#107 Reformat centpkg src with black
Merged 6 months ago by tdawson. Opened 6 months ago by sgallagh.
centos/ sgallagh/centpkg blacken  into  develop

file modified
+114 -86
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 

  # pylint: disable=line-too-long,abstract-class-not-used


- '''

+ """

      Top level function library for centpkg

- '''

+ """


  # Author(s):

  #            Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ 

  from .lookaside import StreamLookasideCache, SIGLookasideCache, CLLookasideCache







  class DistGitDirectory(object):
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ 

      distrobranch = False

      sigbranch = False

      repo = None

-     git_origin_substr = 'git@gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream'

+     git_origin_substr = "git@gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream"


      def __init__(self, branchtext, repo_path=None):

          if repo_path:

              # self.repo = git.cmd.Git(repo_path)

              self.repo = git.repo.Repo(repo_path)

-         rhelbranchre = r'rhel-(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)(?:\.(?P<appstream>\d+))?'

-         sigtobranchre = r'c(?P<centosversion>\d+[s]?)-sig-(?P<signame>\w+)-?(?P<projectname>\w+)?-?(?P<releasename>\w+)?'

-         distrobranchre = r'c(?P<centosversion>\d+)-?(?P<projectname>\w+)?'

-         javabranchre = r'openjdk-portable-centos-(?P<centosversion>\d+)'

-         oldbranchre = r'(?P<signame>\w+)(?P<centosversion>\d)'

+         rhelbranchre = r"rhel-(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)(?:\.(?P<appstream>\d+))?"

+         sigtobranchre = r"c(?P<centosversion>\d+[s]?)-sig-(?P<signame>\w+)-?(?P<projectname>\w+)?-?(?P<releasename>\w+)?"

+         distrobranchre = r"c(?P<centosversion>\d+)-?(?P<projectname>\w+)?"

+         javabranchre = r"openjdk-portable-centos-(?P<centosversion>\d+)"

+         oldbranchre = r"(?P<signame>\w+)(?P<centosversion>\d)"

          rhelmatch = re.search(rhelbranchre, branchtext)

          sigmatch = re.match(sigtobranchre, branchtext)

          distromatch = re.match(distrobranchre, branchtext)
@@ -59,55 +59,60 @@ 

          if rhelmatch:

              gd = rhelmatch.groupdict()

              self.distrobranch = True

-             self.signame = 'centos'

-             self.centosversion = gd['major']

+             self.signame = "centos"

+             self.centosversion = gd["major"]

          elif sigmatch:

              gd = sigmatch.groupdict()

              self.sigbranch = True

-             self.signame = gd['signame']

-             self.centosversion = gd['centosversion']

+             self.signame = gd["signame"]

+             self.centosversion = gd["centosversion"]


              # Users have the option to specify (or not specify) common in their

              # git repos. Ww need to handle these cases because common is not a

              # project nor is it a release.

-             if gd['projectname'] != 'common':

-                 self.projectname = gd['projectname']

-             if gd['releasename'] != 'common':

-                 self.releasename = gd['releasename']

+             if gd["projectname"] != "common":

+                 self.projectname = gd["projectname"]

+             if gd["releasename"] != "common":

+                 self.releasename = gd["releasename"]

          elif distromatch:

              gd = distromatch.groupdict()

              self.distrobranch = True

-             self.signame = 'centos'

-             self.centosversion = gd['centosversion']

+             self.signame = "centos"

+             self.centosversion = gd["centosversion"]


-             if gd['projectname'] != 'common':

-                 self.projectname = gd['projectname']

+             if gd["projectname"] != "common":

+                 self.projectname = gd["projectname"]

          elif javamatch:

              gd = javamatch.groupdict()

              self.distrobranch = True

-             self.signame = 'centos'

-             self.centosversion = gd['centosversion']

+             self.signame = "centos"

+             self.centosversion = gd["centosversion"]

          elif oldbranchmatch:

-             warnings.warn("This branch is deprecated and will be removed soon",

-                           DeprecationWarning)

+             warnings.warn(

+                 "This branch is deprecated and will be removed soon", DeprecationWarning

+             )


              if not self.is_fork():

-                 warnings.warn('Unable to determine if this is a fork or not. Proceeding, but you should double check.')

+                 warnings.warn(

+                     "Unable to determine if this is a fork or not. Proceeding, but you should double check."

+                 )


                  self.distrobranch = True

-                 self.signame = 'centos'

-                 self.projectname = self.get_origin().split('_')[-1].replace('.git', '')

+                 self.signame = "centos"

+                 self.projectname = self.get_origin().split("_")[-1].replace(".git", "")


-                 warnings.warn('Remote "origin" was detected as a fork, ignoring branch name checking')

+                 warnings.warn(

+                     'Remote "origin" was detected as a fork, ignoring branch name checking'

+                 )


      def get_origin(self):

          if self.repo is None:

-             return ''

-         if 'origin' not in self.repo.remotes:

-             return ''

-         urls = [u for u in self.repo.remotes['origin'].urls]

+             return ""

+         if "origin" not in self.repo.remotes:

+             return ""

+         urls = [u for u in self.repo.remotes["origin"].urls]

          if len(urls) == 0:

-             return ''

+             return ""

          return urls[0]


      def is_fork(self):
@@ -124,42 +129,47 @@ 

              return False

          return self.git_origin_substr not in self.get_origin()




      def target(self):

          projectorcommon = self.projectname

          releaseorcommon = self.releasename


          if self.distrobranch:

-             if self.centosversion not in ('6', '7'):

-                 return 'c{}s-candidate'.format(self.centosversion)

+             if self.centosversion not in ("6", "7"):

+                 return "c{}s-candidate".format(self.centosversion)


-                 return '-'.join(filter(None, ['c'+self.centosversion,

-                                               projectorcommon]))

+                 return "-".join(

+                     filter(None, ["c" + self.centosversion, projectorcommon])

+                 )


          if not releaseorcommon:

-             if not projectorcommon or projectorcommon == 'common':

-                 projectorcommon = 'common'

+             if not projectorcommon or projectorcommon == "common":

+                 projectorcommon = "common"


-                 releaseorcommon = 'common'

+                 releaseorcommon = "common"


-         return '-'.join(filter(None, [self.signame+self.centosversion,

-                                       projectorcommon, releaseorcommon])) + '-el{0}'.format(self.centosversion)

+         return "-".join(

+             filter(

+                 None,

+                 [self.signame + self.centosversion, projectorcommon, releaseorcommon],

+             )

+         ) + "-el{0}".format(self.centosversion)



  class Commands(Commands):

-     '''

-         For the pyrpkg commands with centpkg behavior

-     '''

+     """

+     For the pyrpkg commands with centpkg behavior

+     """


      def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

-         '''

-             Init the object and some configuration details.

