the SIG are to include alternate desktop environments (DEs) with the future expansion in to styling
-22:18:58 <Evolution>smooge: based on your email to the list, I roughed out http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/AlternativeDesktop but it needs some work.
-22:19:21 <quaid>#info a SIG boundary is to not include non-open source nor software with potential or real legal issues
-22:19:52 <kbsingh> thats it
-22:19:56 <smooge> Evolution, thank you.
-22:20:05 <quaid>#info SIG may carry packages that are later than what is in EPEL if it feels the need
-22:21:44 <smooge> I would like to be able to let interested people work on unified theming etc.. but there will be no 'forced' theming (eg people who want alternative desktops usually do their desktops there way thank you very much.)
-22:22:21 <kbsingh> i missed if this is going to only target el7 or el6 as well ?
-22:22:42 <Evolution>kbsingh: 7 to start. 6 if interest/time permists.
-22:22:52 <Evolution> iirc
-22:23:00 <smooge> kbsingh, I am initially going to focus on el7. The el6 may require me to use software collections or similar tools which I need to study more before I give a I will do that.
-22:23:11 <smooge> If others are willing I am up with doing 6 and 5.
-22:23:27 <smooge> does that make sense?
-22:23:34 <kbsingh> sure
-22:25:00 <smooge> My main rules on 'desktops' and such being supported is that they will be shipped as long as people are willing to work on them. I don't want abandon ware (eg tvtwm compiles.. good enough)
-22:25:00 <quaid>#info target for CentOS 7* to start, back to CentOS 6* as time and interest permits
-22:26:12 <smooge> When is the next board meeting?
-22:26:36 <Evolution> week after next.
-22:27:28 <smooge> OK I will make sure I have a finished document with you guys by next wednessday and will work with Evolution and dan408 on it
-22:27:47 <smooge> are there any other questions?
-22:27:56 <Evolution>smooge: leigh expressed a passing interest as well (as the cinnamon maintainer)
-22:28:26 <kbsingh> how is this going to layer on top of EPEL ?
-22:28:37 <kbsingh> i mean, a chunk of the work might actually be possible to get done there right ?
-22:28:49 <Evolution>kbsingh: some is done there, yes.
-22:28:57 <Evolution> mate/cinnamon exist there already
-22:28:58 <kbsingh> ( apart from when $person wants something newer, they can fork it - but will that code then be forked in git.fedora or git.centos )
-22:30:38 <smooge> kbsingh, I believe the initial work can be done in EPEL. However if the changes to later versions are invasive etc then it will need changes in either how EPEL is structured or a different build infrastructure.
-22:30:55 <smooge> kbsingh, in that case I would be working on making that happen.
-22:31:02 <dan408>Evolution: hey
-22:31:08 <dan408> sorry i got dragged out
-22:31:23 * dan408reads scrollback
-22:31:48 <smooge> kbsingh, in the case where it wouldn't work for EPEL (say Mate in EL5) but could be done via a different packaging system then we would work on solving that problem
-22:32:01 <kbsingh> ok
-22:32:24 <kbsingh> so essentially : fix problems as we see them - there is flexibility from packager and buildsystem side. epel to bootstrap into
-22:33:52 <smooge> correct. I expect we will need to change over time, but to meet a can we have a solution in 3-6 months the proven existing method to start from.
-22:35:10 <dan408> so the biggest roadblock I'm personally seeing is getting Anaconda to read directly from EPEL for yum groups
-22:35:11 <kbsingh> is there any drive to also maintain some part of the docs aronud this on say wiki.centos.org/blah/howto/desktops
-22:35:12 <Arrfab>smooge: that sounds good to me .. but indeed some choices will have to be made, like for example if CentOS 7 32bits becomes real
-22:35:25 <kbsingh> or is the focus purely on delivering rpms, let the community at large do that
-22:35:25 <dan408> I just finished building the MATE stack of packages on EPEL
-22:35:54 <kbsingh>dan408: anaconda... should be fairly simple, with an add-repo at install time right ?
-22:36:28 <dan408>kbsingh: well ideally EPEL would just be there out of the box, and you would see MATE as a choice of available desktops
-22:37:12 <dan408> so for example you choose "desktop" and then you can pick Gnome, KDE, or Cinnamon, etc
-22:37:27 <kbsingh> that shouldnt be hard to do - but how many groups does EPEL host ? we'd have a minor flood
-22:37:27 <dan408> otherwise you end up having to install Gnome or KDE and then MATE or cinnamon
-22:37:47 <dan408> I'm pretty sure Anaconda can handle it
-22:37:50 <smooge> kbsingh, I would like to make sure that we have guides and howtos as part of any 'desktop' solution added. If only on how one logs out, finds certain apps etc.
-22:38:07 <Evolution> honestly I think we might consider just stealing the groups we want from epel, and then adding epel-release as a mandatory package for the desktop spin
-22:38:14 <Evolution> that would limit the groups visible in anaconda.
-22:39:03 <hughesjr>Evolution: as long as they are responsive to updates
-22:39:09 <dan408> wait what do you mean spin?
