bstinson / centos / t_functional

Forked from centos/t_functional 4 years ago

Blame doc/TODO

Grip Firmly 44e7f7
- At the moment the tests are not distro / arch specific, we might need a way
Grip Firmly 44e7f7
  to clearly mark a test as -only-for-c4- or -only-for-c5- etc ( specially
Grip Firmly 44e7f7
  when there are kickstart files involved, there are some non trivial changes
Grip Firmly 44e7f7
  in that area moving towards c6 )
Grip Firmly 44e7f7
Grip Firmly 44e7f7
- We also need a way to dictate if a role_<test> should be run on realiron,
Grip Firmly 44e7f7
  virtual machine host, virtual machine ( and maybe even the type of virt
Grip Firmly 44e7f7
  being used! )
Grip Firmly 44e7f7