anitazha / rpms / ndctl

Forked from rpms/ndctl 2 years ago


Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
From 9a993ce24fdd5de45774b65211570dd514cdf61d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
From: Luis Chamberlain <>
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 18:23:04 -0700
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Subject: [PATCH 213/217] be specific for library path
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
If you run the typical configure script on a typical linux software
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project say with ./configure --prefix=/usr/ then the libdir defaults
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to /usr/lib/ however this is not true with meson.
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With meson the current libdir path follows the one set by the prefix,
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and so with the current setup with prefix forced by default to /usr/
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we end up with libdir set to /usr/ as well and so libraries built
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and installed also placed into /usr/ as well, not /usr/lib/ as we
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would typically expect.
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So you if you use today's defaults you end up with the libraries placed
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into /usr/ and then a simple error such as:
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cxl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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Folks may have overlooked this as their old library is still usable.
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Fix this by forcing the default library path to /usr/lib, and so
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requiring users to set both prefix and libdir if they want to
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customize both.
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Signed-off-by: Luis Chamberlain <>
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Signed-off-by: Vishal Verma <>
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc | 1 +
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 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
diff --git a/ b/
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
index aecf461..802b38c 100644
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
--- a/
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
+++ b/
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ project('ndctl', 'c',
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
   default_options : [
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
+    'libdir=/usr/lib',
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc