Blame tests/p_mysql/

Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
Karanbir Singh 2dd0be
t_Log "Running $0 - mysqld listening test."
Karanbir Singh 2dd0be
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
# FIXME: Test is very basic
Steve Barnes 464547
nc -d -w 1 localhost 3306 >/dev/null 2>&1
Karanbir Singh 2dd0be
Karanbir Singh 2dd0be
t_CheckExitStatus $?
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
# kb: Can we do something like :
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
#     hn=$(mysql -N -B -u root -e "show variables like 'hostname'" | cut -f 2)
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
# then compare ${hn} to the real machine hostname ( `fqdn` ? ) to make sure
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
# they are identical