chantra / rpms / tpm2-tss

Forked from rpms/tpm2-tss 2 years ago

Blame tpm2-tss.spec

Yunying Sun c51662
Name:           tpm2-tss
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
Version:        1.3.0
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
Release:        0.1.rc2%{?dist}
Yunying Sun c51662
Summary:        TPM2.0 Software Stack
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
# The entire source code is under BSD except implementation.h and tpmb.h which
Yunying Sun c51662
# is under TCGL(Trusted Computing Group License).
Yunying Sun c51662
License:        BSD and TCGL
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
Patch0: add-license-file.patch
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
BuildRequires:  gcc
Yunying Sun c51662
BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
Yunying Sun c51662
BuildRequires:  autoconf-archive
Yunying Sun c51662
BuildRequires:  libtool
Yunying Sun c51662
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
# this package does not support big endian arch so far,
Yunying Sun c51662
# and has been verified only on Intel platforms.
Yunying Sun c51662
ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
tpm2-tss is a software stack supporting Trusted Platform Module(TPM) 2.0 system
Yunying Sun c51662
APIs. It sits between TPM driver and applications, providing TPM2.0 specified
Yunying Sun c51662
APIs for applications to access TPM module through kernel TPM drivers.
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
%autosetup -n %{name}-%{version}-rc2
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
%configure --disable-static --disable-silent-rules
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
find %{buildroot}%{_libdir} -type f -name \*.la -delete
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
%license LICENSE
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
%package        devel
Yunying Sun c51662
Summary:        Headers and libraries for building apps that use tpm2-tss 
Yunying Sun c51662
Requires:       %{name}%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
%description    devel
Yunying Sun c51662
This package contains headers and libraries required to build applications that
Yunying Sun c51662
use tpm2-tss.
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
%files devel
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Javier Martinez Canillas 9eff27
Javier Martinez Canillas 9eff27
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
* Wed Nov 29 2017 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 1.3.0-0.1.rc2
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
- Update to 1.3.0 release candidate 2 (RHBZ#1508870)
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
- Remove global pkg_prefix since now the upstream repo and package names match
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
- Update URLs to point to the new project location
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
- Remove -Wno-int-in-bool-context compiler flag since now upstream takes care
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
- Remove %doc directive since and are not in the tarball
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
- Add patch to include a LICENSE since the generated tarball does not have it
Javier Martinez Canillas f27ddf
Javier Martinez Canillas 9eff27
* Mon Aug 28 2017 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 1.2.0-1
Javier Martinez Canillas 9eff27
- Update to 1.2.0 release
Javier Martinez Canillas 9eff27
- Use tpm2-tss instead of TPM2.0-TSS as prefix since project name changed
Javier Martinez Canillas 9eff27
- Fix SPEC file access mode
Javier Martinez Canillas 9eff27
- Include new man pages in %files directive
Javier Martinez Canillas 9eff27
Javier Martinez Canillas 763ff1
* Fri Aug 18 2017 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 1.1.0-3
Javier Martinez Canillas 763ff1
- Remove unneeded source tarballs (RHBZ#1482828)
Javier Martinez Canillas 763ff1
Fedora Release Engineering fe63e0
* Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.1.0-2
Fedora Release Engineering fe63e0
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering fe63e0
Yunying Sun e60c57
* Wed Jul 26 2017 Sun Yunying <> - 1.1.0-1
Yunying Sun e60c57
- Update to 1.1.0 release
Yunying Sun e60c57
Fedora Release Engineering ba9e00
* Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.0-3
Fedora Release Engineering ba9e00
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering ba9e00
Yunying Sun c51662
* Mon Dec 12 2016 Sun Yunying <> - 1.0-2
Yunying Sun c51662
- Remove global macro pkg_version to avoid duplicate of version
Yunying Sun c51662
- Use ExclusiveArch instead of ExcludeArch
Yunying Sun c51662
- Use less wildcard in %files section to be more specific
Yunying Sun c51662
- Add trailing slash at end of added directory in %file section
Yunying Sun c51662
- Remove autoconf/automake/pkgconfig(cmocka) from BuildRequires
Yunying Sun c51662
- Increase release version to 2
Yunying Sun c51662
Yunying Sun c51662
* Fri Dec 2 2016 Sun Yunying <> - 1.0-1
Yunying Sun c51662
- Initial version of the package