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# Git/lookaside
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Package sources checked into git.centos.org are in exploded SRPM format. This means that the package working directory should have at least a SPECS/ subdirectory.
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## New Package (from source)
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If the package you'd like to build isn't yet on https://git.centos.org, create first a ticket on https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issues to request the git repo for /rpms/<your_package> to be created
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Once it will be created, it will be possible for you to push to *specific* branches, based on the following rules: c{7,8}-<sig_name>*
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So that means that if I'm member of the sig-core group (in ACO), I'll be able to commit/push to c8-sig-core or c8-sig-core-whatever-I-want branches
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Let's use the following example : I need to create a branch for pkg centpkg-minimal, and I'm member of the sig-core SIG group. We have to push two things to git.centos.org :
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* .spec files to build a src.rpm
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* eventually blob (.tar.gz archive) that will need to be pushed to lookaside cache
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!!! warning
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To push to lookaside cache you need to have already a local check out from https://git.centos.org/centos-git-common
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## Pushing first to lookaside cache
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Let's assume that my pkg centpkg-minimal that I want to build has an archive called centpkg.minimal.tar.gz. To be able to push to lookaside cache, we need the following :
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* a valid TLS cert (also needed to build on cbs.centos.org) obtained through [centos-cert](../auth/) util
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* lookaside_upload script in your $PATH (coming from centos-git-common git repo, see above)
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This simple script would need some paramters:
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You need to call the script like this : ~/bin/lookaside_upload -arguments
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-f : filename/source to upload (required, default:none)
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-n : package name for that source (requred, default:none, example "httpd")
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-b : "branch" where to upload to (required, default:none, example "c7-sig-core")
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-h : display this help
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So back to our example, the pkg name is centpkg-minimal, file is centpkg-minimal.tar.gz and I'm member of the sig-core group, and want to build it for c7, so we'll call it like this :
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lookaside_upload -f centpkg-minimal.tar.gz -n centpkg-minimal -b c7-sig-core
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[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> Checking if file already uploaded
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[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> Initialing new upload to lookaside
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[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> URL : https://git.centos.org
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[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> Source to upload : centpkg-minimal.tar.gz
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[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> Package name: centpkg-minimal
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[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> sha1sum: d6616b89617914a0dd0fd5cfa06b0afc7a4541c4
2d9703 |
[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> Remote branch: c7-sig-core
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[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> ====== Trying to upload =======
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2d9703 |
################################################################################################################ 100.0%
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File centpkg-minimal.tar.gz size 15178 CHECKSUM d6616b89617914a0dd0fd5cfa06b0afc7a4541c4 stored OK
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[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> Validating that source was correctly uploaded ....
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[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> [SUCCESS] Source should be available at https://git.centos.org/sources/centpkg-minimal/c7-sig-core/d6616b89617914a0dd0fd5cfa06b0afc7a4541c4
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Now that we have uploaded to lookaside cache, we can reference it in our /rpms/centpkg-minimal git repository on git.centos.org, see below
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## Pushing to git.centos.org
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We should already have a local checkout of the git repository for the pkg we'd like to work on. In our case, the git repo url is https://git.centos.org/rpms/centpkg-minimal
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So the way to git clone/pull over ssh is so ssh://git@git.centos.org/rpms/centpkg-minimal.git :
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git clone ssh://git@git.centos.org/rpms/centpkg-minimal.git
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Cloning into 'centpkg-minimal'...
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remote: Counting objects: 15, done.
2d9703 |
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
2d9703 |
remote: Total 15 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
2d9703 |
Receiving objects: 100% (15/15), done.
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Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), done.
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!!! important
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You can clone over https, but then it wouldn't let you push back to it, as it needs ssh with key verification and based on group membership for acls
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Let's create a new c7-sig-core branch (still based on the assumption that I want to build for c7) :
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git checkout -b c7-sig-core
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You can now create your SPECS/<pkg_name>.spec and add also other text patches under SOURCES/ We still need also to point to /sources/ for the lookaside cache, so we'll use the value of the hash returned when we successfully uploaded to lookaside cache and we'll write a .<pkg_name>.metadata file in the root dir that will look like this in our example:
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d6616b89617914a0dd0fd5cfa06b0afc7a4541c4 SOURCES/centpkg-minimal.tar.gz
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Now that we have pointer to lookaside cache, and also .spec, we can push back to git and we should be able to proceed with the "build-from-git" on cbs.centos.org. Let's commit first :
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# git add <files> # if needed
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git commit -a
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git push origin c7-sig-core # to create the c7-sig-core branch on git.centos.org if not existing yet
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