-22:39:24 <smooge> I had not thought about spins per se at the moment. For me it is a "if I have the time"... unless that is a required SIG deliverable.
-22:39:46 <dan408> I was thinking netinstall/DVD not spin
-22:40:18 <dan408> or just DVD I don't think you guys do a netinstall do you
-22:40:25 <quaid> so no ISO compose?
-22:40:38 <dan408> wll
-22:40:39 <Evolution> well, the core provided by the core sig won't change.
-22:40:39 <dan408> well
-22:40:40 <quaid> minimal install is the most popular download iirc, it's basically a netinstall isn't it?
-22:40:51 <dan408> no
-22:41:12 <dan408> so i'm coming from the Fedora side so I may be a little bit confused
-22:41:22 <dan408> but on Fedora side you can install anything with a 200mb iso image
-22:41:23 <Evolution>dan408: we do netinstalls, as well as minimals and something similar to boot.fedora
-22:41:28 * quaida bit lost in terminology too
-22:41:28 <dan408> right
-22:41:49 <dan408> okay
-22:42:06 <wolfy>quaid: the minimal.iso bypasses the package selection step and installs @base . all the needed packages are included in the iso
-22:42:06 <Evolution> however for a desktop side, I would think some folks would want a usb/iso based install for a desktop
-22:42:07 <tru_tru> why just not a desktop-SIG.repo or repo --name=desktop-SIG --baseurl=http:// --cost=XXX ?
-22:42:07 <dan408> for the DVD it wouldnt work if you didnt have a network connection
-22:42:23 <kbsingh> if the work is done in a contained repo, regardless of how the install starts, its all just a case of adding the repo line, comps will get parsed and options show up in the gui
-22:42:26 <Evolution>tru_tru: entirely doable as well.
-22:42:34 <Evolution>dan408: right. which is why I was thinking spin.
-22:42:53 <Evolution>kbsingh: true
-22:42:59 <hughesjr> in the past, when we have had alternative desktops (ie xfce on 5 and 4 :D) we did yum groups in a repo ... that will also work
-22:43:02 <kbsingh> we can also ship an additional repo on the DVD ( if it fits! ) with the repo line disabled and a media:/// url
-22:43:21 <dan408>Evolution: well I guess that would be easier and accomplish the goal of a) not having to change base and b) being able to install the desktop you want without having to install a desktop you dont want
-22:43:46 <kbsingh> it does not need to end up in the os/ directory, and it need not be enabled by force, but just a checkbox to enable it from DVD might be a great option
-22:43:51 <quaid>wolfy: thanks
-22:43:52 <kbsingh> the trick is going to be making it fit
-22:43:57 <hughesjr>dan408: minimal install and yum grops cando that too :)
-22:43:57 <dan408>hughesjr: what if you wanted to install xfce on a fresh install?
-22:44:06 <dan408>hughesjr: no
-22:44:30 <dan408>hughesjr: Say I want to put media in choose xfce, and install once and be done
-22:45:09 <dan408> your process is a 2 step process
-22:45:18 <hughesjr>dan408: you can create a specific DVD for that too in the SIG
-22:45:33 <dan408>hughesjr: Right that's what we're discussing with spins
-22:46:00 <dan408> alright
-22:46:15 <dan408> this is gunna require some hacking but
-22:46:48 <hughesjr> I was just pointing out that an ISO is not the only alternative .. but the SIGs can do that too
-22:47:22 <quaid> ultimately the SIG needs to chose delivery methods that make sense for it's community, these questions are somewhat about what the rest of us think makes sense ...
-22:48:02 <dan408> i guess if it worked like this: 1) User downloads CentOS 7 MATE spin which can be burnt to CD or written to USB 2) User boots spin, starts Anaconda installer 3) Anaconda functiosn in the exact same way as the DVD or netinstall and can install the same things .. so user chooses say base, standard and "web server", chooses partitioning and hits "install". What they should end up with is a MATE desktop with the options they picked
-22:48:45 <Evolution> right.
-22:48:52 <dan408> Again, I don't know if this is possible with the current anaconda
-22:49:25 <kbsingh> right guys, i need to rebase over. thanks
-22:49:28 <Evolution> I don't see why it wouldn't be. it's similar to whate fedora's done with it in the last couple releases.
-22:49:46 <Arrfab>dan408: I haven't looked at anaconda from 7 (yet) but I guess using the updates.img still works for that
-22:49:47 <Evolution> I've got to bail in about 5 minutes as well
-22:50:03 <dan408>Evolution: Not necessarily. On a spin you just hit "install" and it installs whatever was included with the spin. You don't get to pick any additional options
-22:50:31 <Evolution> ah, fair enough.
-22:50:45 <dan408>Arrfab: Sure. I'm no anaconda expert here but I'm just throwing this stuff out there
-22:50:46 <quaid>#action smooge to work up a formal proposal
-22:51:57 <quaid>#action SIG needs to consider what release formats to use (ISO, netinstall, all-in-one-spins, etc.)