-         '''

+         """

+         Init the object and some configuration details.

+         """

          super(Commands, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

          # For MD5 we want to use the old format of source files, the BSD format

          # should only be used when configured for SHA512

-         self.source_entry_type = 'bsd' if self.lookasidehash != 'md5' else 'old'

-         self.branchre = 'c\d{1,}(s)?(tream)?|master'

+         self.source_entry_type = "bsd" if self.lookasidehash != "md5" else "old"

+         self.branchre = "c\d{1,}(s)?(tream)?|master"



      def distgitdir(self):
@@ -168,48 +178,66 @@ 


      def lookasidecache(self):

          if self.layout.sources_file_template == "sources":

-             return StreamLookasideCache(self.lookasidehash,

-                                         self.lookaside,

-                                         self.lookaside_cgi,

-                                         )

+             return StreamLookasideCache(

+                 self.lookasidehash,

+                 self.lookaside,

+                 self.lookaside_cgi,

+             )


              if self.distgitdir.sigbranch:

-                 return SIGLookasideCache(self.lookasidehash,

-                                         self.lookaside,

-                                         self.lookaside_cgi,

-                                         self.repo_name,

-                                         self.branch_merge)

+                 return SIGLookasideCache(

+                     self.lookasidehash,

+                     self.lookaside,

+                     self.lookaside_cgi,

+                     self.repo_name,

+                     self.branch_merge,

+                 )


-                 return CLLookasideCache(self.lookasidehash,

-                                             self.lookaside,

-                                             self.lookaside_cgi,

-                                             self.repo_name,

-                                             self.branch_merge,

-                                             )

+                 return CLLookasideCache(

+                     self.lookasidehash,

+                     self.lookaside,

+                     self.lookaside_cgi,

+                     self.repo_name,

+                     self.branch_merge,

+                 )


      # redefined loaders

      def load_rpmdefines(self):

-         '''

-             Populate rpmdefines based on branch data

-         '''

+         """

+         Populate rpmdefines based on branch data

+         """


          if not self.distgitdir.centosversion:

-             raise rpkgError('Could not get the OS version from the branch:{0}'.format(self.branch_merge))

+             raise rpkgError(

+                 "Could not get the OS version from the branch:{0}".format(

+                     self.branch_merge

+                 )

+             )


          self._distvar = self.distgitdir.centosversion

-         self._distval = self._distvar.replace('.', '_')


-         self._disttag = 'el%s' % self._distval

-         self._rpmdefines = ['--define', '_sourcedir %s' % self.layout.sourcedir,

-                             '--define', '_specdir %s' % self.layout.specdir,

-                             '--define', '_builddir %s' % self.layout.builddir,

-                             '--define', '_srcrpmdir %s' % self.layout.srcrpmdir,

-                             '--define', '_rpmdir %s' % self.layout.rpmdir,

-                             '--define', 'dist .%s' % self._disttag,

-                             # int and float this to remove the decimal

-                             '--define', '%s 1' % self._disttag,

-                             # This is so the rhel macro is set for spec files

-                             '--define', 'rhel %s' % self._distval.split('_')[0]]

+         self._distval = self._distvar.replace(".", "_")


+         self._disttag = "el%s" % self._distval

+         self._rpmdefines = [

+             "--define",

+             "_sourcedir %s" % self.layout.sourcedir,

+             "--define",

+             "_specdir %s" % self.layout.specdir,

+             "--define",

+             "_builddir %s" % self.layout.builddir,

+             "--define",

+             "_srcrpmdir %s" % self.layout.srcrpmdir,

+             "--define",

+             "_rpmdir %s" % self.layout.rpmdir,

+             "--define",

+             "dist .%s" % self._disttag,

+             # int and float this to remove the decimal

+             "--define",

+             "%s 1" % self._disttag,

+             # This is so the rhel macro is set for spec files

+             "--define",

+             "rhel %s" % self._distval.split("_")[0],

+         ]

          self.log.debug("RPMDefines: %s" % self._rpmdefines)


      def construct_build_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -218,9 +246,9 @@ 

          In CentOS/Fedora Koji, anonymous URL should have prefix "git+https://"


          url = super(Commands, self).construct_build_url(*args, **kwargs)

-         return 'git+{0}'.format(url)

+         return "git+{0}".format(url)


      def load_target(self):

-         """ This sets the target attribute (used for mock and koji) """

+         """This sets the target attribute (used for mock and koji)"""


          self._target = self.distgitdir.target

file modified
+23 -14
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ 

- '''

+ """

      The main behavior of centpkg

- '''

+ """



  # Author(s):

  #            Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com>
@@ -32,7 +33,8 @@ 

      program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])


      default_user_config_path = os.path.join(

-         os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'rpkg', '%s.conf' % program_name)

+         os.path.expanduser("~"), ".config", "rpkg", "%s.conf" % program_name

+     )


      # Setup an argparser and parse the known commands to get the config file

@@ -41,16 +43,23 @@ 

      #   --user-config

      parser = pyrpkg.cli.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False)


-     parser.add_argument('-C', '--config', help='Specify a config file to use',

-                         default='/etc/rpkg/%s.conf' % program_name)

-     parser.add_argument('--user-config', help='Specify a user config file to use',

-                         default=default_user_config_path)

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-C",

+         "--config",

+         help="Specify a config file to use",

+         default="/etc/rpkg/%s.conf" % program_name,

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--user-config",

+         help="Specify a user config file to use",

+         default=default_user_config_path,

+     )


      (args, other) = parser.parse_known_args()


      # Make sure we have a sane config file

-     if not os.path.exists(args.config) and not other[-1] in ['--help', '-h', 'help']:

-         sys.stderr.write('Invalid config file %s\n' % args.config)

+     if not os.path.exists(args.config) and not other[-1] in ["--help", "-h", "help"]:

+         sys.stderr.write("Invalid config file %s\n" % args.config)



      # Setup a configuration object and read config file data
@@ -59,14 +68,14 @@ 



      client = centpkg.cli.centpkgClient(config, name=program_name)

-     client.do_imports(site='centpkg')

+     client.do_imports(site="centpkg")



      # This is due to a difference argparse behavior to Python 2 version.

      # In Python 3, argparse will proceed to here without reporting

      # "too few arguments". Instead, client.args does not have attribute

      # command.

-     if not hasattr(client.args, 'command'):

+     if not hasattr(client.args, "command"):



@@ -74,7 +83,7 @@ 


              client.args.path = pyrpkg.utils.getcwd()

          except Exception:

-             print('Could not get current path, have you deleted it?')

