e336be |
# We have to override the new %%install behavior because, well... the kernel is special.
e336be |
%global __spec_install_pre %{___build_pre}
e336be |
e336be |
Summary: The Linux kernel
e336be |
e336be |
# For a stable, released kernel, released_kernel should be 1. For rawhide
e336be |
# and/or a kernel built from an rc or git snapshot, released_kernel should
e336be |
# be 0.
e336be |
%global released_kernel 1
e336be |
e336be |
# Sign modules on x86. Make sure the config files match this setting if more
e336be |
# architectures are added.
e336be |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
e336be |
%global signkernel 1
e336be |
%global signmodules 1
e336be |
%global zipmodules 1
e336be |
e336be |
%global signkernel 0
e336be |
%global signmodules 1
e336be |
%global zipmodules 1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{zipmodules}
e336be |
%global zipsed -e 's/\.ko$/\.ko.xz/'
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# define buildid .local
e336be |
e336be |
# baserelease defines which build revision of this kernel version we're
e336be |
# building. We used to call this fedora_build, but the magical name
e336be |
# baserelease is matched by the rpmdev-bumpspec tool, which you should use.
e336be |
e336be |
# We used to have some extra magic weirdness to bump this automatically,
e336be |
# but now we don't. Just use: rpmdev-bumpspec -c 'comment for changelog'
e336be |
# When changing base_sublevel below or going from rc to a final kernel,
e336be |
# reset this by hand to 1 (or to 0 and then use rpmdev-bumpspec).
e336be |
# scripts/rebase.sh should be made to do that for you, actually.
e336be |
e336be |
# NOTE: baserelease must be > 0 or bad things will happen if you switch
e336be |
# to a released kernel (released version will be < rc version)
e336be |
e336be |
# For non-released -rc kernels, this will be appended after the rcX and
e336be |
# gitX tags, so a 3 here would become part of release "0.rcX.gitX.3"
e336be |
11f5cb |
%global baserelease 300
e336be |
%global fedora_build %{baserelease}
e336be |
e336be |
# base_sublevel is the kernel version we're starting with and patching
e336be |
# on top of -- for example, 3.1-rc7-git1 starts with a 3.0 base,
e336be |
# which yields a base_sublevel of 0.
e336be |
%define base_sublevel 19
e336be |
e336be |
## If this is a released kernel ##
e336be |
%if 0%{?released_kernel}
e336be |
e336be |
# Do we have a -stable update to apply?
ec7f54 |
%define stable_update 38
e336be |
# Set rpm version accordingly
e336be |
%if 0%{?stable_update}
e336be |
%define stablerev %{stable_update}
e336be |
%define stable_base %{stable_update}
e336be |
e336be |
%define rpmversion 4.%{base_sublevel}.%{stable_update}
e336be |
e336be |
## The not-released-kernel case ##
e336be |
e336be |
# The next upstream release sublevel (base_sublevel+1)
e336be |
%define upstream_sublevel %(echo $((%{base_sublevel} + 1)))
e336be |
# The rc snapshot level
e336be |
%global rcrev 0
e336be |
# The git snapshot level
e336be |
%define gitrev 0
e336be |
# Set rpm version accordingly
e336be |
%define rpmversion 4.%{upstream_sublevel}.0
e336be |
e336be |
# Nb: The above rcrev and gitrev values automagically define Patch00 and Patch01 below.
e336be |
e336be |
# What parts do we want to build? We must build at least one kernel.
e336be |
# These are the kernels that are built IF the architecture allows it.
e336be |
# All should default to 1 (enabled) and be flipped to 0 (disabled)
e336be |
# by later arch-specific checks.
e336be |
e336be |
# The following build options are enabled by default.
e336be |
# Use either --without <opt> in your rpmbuild command or force values
e336be |
# to 0 in here to disable them.
e336be |
e336be |
# standard kernel
e336be |
%define with_up %{?_without_up: 0} %{?!_without_up: 1}
e336be |
# kernel PAE (only valid for i686 (PAE) and ARM (lpae))
e336be |
%define with_pae %{?_without_pae: 0} %{?!_without_pae: 1}
e336be |
# kernel-debug
e336be |
%define with_debug %{?_without_debug: 0} %{?!_without_debug: 1}
e336be |
# kernel-headers
e336be |
%define with_headers %{?_without_headers: 0} %{?!_without_headers: 1}
e336be |
%define with_cross_headers %{?_without_cross_headers: 0} %{?!_without_cross_headers: 1}
a63ef9 |
# perf
a63ef9 |
%define with_perf %{?_without_perf: 0} %{?!_without_perf: 1}
a63ef9 |
# tools
a63ef9 |
%define with_tools %{?_without_tools: 0} %{?!_without_tools: 1}
e336be |
# kernel-debuginfo
e336be |
%define with_debuginfo %{?_without_debuginfo: 0} %{?!_without_debuginfo: 1}
e336be |
# Want to build a the vsdo directories installed
e336be |
%define with_vdso_install %{?_without_vdso_install: 0} %{?!_without_vdso_install: 1}
e336be |
e336be |
# Additional options for user-friendly one-off kernel building:
e336be |
e336be |
# Only build the base kernel (--with baseonly):
e336be |
%define with_baseonly %{?_with_baseonly: 1} %{?!_with_baseonly: 0}
e336be |
# Only build the pae kernel (--with paeonly):
e336be |
%define with_paeonly %{?_with_paeonly: 1} %{?!_with_paeonly: 0}
e336be |
# Only build the debug kernel (--with dbgonly):
e336be |
%define with_dbgonly %{?_with_dbgonly: 1} %{?!_with_dbgonly: 0}
e336be |
e336be |
# should we do C=1 builds with sparse
e336be |
%define with_sparse %{?_with_sparse: 1} %{?!_with_sparse: 0}
e336be |
e336be |
# Cross compile requested?
e336be |
%define with_cross %{?_with_cross: 1} %{?!_with_cross: 0}
e336be |
e336be |
# build a release kernel on rawhide
e336be |
%define with_release %{?_with_release: 1} %{?!_with_release: 0}
e336be |
e336be |
# verbose build, i.e. no silent rules and V=1
e336be |
%define with_verbose %{?_with_verbose: 1} %{?!_with_verbose: 0}
e336be |
e336be |
# Set debugbuildsenabled to 1 for production (build separate debug kernels)
e336be |
# and 0 for rawhide (all kernels are debug kernels).
e336be |
# See also 'make debug' and 'make release'.
e336be |
%define debugbuildsenabled 1
e336be |
e336be |
# Kernel headers are being split out into a separate package
e336be |
%if 0%{?fedora}
e336be |
%define with_headers 0
e336be |
%define with_cross_headers 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_verbose}
e336be |
%define make_opts V=1
e336be |
e336be |
%define make_opts -s
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Want to build a vanilla kernel build without any non-upstream patches?
e336be |
%define with_vanilla %{?_with_vanilla: 1} %{?!_with_vanilla: 0}
e336be |
e336be |
# pkg_release is what we'll fill in for the rpm Release: field
e336be |
%if 0%{?released_kernel}
e336be |
e336be |
%define pkg_release %{fedora_build}%{?buildid}%{?dist}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# non-released_kernel
e336be |
%if 0%{?rcrev}
e336be |
%define rctag .rc%rcrev
e336be |
e336be |
%define rctag .rc0
e336be |
e336be |
%if 0%{?gitrev}
e336be |
%define gittag .git%gitrev
e336be |
e336be |
%define gittag .git0
e336be |
e336be |
%define pkg_release 0%{?rctag}%{?gittag}.%{fedora_build}%{?buildid}%{?dist}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# The kernel tarball/base version
e336be |
%define kversion 4.%{base_sublevel}
e336be |
e336be |
%define make_target bzImage
e336be |
%define image_install_path boot
e336be |
e336be |
%define KVERREL %{version}-%{release}.%{_target_cpu}
e336be |
%define hdrarch %_target_cpu
e336be |
%define asmarch %_target_cpu
e336be |
e336be |
%if 0%{!?nopatches:1}
e336be |
%define nopatches 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_vanilla}
e336be |
%define nopatches 1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{nopatches}
e336be |
%define variant -vanilla
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if !%{debugbuildsenabled}
e336be |
%define with_debug 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if !%{with_debuginfo}
e336be |
%define _enable_debug_packages 0
e336be |
e336be |
%define debuginfodir /usr/lib/debug
e336be |
# Needed because we override almost everything involving build-ids
e336be |
# and debuginfo generation. Currently we rely on the old alldebug setting.
e336be |
%global _build_id_links alldebug
e336be |
e336be |
# kernel PAE is only built on ARMv7 in rawhide.
e336be |
# Fedora 27 and earlier still support PAE, so change this on rebases.
e336be |
# %ifnarch i686 armv7hl
e336be |
%ifnarch armv7hl
e336be |
%define with_pae 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# if requested, only build base kernel
e336be |
%if %{with_baseonly}
e336be |
%define with_pae 0
e336be |
%define with_debug 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# if requested, only build pae kernel
e336be |
%if %{with_paeonly}
e336be |
%define with_up 0
e336be |
%define with_debug 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# if requested, only build debug kernel
e336be |
%if %{with_dbgonly}
e336be |
%if %{debugbuildsenabled}
e336be |
%define with_up 0
e336be |
%define with_pae 0
e336be |
e336be |
%define with_pae 0
a63ef9 |
%define with_tools 0
a63ef9 |
%define with_perf 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%define all_x86 i386 i686
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_vdso_install}
e336be |
%define use_vdso 1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Overrides for generic default options
e336be |
e336be |
# don't do debug builds on anything but i686 and x86_64
e336be |
%ifnarch i686 x86_64
e336be |
%define with_debug 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# don't build noarch kernels or headers (duh)
e336be |
%ifarch noarch
e336be |
%define with_up 0
e336be |
%define with_headers 0
e336be |
%define with_cross_headers 0
a63ef9 |
%define with_tools 0
a63ef9 |
%define with_perf 0
e336be |
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-*.config
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# sparse blows up on ppc
e336be |
%ifnarch %{power64}
e336be |
%define with_sparse 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Per-arch tweaks
e336be |
e336be |
%ifarch %{all_x86}
e336be |
%define asmarch x86
e336be |
%define hdrarch i386
e336be |
%define pae PAE
e336be |
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-i?86*.config
e336be |
%define kernel_image arch/x86/boot/bzImage
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%ifarch x86_64
e336be |
%define asmarch x86
e336be |
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-x86_64*.config
e336be |
%define kernel_image arch/x86/boot/bzImage
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%ifarch %{power64}
e336be |
%define asmarch powerpc
e336be |
%define hdrarch powerpc
e336be |
%define make_target vmlinux
e336be |
%define kernel_image vmlinux
e336be |
%define kernel_image_elf 1
e336be |
%ifarch ppc64le
e336be |
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-ppc64le*.config
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%ifarch s390x
e336be |
%define asmarch s390
e336be |
%define hdrarch s390
e336be |
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-s390x.config
e336be |
%define kernel_image arch/s390/boot/bzImage
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%ifarch %{arm}
e336be |
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-arm*.config
e336be |
%define skip_nonpae_vdso 1
e336be |
%define asmarch arm
e336be |
%define hdrarch arm
e336be |
%define pae lpae
e336be |
%define make_target bzImage
e336be |
%define kernel_image arch/arm/boot/zImage
e336be |
# http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/linux-arm-kernel/2012-March/091404.html
e336be |
%define kernel_mflags KALLSYMS_EXTRA_PASS=1
e336be |
# we only build headers/perf/tools on the base arm arches
e336be |
# just like we used to only build them on i386 for x86
e336be |
%ifnarch armv7hl
e336be |
%define with_headers 0
e336be |
%define with_cross_headers 0
a63ef9 |
%define with_perf 0
a63ef9 |
%define with_tools 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%ifarch aarch64
e336be |
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-aarch64*.config
e336be |
%define asmarch arm64
e336be |
%define hdrarch arm64
e336be |
%define make_target Image.gz
e336be |
%define kernel_image arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Should make listnewconfig fail if there's config options
e336be |
# printed out?
e336be |
%if %{nopatches}
e336be |
%define listnewconfig_fail 0
e336be |
%define configmismatch_fail 0
e336be |
e336be |
%define listnewconfig_fail 1
e336be |
%define configmismatch_fail 1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# To temporarily exclude an architecture from being built, add it to
e336be |
# %%nobuildarches. Do _NOT_ use the ExclusiveArch: line, because if we
e336be |
# don't build kernel-headers then the new build system will no longer let
e336be |
# us use the previous build of that package -- it'll just be completely AWOL.
e336be |
# Which is a BadThing(tm).
e336be |
e336be |
# We only build kernel-headers on the following...
e336be |
%define nobuildarches i386
e336be |
e336be |
%ifarch %nobuildarches
e336be |
%define with_up 0
e336be |
%define with_pae 0
e336be |
%define with_debuginfo 0
e336be |
%define with_debug 0
a63ef9 |
%define with_perf 0
a63ef9 |
%define with_tools 0
e336be |
%define _enable_debug_packages 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%define with_pae_debug 0
e336be |
%if %{with_pae}
e336be |
%define with_pae_debug %{with_debug}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Architectures we build tools/cpupower on
e336be |
%define cpupowerarchs %{ix86} x86_64 %{power64} %{arm} aarch64
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{use_vdso}
e336be |
e336be |
%if 0%{?skip_nonpae_vdso}
e336be |
%define _use_vdso 0
e336be |
e336be |
%define _use_vdso 1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%define _use_vdso 0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Packages that need to be installed before the kernel is, because the %%post