-22:51:57 <dan408>Evolution: That's why I'm thinking there might be some hacking needed because these packages are already in Fedora base.
-22:52:12 <Arrfab>dan408: we'll have to have a deep look into anaconda to also combine all the groups/variants into one (like we did for centos 6) so I'm sure that once it will be mastered, it will be easy to modify it again for each SIG respin
-22:52:25 <dan408>Arrfab: +1
-22:52:27 <Evolution>dan408: yeah. I'm starting to see what you mean.
-22:52:36 <dan408>Evolution: cool
-22:52:45 <quaid> fwiw, I'm comfortable with usinage latest bits in Fedora as upstream that we pull in to git.centos.org (if I'm thinking correctly here); Fedora (and EPEL) are trustworthy upstreams
-22:52:59 <dan408>Evolution: The easiest thing is just to import the packages to base, but I completely understand that you don't want to change base.
-22:53:26 <dan408>Evolution: And that's fine, but workarounds are needed. :D
-22:53:33 <quaid>#idea project wide work on Anaconda to fold in all groups/variants will help the Desktop SIG needs for respins, etc.
-22:53:40 <Evolution> yeah. we'll have to figure that out. base won't change.
-22:54:37 <dan408> Right. Well I'm glad I was able to help put everyone on the same page on how it should be presented to the end user for installation
-22:55:16 <dan408> I mean that's how I'd want it personally
-22:55:19 <Arrfab>Evolution: yeah but the desktop sig proposal we have here is quite different from the cloud/storage ones in a sense that we'd build packages with the same key (or alternate key but still from our side) while the idea seems to be here to just consume packages built/signed by EPEL
-22:55:47 <Evolution>Arrfab: that's the initial starting point, but by no means the end goal.
-22:55:56 <dan408>Arrfab: it's a little bit more than that
-22:56:04 <Evolution> anyway, off for family. bbiab
-22:56:11 <dan408> cya Evolution
-22:56:34 <quaid> ok, I'm ready to close out as we are runnning out of Board members and the sponsor just left :)
-22:56:38 <quaid> anything else for the record?
-22:56:41 <tru_tru>Evolution: ciao
-22:56:45 * quaidwill close in 60 seconds otherwise
-22:56:56 <Arrfab>#idea discuss about respins using packages not built on centos infra and so not signed by us
-22:57:00 <quaid> btw, dan408, good to see ya
-22:57:04 <dan408> For the record: The entire MATE stack is finished building and I'm going to add a group in to EPEL7 for comps
-22:57:09 <dan408>quaid: good to see you too
-22:57:19 <quaid>Arrfab: yeah, we need to really consider that around EPEL in general, right?
-22:57:48 <Arrfab>quaid: yeah, EPEL or other repositories too I guess.
-22:59:14 <smooge> I am ok with closing.
-22:59:16 <dan408> If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me here (I prefer IRC over email)
-22:59:27 <Arrfab> dan408, smooge : what about starting as a documentation on how to install those packages from epel on a running c7. then we'd have to see how to respin specific medias and in the meantime we'll have discussed the "do we rebuild/sign those packages or do we just import those" question
-22:59:35 <cctrieloff> thx
-23:00:07 <smooge> okie dokie.
-23:00:14 <dan408> sure thing I'll work with smooge on that.
-23:00:16 <Arrfab> thanks everyone for the meeting
-23:00:22 <dan408> thanks for hosting!
-23:07:18 <smooge> quaid, remember to #endmeeting
-23:08:03 * quaidwas distracted, thanks
-23:08:10 <smooge> np
-23:08:10 <quaid> typical!
-23:08:18 <quaid> going in 5
-23:08:20 <quaid> 4
-23:08:21 <quaid> 3
-23:08:24 <quaid> 2
-23:08:24 <quaid> 1
-23:08:36 <quaid>#endmeeting
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-21:55:53 #startmeeting CentOS Board meeting - SIG proposals & other business
-21:55:53 Meeting started Wed Apr 2 21:55:53 2014 UTC. The chair is quaid. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
-21:55:53 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
-21:56:16 #chair Evolution tru_tru range kbsingh hughesjr cctrieloff Arrfab
-21:56:16 Current chairs: Arrfab Evolution cctrieloff hughesjr kbsingh quaid range tru_tru
-21:56:31 all users can use most of the actions, such as #info and #idea
-21:56:43 chairs can do the #agreed, not sure if #action is restricted
-21:56:52 anything before we jump in to the first topic?
-21:57:04 show of hands ?
-21:57:22 * tru_tru raises hand
-21:57:34 * hughesjr shows his hand :D
-21:57:53 here
-21:58:05 same here
-21:58:06 me too
-21:58:16 yep
-21:58:58 #info We have a quorum of Board members, safe to proceed :)
-21:59:08 first topic is Desktop SIG?
-21:59:19 sure.