+             print("Could not get current path, have you deleted it?")



      # setup the logger -- This logger will take things of INFO or DEBUG and
@@ -98,9 +107,9 @@ 

      except KeyboardInterrupt:


      except Exception as e:

-         if getattr(client.args, 'debug', False):

+         if getattr(client.args, "debug", False):


-         log.error('Could not execute %s: %s' % (client.args.command.__name__, e))

+         log.error("Could not execute %s: %s" % (client.args.command.__name__, e))




file modified
+13 -8
@@ -12,24 +12,29 @@ 

  class centos_cert_error(Exception):




  def _open_cert():


-     Read in the certificate so we dont duplicate the code 

+     Read in the certificate so we dont duplicate the code


-      # Make sure we can even read the thing.

-     cert_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".koji", "client.crt")

+     # Make sure we can even read the thing.

+     cert_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".koji", "client.crt")

      if not os.access(cert_file, os.R_OK):

-         raise centos_cert_error("""!!!    cannot read your centos cert file   !!!

- !!! Ensure the file is readable and try again !!!""")

-     raw_cert = open(cert_file, 'rb').read()

+         raise centos_cert_error(

+             """!!!    cannot read your centos cert file   !!!

+ !!! Ensure the file is readable and try again !!!"""

+         )

+     raw_cert = open(cert_file, "rb").read()


          my_cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(raw_cert)

      except TypeError:

          # it was required to specify a backend prior to cryptography 3.1

          from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend


          my_cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(raw_cert, default_backend())

      return my_cert



  def verify_cert():


      Check that the user cert is valid.
@@ -40,10 +45,10 @@ 

      my_cert = _open_cert()

      warn = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=21)


-     print(my_cert.not_valid_after.strftime('cert expires: %Y-%m-%d'))

+     print(my_cert.not_valid_after.strftime("cert expires: %Y-%m-%d"))


      if my_cert.not_valid_after < warn:

-         print('WARNING: Your cert expires soon.')

+         print("WARNING: Your cert expires soon.")



  def certificate_expired():

file modified
+169 -85
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ 

- '''

+ """

      Command line behavior for centpkg

- '''

+ """



  # Author(s):

  #            Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com>
@@ -30,21 +31,21 @@ 

  import os

  import sys


- _DEFAULT_API_BASE_URL = 'https://gitlab.com'

+ _DEFAULT_API_BASE_URL = "https://gitlab.com"


-     'centpkg': 'redhat/centos-stream',

-     'centpkg-sig': 'CentOS',

+     "centpkg": "redhat/centos-stream",

+     "centpkg-sig": "CentOS",




  class centpkgClient(cliClient):

-     def __init__(self, config, name='centpkg'):

+     def __init__(self, config, name="centpkg"):

          self.DEFAULT_CLI_NAME = name


          # Save the config for utilities such as get_repo_name()

          centpkg.utils.dist_git_config = config

-         centpkg.utils.dist_git_config.add_section('__default')

-         centpkg.utils.dist_git_config.set('__default', 'cli_name', name)

+         centpkg.utils.dist_git_config.add_section("__default")

+         centpkg.utils.dist_git_config.set("__default", "cli_name", name)


          super(centpkgClient, self).__init__(config, name)

@@ -56,14 +57,17 @@ 



      def register_do_fork(self):

-         help_msg = 'Create a new fork of the current repository'

-         distgit_section = '{0}.distgit'.format(self.name)

+         help_msg = "Create a new fork of the current repository"

+         distgit_section = "{0}.distgit".format(self.name)

          # uses default dist-git url in case section is not present


-             distgit_api_base_url = config_get_safely(self.config, distgit_section, "apibaseurl")

+             distgit_api_base_url = config_get_safely(

+                 self.config, distgit_section, "apibaseurl"

+             )

          except rpkgError:

              distgit_api_base_url = _DEFAULT_API_BASE_URL

-         description = textwrap.dedent('''

+         description = textwrap.dedent(

+             """

              Create a new fork of the current repository


              Before the operation, you need to generate an API token at
@@ -77,13 +81,17 @@ 

              Below is a basic example of the command to fork a current repository:


                  {0} fork

-         '''.format(self.name, urlparse(distgit_api_base_url).netloc))

+         """.format(

+                 self.name, urlparse(distgit_api_base_url).netloc

+             )

+         )


          fork_parser = self.subparsers.add_parser(

-             'fork',

+             "fork",



-             description=description)

+             description=description,

+         )



      def do_distgit_fork(self):
@@ -91,9 +99,11 @@ 

          That includes creating fork itself using API call and then adding

          remote tracked repository


-         distgit_section = '{0}.distgit'.format(self.name)

-         distgit_api_base_url = config_get_safely(self.config, distgit_section, "apibaseurl")

-         distgit_token = config_get_safely(self.config, distgit_section, 'token')

+         distgit_section = "{0}.distgit".format(self.name)

+         distgit_api_base_url = config_get_safely(

+             self.config, distgit_section, "apibaseurl"

+         )

+         distgit_token = config_get_safely(self.config, distgit_section, "token")


          ret, repo_path = do_fork(

@@ -105,8 +115,8 @@ 



          # assemble url of the repo in web browser

-         fork_url = '{0}/{1}'.format(

-             distgit_api_base_url.rstrip('/'),

+         fork_url = "{0}/{1}".format(

+             distgit_api_base_url.rstrip("/"),



@@ -117,11 +127,11 @@ 



          distgit_remote_base_url = self.config.get(

-             '{0}'.format(self.name),

+             "{0}".format(self.name),


-             vars={'repo': '{0}/{1}'.format(self.cmd.ns, self.cmd.repo_name)},

+             vars={"repo": "{0}/{1}".format(self.cmd.ns, self.cmd.repo_name)},


-         remote_name = repo_path.split('/')[0]