e336be |
# scripts use them.
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_prereq coreutils, systemd >= 203-2, /usr/bin/kernel-install
e336be |
%define initrd_prereq dracut >= 027
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
Name: kernel%{?variant}
e336be |
License: GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted
e336be |
URL: https://www.kernel.org/
e336be |
Version: %{rpmversion}
e336be |
Release: %{pkg_release}
e336be |
e336be |
# SET %%nobuildarches (ABOVE) INSTEAD
e336be |
ExclusiveArch: %{all_x86} x86_64 s390x %{arm} aarch64 ppc64le
e336be |
ExclusiveOS: Linux
e336be |
%ifnarch %{nobuildarches}
e336be |
Requires: kernel-core-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}
e336be |
Requires: kernel-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
Conflicts: xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse < 14.0.0
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# List the packages used during the kernel build
e336be |
e336be |
BuildRequires: kmod, patch, bash, tar, git-core
e336be |
BuildRequires: bzip2, xz, findutils, gzip, m4, perl-interpreter, perl-Carp, perl-devel, perl-generators, make, diffutils, gawk
e336be |
BuildRequires: gcc, binutils, redhat-rpm-config, hmaccalc, bison, flex
e336be |
BuildRequires: net-tools, hostname, bc, elfutils-devel
e336be |
%if %{with_sparse}
e336be |
BuildRequires: sparse
e336be |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_perf}
a63ef9 |
BuildRequires: zlib-devel binutils-devel newt-devel python-devel perl(ExtUtils::Embed) bison flex xz-devel
a63ef9 |
BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
a63ef9 |
BuildRequires: asciidoc xmlto
a63ef9 |
%ifnarch s390x %{arm}
a63ef9 |
BuildRequires: numactl-devel
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_tools}
a63ef9 |
BuildRequires: pciutils-devel gettext ncurses-devel
a63ef9 |
e336be |
BuildConflicts: rhbuildsys(DiskFree) < 500Mb
e336be |
%if %{with_debuginfo}
e336be |
BuildRequires: rpm-build, elfutils
e336be |
BuildConflicts: rpm <
e336be |
# Most of these should be enabled after more investigation
e336be |
%undefine _include_minidebuginfo
e336be |
%undefine _find_debuginfo_dwz_opts
e336be |
%undefine _unique_build_ids
e336be |
%undefine _unique_debug_names
e336be |
%undefine _unique_debug_srcs
e336be |
%undefine _debugsource_packages
e336be |
%undefine _debuginfo_subpackages
e336be |
%undefine _include_gdb_index
e336be |
%global _find_debuginfo_opts -r
e336be |
%global _missing_build_ids_terminate_build 1
e336be |
%global _no_recompute_build_ids 1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{signkernel}%{signmodules}
e336be |
BuildRequires: openssl openssl-devel
e336be |
%if %{signkernel}
e336be |
BuildRequires: pesign >= 0.10-4
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_cross}
e336be |
BuildRequires: binutils-%{_build_arch}-linux-gnu, gcc-%{_build_arch}-linux-gnu
e336be |
%define cross_opts CROSS_COMPILE=%{_build_arch}-linux-gnu-
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
Source0: https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-%{kversion}.tar.xz
e336be |
e336be |
Source11: x509.genkey
e336be |
Source12: remove-binary-diff.pl
e336be |
Source15: merge.pl
e336be |
Source16: mod-extra.list
e336be |
Source17: mod-extra.sh
e336be |
Source18: mod-sign.sh
e336be |
Source90: filter-x86_64.sh
e336be |
Source91: filter-armv7hl.sh
e336be |
Source92: filter-i686.sh
e336be |
Source93: filter-aarch64.sh
e336be |
Source94: filter-ppc64le.sh
e336be |
Source95: filter-s390x.sh
e336be |
Source99: filter-modules.sh
e336be |
%define modsign_cmd %{SOURCE18}
e336be |
e336be |
Source20: kernel-aarch64.config
e336be |
Source21: kernel-aarch64-debug.config
e336be |
Source22: kernel-armv7hl.config
e336be |
Source23: kernel-armv7hl-debug.config
e336be |
Source24: kernel-armv7hl-lpae.config
e336be |
Source25: kernel-armv7hl-lpae-debug.config
e336be |
Source26: kernel-i686.config
e336be |
Source27: kernel-i686-debug.config
e336be |
Source30: kernel-ppc64le.config
e336be |
Source31: kernel-ppc64le-debug.config
e336be |
Source32: kernel-s390x.config
e336be |
Source33: kernel-s390x-debug.config
e336be |
Source34: kernel-x86_64.config
e336be |
Source35: kernel-x86_64-debug.config
e336be |
e336be |
Source40: generate_all_configs.sh
e336be |
Source41: generate_debug_configs.sh
e336be |
e336be |
Source42: process_configs.sh
e336be |
Source43: generate_bls_conf.sh
e336be |
e336be |
# This file is intentionally left empty in the stock kernel. Its a nicety
e336be |
# added for those wanting to do custom rebuilds with altered config opts.
e336be |
Source1000: kernel-local
e336be |
e336be |
# Sources for kernel-tools
e336be |
Source2000: cpupower.service
e336be |
Source2001: cpupower.config
e336be |
e336be |
# Here should be only the patches up to the upstream canonical Linus tree.
e336be |
e336be |
# For a stable release kernel
e336be |
%if 0%{?stable_update}
e336be |
%if 0%{?stable_base}
e336be |
%define stable_patch_00 patch-4.%{base_sublevel}.%{stable_base}.xz
e336be |
Source5000: %{stable_patch_00}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# non-released_kernel case
e336be |
# These are automagically defined by the rcrev and gitrev values set up
e336be |
# near the top of this spec file.
e336be |
e336be |
%if 0%{?rcrev}
e336be |
Source5000: patch-4.%{upstream_sublevel}-rc%{rcrev}.xz
e336be |
%if 0%{?gitrev}
e336be |
Source5001: patch-4.%{upstream_sublevel}-rc%{rcrev}-git%{gitrev}.xz
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# pre-{base_sublevel+1}-rc1 case
e336be |
%if 0%{?gitrev}
e336be |
Source5000: patch-4.%{base_sublevel}-git%{gitrev}.xz
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
## Patches needed for building this package
e336be |
e336be |
## compile fixes
e336be |
e336be |
# ongoing complaint, full discussion delayed until ksummit/plumbers
e336be |
Patch002: 0001-iio-Use-event-header-from-kernel-tree.patch
e336be |
e336be |
%if !%{nopatches}
e336be |
e336be |
# Git trees.
e336be |
e336be |
# Standalone patches
e336be |
# 100 - Generic long running patches
e336be |
e336be |
Patch110: lib-cpumask-Make-CPUMASK_OFFSTACK-usable-without-deb.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch111: input-kill-stupid-messages.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch112: die-floppy-die.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch113: no-pcspkr-modalias.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch114: silence-fbcon-logo.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch115: Kbuild-Add-an-option-to-enable-GCC-VTA.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch116: crash-driver.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch117: lis3-improve-handling-of-null-rate.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch118: scsi-sd_revalidate_disk-prevent-NULL-ptr-deref.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch119: namespaces-no-expert.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch120: ath9k-rx-dma-stop-check.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch121: xen-pciback-Don-t-disable-PCI_COMMAND-on-PCI-device-.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch122: Input-synaptics-pin-3-touches-when-the-firmware-repo.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# This no longer applies, let's see if it needs to be updated
e336be |
# Patch123: firmware-Drop-WARN-from-usermodehelper_read_trylock-.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# 200 - x86 / secureboot
e336be |
e336be |
Patch201: efi-lockdown.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch202: KEYS-Allow-unrestricted-boot-time-addition-of-keys-t.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch203: Add-EFI-signature-data-types.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch204: Add-an-EFI-signature-blob-parser-and-key-loader.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch205: MODSIGN-Import-certificates-from-UEFI-Secure-Boot.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch206: MODSIGN-Support-not-importing-certs-from-db.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# bz 1497559 - Make kernel MODSIGN code not error on missing variables
e336be |
Patch207: 0001-Make-get_cert_list-not-complain-about-cert-lists-tha.patch
e336be |
Patch208: 0002-Add-efi_status_to_str-and-rework-efi_status_to_err.patch
e336be |
Patch209: 0003-Make-get_cert_list-use-efi_status_to_str-to-print-er.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch210: disable-i8042-check-on-apple-mac.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch211: drm-i915-hush-check-crtc-state.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch212: efi-secureboot.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# 300 - ARM patches
e336be |
Patch300: arm64-Add-option-of-13-for-FORCE_MAX_ZONEORDER.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-tegra/msg26029.html
e336be |
Patch301: usb-phy-tegra-Add-38.4MHz-clock-table-entry.patch
e336be |
# http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/587554/
e336be |
Patch302: ARM-tegra-usb-no-reset.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/10351797/
e336be |
Patch303: ACPI-scan-Fix-regression-related-to-X-Gene-UARTs.patch
e336be |
# rhbz 1574718
e336be |
Patch304: ACPI-irq-Workaround-firmware-issue-on-X-Gene-based-m400.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/9820417/
e336be |
Patch305: qcom-msm89xx-fixes.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/linux-mmc/list/?submitter=71861
e336be |
Patch306: arm-sdhci-esdhc-imx-fixes.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# https://www.spinics.net/lists/arm-kernel/msg670137.html
e336be |
Patch307: arm64-ZynqMP-firmware-clock-drivers-core.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch308: arm64-96boards-Rock960-CE-board-support.patch
e336be |
Patch309: arm64-rockchip-add-initial-Rockpro64.patch
e336be |
Patch310: arm64-rk3399-add-idle-states.patch
e336be |
e336be |
Patch330: bcm2835-cpufreq-add-CPU-frequency-control-driver.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/10686407/
e336be |
Patch332: raspberrypi-Fix-firmware-calls-with-large-buffers.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# From 4.20, fix eth link/act lights on 3B+
e336be |
Patch334: bcm2837-fix-eth-leds.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# Patches enabling device specific brcm firmware nvram
e336be |
# https://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-wireless/msg178827.html
e336be |
Patch340: brcmfmac-Remove-firmware-loading-code-duplication.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# 400 - IBM (ppc/s390x) patches
e336be |
e336be |
# 500 - Temp fixes/CVEs etc
e336be |
e336be |
# rhbz 1476467
e336be |
Patch501: Fix-for-module-sig-verification.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# rhbz 1431375
e336be |
Patch502: input-rmi4-remove-the-need-for-artifical-IRQ.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# Ena fixes from 4.20
e336be |
Patch503: ena-fixes.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# Patches from 4.20 fixing black screen on CHT devices with i915.fastboot=1
e336be |
Patch508: cherrytrail-pwm-lpss-fixes.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# rhbz 1526312 (accelerometer part of the bug), patches pending upstream
e336be |
Patch510: iio-accel-kxcjk1013-Add-more-hardware-ids.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# rhbz 1645070 patch queued upstream for merging into 4.21
e336be |
Patch516: asus-fx503-keyb.patch
e336be |
e336be |
# rhbz 1661961 patch merged upstream in 4.20
e336be |
Patch517: 0001-Bluetooth-btsdio-Do-not-bind-to-non-removable-BCM434.patch
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
Patch10002: 9999-centos-a83t-hdmi.patch
e336be |
Patch11002: 9999-centos-r40sata.patch
917372 |
Patch11003: 9999-centos-r40-v40-dts-update.patch
e336be |
##end centos
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
The kernel meta package
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro does requires, provides, conflicts, obsoletes for a kernel package.
