#116 determine_rhel_state: recognize "Launch" phase
Merged 4 months ago by tdawson. Opened 4 months ago by sgallagh.
centos/ sgallagh/centpkg launch_phase  into  develop

file modified
+9 -4
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ 

  pp_phase_stabilization = 450

  pp_phase_name_lookup[pp_phase_stabilization] = "Stabilization"


+ # Phase 500 is "Launch"

+ pp_phase_launch = 500

+ pp_phase_name_lookup[pp_phase_launch] = "Launch"


  # Phase 600 is "Maintenance" (AKA Z-stream Phase)

  pp_phase_maintenance = 600

  pp_phase_name_lookup[pp_phase_maintenance] = "Maintenance"
@@ -547,7 +551,7 @@ 


      # Query the "package pages" API for the current active Y-stream release

      request_params = {

-         "phase__in": f"{pp_phase_devtestdoc},{pp_phase_stabilization},{pp_phase_maintenance},{pp_phase_unsupported}",

+         "phase__in": f"{pp_phase_devtestdoc},{pp_phase_stabilization},{pp_phase_launch},{pp_phase_maintenance},{pp_phase_unsupported}",

          "product__shortname": "rhel",

          "relgroup__shortname": rhel_version,

          "format": "json",
@@ -678,8 +682,8 @@ 

              " Beta" if target_extra and "beta" in target_extra else "",



-         # The prior Y-stream is always in either Stabilization or Maintenance

-         # phase, so it always enforces.

+         # The prior Y-stream is always in either Stabilization, Launch or

+         # Maintenance phase, so it always enforces.

          enforcing = True


          if phase == pp_phase_stabilization:
@@ -687,7 +691,8 @@ 

              # between the "zstream" and "exception" targets.

              rhel_target_default = None


-             # We must be in Maintenance phase

+             # We're in Launch or Maintenance phase, so the "exception" target

+             # is no longer permitted.

              rhel_target_default = "zstream"


      return rhel_state_nt(

There is now a period in the schedule where submissions are no longer
accepted as Exceptions before the actual release of the minor release.
This patch adds support for identifying that phase and handling it

Fixes: CS-2620

Signed-off-by: Stephen Gallagher sgallagh@redhat.com

Doing some testing before I merge.

Pull-Request has been merged by tdawson

4 months ago