# centos-jekyll-sites
Community effort to redesign CentOS websites using
[jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) 4 and [bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) 4.
## Installation
This section describes the steps you need to follow in order to render the
final site using jekyll in Fedora 31.
1. Clone this repository:
]$ git clone git@github.com:areguera/centos-jekyll-sites.git
1. Download jekyll container:
]$ podman pull jekyll/jekyll
2. Create an alias to run jekyll container by adding the following line to
]$ alias jekyll='podman run --volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll:z" --volume="$PWD/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle:z" -p 4000:4000/tcp --rm -it jekyll/jekyll jekyll'
3. Reload the `./bashrc` file:
]$ source ~/.bashrc
4. Update directory permissions using the container user namespace uid (1000)
and gid (1000). This is necessary for jekyll inside the container to be able of
writing in the host filesystem through the specified volumes:
]$ podman unshare chown 1000:1000 centos-jekyll-sites
The permissions must be applied to all the files and directories jekyll reads
and writes to (e.g., `_site` for the final site, `vendor/bundle` for bundle
cache, `.jekyll-cache`, etc.). Once the files permission have been changed
this way you will see them using a high number (e.g., 100999). This number is
the subordinate uid and gid the host uses to related to container user
namespace uid and gid (e.g., 1000).
5. Create the `vendor/bundle` directory inside the `centos-jekyll-site`
]$ podman unshare mkdir -p vendor/bundle
At this point you should be able to run the following:
]$ jekyll -v
ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x86_64-linux-musl]
jekyll 4.0.0
The first time you run jekyll it takes some time downloading all the gems and
dependencies it needs. After this first download, it behaves like a regular
# Accessing the final site
To access the final site you need to be inside the repository directory
structure, where the `Gemfile` is, and run the following:
]$ jekyll serve
Then visit the site accessing to in your host.
# Making changes
Operations like editing, copying, creating, moving and removing files owned by
by jekyll container user namespace uid and gid must be executed using `podman
unshare <command> [arg]`. Otherwise, you may have permission issues. For
example, to edit jekyll main configuration, run the following command:
]$ podman unshare nvim _config.yml
## Additional resources
* https://github.com/envygeeks/jekyll-docker/blob/master/README.md
* https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/rootless-podman-makes-sense