gwmngilfen / centos / sig-guide

Forked from centos/sig-guide 2 months ago
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# Testing

The CentOS Project has some resources available for each SIG to run some CI jobs/tests for their projects.
We'll document soon how to get onboarded (on request) on the CentOS CI infra platform.

We offer the following resources :

  * Openshift hosted jenkins (one per project/SIG), using usual authentication from FAS/ACO
  * bare-metal and/or Virtual Machines ephemeral nodes on which you can run some tests (including destructive ones), that will be automatically be reinstalled (for bare-metal) or discarded (for VMs)

## Using bare-metal/Virtual Machines with Duffy client
Duffy is the middle layer running that manages the provisioning, maintenance and teardown / rebuild of the Nodes (physical hardware and VMs) that are used to run the tests in the CI Cluster.

### Installing and configuring duffy client
Use `pip` to install duffy client.

pip install --user duffy[client]

Duffy client needs the tenant's name and the tenant's API key to be able to request sessions from duffy server. If the tenant doesn't exist yet, it should be created in duffy server. Having the tenant's name and the tenant's API key, create the file `.config/duffy` with the following content. 

    name: <tenant name>
    key: <API key>

### Requesting a session
Before creating a session, the name of the pool is required. Check the pool available executing the command.

duffy client list-pools

!!! note
    The name of the pool is structured like this: 


    - AAA: Identify if it is a bare metal or virtual machine
    - BBB: The kind of the instance, like seamicro, AWS EC2, etc
    - CCC: The size of the machine
    - DDD: The operational system
    - EEE: Operational system's version
    - FFF: The architecture

Having the name of the pool, request how many sessions needed. Duffy has a limit of sessions per tenant, this information is available in the duffy server.

duffy client request-session pool=<name of the pool>,quantity=<number of sessions>

By default this command outputs a _json_, but it's possible to change the format to _yaml_ or _flat_ using `--format`. Under "node" key it's possible to find the node's hostname provisioned. Log in to it as `root` user, using `ssh`.

<...output ommited...>

"nodes": [
        "hostname": "<hostname>",
        "ipaddr": "<ip address>",

<...output ommited...>

### Retiring a session
To retire a session, the session id is required. Check the id executing.

duffy client list-sessions

When needed to retire the session execute the command.

duffy client retire-session <session id>