-21:59:20 #topic Desktop SIG proposal
-21:59:38 (channel title hasn't changed because centbot doesn't have ops, but it's changed in the log)
-21:59:51 also, you don't need to use #link, just post the URL in the channel and it's the same thing
-22:01:11 Evolution: you already started a discussion with smooge about a desktop SIG, right ? what's the status and so the "proposal" ?
-22:01:20 smooge: you proposed the desktop sig. want to lay out your ideas?
-22:01:24 I would like to propose a Desktop Special Interest Group that would cater towards alternative desktops to the main CentOS one.
-22:02:16 smooge: is the thought just to provide alternative desktops such as mate, or would you add additional 'desktop' style packages as well?
-22:02:24 Its main goal would be to make sure that working desktops that cater to other users needs are made available, tested, working and periodically updated
-22:02:57 my first goal would be to provide just alternate desktops and then from that gauge growth inot additional desktop style packages.
-22:03:06 s/inot/into/
-22:03:29 I would like to have an initial goal we can reach and build momentum from
-22:03:52 smooge: is the inital focus of this desktop for all active versions of CentOS or only for a specific CentOS
-22:04:43 My initial focus would be 7. The ability to build desktops to older releases will require extra effort and testing
-22:05:15 as the solutions may require some things like SCL's or other "we aren't replacing core stuff.. but we are." type solutions
-22:05:43 most desktop users seem to migrate to newer versions reasonably quickly
-22:05:44 are there other desktop-like activities you might include in the SIG other than alternative DEs and styling? for example, UX testing.
-22:05:56 smooge: and you have some kind of plan to make sure we are not running afowl of patent issues (like mp3)
-22:06:01 I apologize for the wishy washy ness of this. I want to get some questions answered so that I can better focus a finished proposal to you.
-22:06:01 smooge: do you see that as a "coordination" effort between existing desktop environments ? (for example EPEL providing already alternatives)
-22:06:41 Arrfab: I think part of it certainly should be.
-22:06:46 hughesjr, I do not plan to put anything in that could not be shipped in Fedora. Things like VLC etc will have to be done by an associated group which would not be troubled like I personally would be
-22:07:14 mate and cinnamon are already in epel. we should certainly appropriate that effort and help where we can.
-22:08:22 the items that will be a further focus is how to package these items for older releases. I would like to have it that people who need to develop/run EL5 could have a better experience but not replacing certain core items like glibc/gcc/kernel :)
-22:09:01 Arrfab, I see it as partially coordination. I am worried that EPEL may not be the best place for itmes which change every 6-12 months.
-22:09:57 smooge: are there other desktop-like activities you might include in the SIG other than alternative DEs and styling? for example, UX testing. -- alternately, I'm not asking if you'll do that work per se but if you are receptive to that work happening within the SIG? Is there a boundary where it's not SIG-relevant?
-22:10:05 If it turns out that EPEL is not the best place then it is on building the group which will be a better ground.
-22:11:10 quaid, to answer that I needed to reverse it. How strong a boundary is the board looking for SIGs to have.
-22:12:01 smooge: SIGs already have the ability to go higher in version for things that are part of even the "Core" OS .. so it would be fine for newer things that in EPEL they choose not to maintain a version that we need
-22:12:30 Well the EPEL issue is that it can't replace stuff that is in Core.
-22:12:39 right
-22:12:51 but the SIG can, if requried
-22:13:56 so epel for some things, and then possibly a 'desktop' repository or whatever for things not suited for epel, but maitained by the sig
-22:14:01 so my question was "Is the board looking for well defined boundaries that a SIG has in place from the beginning" or is it wanting a lose rule of thumb
-22:14:04 smooge: it's a fair question you reversed to -- we're interested in it being a wider focus, so "Mate SIG" isn't right, but "Desktop SIG that includes Mate" is ... at that point, the boundary should be what the SIG wants to support and thinks their community needs
-22:14:30 I think loose rule of thumb is better, let it grow organically
-22:14:39 WRT the board question about SIGs, we will have at least one board member in the SIG ... so we will give SIGs as much lattitude as possible
-22:14:43 I was mainly curious if you saw that in the future (cf. styling) or thought it was out of scope
-22:14:50 also is the board wanting me to do a PRD or similar tools to have ready as a full fleshed proposal
-22:15:09 you can use the existing proposals as a template, but yes, we do want something concrete to vote on
-22:15:48 quaid, I haven't been presented with any examples of items yet for desktop tools that weren't redlines (VLC, mp3 plugins, etc)
-22:15:55 so I can't answer clearly yet
-22:17:26 I'm here but distracted.
-22:17:27 can someone send me a link for an existing SIG? I will work from that and have something for you asap
-22:18:00 smooge: http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/CloudInstance
-22:18:06 unless kbsingh has a better one.
-22:18:16 okie dokie
-22:18:18 strip CloudInstance off for a list of others.
-22:18:46 #info current boundaries for the SIG are to include alternate desktop environments (DEs) with the future expansion in to styling
-22:18:58 smooge: based on your email to the list, I roughed out http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/AlternativeDesktop but it needs some work.