+         remote_name = repo_path.split("/")[0]


          ret = do_add_remote(

@@ -153,19 +163,27 @@ 

              # Get our internal only variables

              cfg = ConfigParser()


-             pp_api_url = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'pp_api_url')

-             gitbz_query_url = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'gitbz_query_url')

-             rhel_dist_git = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'rhel_dist_git')

+             pp_api_url = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", "pp_api_url")

+             gitbz_query_url = config_get_safely(

+                 cfg, "centpkg.internal", "gitbz_query_url"

+             )

+             rhel_dist_git = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", "rhel_dist_git")


              # Find out divergent branch and stabalization

              self.log.info("Checking current state:")

-             stream_version = self.cmd.target.split('-')[0]

+             stream_version = self.cmd.target.split("-")[0]

              rhel_version = centpkg.utils.stream_mapping(stream_version)


-                 x_version, active_y, is_beta, in_stabilization = centpkg.utils.determine_active_y_version(rhel_version, pp_api_url)

+                 x_version, active_y, is_beta, in_stabilization = (

+                     centpkg.utils.determine_active_y_version(rhel_version, pp_api_url)

+                 )

              except AssertionError as e:

-                 self.log.error("  Error: centpkg cannot determine the development phase.")

-                 self.log.error("         Please file an issue at https://git.centos.org/centos/centpkg")

+                 self.log.error(

+                     "  Error: centpkg cannot determine the development phase."

+                 )

+                 self.log.error(

+                     "         Please file an issue at https://git.centos.org/centos/centpkg"

+                 )

                  self.log.error("  Workaround: Use the --rhel-target option")


                  raise SystemExit(1)
@@ -175,13 +193,10 @@ 

                  divergent_branch = True


                  divergent_branch = centpkg.utils.does_divergent_branch_exist(

-                                         self.cmd.repo_name,

-                                         x_version,

-                                         active_y,

-                                         rhel_dist_git,

-                                         "rpms")

+                     self.cmd.repo_name, x_version, active_y, rhel_dist_git, "rpms"

+                 )

              # Good to know

-             if in_stabilization :

+             if in_stabilization:

                  self.log.info("    we are in stabilization mode.")


                  self.log.info("    we are not in stabilization mode.")
@@ -193,7 +208,9 @@ 

                  self.log.info("    a divergent branch was not found.")


              self.log.error("NO INTERNAL CONFIGURATION")

-             self.log.error("Hint: If you are internal, install the rhel-packager package from https://download.devel.redhat.com/rel-eng/RCMTOOLS/latest-RCMTOOLS-2-RHEL-9/compose/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/")

+             self.log.error(

+                 "Hint: If you are internal, install the rhel-packager package from https://download.devel.redhat.com/rel-eng/RCMTOOLS/latest-RCMTOOLS-2-RHEL-9/compose/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/"

+             )


              raise SystemExit(1)

@@ -201,9 +218,10 @@ 

      def register_build(self):

          # Do all the work from the super class

          super(centpkgClient, self).register_build()

-         build_parser = self.subparsers.choices['build']

+         build_parser = self.subparsers.choices["build"]

          build_parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter

-         build_parser.description = textwrap.dedent('''

+         build_parser.description = textwrap.dedent(

+             """



              centpkg now sets the rhel metadata with --rhel-target.
@@ -214,60 +232,93 @@ 

               * latest - This will always build for the next Y-stream release

               * none - This will not build in brew.  No rhel metadata is set.


-         '''.format('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(build_parser.description))))

+         """.format(

+                 "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(build_parser.description))

+             )

+         )


          # Now add our additional option


-             '--rhel-target',

-             choices=['exception', 'zstream', 'latest', 'none'],

-             help='Set the rhel-target metadata')

+             "--rhel-target",

+             choices=["exception", "zstream", "latest", "none"],

+             help="Set the rhel-target metadata",

+         )


      # Overloaded _build

      def _build(self, sets=None):


          # Only do rhel-target if we are centpkg, not centpkg-sig, or if we are doing scratch

-         if not os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).endswith('-sig') and not self.args.scratch:

+         if not os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).endswith("-sig") and not self.args.scratch:


              # Only run if we have internal configuraions

              internal_config_file = "/etc/rpkg/centpkg_internal.conf"

              if os.path.exists(internal_config_file):


                  # If rhel-target is set, no need to check, just use it

-                 if hasattr(self.args, 'rhel_target') and self.args.rhel_target:

+                 if hasattr(self.args, "rhel_target") and self.args.rhel_target:

                      # If rhel-target set to none, do nothing with metadata

                      if self.args.rhel_target.lower() != "none":

                          # If custom-user-metadata set, add onto it

-                         if hasattr(self.args, 'custom_user_metadata') and self.args.custom_user_metadata:

+                         if (

+                             hasattr(self.args, "custom_user_metadata")

+                             and self.args.custom_user_metadata

+                         ):


-                                 temp_custom_user_metadata = json.loads(self.args.custom_user_metadata)

+                                 temp_custom_user_metadata = json.loads(

+                                     self.args.custom_user_metadata

+                                 )

                              # Use ValueError instead of json.JSONDecodeError for Python 2 and 3 compatibility

                              except ValueError as e:

-                                 self.parser.error("--custom-user-metadata is not valid JSON: %s" % e)

+                                 self.parser.error(

+                                     "--custom-user-metadata is not valid JSON: %s" % e

+                                 )

                              if not isinstance(temp_custom_user_metadata, dict):

-                                 self.parser.error("--custom-user-metadata must be a JSON object")

-                             temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = self.args.rhel_target

+                                 self.parser.error(

+                                     "--custom-user-metadata must be a JSON object"

+                                 )

+                             temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = (

+                                 self.args.rhel_target

+                             )


-                             temp_custom_user_metadata = {"rhel-target": self.args.rhel_target}

-                         self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.dumps(temp_custom_user_metadata)

+                             temp_custom_user_metadata = {

+                                 "rhel-target": self.args.rhel_target

+                             }

+                         self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.dumps(

+                             temp_custom_user_metadata

+                         )



                      # Get our internal only variables

                      cfg = ConfigParser()


-                     pp_api_url = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'pp_api_url')

-                     gitbz_query_url = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'gitbz_query_url')

-                     rhel_dist_git = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'rhel_dist_git')