e336be |
# %%kernel_reqprovconf <subpackage>
e336be |
# It uses any kernel_<subpackage>_conflicts and kernel_<subpackage>_obsoletes
e336be |
# macros defined above.
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_reqprovconf \
e336be |
Provides: kernel = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}\
e336be |
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Provides: kernel-drm-nouveau = 16\
e336be |
Provides: kernel-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Requires(pre): %{kernel_prereq}\
e336be |
Requires(pre): %{initrd_prereq}\
e336be |
Requires(pre): linux-firmware >= 20150904-56.git6ebf5d57\
e336be |
Requires(preun): systemd >= 200\
e336be |
Conflicts: xfsprogs < 4.3.0-1\
e336be |
Conflicts: xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse < 13.0.99\
e336be |
%{expand:%%{?kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_conflicts:Conflicts: %%{kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_conflicts}}}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%{?kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %%{kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_obsoletes}}}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%{?kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_provides:Provides: %%{kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_provides}}}\
e336be |
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up\
e336be |
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which\
e336be |
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function\
e336be |
AutoReq: no\
e336be |
AutoProv: yes\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%package headers
e336be |
Summary: Header files for the Linux kernel for use by glibc
e336be |
Obsoletes: glibc-kernheaders < 3.0-46
e336be |
Provides: glibc-kernheaders = 3.0-46
e336be |
%if "0%{?variant}"
e336be |
Obsoletes: kernel-headers < %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
e336be |
Provides: kernel-headers = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
e336be |
e336be |
%description headers
e336be |
Kernel-headers includes the C header files that specify the interface
e336be |
between the Linux kernel and userspace libraries and programs. The
e336be |
header files define structures and constants that are needed for
e336be |
building most standard programs and are also needed for rebuilding the
e336be |
glibc package.
e336be |
e336be |
%package cross-headers
e336be |
Summary: Header files for the Linux kernel for use by cross-glibc
e336be |
%description cross-headers
e336be |
Kernel-cross-headers includes the C header files that specify the interface
e336be |
between the Linux kernel and userspace libraries and programs. The
e336be |
header files define structures and constants that are needed for
e336be |
building most standard programs and are also needed for rebuilding the
e336be |
cross-glibc package.
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%package debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu}
e336be |
Summary: Kernel source files used by %{name}-debuginfo packages
e336be |
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel)
e336be |
%description debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu}
e336be |
This package is required by %{name}-debuginfo subpackages.
e336be |
It provides the kernel source files common to all builds.
e336be |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_perf}
a63ef9 |
%package -n perf
a63ef9 |
Summary: Performance monitoring for the Linux kernel
a63ef9 |
License: GPLv2
a63ef9 |
%description -n perf
a63ef9 |
This package contains the perf tool, which enables performance monitoring
a63ef9 |
of the Linux kernel.
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%package -n perf-debuginfo
a63ef9 |
Summary: Debug information for package perf
a63ef9 |
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}
a63ef9 |
AutoReqProv: no
a63ef9 |
%description -n perf-debuginfo
a63ef9 |
This package provides debug information for the perf package.
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
# Note that this pattern only works right to match the .build-id
a63ef9 |
# symlinks because of the trailing nonmatching alternation and
a63ef9 |
# the leading .*, because of find-debuginfo.sh's buggy handling
a63ef9 |
# of matching the pattern against the symlinks file.
a63ef9 |
%{expand:%%global _find_debuginfo_opts %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} -p '.*%%{_bindir}/perf(\.debug)?|.*%%{_libexecdir}/perf-core/.*|.*%%{_libdir}/traceevent/plugins/.*|XXX' -o perf-debuginfo.list}
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%package -n python-perf
a63ef9 |
Summary: Python bindings for apps which will manipulate perf events
a63ef9 |
%description -n python-perf
a63ef9 |
The python-perf package contains a module that permits applications
a63ef9 |
written in the Python programming language to use the interface
a63ef9 |
to manipulate perf events.
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")}
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%package -n python-perf-debuginfo
a63ef9 |
Summary: Debug information for package perf python bindings
a63ef9 |
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}
a63ef9 |
AutoReqProv: no
a63ef9 |
%description -n python-perf-debuginfo
a63ef9 |
This package provides debug information for the perf python bindings.
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
# the python_sitearch macro should already be defined from above
a63ef9 |
%{expand:%%global _find_debuginfo_opts %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} -p '.*%%{python_sitearch}/perf.so(\.debug)?|XXX' -o python-perf-debuginfo.list}
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%endif # with_perf
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_tools}
a63ef9 |
%package -n kernel-tools
a63ef9 |
Summary: Assortment of tools for the Linux kernel
a63ef9 |
License: GPLv2
a63ef9 |
Provides: cpupowerutils = 1:009-0.6.p1
a63ef9 |
Obsoletes: cpupowerutils < 1:009-0.6.p1
a63ef9 |
Provides: cpufreq-utils = 1:009-0.6.p1
a63ef9 |
Provides: cpufrequtils = 1:009-0.6.p1
a63ef9 |
Obsoletes: cpufreq-utils < 1:009-0.6.p1
a63ef9 |
Obsoletes: cpufrequtils < 1:009-0.6.p1
a63ef9 |
Obsoletes: cpuspeed < 1:1.5-16
a63ef9 |
Requires: kernel-tools-libs = %{version}-%{release}
a63ef9 |
%define __requires_exclude ^%{_bindir}/python
a63ef9 |
%description -n kernel-tools
a63ef9 |
This package contains the tools/ directory from the kernel source
a63ef9 |
and the supporting documentation.
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%package -n kernel-tools-libs
a63ef9 |
Summary: Libraries for the kernels-tools
a63ef9 |
License: GPLv2
a63ef9 |
%description -n kernel-tools-libs
a63ef9 |
This package contains the libraries built from the tools/ directory
a63ef9 |
from the kernel source.
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%package -n kernel-tools-libs-devel
a63ef9 |
Summary: Assortment of tools for the Linux kernel
a63ef9 |
License: GPLv2
a63ef9 |
Requires: kernel-tools = %{version}-%{release}
a63ef9 |
Provides: cpupowerutils-devel = 1:009-0.6.p1
a63ef9 |
Obsoletes: cpupowerutils-devel < 1:009-0.6.p1
a63ef9 |
Requires: kernel-tools-libs = %{version}-%{release}
a63ef9 |
Provides: kernel-tools-devel
a63ef9 |
%description -n kernel-tools-libs-devel
a63ef9 |
This package contains the development files for the tools/ directory from
a63ef9 |
the kernel source.
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%package -n kernel-tools-debuginfo
a63ef9 |
Summary: Debug information for package kernel-tools
a63ef9 |
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}
a63ef9 |
AutoReqProv: no
a63ef9 |
%description -n kernel-tools-debuginfo
a63ef9 |
This package provides debug information for package kernel-tools.
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
# Note that this pattern only works right to match the .build-id
a63ef9 |
# symlinks because of the trailing nonmatching alternation and
a63ef9 |
# the leading .*, because of find-debuginfo.sh's buggy handling
a63ef9 |
# of matching the pattern against the symlinks file.
a63ef9 |
%{expand:%%global _find_debuginfo_opts %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} -p '.*%%{_bindir}/centrino-decode(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/powernow-k8-decode(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/cpupower(\.debug)?|.*%%{_libdir}/libcpupower.*|.*%%{_bindir}/turbostat(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/x86_energy_perf_policy(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/tmon(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/lsgpio(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/gpio-hammer(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/gpio-event-mon(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/iio_event_monitor(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/iio_generic_buffer(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/lsiio(\.debug)?|XXX' -o kernel-tools-debuginfo.list}
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%endif # with_tools
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-debuginfo package.
e336be |
# %%kernel_debuginfo_package <subpackage>
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_debuginfo_package() \
e336be |
%package %{?1:%{1}-}debuginfo\
e336be |
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}\
e336be |
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
e336be |
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
e336be |
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel)\
e336be |
AutoReqProv: no\
e336be |
%description %{?1:%{1}-}debuginfo\
e336be |
This package provides debug information for package %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}.\
e336be |
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-%{KVERREL}.\
e336be |
%{expand:%%global _find_debuginfo_opts %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} -p '/.*/%%{KVERREL}%{?1:[+]%{1}}/.*|/.*%%{KVERREL}%{?1:\+%{1}}(\.debug)?' -o debuginfo%{?1}.list}\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-devel package.
e336be |
# %%kernel_devel_package <subpackage> <pretty-name>
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_devel_package() \
e336be |
%package %{?1:%{1}-}devel\
e336be |
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the %{?2:%{2} }kernel\
e336be |
Provides: kernel%{?1:-%{1}}-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
e336be |
Provides: kernel-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Provides: kernel-devel-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel)\
e336be |
AutoReqProv: no\
e336be |
Requires(pre): findutils\
e336be |
Requires: findutils\
e336be |
Requires: perl-interpreter\
e336be |
%description %{?1:%{1}-}devel\
e336be |
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules\
e336be |
against the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package.\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-modules-extra package.
e336be |
# %%kernel_modules_extra_package <subpackage> <pretty-name>
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_modules_extra_package() \
e336be |
%package %{?1:%{1}-}modules-extra\
e336be |
Summary: Extra kernel modules to match the %{?2:%{2} }kernel\
e336be |
Provides: kernel%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-extra-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
e336be |
Provides: kernel%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-extra-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Provides: kernel%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-extra = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel-module)\
e336be |
Provides: kernel%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-extra-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Requires: kernel-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Requires: kernel%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
AutoReq: no\
e336be |
AutoProv: yes\
e336be |
%description %{?1:%{1}-}modules-extra\
e336be |
This package provides less commonly used kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package.\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-modules package.
e336be |
# %%kernel_modules_package <subpackage> <pretty-name>
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_modules_package() \
e336be |
%package %{?1:%{1}-}modules\
e336be |
Summary: kernel modules to match the %{?2:%{2}-}core kernel\
e336be |
Provides: kernel%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
e336be |
Provides: kernel-modules-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Provides: kernel-modules = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel-module)\
e336be |
Provides: kernel%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Requires: kernel-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
AutoReq: no\
e336be |
AutoProv: yes\
e336be |
%description %{?1:%{1}-}modules\
e336be |
This package provides commonly used kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2}-}core kernel package.\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# this macro creates a kernel-<subpackage> meta package.
e336be |
# %%kernel_meta_package <subpackage>
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_meta_package() \
e336be |
%package %{1}\
e336be |
summary: kernel meta-package for the %{1} kernel\
e336be |
Requires: kernel-%{1}-core-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}+%{1}\
e336be |
Requires: kernel-%{1}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}+%{1}\
e336be |
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel)\
e336be |
%description %{1}\
e336be |
The meta-package for the %{1} kernel\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage> and its -devel and -debuginfo too.
e336be |
# %%define variant_summary The Linux kernel compiled for <configuration>
e336be |
# %%kernel_variant_package [-n <pretty-name>] <subpackage>
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_variant_package(n:) \
e336be |
%package %{?1:%{1}-}core\
e336be |
Summary: %{variant_summary}\
e336be |
Provides: kernel-%{?1:%{1}-}core-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel)\
e336be |
%ifarch %{power64}\
e336be |
Obsoletes: kernel-bootwrapper\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{?1:1} %{!?1:0} \
e336be |
%{expand:%%kernel_meta_package %{?1:%{1}}}\
e336be |
e336be |
%{expand:%%kernel_devel_package %{?1:%{1}} %{!?{-n}:%{1}}%{?{-n}:%{-n*}}}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%kernel_modules_package %{?1:%{1}} %{!?{-n}:%{1}}%{?{-n}:%{-n*}}}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%kernel_modules_extra_package %{?1:%{1}} %{!?{-n}:%{1}}%{?{-n}:%{-n*}}}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%kernel_debuginfo_package %{?1:%{1}}}\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Now, each variant package.
