#90 Clean up dependencies
Merged 2 years ago by tdawson. Opened 2 years ago by carlwgeorge.
centos/ carlwgeorge/centpkg requires_cleanup  into  develop

file removed
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ 

- pycurl

- cryptography

- rpkg

- six

- GitPython 

\ No newline at end of file

file modified
+8 -30
@@ -1,34 +1,5 @@ 

  from setuptools import setup


- def get_requirements(requirements_file="requirements.txt"):

-     """Get the contents of a file listing the requirements.


-     :arg requirements_file: path to a requirements file

-     :type requirements_file: string

-     :returns: the list of requirements, or an empty list if

-               `requirements_file` could not be opened or read

-     :return type: list

-     """


-     lines = open(requirements_file).readlines()

-     dependencies = []

-     for line in lines:

-         maybe_dep = line.strip()

-         if maybe_dep.startswith("#"):

-             # Skip pure comment lines

-             continue

-         if maybe_dep.startswith("git+"):

-             # VCS reference for dev purposes, expect a trailing comment

-             # with the normal requirement

-             __, __, maybe_dep = maybe_dep.rpartition("#")

-         else:

-             # Ignore any trailing comment

-             maybe_dep, __, __ = maybe_dep.partition("#")

-         # Remove any whitespace and assume non-empty results are dependencies

-         maybe_dep = maybe_dep.strip()

-         if maybe_dep:

-             dependencies.append(maybe_dep)

-     return dependencies



@@ -39,6 +10,13 @@ 


      package_dir={'': 'src'},


-     install_requires=get_requirements(),

+     install_requires=[

+         'cryptography',

+         'GitPython',

+         'python-gitlab',

+         'pycurl',

+         'rpkg>=1.65',

+         'six',

+     ],

      scripts=['src/bin/centpkg', 'src/bin/centpkg-sig'],


This change specifies the dependencies directly in setup.py, instead of in a requirements.txt file that is parsed by a helper function. It also adds a missing python-gitlab dependency and sets a minimum rpkg version.

If we're changing this stuff, wouldn't it be better to just straight-up convert to PEP-518 and pyproject.toml?

Pull-Request has been merged by tdawson

2 years ago

Sorry Stephen. I didn't see you comment until after I merged it.

If we're changing this stuff, wouldn't it be better to just straight-up convert to PEP-518 and pyproject.toml?

While I'm not opposed to that, it's a bigger change. For now I just wanted to focus on the changes needed to correct the automatic RPM dependencies.