+                     pp_api_url = config_get_safely(

+                         cfg, "centpkg.internal", "pp_api_url"

+                     )

+                     gitbz_query_url = config_get_safely(

+                         cfg, "centpkg.internal", "gitbz_query_url"

+                     )

+                     rhel_dist_git = config_get_safely(

+                         cfg, "centpkg.internal", "rhel_dist_git"

+                     )


                      # Find out divergent branch and stabalization

                      self.log.info("Checking rhel-target information:")

-                     stream_version = self.cmd.target.split('-')[0]

+                     stream_version = self.cmd.target.split("-")[0]

                      rhel_version = centpkg.utils.stream_mapping(stream_version)



-                         x_version, active_y, is_beta, in_stabilization = centpkg.utils.determine_active_y_version(rhel_version, pp_api_url)

+                         x_version, active_y, is_beta, in_stabilization = (

+                             centpkg.utils.determine_active_y_version(

+                                 rhel_version, pp_api_url

+                             )

+                         )

                      except AssertionError as e:

-                         self.log.error("  Error: centpkg cannot determine the development phase.")

-                         self.log.error("         Please file an issue at https://git.centos.org/centos/centpkg")

+                         self.log.error(

+                             "  Error: centpkg cannot determine the development phase."

+                         )

+                         self.log.error(

+                             "         Please file an issue at https://git.centos.org/centos/centpkg"

+                         )

                          self.log.error("  Workaround: Use the --rhel-target option")


                          raise SystemExit(1)
@@ -278,11 +329,12 @@ 

                          divergent_branch = True


                          divergent_branch = centpkg.utils.does_divergent_branch_exist(

-                                                 self.cmd.repo_name,

-                                                 x_version,

-                                                 active_y,

-                                                 rhel_dist_git,

-                                                 "rpms")

+                             self.cmd.repo_name,

+                             x_version,

+                             active_y,

+                             rhel_dist_git,

+                             "rpms",

+                         )


                      # Good to know

                      if divergent_branch and not is_beta:
@@ -291,57 +343,80 @@ 

                          self.log.info("    we are working on a beta release.")


                          self.log.info("    a divergent branch was not found.")

-                     if in_stabilization :

+                     if in_stabilization:

                          self.log.info("    we are in stabilization mode.")


                          self.log.info("    we are not in stabilization mode.")


                      # Update args.custom_user_metadata

-                     if hasattr(self.args, 'custom_user_metadata') and self.args.custom_user_metadata:

+                     if (

+                         hasattr(self.args, "custom_user_metadata")

+                         and self.args.custom_user_metadata

+                     ):


-                             temp_custom_user_metadata = json.loads(self.args.custom_user_metadata)

+                             temp_custom_user_metadata = json.loads(

+                                 self.args.custom_user_metadata

+                             )

                          # Use ValueError instead of json.JSONDecodeError for Python 2 and 3 compatibility

                          except ValueError as e:

-                             self.parser.error("--custom-user-metadata is not valid JSON: %s" % e)

+                             self.parser.error(

+                                 "--custom-user-metadata is not valid JSON: %s" % e

+                             )

                          if not isinstance(temp_custom_user_metadata, dict):

-                             self.parser.error("--custom-user-metadata must be a JSON object")

+                             self.parser.error(

+                                 "--custom-user-metadata must be a JSON object"

+                             )

                          if divergent_branch:

                              temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = "latest"

-                         elif not divergent_branch and not in_stabilization :

+                         elif not divergent_branch and not in_stabilization:

                              temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = "zstream"


                              self.log.error("We are currently in Stabalization mode")

-                             self.log.error("You must either set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)")

+                             self.log.error(

+                                 "You must either set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)"

+                             )

                              self.log.error("or branch for the previous version.")


                              raise SystemExit(1)

-                         self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.dumps(temp_custom_user_metadata)

+                         self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.dumps(

+                             temp_custom_user_metadata

+                         )


                          if divergent_branch:

                              self.args.custom_user_metadata = '{"rhel-target": "latest"}'

-                         elif not divergent_branch and not in_stabilization :

-                             self.args.custom_user_metadata = '{"rhel-target": "zstream"}'

+                         elif not divergent_branch and not in_stabilization:

+                             self.args.custom_user_metadata = (

+                                 '{"rhel-target": "zstream"}'

+                             )


                              self.log.error("We are currently in Stabalization mode")

-                             self.log.error("You must either set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)")

+                             self.log.error(

+                                 "You must either set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)"

+                             )

                              self.log.error("or branch for the previous version.")


                              raise SystemExit(1)


                      # Good to know

-                     self.log.info("    rhel-target: " + json.loads(self.args.custom_user_metadata)['rhel-target'])

+                     self.log.info(

+                         "    rhel-target: "

+                         + json.loads(self.args.custom_user_metadata)["rhel-target"]

+                     )



                  self.log.error("NO INTERNAL CONFIGURATION")

-                 self.log.error("Only scratch builds are allowed without internal configurations")

-                 self.log.error("Hint: Install the rhel-packager package from https://download.devel.redhat.com/rel-eng/RCMTOOLS/latest-RCMTOOLS-2-RHEL-9/compose/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/ if you want to build the package via internal (Red Hat) configuration.")

+                 self.log.error(

+                     "Only scratch builds are allowed without internal configurations"

+                 )

+                 self.log.error(

+                     "Hint: Install the rhel-packager package from https://download.devel.redhat.com/rel-eng/RCMTOOLS/latest-RCMTOOLS-2-RHEL-9/compose/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/ if you want to build the package via internal (Red Hat) configuration."

+                 )


                  raise SystemExit(1)


          # Proceed with build

          return super(centpkgClient, self)._build(sets)



      def register_request_gated_side_tag(self):

          """Register command line parser for subcommand request-gated-side-tag"""

          parser = self.subparsers.add_parser(
@@ -362,20 +437,29 @@ 

          parent_namespace = _DEFAULT_PARENT_NAMESPACE[self.DEFAULT_CLI_NAME]


          if "/" in self.args.repo[0]:

-             project_name_with_namespace = parent_namespace+"/"+self.args.repo[0]

-             short_name=self.args.repo[0].split("/")[-1]

+             project_name_with_namespace = parent_namespace + "/" + self.args.repo[0]

+             short_name = self.args.repo[0].split("/")[-1]


-             project_name_with_namespace = parent_namespace+"/rpms/"+self.args.repo[0]

-             short_name=self.args.repo[0]

+             project_name_with_namespace = (

+                 parent_namespace + "/rpms/" + self.args.repo[0]

+             )

+             short_name = self.args.repo[0]


              project = gl.projects.get(project_name_with_namespace)

          except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabGetError as e:

-             self.log.error("There is no repository with the given name. Did you spell it correctly?")