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_pae}
e336be |
%ifnarch armv7hl
e336be |
%define variant_summary The Linux kernel compiled for PAE capable machines
e336be |
%kernel_variant_package %{pae}
e336be |
%description %{pae}-core
e336be |
This package includes a version of the Linux kernel with support for up to
e336be |
64GB of high memory. It requires a CPU with Physical Address Extensions (PAE).
e336be |
The non-PAE kernel can only address up to 4GB of memory.
e336be |
Install the kernel-PAE package if your machine has more than 4GB of memory.
e336be |
e336be |
%define variant_summary The Linux kernel compiled for Cortex-A15
e336be |
%kernel_variant_package %{pae}
e336be |
%description %{pae}-core
e336be |
This package includes a version of the Linux kernel with support for
e336be |
Cortex-A15 devices with LPAE and HW virtualisation support
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%define variant_summary The Linux kernel compiled with extra debugging enabled for PAE capable machines
e336be |
%kernel_variant_package %{pae}debug
e336be |
Obsoletes: kernel-PAE-debug
e336be |
%description %{pae}debug-core
e336be |
This package includes a version of the Linux kernel with support for up to
e336be |
64GB of high memory. It requires a CPU with Physical Address Extensions (PAE).
e336be |
The non-PAE kernel can only address up to 4GB of memory.
e336be |
Install the kernel-PAE package if your machine has more than 4GB of memory.
e336be |
e336be |
This variant of the kernel has numerous debugging options enabled.
e336be |
It should only be installed when trying to gather additional information
e336be |
on kernel bugs, as some of these options impact performance noticably.
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%define variant_summary The Linux kernel compiled with extra debugging enabled
e336be |
%kernel_variant_package debug
e336be |
%description debug-core
e336be |
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
e336be |
Linux operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions
e336be |
of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device
e336be |
input and output, etc.
e336be |
e336be |
This variant of the kernel has numerous debugging options enabled.
e336be |
It should only be installed when trying to gather additional information
e336be |
on kernel bugs, as some of these options impact performance noticably.
e336be |
e336be |
# And finally the main -core package
e336be |
e336be |
%define variant_summary The Linux kernel
e336be |
e336be |
%description core
e336be |
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
e336be |
Linux operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions
e336be |
of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device
e336be |
input and output, etc.
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# do a few sanity-checks for --with *only builds
e336be |
%if %{with_baseonly}
e336be |
%if !%{with_up}%{with_pae}
e336be |
echo "Cannot build --with baseonly, up build is disabled"
e336be |
exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if "%{baserelease}" == "0"
e336be |
echo "baserelease must be greater than zero"
e336be |
exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# more sanity checking; do it quietly
e336be |
if [ "%{patches}" != "%%{patches}" ] ; then
e336be |
for patch in %{patches} ; do
e336be |
if [ ! -f $patch ] ; then
e336be |
echo "ERROR: Patch ${patch##/*/} listed in specfile but is missing"
e336be |
exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
fi 2>/dev/null
e336be |
e336be |
patch_command='patch -p1 -F1 -s'
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
local patch=$1
e336be |
e336be |
if [ ! -f $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch ]; then
e336be |
exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
if ! grep -E "^Patch[0-9]+: $patch\$" %{_specdir}/${RPM_PACKAGE_NAME%%%%%{?variant}}.spec ; then
e336be |
if [ "${patch:0:8}" != "patch-4." ] ; then
e336be |
echo "ERROR: Patch $patch not listed as a source patch in specfile"
e336be |
exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
fi 2>/dev/null
e336be |
case "$patch" in
e336be |
*.bz2) bunzip2 < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" | $patch_command ${1+"$@"} ;;
e336be |
*.gz) gunzip < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" | $patch_command ${1+"$@"} ;;
e336be |
*.xz) unxz < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" | $patch_command ${1+"$@"} ;;
e336be |
*) $patch_command ${1+"$@"} < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" ;;
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# don't apply patch if it's empty
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
local patch=$1
e336be |
e336be |
if [ ! -f $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch ]; then
e336be |
exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
local C=$(wc -l $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch | awk '{print $1}')
e336be |
if [ "$C" -gt 9 ]; then
e336be |
ApplyPatch $patch ${1+"$@"}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# First we unpack the kernel tarball.
e336be |
# If this isn't the first make prep, we use links to the existing clean tarball
e336be |
# which speeds things up quite a bit.
e336be |
e336be |
# Update to latest upstream.
e336be |
%if 0%{?released_kernel}
e336be |
%define vanillaversion 4.%{base_sublevel}
e336be |
# non-released_kernel case
e336be |
e336be |
%if 0%{?rcrev}
e336be |
%define vanillaversion 4.%{upstream_sublevel}-rc%{rcrev}
e336be |
%if 0%{?gitrev}
e336be |
%define vanillaversion 4.%{upstream_sublevel}-rc%{rcrev}-git%{gitrev}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# pre-{base_sublevel+1}-rc1 case
e336be |
%if 0%{?gitrev}
e336be |
%define vanillaversion 4.%{base_sublevel}-git%{gitrev}
e336be |
e336be |
%define vanillaversion 4.%{base_sublevel}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# %%{vanillaversion} : the full version name, e.g. 2.6.35-rc6-git3
e336be |
# %%{kversion} : the base version, e.g. 2.6.34
e336be |
e336be |
# Use kernel-%%{kversion}%%{?dist} as the top-level directory name
e336be |
# so we can prep different trees within a single git directory.
e336be |
e336be |
# Build a list of the other top-level kernel tree directories.
e336be |
# This will be used to hardlink identical vanilla subdirs.
e336be |
sharedirs=$(find "$PWD" -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'kernel-4.*' \
e336be |
| grep -x -v "$PWD"/kernel-%{kversion}%{?dist}) ||:
e336be |
e336be |
# Delete all old stale trees.
e336be |
if [ -d kernel-%{kversion}%{?dist} ]; then
e336be |
cd kernel-%{kversion}%{?dist}
e336be |
for i in linux-*
e336be |
e336be |
if [ -d $i ]; then
e336be |
# Just in case we ctrl-c'd a prep already
e336be |
rm -rf deleteme.%{_target_cpu}
e336be |
# Move away the stale away, and delete in background.
e336be |
mv $i deleteme-$i
e336be |
rm -rf deleteme* &
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
cd ..
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Generate new tree
e336be |
if [ ! -d kernel-%{kversion}%{?dist}/vanilla-%{vanillaversion} ]; then
e336be |
e336be |
if [ -d kernel-%{kversion}%{?dist}/vanilla-%{kversion} ]; then
e336be |
e336be |
# The base vanilla version already exists.
e336be |
cd kernel-%{kversion}%{?dist}
e336be |
e336be |
# Any vanilla-* directories other than the base one are stale.
e336be |
for dir in vanilla-*; do
e336be |
[ "$dir" = vanilla-%{kversion} ] || rm -rf $dir &
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
rm -f pax_global_header
e336be |
# Look for an identical base vanilla dir that can be hardlinked.
e336be |
for sharedir in $sharedirs ; do
e336be |
if [[ ! -z $sharedir && -d $sharedir/vanilla-%{kversion} ]] ; then
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
if [[ ! -z $sharedir && -d $sharedir/vanilla-%{kversion} ]] ; then
e336be |
%setup -q -n kernel-%{kversion}%{?dist} -c -T
e336be |
cp -al $sharedir/vanilla-%{kversion} .
e336be |
e336be |
%setup -q -n kernel-%{kversion}%{?dist} -c
e336be |
mv linux-%{kversion} vanilla-%{kversion}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if "%{kversion}" != "%{vanillaversion}"
e336be |
e336be |
for sharedir in $sharedirs ; do
e336be |
if [[ ! -z $sharedir && -d $sharedir/vanilla-%{vanillaversion} ]] ; then
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
if [[ ! -z $sharedir && -d $sharedir/vanilla-%{vanillaversion} ]] ; then
e336be |
e336be |
cp -al $sharedir/vanilla-%{vanillaversion} .
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Need to apply patches to the base vanilla version.
e336be |
cp -al vanilla-%{kversion} vanilla-%{vanillaversion}
e336be |
cd vanilla-%{vanillaversion}
e336be |
e336be |
cp %{SOURCE12} .
e336be |
e336be |
# Update vanilla to the latest upstream.
e336be |
# (non-released_kernel case only)
e336be |
%if 0%{?rcrev}
e336be |
xzcat %{SOURCE5000} | ./remove-binary-diff.pl | patch -p1 -F1 -s
e336be |
%if 0%{?gitrev}
e336be |
xzcat %{SOURCE5001} | ./remove-binary-diff.pl | patch -p1 -F1 -s
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# pre-{base_sublevel+1}-rc1 case
e336be |
%if 0%{?gitrev}
e336be |
xzcat %{SOURCE5000} | ./remove-binary-diff.pl | patch -p1 -F1 -s
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
git init
e336be |
git config user.email "noreply@centos.org"
e336be |
git config user.name "AltArch Kernel"
e336be |
git config gc.auto 0
e336be |
git add .
e336be |
git commit -a -q -m "baseline"
e336be |
e336be |
cd ..
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# We already have all vanilla dirs, just change to the top-level directory.
e336be |
cd kernel-%{kversion}%{?dist}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Now build the fedora kernel tree.
e336be |
cp -al vanilla-%{vanillaversion} linux-%{KVERREL}
e336be |
e336be |
cd linux-%{KVERREL}
e336be |
if [ ! -d .git ]; then
e336be |
git init
e336be |
git config user.email "noreply@centos.org"
e336be |
git config user.name "AltArch Kernel"
e336be |
git config gc.auto 0
e336be |
git add .
e336be |
git commit -a -q -m "baseline"
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# released_kernel with possible stable updates
e336be |
%if 0%{?stable_base}
e336be |
# This is special because the kernel spec is hell and nothing is consistent
e336be |
xzcat %{SOURCE5000} | patch -p1 -F1 -s
e336be |
git commit -a -m "Stable update"
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Note: Even in the "nopatches" path some patches (build tweaks and compile
e336be |
# fixes) will always get applied; see patch defition above for details
e336be |
e336be |
git am %{patches}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Any further pre-build tree manipulations happen here.
e336be |
e336be |
chmod +x scripts/checkpatch.pl
e336be |
chmod +x tools/objtool/sync-check.sh
e336be |
mv COPYING COPYING-%{version}
e336be |
e336be |
# This Prevents scripts/setlocalversion from mucking with our version numbers.
e336be |
touch .scmversion
e336be |
e336be |
# Deal with configs stuff
e336be |
mkdir configs
e336be |
cd configs
e336be |
e336be |
# Drop some necessary files from the source dir into the buildroot
e336be |
cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-*.config .
e336be |
cp %{SOURCE1000} .
e336be |
cp %{SOURCE15} .
e336be |
cp %{SOURCE40} .
e336be |
cp %{SOURCE41} .
e336be |
cp %{SOURCE43} .
e336be |
e336be |
%if !%{debugbuildsenabled}
e336be |
# The normal build is a really debug build and the user has explicitly requested
e336be |
# a release kernel. Change the config files into non-debug versions.
e336be |
%if !%{with_release}
e336be |
VERSION=%{version} ./generate_debug_configs.sh
e336be |
e336be |
VERSION=%{version} ./generate_all_configs.sh
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
VERSION=%{version} ./generate_all_configs.sh
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Merge in any user-provided local config option changes
e336be |
%ifnarch %nobuildarches
e336be |
for i in %{all_arch_configs}
e336be |
e336be |
mv $i $i.tmp
e336be |
./merge.pl %{SOURCE1000} $i.tmp > $i
e336be |
rm $i.tmp
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# only deal with configs if we are going to build for the arch
e336be |
%ifnarch %nobuildarches
e336be |
e336be |
%if !%{debugbuildsenabled}
e336be |
rm -f kernel-%{version}-*debug.config
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%define make make %{?cross_opts}
e336be |
e336be |
CheckConfigs() {
e336be |
./check_configs.awk $1 $2 > .mismatches
e336be |
if [ -s .mismatches ]
e336be |
e336be |
echo "Error: Mismatches found in configuration files"
e336be |
cat .mismatches
e336be |
exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
cp %{SOURCE42} .
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{listnewconfig_fail}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{configmismatch_fail}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
./process_configs.sh $OPTS kernel %{rpmversion}
e336be |
e336be |
# end of kernel config
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
cd ..
e336be |
# End of Configs stuff
e336be |
e336be |
# get rid of unwanted files resulting from patch fuzz
e336be |
find . \( -name "*.orig" -o -name "*~" \) -delete >/dev/null
e336be |
e336be |
# remove unnecessary SCM files
e336be |
find . -name .gitignore -delete >/dev/null
e336be |
e336be |
cd ..
