From bb03e1ca078965b84d5ad6bc2ff36ff0a411e803 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shaun McCance
Our Call for Presentations is open until December 16. -We're interested in hearing about what you're doing across the CentOS ecosystem. -These are all interesting topics for us:
- -We prefer short, 25-minute talks to keep things moving in our single-track conference. -We do have a few long, 40-minute slots available for topics that require a deeper dive.
- -Returning from last year, we'll be hosting meetups on Thursday morning, -before our session track starts in the afternoon. -Meetups are for groups of 10-20 people to meet for two hours to discuss a topic. -They're ideal for SIGs and project initiatives.
- -New this year, we're providing space for Lunch & Learn sessions. -We have some breakout rooms available during lunch, so we-re doing something new. -Propose a topic and either present or lead a discussion during lunch. -Remember that people are eating, so don't expect to run a workshop or working session.
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