-22:19:21 #info a SIG boundary is to not include non-open source nor software with potential or real legal issues
-22:19:52 thats it
-22:19:56 Evolution, thank you.
-22:20:05 #info SIG may carry packages that are later than what is in EPEL if it feels the need
-22:21:44 I would like to be able to let interested people work on unified theming etc.. but there will be no 'forced' theming (eg people who want alternative desktops usually do their desktops there way thank you very much.)
-22:22:21 i missed if this is going to only target el7 or el6 as well ?
-22:22:42 kbsingh: 7 to start. 6 if interest/time permists.
-22:22:52 iirc
-22:23:00 kbsingh, I am initially going to focus on el7. The el6 may require me to use software collections or similar tools which I need to study more before I give a I will do that.
-22:23:11 If others are willing I am up with doing 6 and 5.
-22:23:27 does that make sense?
-22:23:34 sure
-22:25:00 My main rules on 'desktops' and such being supported is that they will be shipped as long as people are willing to work on them. I don't want abandon ware (eg tvtwm compiles.. good enough)
-22:25:00 #info target for CentOS 7* to start, back to CentOS 6* as time and interest permits
-22:26:12 When is the next board meeting?
-22:26:36 week after next.
-22:27:28 OK I will make sure I have a finished document with you guys by next wednessday and will work with Evolution and dan408 on it
-22:27:47 are there any other questions?
-22:27:56 smooge: leigh expressed a passing interest as well (as the cinnamon maintainer)
-22:28:26 how is this going to layer on top of EPEL ?
-22:28:37 i mean, a chunk of the work might actually be possible to get done there right ?
-22:28:49 kbsingh: some is done there, yes.
-22:28:57 mate/cinnamon exist there already
-22:28:58 ( apart from when $person wants something newer, they can fork it - but will that code then be forked in git.fedora or git.centos )
-22:30:38 kbsingh, I believe the initial work can be done in EPEL. However if the changes to later versions are invasive etc then it will need changes in either how EPEL is structured or a different build infrastructure.
-22:30:55 kbsingh, in that case I would be working on making that happen.
-22:31:02 Evolution: hey
-22:31:08 sorry i got dragged out
-22:31:23 * dan408 reads scrollback
-22:31:48 kbsingh, in the case where it wouldn't work for EPEL (say Mate in EL5) but could be done via a different packaging system then we would work on solving that problem
-22:32:01 ok
-22:32:24 so essentially : fix problems as we see them - there is flexibility from packager and buildsystem side. epel to bootstrap into
-22:33:52 correct. I expect we will need to change over time, but to meet a can we have a solution in 3-6 months the proven existing method to start from.
-22:35:10 so the biggest roadblock I'm personally seeing is getting Anaconda to read directly from EPEL for yum groups
-22:35:11 is there any drive to also maintain some part of the docs aronud this on say wiki.centos.org/blah/howto/desktops
-22:35:12 smooge: that sounds good to me .. but indeed some choices will have to be made, like for example if CentOS 7 32bits becomes real
-22:35:25 or is the focus purely on delivering rpms, let the community at large do that
-22:35:25 I just finished building the MATE stack of packages on EPEL
-22:35:54 dan408: anaconda... should be fairly simple, with an add-repo at install time right ?
-22:36:28 kbsingh: well ideally EPEL would just be there out of the box, and you would see MATE as a choice of available desktops
-22:37:12 so for example you choose "desktop" and then you can pick Gnome, KDE, or Cinnamon, etc
-22:37:27 that shouldnt be hard to do - but how many groups does EPEL host ? we'd have a minor flood
-22:37:27 otherwise you end up having to install Gnome or KDE and then MATE or cinnamon
-22:37:47 I'm pretty sure Anaconda can handle it
-22:37:50 kbsingh, I would like to make sure that we have guides and howtos as part of any 'desktop' solution added. If only on how one logs out, finds certain apps etc.
-22:38:07 honestly I think we might consider just stealing the groups we want from epel, and then adding epel-release as a mandatory package for the desktop spin
-22:38:14 that would limit the groups visible in anaconda.
-22:39:03 Evolution: as long as they are responsive to updates
-22:39:09 wait what do you mean spin?
-22:39:24 I had not thought about spins per se at the moment. For me it is a "if I have the time"... unless that is a required SIG deliverable.
-22:39:46 I was thinking netinstall/DVD not spin
-22:40:18 or just DVD I don't think you guys do a netinstall do you
-22:40:25 so no ISO compose?
-22:40:38 wll
-22:40:39 well, the core provided by the core sig won't change.
-22:40:39 well
-22:40:40 minimal install is the most popular download iirc, it's basically a netinstall isn't it?
-22:40:51 no
-22:41:12 so i'm coming from the Fedora side so I may be a little bit confused
-22:41:22 but on Fedora side you can install anything with a 200mb iso image
-22:41:23 dan408: we do netinstalls, as well as minimals and something similar to boot.fedora
-22:41:28 * quaid a bit lost in terminology too
-22:41:28 right
-22:41:49 okay
-22:42:06 quaid: the minimal.iso bypasses the package selection step and installs @base . all the needed packages are included in the iso
-22:42:06 however for a desktop side, I would think some folks would want a usb/iso based install for a desktop
-22:42:07 why just not a desktop-SIG.repo or repo --name=desktop-SIG --baseurl=http:// --cost=XXX ?