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
### build
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_sparse}
e336be |
%define sparse_mflags C=1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
eu-strip --remove-comment -o "$2" "$1"
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# These are for host programs that get built as part of the kernel and
e336be |
# are required to be packaged in kernel-devel for building external modules.
e336be |
# Since they are userspace binaries, they are required to pickup the hardening
e336be |
# flags defined in the macros. The --build-id=uuid is a trick to get around
e336be |
# debuginfo limitations: Typically, find-debuginfo.sh will update the build
e336be |
# id of all binaries to allow for parllel debuginfo installs. The kernel
e336be |
# can't use this because it breaks debuginfo for the vDSO so we have to
e336be |
# use a special mechanism for kernel and modules to be unique. Unfortunately,
e336be |
# we still have userspace binaries which need unique debuginfo and because
e336be |
# they come from the kernel package, we can't just use find-debuginfo.sh to
e336be |
# rewrite only those binaries. The easiest option right now is just to have
e336be |
# the build id be a uuid for the host programs.
e336be |
e336be |
# Note we need to disable these flags for cross builds because the flags
e336be |
# from redhat-rpm-config assume that host == target so target arch
e336be |
# flags cause issues with the host compiler.
e336be |
%if !%{with_cross}
e336be |
%define build_hostcflags %{?build_cflags}
e336be |
%define build_hostldflags %{?build_ldflags} -Wl,--build-id=uuid
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
BuildKernel() {
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Pick the right config file for the kernel we're building
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# When the bootable image is just the ELF kernel, strip it.
e336be |
# We already copy the unstripped file into the debuginfo package.
e336be |
if [ "$KernelImage" = vmlinux ]; then
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
echo BUILDING A KERNEL FOR ${Flavour} %{_target_cpu}...
e336be |
e336be |
%if 0%{?stable_update}
e336be |
# make sure SUBLEVEL is incremented on a stable release. Sigh 3.x.
e336be |
perl -p -i -e "s/^SUBLEVEL.*/SUBLEVEL = %{?stablerev}/" Makefile
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# make sure EXTRAVERSION says what we want it to say
e336be |
# Trim the release if this is a CI build, since KERNELVERSION is limited to 64 characters
e336be |
ShortRel=$(perl -e "print \"%{release}\" =~ s/\.pr\.[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}//r")
e336be |
perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -${ShortRel}.%{_target_cpu}${Flav}/" Makefile
e336be |
e336be |
# if pre-rc1 devel kernel, must fix up PATCHLEVEL for our versioning scheme
e336be |
%if !0%{?rcrev}
e336be |
%if 0%{?gitrev}
e336be |
perl -p -i -e 's/^PATCHLEVEL.*/PATCHLEVEL = %{upstream_sublevel}/' Makefile
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# and now to start the build process
e336be |
e336be |
make %{?make_opts} mrproper
e336be |
cp configs/$Config .config
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{signkernel}%{signmodules}
e336be |
cp %{SOURCE11} certs/.
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
Arch=`head -1 .config | cut -b 3-`
e336be |
echo USING ARCH=$Arch
e336be |
e336be |
make %{?make_opts} HOSTCFLAGS="%{?build_hostcflags}" HOSTLDFLAGS="%{?build_hostldflags}" ARCH=$Arch olddefconfig
e336be |
e336be |
# This ensures build-ids are unique to allow parallel debuginfo
e336be |
perl -p -i -e "s/^CONFIG_BUILD_SALT.*/CONFIG_BUILD_SALT=\"%{KVERREL}\"/" .config
e336be |
%{make} %{?make_opts} HOSTCFLAGS="%{?build_hostcflags}" HOSTLDFLAGS="%{?build_hostldflags}" ARCH=$Arch %{?_smp_mflags} $MakeTarget %{?sparse_mflags} %{?kernel_mflags}
e336be |
%{make} %{?make_opts} HOSTCFLAGS="%{?build_hostcflags}" HOSTLDFLAGS="%{?build_hostldflags}" ARCH=$Arch %{?_smp_mflags} modules %{?sparse_mflags} || exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer
e336be |
%if %{with_debuginfo}
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{debuginfodir}/%{image_install_path}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%ifarch %{arm} aarch64
e336be |
%{make} %{?make_opts} ARCH=$Arch dtbs dtbs_install INSTALL_DTBS_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/dtb-$KernelVer
e336be |
cp -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/dtb-$KernelVer $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dtb
e336be |
find arch/$Arch/boot/dts -name '*.dtb' -type f -delete
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Start installing the results
e336be |
install -m 644 .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/config-$KernelVer
e336be |
install -m 644 .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/config
e336be |
install -m 644 System.map $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/System.map-$KernelVer
e336be |
install -m 644 System.map $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/System.map
e336be |
e336be |
# We estimate the size of the initramfs because rpm needs to take this size
e336be |
# into consideration when performing disk space calculations. (See bz #530778)
e336be |
dd if=/dev/zero of=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/initramfs-$KernelVer.img bs=1M count=20
e336be |
e336be |
if [ -f arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub ]; then
e336be |
cp arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/zImage.stub-$KernelVer || :
e336be |
cp arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/zImage.stub-$KernelVer || :
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{signkernel}
e336be |
# Sign the image if we're using EFI
e336be |
%pesign -s -i $KernelImage -o vmlinuz.signed
e336be |
if [ ! -s vmlinuz.signed ]; then
e336be |
echo "pesigning failed"
e336be |
exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
mv vmlinuz.signed $KernelImage
e336be |
e336be |
$CopyKernel $KernelImage \
e336be |
e336be |
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer
e336be |
cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/$InstallName
e336be |
e336be |
# hmac sign the kernel for FIPS
e336be |
echo "Creating hmac file: $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-$KernelVer.hmac"
e336be |
ls -l $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer
e336be |
sha512hmac $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer | sed -e "s,$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,," > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-$KernelVer.hmac;
e336be |
cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-$KernelVer.hmac $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/.vmlinuz.hmac
e336be |
e336be |
# Override $(mod-fw) because we don't want it to install any firmware
e336be |
# we'll get it from the linux-firmware package and we don't want conflicts
e336be |
%{make} %{?make_opts} ARCH=$Arch INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT modules_install KERNELRELEASE=$KernelVer mod-fw=
e336be |
e336be |
# add an a noop %%defattr statement 'cause rpm doesn't like empty file list files
e336be |
echo '%%defattr(-,-,-)' > ../kernel${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-ldsoconf.list
e336be |
if [ $DoVDSO -ne 0 ]; then
e336be |
%{make} %{?make_opts} ARCH=$Arch INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT vdso_install KERNELRELEASE=$KernelVer
e336be |
if [ -s ldconfig-kernel.conf ]; then
e336be |
install -D -m 444 ldconfig-kernel.conf \
e336be |
e336be |
echo /etc/ld.so.conf.d/kernel-$KernelVer.conf >> ../kernel${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-ldsoconf.list
e336be |
e336be |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/vdso/.build-id
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# And save the headers/makefiles etc for building modules against
e336be |
e336be |
# This all looks scary, but the end result is supposed to be:
e336be |
# * all arch relevant include/ files
e336be |
# * all Makefile/Kconfig files
e336be |
# * all script/ files
e336be |
e336be |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
e336be |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/source
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
e336be |
(cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer ; ln -s build source)
e336be |
# dirs for additional modules per module-init-tools, kbuild/modules.txt
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/extra
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/updates
e336be |
# first copy everything
e336be |
cp --parents `find -type f -name "Makefile*" -o -name "Kconfig*"` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
e336be |
cp Module.symvers $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
e336be |
cp System.map $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
e336be |
if [ -s Module.markers ]; then
e336be |
cp Module.markers $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
e336be |
e336be |
# then drop all but the needed Makefiles/Kconfig files
e336be |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/Documentation
e336be |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts
e336be |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
e336be |
cp .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
e336be |
cp -a scripts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
e336be |
if [ -f tools/objtool/objtool ]; then
e336be |
cp -a tools/objtool/objtool $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/tools/objtool/ || :
e336be |
# these are a few files associated with objtool
e336be |
cp -a --parents tools/build/Build.include $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents tools/build/Build $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents tools/build/fixdep.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents tools/scripts/utilities.mak $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
# also more than necessary but it's not that many more files
e336be |
cp -a --parents tools/objtool/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents tools/lib/str_error_r.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents tools/lib/string.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents tools/lib/subcmd/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
e336be |
if [ -d arch/$Arch/scripts ]; then
e336be |
cp -a arch/$Arch/scripts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/%{_arch} || :
e336be |
e336be |
if [ -f arch/$Arch/*lds ]; then
e336be |
cp -a arch/$Arch/*lds $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/%{_arch}/ || :
e336be |
e336be |
if [ -f arch/%{asmarch}/kernel/module.lds ]; then
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/%{asmarch}/kernel/module.lds $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
e336be |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/*.o
e336be |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/*/*.o
e336be |
%ifarch %{power64}
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/powerpc/lib/crtsavres.[So] $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
e336be |
if [ -d arch/%{asmarch}/include ]; then
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/%{asmarch}/include $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
e336be |
%ifarch aarch64
e336be |
# arch/arm64/include/asm/xen references arch/arm
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/arm/include/asm/xen $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
# arch/arm64/include/asm/opcodes.h references arch/arm
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/arm/include/asm/opcodes.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
e336be |
# include the machine specific headers for ARM variants, if available.
e336be |
%ifarch %{arm}
e336be |
if [ -d arch/%{asmarch}/mach-${Flavour}/include ]; then
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/%{asmarch}/mach-${Flavour}/include $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
e336be |
# include a few files for 'make prepare'
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/arm/tools/gen-mach-types $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/arm/tools/mach-types $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
cp -a include $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
e336be |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
e336be |
# files for 'make prepare' to succeed with kernel-devel
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscalltbl.sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscallhdr.sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/tools/relocs_32.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/tools/relocs_64.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/tools/relocs.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/tools/relocs_common.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/tools/relocs.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
# Yes this is more includes than we probably need. Feel free to sort out
e336be |
# dependencies if you so choose.
e336be |
cp -a --parents tools/include/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/purgatory/purgatory.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/purgatory/stack.S $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/purgatory/string.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/purgatory/setup-x86_64.S $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/purgatory/entry64.S $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/boot/string.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/boot/string.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
cp -a --parents arch/x86/boot/ctype.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
e336be |
e336be |
# Make sure the Makefile and version.h have a matching timestamp so that
e336be |
# external modules can be built
e336be |
touch -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/Makefile $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h
e336be |
e336be |
# Copy .config to include/config/auto.conf so "make prepare" is unnecessary.
e336be |
cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/.config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/config/auto.conf
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_debuginfo}
e336be |
eu-readelf -n vmlinux | grep "Build ID" | awk '{print $NF}' > vmlinux.id
e336be |
cp vmlinux.id $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/vmlinux.id
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# save the vmlinux file for kernel debugging into the kernel-debuginfo rpm
e336be |
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{debuginfodir}/lib/modules/$KernelVer
e336be |
cp vmlinux $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{debuginfodir}/lib/modules/$KernelVer
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer -name "*.ko" -type f >modnames
e336be |
e336be |
# mark modules executable so that strip-to-file can strip them
e336be |
xargs --no-run-if-empty chmod u+x < modnames
e336be |
e336be |
# Generate a list of modules for block and networking.
e336be |
e336be |
grep -F /drivers/ modnames | xargs --no-run-if-empty nm -upA |
e336be |
sed -n 's,^.*/\([^/]*\.ko\): *U \(.*\)$,\1 \2,p' > drivers.undef
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
sed -r -n -e "s/^([^ ]+) \\.?($2)\$/\\1/p" drivers.undef |
e336be |
LC_ALL=C sort -u > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.$1
e336be |
if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then
e336be |
sed -r -e "/^($3)\$/d" -i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.$1
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
collect_modules_list networking \
e336be |
e336be |
collect_modules_list block \
e336be |
'ata_scsi_ioctl|scsi_add_host|scsi_add_host_with_dma|blk_alloc_queue|blk_init_queue|register_mtd_blktrans|scsi_esp_register|scsi_register_device_handler|blk_queue_physical_block_size' 'pktcdvd.ko|dm-mod.ko'
e336be |
collect_modules_list drm \
e336be |
e336be |
collect_modules_list modesetting \
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# detect missing or incorrect license tags
e336be |
( find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer -name '*.ko' | xargs /sbin/modinfo -l | \
e336be |
grep -E -v 'GPL( v2)?$|Dual BSD/GPL$|Dual MPL/GPL$|GPL and additional rights$' ) && exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
# remove files that will be auto generated by depmod at rpm -i time
e336be |
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/
e336be |
rm -f modules.{alias*,builtin.bin,dep*,*map,symbols*,devname,softdep}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Call the modules-extra script to move things around
e336be |
%{SOURCE17} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer %{SOURCE16}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Generate the kernel-core and kernel-modules files lists
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Copy the System.map file for depmod to use, and create a backup of the
e336be |
# full module tree so we can restore it after we're done filtering
e336be |
cp System.map $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/.
