#119 Improve comment around unsupported prior release
Merged 4 months ago by tdawson. Opened 4 months ago by sgallagh.
centos/ sgallagh/centpkg unsupported_comment  into  develop

file modified
+4 -3
@@ -643,9 +643,10 @@ 

      # Determine which phase the prior release is in:

      prior_release_phase = phase_lookup[prior_release_branch]


-     # If the prior release is in the Unsupported Phase, it probably means

-     # that we're dealing with an EOL CentOS Stream (like 8.10). We need

-     # to use the stream rules in this case.

+     # If the prior release is in the Unsupported Phase, it either means

+     # that we're dealing with an EOL CentOS Stream (like 8.10) or else

+     # the prior release was a Beta which is past the Launch Phase. We

+     # need to use the stream rules in this case.

      prior_is_eol = bool(prior_release_phase == pp_phase_unsupported)


      if not prior_is_eol:

It turns out that this also properly deals with Beta branches that are
past the Launch Phase, so this updates the comment to note that this is
the expected behavior here.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Gallagher sgallagh@redhat.com

We were getting complaints about MRs to CS 10 being evaluated against RHEL 10 Beta ticket rules. I planned two steps to resolving this without needing to mass-create Beta branches for all packages:

  1. Get the Beta moved to the Unsupported Phase in the Product Pages API
  2. Special-case Beta-in-Unsupported-Phase in determine_rhel_state()

It turns out that 2. was actually already happening as a side effect of the changes made to handle EOL CentOS Stream releases, so once 1. was fixed (already happened as of this message), this actually just started working the way we wanted. So I'm updating the comment to note for future developers that this is expected behavior.

Obviously, no new release is needed for a comment-only change.

Pull-Request has been merged by tdawson

4 months ago