-22:42:07 for the DVD it wouldnt work if you didnt have a network connection
-22:42:23 if the work is done in a contained repo, regardless of how the install starts, its all just a case of adding the repo line, comps will get parsed and options show up in the gui
-22:42:26 tru_tru: entirely doable as well.
-22:42:34 dan408: right. which is why I was thinking spin.
-22:42:53 kbsingh: true
-22:42:59 in the past, when we have had alternative desktops (ie xfce on 5 and 4 :D) we did yum groups in a repo ... that will also work
-22:43:02 we can also ship an additional repo on the DVD ( if it fits! ) with the repo line disabled and a media:/// url
-22:43:21 Evolution: well I guess that would be easier and accomplish the goal of a) not having to change base and b) being able to install the desktop you want without having to install a desktop you dont want
-22:43:46 it does not need to end up in the os/ directory, and it need not be enabled by force, but just a checkbox to enable it from DVD might be a great option
-22:43:51 wolfy: thanks
-22:43:52 the trick is going to be making it fit
-22:43:57 dan408: minimal install and yum grops cando that too :)
-22:43:57 hughesjr: what if you wanted to install xfce on a fresh install?
-22:44:06 hughesjr: no
-22:44:30 hughesjr: Say I want to put media in choose xfce, and install once and be done
-22:45:09 your process is a 2 step process
-22:45:18 dan408: you can create a specific DVD for that too in the SIG
-22:45:33 hughesjr: Right that's what we're discussing with spins
-22:46:00 alright
-22:46:15 this is gunna require some hacking but
-22:46:48 I was just pointing out that an ISO is not the only alternative .. but the SIGs can do that too
-22:47:22 ultimately the SIG needs to chose delivery methods that make sense for it's community, these questions are somewhat about what the rest of us think makes sense ...
-22:48:02 i guess if it worked like this: 1) User downloads CentOS 7 MATE spin which can be burnt to CD or written to USB 2) User boots spin, starts Anaconda installer 3) Anaconda functiosn in the exact same way as the DVD or netinstall and can install the same things .. so user chooses say base, standard and "web server", chooses partitioning and hits "install". What they should end up with is a MATE desktop with the options they picked
-22:48:45 right.
-22:48:52 Again, I don't know if this is possible with the current anaconda
-22:49:25 right guys, i need to rebase over. thanks
-22:49:28 I don't see why it wouldn't be. it's similar to whate fedora's done with it in the last couple releases.
-22:49:46 dan408: I haven't looked at anaconda from 7 (yet) but I guess using the updates.img still works for that
-22:49:47 I've got to bail in about 5 minutes as well
-22:50:03 Evolution: Not necessarily. On a spin you just hit "install" and it installs whatever was included with the spin. You don't get to pick any additional options
-22:50:31 ah, fair enough.
-22:50:45 Arrfab: Sure. I'm no anaconda expert here but I'm just throwing this stuff out there
-22:50:46 #action smooge to work up a formal proposal
-22:51:57 #action SIG needs to consider what release formats to use (ISO, netinstall, all-in-one-spins, etc.)
-22:51:57 Evolution: That's why I'm thinking there might be some hacking needed because these packages are already in Fedora base.
-22:52:12 dan408: we'll have to have a deep look into anaconda to also combine all the groups/variants into one (like we did for centos 6) so I'm sure that once it will be mastered, it will be easy to modify it again for each SIG respin
-22:52:25 Arrfab: +1
-22:52:27 dan408: yeah. I'm starting to see what you mean.
-22:52:36 Evolution: cool
-22:52:45 fwiw, I'm comfortable with usinage latest bits in Fedora as upstream that we pull in to git.centos.org (if I'm thinking correctly here); Fedora (and EPEL) are trustworthy upstreams
-22:52:59 Evolution: The easiest thing is just to import the packages to base, but I completely understand that you don't want to change base.
-22:53:26 Evolution: And that's fine, but workarounds are needed. :D
-22:53:33 #idea project wide work on Anaconda to fold in all groups/variants will help the Desktop SIG needs for respins, etc.
-22:53:40 yeah. we'll have to figure that out. base won't change.
-22:54:37 Right. Well I'm glad I was able to help put everyone on the same page on how it should be presented to the end user for installation
-22:55:16 I mean that's how I'd want it personally
-22:55:19 Evolution: yeah but the desktop sig proposal we have here is quite different from the cloud/storage ones in a sense that we'd build packages with the same key (or alternate key but still from our side) while the idea seems to be here to just consume packages built/signed by EPEL
-22:55:47 Arrfab: that's the initial starting point, but by no means the end goal.