e336be |
e336be |
mkdir restore
e336be |
cp -r lib/modules/$KernelVer/* restore/.
e336be |
e336be |
# don't include anything going into k-m-e in the file lists
e336be |
rm -rf lib/modules/$KernelVer/extra
e336be |
e336be |
# Find all the module files and filter them out into the core and modules
e336be |
# lists. This actually removes anything going into -modules from the dir.
e336be |
find lib/modules/$KernelVer/kernel -name *.ko | sort -n > modules.list
e336be |
cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/filter-*.sh .
e336be |
%{SOURCE99} modules.list %{_target_cpu}
e336be |
rm filter-*.sh
e336be |
e336be |
# Run depmod on the resulting module tree and make sure it isn't broken
e336be |
depmod -b . -aeF ./System.map $KernelVer &> depmod.out
e336be |
if [ -s depmod.out ]; then
e336be |
echo "Depmod failure"
e336be |
cat depmod.out
e336be |
exit 1
e336be |
e336be |
rm depmod.out
e336be |
e336be |
# remove files that will be auto generated by depmod at rpm -i time
e336be |
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/
e336be |
rm -f modules.{alias*,builtin.bin,dep*,*map,symbols*,devname,softdep}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Go back and find all of the various directories in the tree. We use this
e336be |
# for the dir lists in kernel-core
e336be |
find lib/modules/$KernelVer/kernel -mindepth 1 -type d | sort -n > module-dirs.list
e336be |
e336be |
# Cleanup
e336be |
rm System.map
e336be |
cp -r restore/* lib/modules/$KernelVer/.
e336be |
rm -rf restore
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Make sure the files lists start with absolute paths or rpmbuild fails.
e336be |
# Also add in the dir entries
e336be |
sed -e 's/^lib*/\/lib/' %{?zipsed} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/k-d.list > ../kernel${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-modules.list
e336be |
sed -e 's/^lib*/%dir \/lib/' %{?zipsed} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/module-dirs.list > ../kernel${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-core.list
e336be |
sed -e 's/^lib*/\/lib/' %{?zipsed} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/modules.list >> ../kernel${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-core.list
e336be |
e336be |
# Cleanup
e336be |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/k-d.list
e336be |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/modules.list
e336be |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/module-dirs.list
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{signmodules}
e336be |
# Save the signing keys so we can sign the modules in __modsign_install_post
e336be |
cp certs/signing_key.pem certs/signing_key.pem.sign${Flav}
e336be |
cp certs/signing_key.x509 certs/signing_key.x509.sign${Flav}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Move the devel headers out of the root file system
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src/kernels
e336be |
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelDir
e336be |
e336be |
# This is going to create a broken link during the build, but we don't use
e336be |
# it after this point. We need the link to actually point to something
e336be |
# when kernel-devel is installed, and a relative link doesn't work across
e336be |
# the F17 UsrMove feature.
e336be |
ln -sf $DevelDir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
e336be |
e336be |
# prune junk from kernel-devel
e336be |
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src/kernels -name ".*.cmd" -delete
e336be |
e336be |
# build a BLS config for this kernel
e336be |
%{SOURCE43} "$KernelVer" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" "%{?variant}"
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# DO it...
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# prepare directories
e336be |
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}
e336be |
e336be |
cd linux-%{KVERREL}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_debug}
e336be |
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image %{_use_vdso} debug
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_pae_debug}
e336be |
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image %{use_vdso} %{pae}debug
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_pae}
e336be |
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image %{use_vdso} %{pae}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_up}
e336be |
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image %{_use_vdso}
e336be |
e336be |
a63ef9 |
%global perf_make \
a63ef9 |
make -s EXTRA_CFLAGS="${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}" LDFLAGS="%{__global_ldflags}" %{?cross_opts} -C tools/perf V=1 NO_PERF_READ_VDSO32=1 NO_PERF_READ_VDSOX32=1 WERROR=0 NO_LIBUNWIND=1 HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 NO_GTK2=1 NO_STRLCPY=1 NO_BIONIC=1 NO_JVMTI=1 prefix=%{_prefix}
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_perf}
a63ef9 |
# perf
a63ef9 |
# make sure check-headers.sh is executable
a63ef9 |
chmod +x tools/perf/check-headers.sh
a63ef9 |
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT all
a63ef9 |
# Build the docs
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/kvm/kvm_stat/
a63ef9 |
make %{?_smp_mflags} man
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/perf/Documentation/
a63ef9 |
make %{?_smp_mflags} man
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_tools}
a63ef9 |
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
a63ef9 |
# cpupower
a63ef9 |
# make sure version-gen.sh is executable.
a63ef9 |
chmod +x tools/power/cpupower/utils/version-gen.sh
a63ef9 |
%{make} %{?_smp_mflags} -C tools/power/cpupower CPUFREQ_BENCH=false
a63ef9 |
%ifarch %{ix86}
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/power/cpupower/debug/i386
a63ef9 |
%{make} %{?_smp_mflags} centrino-decode powernow-k8-decode
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%ifarch x86_64
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/power/cpupower/debug/x86_64
a63ef9 |
%{make} %{?_smp_mflags} centrino-decode powernow-k8-decode
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/power/x86/x86_energy_perf_policy/
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/power/x86/turbostat
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%endif #turbostat/x86_energy_perf_policy
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/thermal/tmon/
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/iio/
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/gpio/
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
e336be |
# In the modsign case, we do 3 things. 1) We check the "flavour" and hard
e336be |
# code the value in the following invocations. This is somewhat sub-optimal
e336be |
# but we're doing this inside of an RPM macro and it isn't as easy as it
e336be |
# could be because of that. 2) We restore the .tmp_versions/ directory from
e336be |
# the one we saved off in BuildKernel above. This is to make sure we're
e336be |
# signing the modules we actually built/installed in that flavour. 3) We
e336be |
# grab the arch and invoke mod-sign.sh command to actually sign the modules.
e336be |
e336be |
# We have to do all of those things _after_ find-debuginfo runs, otherwise
e336be |
# that will strip the signature off of the modules.
e336be |
e336be |
%define __modsign_install_post \
e336be |
if [ "%{signmodules}" -eq "1" ]; then \
e336be |
if [ "%{with_pae}" -ne "0" ]; then \
e336be |
%{modsign_cmd} certs/signing_key.pem.sign+%{pae} certs/signing_key.x509.sign+%{pae} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{KVERREL}+%{pae}/ \
e336be |
fi \
e336be |
if [ "%{with_debug}" -ne "0" ]; then \
e336be |
%{modsign_cmd} certs/signing_key.pem.sign+debug certs/signing_key.x509.sign+debug $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{KVERREL}+debug/ \
e336be |
fi \
e336be |
if [ "%{with_pae_debug}" -ne "0" ]; then \
e336be |
%{modsign_cmd} certs/signing_key.pem.sign+%{pae}debug certs/signing_key.x509.sign+%{pae}debug $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{KVERREL}+%{pae}debug/ \
e336be |
fi \
e336be |
if [ "%{with_up}" -ne "0" ]; then \
e336be |
%{modsign_cmd} certs/signing_key.pem.sign certs/signing_key.x509.sign $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{KVERREL}/ \
e336be |
fi \
e336be |
fi \
e336be |
if [ "%{zipmodules}" -eq "1" ]; then \
e336be |
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/ -type f -name '*.ko' | xargs xz; \
e336be |
fi \
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
### Special hacks for debuginfo subpackages.
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro is used by %%install, so we must redefine it before that.
e336be |
%define debug_package %{nil}
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_debuginfo}
e336be |
e336be |
%ifnarch noarch
e336be |
%global __debug_package 1
e336be |
%files -f debugfiles.list debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Disgusting hack alert! We need to ensure we sign modules *after* all
e336be |
# invocations of strip occur, which is in __debug_install_post if
e336be |
# find-debuginfo.sh runs, and __os_install_post if not.
e336be |
e336be |
%define __spec_install_post \
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
### install
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
cd linux-%{KVERREL}
e336be |
e336be |
# We have to do the headers install before the tools install because the
e336be |
# kernel headers_install will remove any header files in /usr/include that
e336be |
# it doesn't install itself.
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_headers}
e336be |
# Install kernel headers
e336be |
make ARCH=%{hdrarch} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr headers_install
e336be |
e336be |
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include \
e336be |
\( -name .install -o -name .check -o \
e336be |
-name ..install.cmd -o -name ..check.cmd \) -delete
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_cross_headers}
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers
e336be |
make ARCH=%{hdrarch} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers headers_install_all
e336be |
e336be |
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include \
e336be |
\( -name .install -o -name .check -o \
e336be |
-name ..install.cmd -o -name ..check.cmd \) -delete
e336be |
e336be |
# Copy all the architectures we care about to their respective asm directories
e336be |
for arch in arm arm64 powerpc s390 x86 ; do
e336be |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/${arch}-linux-gnu/include
e336be |
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include/arch-${arch}/asm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/${arch}-linux-gnu/include/
e336be |
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include/asm-generic $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/${arch}-linux-gnu/include/.
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# Remove the rest of the architectures
e336be |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include/arch*
e336be |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include/asm-*
e336be |
e336be |
# Copy the rest of the headers over
e336be |
for arch in arm arm64 powerpc s390 x86 ; do
e336be |
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/${arch}-linux-gnu/include/.
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers
e336be |
e336be |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_perf}
a63ef9 |
# perf tool binary and supporting scripts/binaries
a63ef9 |
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT lib=%{_lib} install-bin install-traceevent-plugins
a63ef9 |
# remove the 'trace' symlink.
a63ef9 |
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/trace
a63ef9 |
# remove the perf-tips
a63ef9 |
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/perf-tip
a63ef9 |
26424c |
# For both of the below, yes, this should be using a macro but right now
26424c |
# it's hard coded and we don't actually want it anyway right now.
26424c |
# Whoever wants examples can fix it up!
26424c |
26424c |
# remove examples
26424c |
rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/lib/perf/examples
26424c |
# remove the stray header file that somehow got packaged in examples
26424c |
rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/lib/perf/include/bpf/
26424c |
a63ef9 |
# python-perf extension
a63ef9 |
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install-python_ext
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
# perf man pages (note: implicit rpm magic compresses them later)
a63ef9 |
install -d %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1
a63ef9 |
install -pm0644 tools/perf/Documentation/*.1 %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_tools}
a63ef9 |
install -pm0644 tools/kvm/kvm_stat/kvm_stat.1 %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_tools}
a63ef9 |
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
a63ef9 |
%{make} -C tools/power/cpupower DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT libdir=%{_libdir} mandir=%{_mandir} CPUFREQ_BENCH=false install
a63ef9 |
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.{a,la}
a63ef9 |
%find_lang cpupower
a63ef9 |
mv cpupower.lang ../
a63ef9 |
%ifarch %{ix86}
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/power/cpupower/debug/i386
a63ef9 |
install -m755 centrino-decode %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centrino-decode
a63ef9 |
install -m755 powernow-k8-decode %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/powernow-k8-decode
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%ifarch x86_64
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/power/cpupower/debug/x86_64
a63ef9 |
install -m755 centrino-decode %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centrino-decode
a63ef9 |
install -m755 powernow-k8-decode %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/powernow-k8-decode
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libcpupower.so*
a63ef9 |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
a63ef9 |
install -m644 %{SOURCE2000} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/cpupower.service
a63ef9 |
install -m644 %{SOURCE2001} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
a63ef9 |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/power/x86/x86_energy_perf_policy
a63ef9 |
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/power/x86/turbostat
a63ef9 |
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%endif #turbostat/x86_energy_perf_policy
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/thermal/tmon
a63ef9 |
make INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} install
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/iio
a63ef9 |
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/gpio
a63ef9 |
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
pushd tools/kvm/kvm_stat
a63ef9 |
make INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} install-tools
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
e336be |
e336be |
### clean
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
### scripts
e336be |
e336be |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_tools}
a63ef9 |
%post -n kernel-tools-libs
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%postun -n kernel-tools-libs
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel*-devel package.