+             self.log.error(

+                 "There is no repository with the given name. Did you spell it correctly?"

+             )

              self.log.error("Fatal: ")


              raise SystemExit(1)

          if not project.name == short_name:

              self.log.error("Fatal: ")

-             self.log.error("Project name is wrong: " + short_name + " it should be: " + project.name)

+             self.log.error(

+                 "Project name is wrong: "

+                 + short_name

+                 + " it should be: "

+                 + project.name

+             )

              raise SystemExit(1)

          super(centpkgClient, self).clone()

file modified
+64 -47
@@ -58,16 +58,19 @@ 

      It inherits most of its behavior from `pyrpkg.lookasideCGILookasideCache`.



-     def __init__(self, hashtype, download_url, upload_url, client_cert=None, ca_cert=None):

+     def __init__(

+         self, hashtype, download_url, upload_url, client_cert=None, ca_cert=None

+     ):

          super(StreamLookasideCache, self).__init__(

-             hashtype, download_url, upload_url,

-             client_cert=client_cert, ca_cert=ca_cert)

+             hashtype, download_url, upload_url, client_cert=client_cert, ca_cert=ca_cert

+         )


      def get_download_url(self, name, filename, hash, hashtype=None, **kwargs):

          _name = utils.get_repo_name(name) if is_dist_git(os.getcwd()) else name


          return super(StreamLookasideCache, self).get_download_url(

-                 _name, filename, hash, hashtype=hashtype, **kwargs)

+             _name, filename, hash, hashtype=hashtype, **kwargs

+         )


      def remote_file_exists(self, name, filename, hashstr):

@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ 

          This method inherits the behavior of its parent class from pyrpkg.


          It uses the internal `utils.get_repo_name` method to parse the name in case

-         it is a scm url. 

+         it is a scm url.



@@ -98,10 +101,10 @@ 



              status = super(StreamLookasideCache, self).remote_file_exists(

-                 _name, filename, hashstr)

+                 _name, filename, hashstr

+             )

          except UploadError as e:

-             self.log.error('Error checking for %s at %s'

-                           % (filename, self.upload_url))

+             self.log.error("Error checking for %s at %s" % (filename, self.upload_url))


              raise SystemExit(1)

@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ 

          This method inherits the behavior of its parent class from pyrpkg.


          It uses the internal `utils.get_repo_name` method to parse the name in case

-         it is a scm url. 

+         it is a scm url.



@@ -139,8 +142,7 @@ 


          _name = utils.get_repo_name(name) if is_dist_git(os.getcwd()) else name


-         return super(StreamLookasideCache, self).upload(

-             _name, filename, hashstr)

+         return super(StreamLookasideCache, self).upload(_name, filename, hashstr)


      def download(self, name, filename, hashstr, outfile, hashtype=None, **kwargs):

@@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ 

          This method inherits the behavior of its parent class from pyrpkg.


          It uses the internal `utils.get_repo_name` method to parse the name in case

-         it is a scm url. 

+         it is a scm url.



@@ -178,7 +180,8 @@ 

          _name = utils.get_repo_name(name) if is_dist_git(os.getcwd()) else name


          return super(StreamLookasideCache, self).download(

-            _name, filename, hashstr, outfile, hashtype=hashtype, **kwargs)

+             _name, filename, hashstr, outfile, hashtype=hashtype, **kwargs

+         )



  class CLLookasideCache(CGILookasideCache):
@@ -190,22 +193,23 @@ 


      def __init__(self, hashtype, download_url, upload_url, name, branch):

          super(CLLookasideCache, self).__init__(

-             hashtype, download_url, upload_url, name, branch)

+             hashtype, download_url, upload_url, name, branch

+         )

          self.name = name

          self.branch = branch


      def get_download_url(self, name, filename, hash, hashtype=None, **kwargs):

-         self.download_path='%(name)s/%(branch)s/%(hash)s'

+         self.download_path = "%(name)s/%(branch)s/%(hash)s"

          if "/" in name:

-                 real_name = name.split("/")[-1]

+             real_name = name.split("/")[-1]


-                 real_name = name

+             real_name = name

          path_dict = {

-                 'name': real_name,

-                 'filename': filename,

-                 'branch': self.branch,

-                 'hash': hash,

-                 'hashtype': hashtype

+             "name": real_name,

+             "filename": filename,

+             "branch": self.branch,

+             "hash": hash,

+             "hashtype": hashtype,


          path = self.download_path % path_dict

          return os.path.join(self.download_url, path)
@@ -217,25 +221,36 @@ 


      It inherits most of its behavior from `pyrpkg.lookasideCGILookasideCache`.


-     def __init__(self, hashtype, download_url, upload_url, name, branch, client_cert=None, ca_cert=None):


+     def __init__(

+         self,

+         hashtype,

+         download_url,

+         upload_url,

+         name,

+         branch,

+         client_cert=None,

+         ca_cert=None,

+     ):

          super(SIGLookasideCache, self).__init__(

-             hashtype, download_url, upload_url, client_cert=client_cert, ca_cert=ca_cert)

+             hashtype, download_url, upload_url, client_cert=client_cert, ca_cert=ca_cert

+         )


          self.name = name

          self.branch = branch


      def get_download_url(self, name, filename, hash, hashtype=None, **kwargs):

-         download_path =  '%(name)s/%(branch)s/%(hash)s'

+         download_path = "%(name)s/%(branch)s/%(hash)s"

          if "/" in name:

-                 real_name = name.split("/")[-1]

+             real_name = name.split("/")[-1]


-                 real_name = name

+             real_name = name

          path_dict = {

-                 'name': real_name,

-                 'filename': filename,

-                 'branch': self.branch,

-                 'hash': hash,

-                 'hashtype': hashtype

+             "name": real_name,

+             "filename": filename,

+             "branch": self.branch,

+             "hash": hash,

+             "hashtype": hashtype,


          path = download_path % path_dict

          return os.path.join(self.download_url, path)
@@ -256,9 +271,11 @@ 

          # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1241059

          _name = utils.get_repo_name(name) if is_dist_git(os.getcwd()) else name


-         post_data = [('name', _name),

-                      ('%ssum' % self.hashtype, hash),

-                      ('filename', filename)]