-22:55:56 Arrfab: it's a little bit more than that
-22:56:04 anyway, off for family. bbiab
-22:56:11 cya Evolution
-22:56:34 ok, I'm ready to close out as we are runnning out of Board members and the sponsor just left :)
-22:56:38 anything else for the record?
-22:56:41 Evolution: ciao
-22:56:45 * quaid will close in 60 seconds otherwise
-22:56:56 #idea discuss about respins using packages not built on centos infra and so not signed by us
-22:57:00 btw, dan408, good to see ya
-22:57:04 For the record: The entire MATE stack is finished building and I'm going to add a group in to EPEL7 for comps
-22:57:09 quaid: good to see you too
-22:57:19 Arrfab: yeah, we need to really consider that around EPEL in general, right?
-22:57:48 quaid: yeah, EPEL or other repositories too I guess.
-22:59:14 I am ok with closing.
-22:59:16 If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me here (I prefer IRC over email)
-22:59:27 dan408, smooge : what about starting as a documentation on how to install those packages from epel on a running c7. then we'd have to see how to respin specific medias and in the meantime we'll have discussed the "do we rebuild/sign those packages or do we just import those" question
-22:59:35 thx
-23:00:07 okie dokie.
-23:00:14 sure thing I'll work with smooge on that.
-23:00:16 thanks everyone for the meeting
-23:00:22 thanks for hosting!
-23:07:18 quaid, remember to #endmeeting
-23:08:03 * quaid was distracted, thanks
-23:08:10 np
-23:08:10 typical!
-23:08:18 going in 5
-23:08:20 4
-23:08:21 3
-23:08:24 2
-23:08:24 1
-23:08:36 #endmeeting
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-#centos-devel: CentOS Board meeting - SIG proposals & other business
-Meeting started by quaid at 21:55:53 UTC. The full logs are available at
-centos-devel/2014/centos-devel.2014-04-02-21.55.log.html .
-Meeting summary
-* We have a quorum of Board members, safe to proceed :) (quaid,
- 21:58:58)
-* Desktop SIG proposal (quaid, 21:59:20)
- * current boundaries for the SIG are to include alternate desktop
- environments (DEs) with the future expansion in to styling (quaid,
- 22:18:46)
- * a SIG boundary is to not include non-open source nor software with
- potential or real legal issues (quaid, 22:19:21)
- * SIG may carry packages that are later than what is in EPEL if it
- feels the need (quaid, 22:20:05)
- * target for CentOS 7* to start, back to CentOS 6* as time and
- interest permits (quaid, 22:25:00)
- * ACTION: smooge to work up a formal proposal (quaid, 22:50:46)
- * ACTION: SIG needs to consider what release formats to use (ISO,
- netinstall, all-in-one-spins, etc.) (quaid, 22:51:57)
- * IDEA: project wide work on Anaconda to fold in all groups/variants
- will help the Desktop SIG needs for respins, etc. (quaid, 22:53:33)
- * IDEA: discuss about respins using packages not built on centos infra
- and so not signed by us (Arrfab, 22:56:56)
-Meeting ended at 23:08:36 UTC.
-Action Items
-* smooge to work up a formal proposal
-* SIG needs to consider what release formats to use (ISO, netinstall,
- all-in-one-spins, etc.)
-Action Items, by person
-* smooge
- * smooge to work up a formal proposal
- * SIG needs to consider what release formats to use (ISO, netinstall,
- all-in-one-spins, etc.)
-People Present (lines said)
-* dan408 (46)
-* quaid (42)
-* smooge (40)
-* Evolution (34)
-* kbsingh (19)
-* hughesjr (12)
-* Arrfab (11)
-* centbot (3)
-* tru_tru (3)
-* cctrieloff (2)
-* wolfy (1)
-* range (0)
-Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
-.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
diff --git a/_site/minutes/2014/february/centos-devel.2014-02-10-15.59.html b/_site/minutes/2014/february/centos-devel.2014-02-10-15.59.html
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-#centos-devel Meeting
#centos-devel Meeting
-Meeting started by quaid at 15:59:35 UTC
-(full logs).
15:59:35 <quaid>#startmeeting
-15:59:35 <centbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 10 15:59:35 2014 UTC. The chair is quaid. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
-15:59:35 <centbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
-15:59:42 <Jeff_S>kbsingh: just sat down in a coffee shop
-15:59:48 <quaid> hey Jeff_S
-16:00:07 <Jeff_S> stealing wifi from the bar next door =/
-16:00:10 <kbsingh> jeff pm
-16:00:20 <quaid>#topic Agenda
-16:00:26 <quaid> Quick summary of what Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is.
-16:00:27 <quaid> Overview of what is possible to do with GSoC for CentOS.
-16:00:27 <quaid> What we have so far.
-16:00:27 <quaid> What we need to work on now (this week), next (following few weeks), and for the summer (full program length.)
-16:00:30 <quaid> How to be successful & work within this community
-16:00:40 <kbsingh> going live
-16:01:01 <Jeff_S>kbsingh: thanks
-16:01:08 <quaid>#topic Quick summary
-16:01:14 <Jeff_S> had to tether from my phone, back now
-16:02:11 <kbsingh> who has the player going as well ?