e336be |
# %%kernel_devel_post [<subpackage>]
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_devel_post() \
e336be |
%{expand:%%post %{?1:%{1}-}devel}\
e336be |
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]\
e336be |
e336be |
. /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?\
e336be |
e336be |
if [ "$HARDLINK" != "no" -a -x /usr/sbin/hardlink ]\
e336be |
e336be |
(cd /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}} &&\
e336be |
/usr/bin/find . -type f | while read f; do\
e336be |
hardlink -c /usr/src/kernels/*.fc*.*/$f $f\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel*-modules-extra package.
e336be |
# It also defines a %%postun script that does the same thing.
e336be |
# %%kernel_modules_extra_post [<subpackage>]
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_modules_extra_post() \
e336be |
%{expand:%%post %{?1:%{1}-}modules-extra}\
e336be |
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
e336be |
%{expand:%%postun %{?1:%{1}-}modules-extra}\
e336be |
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel*-modules package.
e336be |
# It also defines a %%postun script that does the same thing.
e336be |
# %%kernel_modules_post [<subpackage>]
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_modules_post() \
e336be |
%{expand:%%post %{?1:%{1}-}modules}\
e336be |
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
e336be |
%{expand:%%postun %{?1:%{1}-}modules}\
e336be |
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro defines a %%posttrans script for a kernel package.
e336be |
# %%kernel_variant_posttrans [<subpackage>]
e336be |
# More text can follow to go at the end of this variant's %%post.
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_variant_posttrans() \
e336be |
%{expand:%%posttrans %{?1:%{1}-}core}\
e336be |
/bin/kernel-install add %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}} /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}/vmlinuz || exit $?\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel package and its devel package.
e336be |
# %%kernel_variant_post [-v <subpackage>] [-r <replace>]
e336be |
# More text can follow to go at the end of this variant's %%post.
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_variant_post(v:r:) \
e336be |
%{expand:%%kernel_devel_post %{?-v*}}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%kernel_modules_post %{?-v*}}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%kernel_modules_extra_post %{?-v*}}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%kernel_variant_posttrans %{?-v*}}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%post %{?-v*:%{-v*}-}core}\
e336be |
e336be |
if [ `uname -i` == "x86_64" -o `uname -i` == "i386" ] &&\
e336be |
[ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]; then\
e336be |
/bin/sed -r -i -e 's/^DEFAULTKERNEL=%{-r*}$/DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel%{?-v:-%{-v*}}/' /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro defines a %%preun script for a kernel package.
e336be |
# %%kernel_variant_preun <subpackage>
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_variant_preun() \
e336be |
%{expand:%%preun %{?1:%{1}-}core}\
e336be |
/bin/kernel-install remove %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}} /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}/vmlinuz || exit $?\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%kernel_variant_post -r kernel-smp
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_pae}
e336be |
%kernel_variant_preun %{pae}
e336be |
%kernel_variant_post -v %{pae} -r (kernel|kernel-smp)
e336be |
e336be |
%kernel_variant_post -v %{pae}debug -r (kernel|kernel-smp)
e336be |
%kernel_variant_preun %{pae}debug
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%kernel_variant_preun debug
e336be |
%kernel_variant_post -v debug
e336be |
e336be |
if [ -x /sbin/ldconfig ]
e336be |
e336be |
/sbin/ldconfig -X || exit $?
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
### file lists
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_headers}
e336be |
%files headers
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_cross_headers}
e336be |
%files cross-headers
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_perf}
a63ef9 |
%files -n perf
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%dir %{_libdir}/traceevent/plugins
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%dir %{_libexecdir}/perf-core
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%doc linux-%{KVERREL}/tools/perf/Documentation/examples.txt
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%files -n python-perf
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_debuginfo}
a63ef9 |
%files -f perf-debuginfo.list -n perf-debuginfo
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%files -f python-perf-debuginfo.list -n python-perf-debuginfo
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%endif # with_perf
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_tools}
a63ef9 |
%files -n kernel-tools -f cpupower.lang
a63ef9 |
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower
a63ef9 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%if %{with_debuginfo}
a63ef9 |
%files -f kernel-tools-debuginfo.list -n kernel-tools-debuginfo
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
a63ef9 |
%files -n kernel-tools-libs
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%files -n kernel-tools-libs-devel
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
a63ef9 |
%endif # with_perf
a63ef9 |
e336be |
# empty meta-package
e336be |
e336be |
# This is %%{image_install_path} on an arch where that includes ELF files,
e336be |
# or empty otherwise.
e336be |
%define elf_image_install_path %{?kernel_image_elf:%{image_install_path}}
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# This macro defines the %%files sections for a kernel package
e336be |
# and its devel and debuginfo packages.
e336be |
# %%kernel_variant_files [-k vmlinux] <condition> <subpackage>
e336be |
e336be |
%define kernel_variant_files(k:) \
e336be |
%if %{2}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%files -f kernel-%{?3:%{3}-}core.list %{?1:-f kernel-%{?3:%{3}-}ldsoconf.list} %{?3:%{3}-}core}\
e336be |
%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}\
e336be |
%license linux-%{KVERREL}/COPYING-%{version}\
e336be |
e336be |
%ghost /%{image_install_path}/%{?-k:%{-k*}}%{!?-k:vmlinuz}-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}\
e336be |
/lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}/.vmlinuz.hmac \
e336be |
%ghost /%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}.hmac \
e336be |
%ifarch %{arm} aarch64\
e336be |
/lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}/dtb \
e336be |
%ghost /%{image_install_path}/dtb-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}} \
e336be |
e336be |
%attr(600,root,root) /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}/System.map\
e336be |
%ghost /boot/System.map-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}\
e336be |
e336be |
%ghost /boot/config-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}\
e336be |
%ghost /boot/initramfs-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}.img\
e336be |
%dir /lib/modules\
e336be |
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}\
e336be |
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}/kernel\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{1}\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%{expand:%%files -f kernel-%{?3:%{3}-}modules.list %{?3:%{3}-}modules}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%files %{?3:%{3}-}devel}\
e336be |
%defverify(not mtime)\
e336be |
e336be |
%{expand:%%files %{?3:%{3}-}modules-extra}\
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{with_debuginfo}\
e336be |
%ifnarch noarch\
e336be |
%{expand:%%files -f debuginfo%{?3}.list %{?3:%{3}-}debuginfo}\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%if %{?3:1} %{!?3:0}\
e336be |
%{expand:%%files %{3}}\
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
%kernel_variant_files %{_use_vdso} %{with_up}
e336be |
%kernel_variant_files %{_use_vdso} %{with_debug} debug
e336be |
%kernel_variant_files %{use_vdso} %{with_pae} %{pae}
e336be |
%kernel_variant_files %{use_vdso} %{with_pae_debug} %{pae}debug
e336be |
e336be |
# plz don't put in a version string unless you're going to tag
e336be |
# and build.
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
ec7f54 |
* Fri May 3 2019 Pablo Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> - 4.19.38-300
ec7f54 |
- Linux v4.19.38
ec7f54 |
- Update BananaPi M2 Berry/Ultra patches
ec7f54 |
- Remove upstreamed patches
ec7f54 |
917372 |
* Sat Apr 13 2019 Pablo Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> - 4.19.34-300
917372 |
- Linux v4.19.34
917372 |
- Update device tree for BananaPi M2 Berry
917372 |
- Update device tree for BananaPi M2 Ultra
917372 |
- Remove upstreamed patches
917372 |
23e936 |
* Fri Mar 29 2019 Pablo Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> - 4.19.32-300
23e936 |
- Linux v4.19.32
23e936 |
47ccec |
* Tue Mar 26 2019 Pablo Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> - 4.19.31-300
47ccec |
- Linux v4.19.31
47ccec |
- Remove upstreamed patches
47ccec |
9731d4 |
* Sat Mar 23 2019 Pablo Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> - 4.19.30-300
9731d4 |
- Linux v4.19.30
9731d4 |
ecfeac |
* Thu Mar 14 2019 Pablo Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> - 4.19.29-300
ecfeac |
- Linux v4.19.29
ecfeac |
11f5cb |
* Sun Mar 10 2019 Pablo Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> - 4.19.28-300
11f5cb |
- Linux v4.19.28
a63ef9 |
- Rollback removal of kernel-tools
a63ef9 |
e336be |
* Fri Feb 15 2019 Pablo Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> - 4.19.23-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.23
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jan 17 2019 Pablo Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> - 4.19.16-300
e336be |
- Roll in CentOS Mods
e336be |
- Add patches for A83T and R40
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jan 17 2019 Pablo Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> - 4.19.16-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.16
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jan 14 2019 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.15-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.15
e336be |
- Fix CVE-2019-3459 and CVE-2019-3460 (rbhz 1663176 1663179 1665925)
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Jan 09 2019 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.14-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.14
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Jan 09 2019 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fix CVE-2019-3701 (rhbz 1663729 1663730)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jan 7 2019 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Add patch to fix bluetooth on RPI 3B+ registering twice (rhbz#1661961)
e336be |
e336be |
* Sat Dec 29 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.13-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.13
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Dec 27 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Set CONFIG_REALTEK_PHY=y to workaround realtek ethernet issues (rhbz 1650984)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Dec 24 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 4.19.12-301
e336be |
- Another fix for issue affecting Raspberry Pi 3-series WiFi (rhbz 1652093)
e336be |
e336be |
* Sat Dec 22 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 4.19.12-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.12
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Dec 20 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.11-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.11
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Dec 17 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.10-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.10
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Dec 14 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 4.19.9-301
e336be |
- Fix Raspberry Pi issues affecting WiFi (rhbz 1652093)
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Dec 13 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.9-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.9
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Dec 11 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Really fix non functional hotkeys on Asus FX503VD (#1645070)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Dec 10 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.8-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.8
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Dec 6 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fix for ethernet LEDs on Raspberry Pi 3B+
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Dec 05 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.7-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.7
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Dec 05 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
e336be |
- Fix corruption bug in direct dispatch for blk-mq
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fix CVE-2018-19824 (rhbz 1655816 1655817)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Dec 03 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
e336be |
- Fix very quiet speakers on the Thinkpad T570 (rhbz 1554304)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Dec 3 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Fix non functional hotkeys on Asus FX503VD (#1645070)
e336be |
e336be |
* Sun Dec 02 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.6-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.6
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Nov 29 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
e336be |
- Fix a problem with some rtl8168 chips (rhbz 1650984)
e336be |
- Fix slowdowns and crashes for AMD GPUs in pre-PCIe-v3 slots
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Nov 27 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.5-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.5
e336be |
- Fix CVE-2018-16862 (rhbz 1649017 1653122)
e336be |
- Fix CVE-2018-19407 (rhbz 1652656 1652658)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Nov 26 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
e336be |
- Fixes a null pointer dereference with Nvidia and vmwgfx drivers (rhbz 1650224)
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Nov 23 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> - 4.19.4-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.4
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Nov 22 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fixes for Rockchips 3399 devices
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Nov 21 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.3-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.3
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Nov 20 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Turn on CONFIG_PINCTRL_GEMINILAKE on x86_64 (rhbz#1639155)
e336be |
- Add a patch fixing touchscreens on HP AMD based laptops (rhbz#1644013)
e336be |
- Add a patch fixing KIOX010A accelerometers (rhbz#1526312)
e336be |
e336be |
* Sat Nov 17 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 4.19.2-301
e336be |
- Fix WiFi on Raspberry Pi 3 on aarch64 (rhbz 1649344)
e336be |
- Fixes for Raspberry Pi hwmon driver and firmware interface
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Nov 16 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Add patches from 4.20 fixing black screen on CHT devices with i915.fastboot=1
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Nov 15 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Add patch fixing touchpads on some Apollo Lake devices not working (#1526312)
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Nov 14 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.19.2-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.19.2
e336be |
- Fix CVE-2018-18710 (rhbz 1645140 1648485)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Nov 12 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.18-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.18
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Nov 05 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.17-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.17
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Oct 23 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Add i915 eDP fixes
e336be |
e336be |
* Sat Oct 20 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 4.18.16-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.16
e336be |
- Fix network on some i.MX6 devices (rhbz 1628209)
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Oct 18 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.18.15-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.15
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Oct 18 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add patch to fix mSD on 96boards Hikey
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Oct 16 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fixes to Rock960 series of devices, improves stability considerably
e336be |
- Raspberry Pi graphics fix
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Oct 15 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.18.14-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.14
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Oct 12 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Rebase device specific NVRAM files on brcm WiFi devices to latest
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Oct 12 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
e336be |
- Fix the microphone on Lenovo G50-30s (rhbz 1249364)
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Oct 10 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.13-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.13
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Oct 08 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Revert drm/amd/pp: Send khz clock values to DC for smu7/8 (rhbz 1636249)
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Oct 04 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.12-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.12
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Oct 3 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fixes for Ampere platforms
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Oct 03 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fix arm64 kvm priv escalation (rhbz 1635475 1635476)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Oct 01 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Disable CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_SP_PSP (rhbz 1608242)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Oct 1 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Fix for Intel Sensor Hub (rhbz 1634250)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Oct 1 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 4.18.11-301
e336be |
- Support loading device specific NVRAM files on brcm WiFi devices
e336be |
e336be |
* Sun Sep 30 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fixes for AllWinner A64 NICs
e336be |
e336be |
* Sun Sep 30 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.11-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.11
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add thermal trip to bcm283x (Raspberry Pi) cpufreq
e336be |
- Add initial RockPro64 DT support
e336be |
- Add Pine64-LTS support and some other AllWinner-A64 fixes
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.10-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.10
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Fix powerpc IPv6 (rhbz 1628394)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Sep 24 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fix CVE-2018-14633 (rhbz 1626035 1632185)
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Sep 20 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.9-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.9
e336be |
- Fixes CVE-2018-17182 (rhbz 1631205 1631206)
e336be |
e336be |
* Sun Sep 16 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.8-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.8
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Sep 14 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Additional Fixes for CVE-2018-5391 (rhbz 1616059)
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Sep 13 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Use the CPU RNG for entropy (rhbz 1572944)
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Sep 13 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- HID fixes (rhbz 1627963 1628715)
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Sep 13 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Add patch silencing "EFI stub: UEFI Secure Boot is enabled." at boot
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Sep 10 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add 96boards rk3399 Ficus and Rock960 support
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Sep 10 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.7-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.7
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Sep 05 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.6-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.6
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Aug 24 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.5-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.5
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Aug 22 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.4-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.4
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Aug 22 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Re-add mvebu a3700 ATF memory exclusion
e336be |
- Upstream fix for dwc2 on some ARM platforms
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Aug 20 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.3-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.3
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Aug 20 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fix CVE-2018-15471 (rhbz 1610555 1618414)
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Aug 17 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add fix and re-enable BPF JIT on ARMv7
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Aug 16 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.1-300
e336be |
- Linux v4.18.1
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Aug 15 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Drop PPC64 (Big Endian) configs
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Aug 13 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Aug 13 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Disable speck crypto cipher
e336be |
e336be |
* Sat Aug 11 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add ZYNQMP clock and firmware driver
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc8.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc8-4-gfedb8da96355