+         post_data = [

+             ("name", _name),

+             ("%ssum" % self.hashtype, hash),

+             ("filename", filename),

+         ]


          with io.BytesIO() as buf:

              c = pycurl.Curl()
@@ -270,8 +287,7 @@ 

                  if os.path.exists(self.client_cert):

                      c.setopt(pycurl.SSLCERT, self.client_cert)


-                     self.log.warning("Missing certificate: %s"

-                                      % self.client_cert)

+                     self.log.warning("Missing certificate: %s" % self.client_cert)


              if self.ca_cert is not None:

                  if os.path.exists(self.ca_cert):
@@ -280,7 +296,7 @@ 

                      self.log.warning("Missing certificate: %s", self.ca_cert)


              c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE)

-             c.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, ':')

+             c.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, ":")



@@ -299,16 +315,15 @@ 


          # Lookaside CGI script returns these strings depending on whether

          # or not the file exists:

-         if output == b'Available':

+         if output == b"Available":

              return True


-         if output == b'Missing':

+         if output == b"Missing":

              return False


          # Something unexpected happened


-         raise UploadError('Error checking for %s at %s'

-                           % (filename, self.upload_url))

+         raise UploadError("Error checking for %s at %s" % (filename, self.upload_url))


      def upload(self, name, filepath, hash):

          """Upload a source file
@@ -326,9 +341,11 @@ 



          self.log.info("Uploading: %s", filepath)

-         post_data = [('name', name),

-                      ('%ssum' % self.hashtype, hash),

-                      ('file', (pycurl.FORM_FILE, filepath))]

+         post_data = [

+             ("name", name),

+             ("%ssum" % self.hashtype, hash),

+             ("file", (pycurl.FORM_FILE, filepath)),

+         ]


          with io.BytesIO() as buf:

              c = pycurl.Curl()
@@ -351,7 +368,7 @@ 

                      self.log.warning("Missing certificate: %s", self.ca_cert)


              c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE)

-             c.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, ':')

+             c.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, ":")



@@ -366,7 +383,7 @@ 

              output = buf.getvalue().strip()


          # Get back a new line, after displaying the download progress

-         sys.stdout.write('\n')

+         sys.stdout.write("\n")



          if status != 200:

file modified
+85 -58
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ 


  dist_git_config = None



  def do_fork(logger, base_url, token, repo_name, namespace, cli_name):


      Creates a fork of the project.
@@ -40,27 +41,30 @@ 

      :return: a tuple consisting of whether the fork needed to be created (bool)

          and the fork path (string)


-     api_url = '{0}/api/v4'.format(base_url.rstrip('/'))

+     api_url = "{0}/api/v4".format(base_url.rstrip("/"))

      project_id = quote_plus("redhat/centos-stream/{0}/{1}".format(namespace, repo_name))

-     fork_url = '{0}/projects/{1}/fork'.format(api_url, project_id)

+     fork_url = "{0}/projects/{1}/fork".format(api_url, project_id)


      headers = {

-         'PRIVATE-TOKEN': token,

-         'Accept': 'application/json',

-         'Content-Type': 'application/json'

+         "PRIVATE-TOKEN": token,

+         "Accept": "application/json",

+         "Content-Type": "application/json",


      # define a new repository name/path to avoid collision with other projects

      safe_name = "centos_{0}_{1}".format(namespace, repo_name)

-     payload = json.dumps({

-         'name': safe_name,  # name of the project after forking

-         'path': safe_name,

-     })

+     payload = json.dumps(

+         {

+             "name": safe_name,  # name of the project after forking

+             "path": safe_name,

+         }

+     )


-         rv = requests.post(

-             fork_url, headers=headers, data=payload, timeout=60)

+         rv = requests.post(fork_url, headers=headers, data=payload, timeout=60)

      except ConnectionError as error:

-         error_msg = ('The connection to API failed while trying to '

-                      'create a new fork. The error was: {0}'.format(str(error)))

+         error_msg = (

+             "The connection to API failed while trying to "

+             "create a new fork. The error was: {0}".format(str(error))

+         )

          raise rpkgError(error_msg)


@@ -71,49 +75,64 @@ 



      if rv.ok:

-         fork_id = rv.json()['id']

+         fork_id = rv.json()["id"]


              # Unprotect c9s in fork

-             rv = requests.delete('{0}/projects/{1}/protected_branches/{2}'.format(api_url, fork_id, 'c9s'), headers=headers)

+             rv = requests.delete(

+                 "{0}/projects/{1}/protected_branches/{2}".format(

+                     api_url, fork_id, "c9s"

+                 ),

+                 headers=headers,

+             )

          except ConnectionError as error:

-             error_msg = ('The connection to API failed while trying to unprotect c9s branch'

-                          'in the fork. The error was: {0}'.format(str(error)))

+             error_msg = (

+                 "The connection to API failed while trying to unprotect c9s branch"

+                 "in the fork. The error was: {0}".format(str(error))

+             )

              raise rpkgError(error_msg)




              # Reprotect c9s to disable pushes

              # Only maintainers in gitlab are allowed to push with the following config

              # In CS, every pkg maintainer is considered as a developer in gitlab

-             data = {'id': fork_id,

-                     'name': 'c9s',

-                     'allowed_to_push': [{'access_level': 40}],

-                     'allowed_to_merge': [{'access_level': 40}],

-                     }

-             rv = requests.post('{0}/projects/{1}/protected_branches'.format(api_url, fork_id), json=data, headers=headers)

+             data = {

+                 "id": fork_id,

+                 "name": "c9s",

+                 "allowed_to_push": [{"access_level": 40}],

+                 "allowed_to_merge": [{"access_level": 40}],

+             }

+             rv = requests.post(

+                 "{0}/projects/{1}/protected_branches".format(api_url, fork_id),

+                 json=data,

+                 headers=headers,

+             )

          except ConnectionError as error:

-             error_msg = ('The connection to API failed while trying to reprotect c9s branch'

-                          'in the fork fork. The error was: {0}'.format(str(error)))

+             error_msg = (

+                 "The connection to API failed while trying to reprotect c9s branch"

+                 "in the fork fork. The error was: {0}".format(str(error))

+             )

              raise rpkgError(error_msg)