-16:02:40 <Evolution> not me.
-16:02:52 <kbsingh> there is a massive echo thing going on
-16:03:12 <Jeff_S> sound is fine for me
-16:03:22 <Jeff_S> (I'm on mute too cause it's kinda loud here)
-16:03:37 <tigalch> as a listener - sound is fine
-16:03:44 <kbsingh> ok
-16:07:36 <quaid> http://wiki.centos.org/GSoC/2014/Application
-16:13:11 <kbsingh>Jeff_S: good video link.. is that off your phone /
-16:13:51 <quaid>#idea time based tasks are not always the best idea
-16:14:03 <quaid>#idea don't put a student on a blocking component
-16:14:35 <quaid>#agreed must fit in to a discrete task
-16:15:10 <quaid>#idea the more we leave open for students to find something that is interesting to them, the more successful they more
-16:17:16 <quaid>#idea mentoring is also working on application process with students
-16:17:54 <kbsingh>#idea deliver a xen/centos6/image installer delivered
-16:18:02 <Jeff_S>kbsingh: yeah, I'm tethering over LTE (but not many bars)
-16:18:16 <Jeff_S> but I'm sitting at my laptop
-16:18:27 <kbsingh>#idea openstack livecd, pre-setup to run and scale in a diskless environ
-16:18:33 <Evolution> should we consider docker as something separate here?
-16:18:43 <kbsingh>Evolution: it could be included
-16:18:48 <Evolution> docker isn't exactly core to what we're doing, but it does tick many current boxes.
-16:18:51 <kbsingh> delivering docker dependancies would be awesome
-16:18:54 <Evolution> and it's not critical to what we're doing.
-16:19:11 <Evolution>#idea docker deps/images/projects
-16:19:36 <quaid>#chair Evolution kbsingh Jeff_S
-16:19:36 <centbot> Current chairs: Evolution Jeff_S kbsingh quaid
-16:19:47 <Evolution> doh
-16:19:49 <Evolution>#idea docker deps/images/projects
-16:19:57 <Evolution> that should be in there now then.
-16:21:12 <quaid>#idea different levels of tasks out there
-16:21:23 <quaid> right, have flexibility in the ideas
-16:21:41 <quaid>#agreed students may not have a good concept of what they can do -- push or reign them in
-16:21:41 <kbsingh>#idea build and automate the in-cloud update/managent infra
-16:21:44 <Evolution> does that email address on the wiki work? centos-gsoc-mentors ?
-16:22:00 <quaid> one engineering manager I worked with said, "Developers always say it will take 2 weeks."
-16:22:09 <kbsingh>quaid: 17 days
-16:24:10 <quaid> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2014
-16:25:49 <kbsingh>#idea explore bootstrap for diff arch
-16:25:50 <quaid>#idea those with time to help the SIGs already can assist mentors
-16:30:59 <quaid>#idea open project ideas around ARM to interest hardware hackers
-16:31:14 <quaid>#action need to write a marketing plan
-16:31:48 <quaid>#action interested mentors to hang out on existing GSoC channel
-16:33:44 <kbsingh> cool, so are we all about getting done ?
-16:34:19 <Evolution> I think so.
-16:35:22 <quaid>#info expectations need to be set up front with students
-16:35:47 <quaid> http://en.flossmanuals.net/melange/org-application-period/
-16:37:29 <quaid>#endmeeting
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-15:59:35 #startmeeting
-15:59:35 Meeting started Mon Feb 10 15:59:35 2014 UTC. The chair is quaid. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
-15:59:35 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
-15:59:42 kbsingh: just sat down in a coffee shop
-15:59:48 hey Jeff_S
-16:00:07 stealing wifi from the bar next door =/
-16:00:10 jeff pm
-16:00:20 #topic Agenda
-16:00:26 Quick summary of what Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is.
-16:00:27 Overview of what is possible to do with GSoC for CentOS.
-16:00:27 What we have so far.
-16:00:27 What we need to work on now (this week), next (following few weeks), and for the summer (full program length.)
-16:00:30 How to be successful & work within this community
-16:00:40 going live
-16:01:01 kbsingh: thanks
-16:01:08 #topic Quick summary
-16:01:14 had to tether from my phone, back now
-16:02:11 who has the player going as well ?
-16:02:40 not me.
-16:02:52 there is a massive echo thing going on
-16:03:12 sound is fine for me
-16:03:22 (I'm on mute too cause it's kinda loud here)
-16:03:37 as a listener - sound is fine
-16:03:44 ok
-16:07:36 http://wiki.centos.org/GSoC/2014/Application
-16:13:11 Jeff_S: good video link.. is that off your phone /
-16:13:51 #idea time based tasks are not always the best idea
-16:14:03 #idea don't put a student on a blocking component
-16:14:35 #agreed must fit in to a discrete task
-16:15:10 #idea the more we leave open for students to find something that is interesting to them, the more successful they more
-16:17:16 #idea mentoring is also working on application process with students