James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
# Author: James Hogarth <james.hogarth@gmail.com>
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
c1e011 |
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -qE 'el(6|7)') && !(t_GetArch | grep -qE 'aarch64')
James Hogarth |
acc301 |
James Hogarth |
acc301 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
# Need admin credentials
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
kdestroy &> /dev/null
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
6c929b |
klist 2>&1 | grep -E "(No credentials|Credentials cache .* not found)" &> /dev/null
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_CheckExitStatus $?
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
19cf3b |
expect -f - <
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
set send_human {.1 .3 1 .05 2}
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
spawn kinit admin
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
sleep 1
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
expect "Password for admin@C6IPA.LOCAL:"
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
send -h "p455w0rd\r"
James Hogarth |
8030de |
sleep 5
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
klist | grep "admin@C6IPA.LOCAL" &> /dev/null
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_CheckExitStatus $?
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_Log "Running $0 - Adding test service"
James Hogarth |
0a8a3f |
ipa service-add testservice/c6test.c6ipa.local &> /dev/null
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_CheckExitStatus $?
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_Log "Running $0 - getting keytab for service"
James Hogarth |
0a8a3f |
ipa-getkeytab -s c6test.c6ipa.local -p testservice/c6test.c6ipa.local -k /tmp/testservice.keytab &> /dev/null
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_CheckExitStatus $?
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_Log "Running $0 - getting certificate for service"
James Hogarth |
0a8a3f |
ipa-getcert request -K testservice/c6test.c6ipa.local -D c6test.c6ipa.local -f /etc/pki/tls/certs/testservice.crt -k /etc/pki/tls/private/testservice.key &> /dev/null
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_CheckExitStatus $?
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
while true
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
entry="$(ipa-getcert list -r | sed -n '/Request ID/,/auto-renew: yes/p')"
James Hogarth |
352003 |
if [[ $entry =~ "status:" ]] && [[ $entry =~ "CA_REJECTED" ]]
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
t_CheckExitStatus 1
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
if [[ $entry =~ "" ]]
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
t_CheckExitStatus 0
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
sleep 1
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
#avoiding race condition of certmonger getting the certificates and writing them but not actually on disk yet
James Hogarth |
352003 |
while ! stat /etc/pki/tls/certs/testservice.crt &> /dev/null
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
sleep 1
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
352003 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_Log "Running $0 - verifying keytab"
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
klist -k /tmp/testservice.keytab | grep "testservice/c6test.c6ipa.local" &> /dev/null
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_CheckExitStatus $?
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_Log "Running $0 - verifying key matches certificate"
James Hogarth |
352003 |
diff <(openssl x509 -in /etc/pki/tls/certs/testservice.crt -noout -modulus 2>&1 ) <(openssl rsa -in /etc/pki/tls/private/testservice.key -noout -modulus 2>&1 )
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_CheckExitStatus $?
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_Log "Running $0 - verifying certificate against CA"
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
openssl verify -CAfile /etc/ipa/ca.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/testservice.crt | grep "/etc/pki/tls/certs/testservice.crt: OK" &> /dev/null
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
t_CheckExitStatus $?
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
acc301 |
c1e011 |
echo "Skipped on CentOS 5 and AArch64"
James Hogarth |
acc301 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |
James Hogarth |
71dbe1 |