-     base_error_msg = ('The following error occurred while creating a new fork: {0}')

+     base_error_msg = "The following error occurred while creating a new fork: {0}"

      if not rv.ok:

          # fork was already created

          if rv.status_code == 409 or rv.reason == "Conflict":

              # When the repo already exists, the return doesn't contain the repo

              # path or username.  Make one more API call to get the username of

              # the token to construct the repo path.

-             rv = requests.get('{0}/user'.format(api_url), headers=headers)

-             username = rv.json()['username']

-             return False, '{0}/{1}'.format(username, safe_name)

+             rv = requests.get("{0}/user".format(api_url), headers=headers)

+             username = rv.json()["username"]

+             return False, "{0}/{1}".format(username, safe_name)

          # show hint for invalid, expired or revoked token

          elif rv.status_code == 401 or rv.reason == "Unauthorized":

-             base_error_msg += '\nFor invalid or expired token refer to ' \

-                 '"{0} fork -h" to set a token in your user ' \

-                 'configuration.'.format(cli_name)

+             base_error_msg += (

+                 "\nFor invalid or expired token refer to "

+                 '"{0} fork -h" to set a token in your user '

+                 "configuration.".format(cli_name)

+             )

          raise rpkgError(base_error_msg.format(rv.text))


-     return True, rv_json['path_with_namespace']

+     return True, rv_json["path_with_namespace"]



  def do_add_remote(base_url, remote_base_url, repo, repo_path, remote_name):
@@ -127,7 +146,7 @@ 

      :return: a bool; True if remote was created, False when already exists


      parsed_url = urlparse(remote_base_url)

-     remote_url = '{0}://{1}/{2}.git'.format(

+     remote_url = "{0}://{1}/{2}.git".format(



@@ -142,7 +161,8 @@ 

          repo.create_remote(remote_name, url=remote_url)

      except git.exc.GitCommandError as e:

          error_msg = "During create remote:\n  {0}\n  {1}".format(

-             " ".join(e.command), e.stderr)

+             " ".join(e.command), e.stderr

+         )

          raise rpkgError(error_msg)

      return True

@@ -194,9 +214,11 @@ 



      # Look up the repo and query for forked_from_project

-     cli_name = config_get_safely(dist_git_config, '__default', 'cli_name')

-     distgit_section = '{0}.distgit'.format(cli_name)

-     distgit_api_base_url = config_get_safely(dist_git_config, distgit_section, "apibaseurl")

+     cli_name = config_get_safely(dist_git_config, "__default", "cli_name")

+     distgit_section = "{0}.distgit".format(cli_name)

+     distgit_api_base_url = config_get_safely(

+         dist_git_config, distgit_section, "apibaseurl"

+     )


      parsed_repo_url = urlparse(repo_url)

      if not parsed_repo_url.scheme and repo_url.startswith("git@"):
@@ -210,17 +232,18 @@ 

          faked_url = "git+ssh://{0}".format(repo_url.replace(":", "/", 1))

          parsed_repo_url = urlparse(faked_url)




-         distgit_token = config_get_safely(dist_git_config, distgit_section, 'token')

+         distgit_token = config_get_safely(dist_git_config, distgit_section, "token")


-         api_url = '{0}/api/v4'.format(distgit_api_base_url.rstrip('/'))

-         project_url = '{0}/projects/{1}'.format(api_url, quote_plus(parsed_repo_url.path.lstrip('/')))

+         api_url = "{0}/api/v4".format(distgit_api_base_url.rstrip("/"))

+         project_url = "{0}/projects/{1}".format(

+             api_url, quote_plus(parsed_repo_url.path.lstrip("/"))

+         )


          headers = {

-             'PRIVATE-TOKEN': distgit_token,

-             'Accept': 'application/json',

-             'Content-Type': 'application/json'

+             "PRIVATE-TOKEN": distgit_token,

+             "Accept": "application/json",

+             "Content-Type": "application/json",



          rv = requests.get(project_url, headers=headers)
@@ -229,7 +252,7 @@ 

          # Extract response json for debugging

          rv_json = rv.json()


-         canonical_repo_name = rv_json['forked_from_project']['name']

+         canonical_repo_name = rv_json["forked_from_project"]["name"]


      except HTTPError as e:

          # We got a 4xx or 5xx error code from the URL lookup
@@ -246,9 +269,10 @@ 

          raise rpkgError("Insufficient Gitlab API permissions. Missing token?")


      # Chop off a trailing .git if any

-     return canonical_repo_name.rsplit('.git', 1)[0]

+     return canonical_repo_name.rsplit(".git", 1)[0]



- def get_repo_name(name, org='rpms'):

+ def get_repo_name(name, org="rpms"):


      Try to parse the repository name in case it is a git url.

@@ -273,7 +297,8 @@ 

      # This is probably a renamed fork, so try to find the fork's parent

      repo_name = get_canonical_repo_name(dist_git_config, name)


-     return '%s/%s' % (org, repo_name)

+     return "%s/%s" % (org, repo_name)



  def stream_mapping(csname):

@@ -289,17 +314,20 @@ 


          Correspoinding RHEL name.


-     if csname == "c8s" or csname == "cs8" :

+     if csname == "c8s" or csname == "cs8":

          return "rhel-8"

-     if csname == "c9s" or csname == "cs9" :

+     if csname == "c9s" or csname == "cs9":

          return "rhel-9"

-     if csname == "c10s" or csname == "cs10" :

+     if csname == "c10s" or csname == "cs10":

          return "rhel-10"

-     if csname == "c11s" or csname == "cs11" :

+     if csname == "c11s" or csname == "cs11":

          return "rhel-11"

      return None


- def does_divergent_branch_exist(repo_name, x_version, active_y, rhel_dist_git, namespace):


+ def does_divergent_branch_exist(

+     repo_name, x_version, active_y, rhel_dist_git, namespace

+ ):

      logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


      # Determine if the Y-1 branch exists for this repo
@@ -334,8 +362,8 @@ 



  def _datesplit(isodate):

-     date_string_tuple = isodate.split('-')

-     return [ int(x) for x in date_string_tuple ]

+     date_string_tuple = isodate.split("-")

+     return [int(x) for x in date_string_tuple]



  def parse_rhel_shortname(shortname):
@@ -419,4 +447,3 @@ 



      return x_version, active_y_version, beta, in_exception_phase