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Aug 08 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc8.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc8-2-g1236568ee3cb
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Aug 08 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Aug 06 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Aug 06 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc8.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc8
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Aug 06 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Sat Aug 04 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc7.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc7-178-g0b5b1f9a78b5
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Aug 02 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc7.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc7-112-g6b4703768268
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Aug 2 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add ARM Helios4 support
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Aug 01 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
e336be |
VT switching when combined with vgacon (rhbz#1610562)
e336be |
- Enable Apollo Lake Whiskey Cove PMIC support
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Aug 01 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc7.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc7-90-gc1d61e7fe376
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Aug 01 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Aug 01 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
e336be |
- Enable AEGIS and MORUS ciphers (rhbz 1610180)
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jul 31 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add two bcm283x vc4 stability patches
e336be |
- Some AllWinner MMC driver fixes
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jul 31 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 30 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc7.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc7
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 30 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 30 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Add patch queued in -next to make quiet more quiet
e336be |
- Add patches queued in -next to make efifb / fbcon retain the vendor logo
e336be |
(ACPI BRGT boot graphics) until the first text is output to the console
e336be |
- Enable support for ICN8505 touchscreen used on some Cherry Trail tablets
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jul 27 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Enable FPGA Manager kernel framework
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jul 27 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc6.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc6-152-gcd3f77d74ac3
e336be |
- Disable headers in preparation for kernel headers split
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jul 26 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc6.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc6-110-g6e77b267723c
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jul 26 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add Raspberry Pi voltage sensor driver
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Jul 25 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc6.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc6-93-g9981b4fb8684
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Jul 25 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 23 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc6.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc6
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 23 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jul 20 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc5.git4.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc5-290-g28c20cc73b9c
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jul 19 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc5.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc5-264-gf39f28ff82c1
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Jul 18 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc5.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc5-37-g3c53776e29f8
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jul 17 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc5.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc5-36-g30b06abfb92b
e336be |
- Fix aio uapi breakage (rhbz 1601529)
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jul 17 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 16 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc5.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc5
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 16 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jul 13 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc4.git4.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc4-71-g63f047771621
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Proper support for parallel debuginfo and hardening flags
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Drop the id field from generated BLS snippets
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc4.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc4-69-gc25c74b7476e
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Jul 11 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc4.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc4-17-g1e09177acae3
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jul 10 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc4.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc4-7-g092150a25cb7
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jul 10 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 09 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc4.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc4
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 09 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 9 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add fix for AllWinner A64 timer scew errata
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jul 06 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc3.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc3-183-gc42c12a90545
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jul 05 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc3.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc3-134-g06c85639897c
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jul 03 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc3.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc3-107-gd0fbad0aec1d
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jul 03 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 02 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc3.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc3
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jul 02 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jun 29 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc2.git4.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc2-207-gcd993fc4316d
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jun 29 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add a possible i.MX6 sdhci fix
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jun 28 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc2.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc2-132-gf57494321cbf
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jun 26 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Enable leds-pca9532 module (rhbz 1595163)
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jun 26 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc2.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc2-44-g813835028e9a
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 25 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc2.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc2-37-g6f0d349d922b
e336be |
- Fix for aarch64 bpf (rhbz 1594447)
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 25 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 25 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc2.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc2
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 25 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 25 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Disable BFP JIT on ARMv7 as it's currently broken
e336be |
- Remove forced console on aarch64, legacy config (rhbz 1594402)
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jun 22 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc1.git4.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc1-189-g894b8c000ae6
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jun 21 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc1.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc1-107-g1abd8a8f39cd
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Jun 20 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc1.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc1-52-g81e97f01371f
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jun 19 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc1.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc1-43-gba4dbdedd3ed
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jun 19 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 18 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc1.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.18-rc1
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 18 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jun 15 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc0.git10.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-12074-g4c5e8fc62d6a
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jun 15 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- ARM updates for 4.18, cleanup some dropped config options
e336be |
- Disable zoron driver, moved to staging for removal upstream
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jun 14 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc0.git9.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-11928-g2837461dbe6f
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Jun 13 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc0.git8.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-11782-gbe779f03d563
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Jun 13 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
e336be |
- Fix kexec_file_load pefile signature verification (rhbz 1470995)
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jun 12 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc0.git7.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-11346-g8efcf34a2639
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 11 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Secure Boot updates
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 11 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc0.git6.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-10288-ga2225d931f75
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Jun 08 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc0.git5.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-7997-g68abbe729567
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Jun 07 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc0.git4.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-6625-g1c8c5a9d38f6
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Jun 06 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc0.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-3754-g135c5504a600
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jun 05 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
e336be |
- Enable CONFIG_SCSI_DH on s390x (rhbz 1586189)
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Jun 05 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc0.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-1535-g5037be168f0e
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 04 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com> - 4.18.0-0.rc0.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-505-g9214407d1237
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 04 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Jun 04 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Sun Jun 3 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Initial support for Raspberry Pi cpufreq driver
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu May 31 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc7.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc7-43-gdd52cb879063
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed May 30 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc7.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc7-31-g0044cdeb7313
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue May 29 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc7.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc7
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue May 29 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri May 25 2018 Jeremy Cline <jcline@redhat.com> - 4.17.0-0.rc6.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc6-224-g62d18ecfa641
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri May 25 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
e336be |
- Fix for incorrect error message about parsing PCCT (rhbz 1435837)
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu May 24 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@redhat.com> - 4.17.0-0.rc6.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc6-158-gbee797529d7c
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon May 21 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc6.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc6-146-g5997aab0a11e
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon May 21 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc6.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc6
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Sun May 20 2018 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>
e336be |
e336be |
to fix i2c and GPIOs not working on AMD based laptops (rhbz#1510649)
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri May 18 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc5.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc5-110-g2c71d338bef2
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu May 17 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc5.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc5-65-g58ddfe6c3af9
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue May 15 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc5.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc5-20-g21b9f1c7e319
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon May 14 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc5.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc5
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon May 14 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri May 11 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc4.git4.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc4-96-g41e3e1082367
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu May 10 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add fix from linux-next for mvebu Armada 8K macbin boot regression
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu May 10 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc4.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc4-38-g008464a9360e
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed May 09 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
e336be |
- Workaround for m400 uart irq firmware description (rhbz 1574718)
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed May 09 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc4.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc4-31-g036db8bd9637
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue May 08 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc4.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc4-12-gf142f08bf7ec
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon May 07 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc4.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc4
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon May 07 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Sat May 5 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fix USB-2 on Tegra devices
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri May 04 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Fix for building out of tree modules on powerpc (rhbz 1574604)
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri May 04 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc3.git4.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc3-148-g625e2001e99e
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu May 03 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc3.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc3-36-gc15f6d8d4715
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed May 02 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc3.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc3-13-g2d618bdf7163
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue May 01 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc3.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc3-5-gfff75eb2a08c
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc3.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc3
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Apr 27 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc2.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc2-155-g0644f186fc9d
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Apr 27 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Enable QLogic NICs on ARM
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Apr 26 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc2.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc2-104-g69bfd470f462
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Apr 25 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add fixes for Marvell a37xx EspressoBin
e336be |
- Update to latest Raspberry Pi 3+ fixes
e336be |
- More fixes for lan78xx on the Raspberry Pi 3+
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Apr 24 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc2.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc2-58-g24cac7009cb1
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Apr 23 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc2.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc2
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Apr 23 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Sun Apr 22 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Add quirk patch to fix X-Gene 1 console on HP m400/Mustang (RHBZ 1531140)
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Apr 20 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc1.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc1-93-g43f70c960180
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Apr 19 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc1.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc1-28-g87ef12027b9b
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Apr 19 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Enable UFS storage options on ARM
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Apr 18 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fix rhbz 1565354
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Apr 17 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Enable drivers for Xilinx ZYMQ-MP Ultra96
e336be |
- Initial support for PocketBeagle
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Apr 17 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc1.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc1-21-ga27fc14219f2
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Apr 16 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc1.git0.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.17-rc1
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Apr 13 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc0.git9.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.16-11958-g16e205cf42da
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Apr 12 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc0.git8.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.16-11766-ge241e3f2bf97
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Apr 12 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Patch to fix nouveau on Tegra platforms
e336be |
- Enable IOMMU on Exynos now upstream does
e336be |
- Disable tps65217-charger on BeagleBone to fix USB-OTG port rhbz 1487399
e336be |
- Add fix for the BeagleBone boot failure
e336be |
- Further fix for ThunderX ZIP driver
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Apr 11 2018 Laura Abbott <labbott@redhat.com>
e336be |
- Enable JFFS2 and some MTD modules (rhbz 1474493)
e336be |
- Enable a few infiniband options (rhbz 1291902)
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Apr 11 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc0.git7.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.16-11490-gb284d4d5a678
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Apr 10 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc0.git6.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.16-10929-gc18bb396d3d2
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Apr 9 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
e336be |
- Fixes for Cavium ThunderX ZIP driver stability
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Apr 09 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc0.git5.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.16-10608-gf8cf2f16a7c9
e336be |
e336be |
* Fri Apr 06 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc0.git4.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.16-9576-g38c23685b273
e336be |
e336be |
* Thu Apr 05 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc0.git3.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.16-7248-g06dd3dfeea60
e336be |
e336be |
* Wed Apr 04 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc0.git2.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.16-5456-g17dec0a94915
e336be |
e336be |
* Tue Apr 03 2018 Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@fedoraproject.org> - 4.17.0-0.rc0.git1.1
e336be |
- Linux v4.16-2520-g642e7fd23353
e336be |
- Reenable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Apr 2 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 4.16.0-2
e336be |
- Improvements for the Raspberry Pi 3+
e336be |
- Fixes and minor improvements to Raspberry Pi 2/3
e336be |
e336be |
* Mon Apr 02 2018 Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org> - 4.16.0-1
e336be |
- Linux v4.16
e336be |
- Disable debugging options.
e336be |
e336be |
e336be |
# The following Emacs magic makes C-c C-e use UTC dates.
e336be |
# Local Variables:
e336be |
# rpm-change-log-uses-utc: t
e336be |
# End:
e336be |