#8 Update docs/auth.md
Merged 2 years ago by arrfab. Opened 2 years ago by spotlesstofu.
centos/ spotlesstofu/sig-guide master  into  master

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ 


  ## SIG group membership


- There is no current form that you can use to be added in a SIG group but you have to reach out to a SIG chair (having delegated rights to add/remove people in the SIG group you want to join) and he can then add you, after having confirmed that you can be onboarded in the SIG

+ There is no current form that you can use to be added in a SIG group but you have to reach out to a SIG chair (having delegated rights to add/remove people in the SIG group you want to join) and they can then add you, after having confirmed that you can be onboarded in the SIG


  To know people who can "sponsors" you in a SIG/group, you can , once authenticated, search for a group on the portal and then see people listed under the "Sponsors" area (for example, consider the [Automotive SIG](https://accounts.centos.org/group/sig-automotive/) )


Pull-Request has been merged by arrfab

2 years ago