dcavalca / centos / centos.org

Forked from centos/centos.org 4 months ago
Blob Blame History Raw
title: CentOS Linux
title_lead: |
  Consistent, manageable platform that suits a wide variety
  of deployments. For some open source communities, it is a solid, predictable
  base to build upon.
layout: aside

<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><a href="https://blog.centos.org/2023/04/end-dates-are-coming-for-centos-stream-8-and-centos-linux-7/">End dates are coming in 2024 for CentOS Stream 8 and CentOS Linux 7. Check the blog post for information on upgrade and migration options.</a></div>

## Download

{% include download/cards.html distribution="centos-linux" %}