#105 Add determine_rhel_state() and does_branch_exist()
Merged 6 months ago by tdawson. Opened 6 months ago by sgallagh.
centos/ sgallagh/centpkg determine_rhel_state  into  develop

file modified
+73 -142
@@ -157,55 +157,35 @@ 

      # FIXME: This is alot of duplication.

      #        Get it working now.  De-duplicate later

      def request_current_state(self):

-         # Only run if we have internal configuraions, or scratch

+         # Only run if we have internal configurations, or scratch

          internal_config_file = "/etc/rpkg/centpkg_internal.conf"

          if os.path.exists(internal_config_file):

              # Get our internal only variables

              cfg = ConfigParser()


              pp_api_url = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", "pp_api_url")

-             gitbz_query_url = config_get_safely(

-                 cfg, "centpkg.internal", "gitbz_query_url"

-             )

              rhel_dist_git = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", "rhel_dist_git")


-             # Find out divergent branch and stabalization

-             self.log.info("Checking current state:")

+             # Find out divergent branch and stabilization

+             self.log.info("Checking current state...")

              stream_version = self.cmd.target.split("-")[0]

              rhel_version = centpkg.utils.stream_mapping(stream_version)



-                 x_version, active_y, is_beta, in_stabilization = (

-                     centpkg.utils.determine_active_y_version(rhel_version, pp_api_url)

+                 rhel_state = centpkg.utils.determine_rhel_state(

+                     rhel_dist_git=rhel_dist_git,

+                     namespace=self.cmd.ns,

+                     repo_name=self.cmd.repo_name,

+                     cs_branch=stream_version,

+                     pp_api_url=pp_api_url,


-             except AssertionError as e:

-                 self.log.error(

-                     "  Error: centpkg cannot determine the development phase."

-                 )

-                 self.log.error(

-                     "         Please file an issue at https://git.centos.org/centos/centpkg"

-                 )

-                 self.log.error("  Workaround: Use the --rhel-target option")

-                 self.log.error("Exiting")

+             except centpkg.utils.RHELError as e:

+                 self.log.error("Could not determine RHEL state of this package")

+                 self.log.error(str(e))

                  raise SystemExit(1)

-             if is_beta:

-                 # Special case: for X.0 betas, there will never be a prior branch

-                 # In this case, always work on the active branch.

-                 divergent_branch = True

-             else:

-                 divergent_branch = centpkg.utils.does_divergent_branch_exist(

-                     self.cmd.repo_name, x_version, active_y, rhel_dist_git, "rpms"

-                 )

-             # Good to know

-             if in_stabilization:

-                 self.log.info("    we are in stabilization mode.")

-             else:

-                 self.log.info("    we are not in stabilization mode.")

-             if divergent_branch and not is_beta:

-                 self.log.info("    a divergent branch was found.")

-             elif divergent_branch and is_beta:

-                 self.log.info("    we are working on a beta release.")

-             else:

-                 self.log.info("    a divergent branch was not found.")


+             # Output the current state

+             self.log.info(centpkg.utils.format_current_state_message(rhel_state))


              self.log.error("NO INTERNAL CONFIGURATION")

@@ -214,6 +194,27 @@ 


              raise SystemExit(1)


+     def get_custom_metadata(self):

+         # If custom-user-metadata set, add onto it

+         if (

+             hasattr(self.args, "custom_user_metadata")

+             and self.args.custom_user_metadata

+         ):

+             try:

+                 temp_custom_user_metadata = json.loads(self.args.custom_user_metadata)

+             # Use ValueError instead of json.JSONDecodeError for Python 2 and 3 compatibility

+             except ValueError as e:

+                 self.parser.error("--custom-user-metadata is not valid JSON: %s" % e)

+             if not isinstance(temp_custom_user_metadata, dict):

+                 self.parser.error("--custom-user-metadata must be a JSON object")

+         else:

+             temp_custom_user_metadata = dict()


+         return temp_custom_user_metadata


+     def update_custom_metadata(self, metadata):

+         self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.dumps(metadata)


      # Overloaded build

      def register_build(self):

          # Do all the work from the super class
@@ -249,7 +250,6 @@ 


          # Only do rhel-target if we are centpkg, not centpkg-sig, or if we are doing scratch

          if not os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).endswith("-sig") and not self.args.scratch:


              # Only run if we have internal configuraions

              internal_config_file = "/etc/rpkg/centpkg_internal.conf"

              if os.path.exists(internal_config_file):
@@ -258,34 +258,9 @@ 

                  if hasattr(self.args, "rhel_target") and self.args.rhel_target:

                      # If rhel-target set to none, do nothing with metadata

                      if self.args.rhel_target.lower() != "none":

-                         # If custom-user-metadata set, add onto it

-                         if (

-                             hasattr(self.args, "custom_user_metadata")

-                             and self.args.custom_user_metadata

-                         ):

-                             try:

-                                 temp_custom_user_metadata = json.loads(

-                                     self.args.custom_user_metadata

-                                 )

-                             # Use ValueError instead of json.JSONDecodeError for Python 2 and 3 compatibility

-                             except ValueError as e:

-                                 self.parser.error(

-                                     "--custom-user-metadata is not valid JSON: %s" % e

-                                 )

-                             if not isinstance(temp_custom_user_metadata, dict):

-                                 self.parser.error(

-                                     "--custom-user-metadata must be a JSON object"

-                                 )

-                             temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = (

-                                 self.args.rhel_target

-                             )

-                         else:

-                             temp_custom_user_metadata = {

-                                 "rhel-target": self.args.rhel_target

-                             }

-                         self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.dumps(

-                             temp_custom_user_metadata

-                         )

+                         temp_custom_user_metadata = self.get_custom_metadata()

+                         temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = self.args.rhel_target

+                         self.update_custom_metadata(temp_custom_user_metadata)



                      # Get our internal only variables
@@ -294,9 +269,6 @@ 

                      pp_api_url = config_get_safely(

                          cfg, "centpkg.internal", "pp_api_url"


-                     gitbz_query_url = config_get_safely(

-                         cfg, "centpkg.internal", "gitbz_query_url"

-                     )

                      rhel_dist_git = config_get_safely(

                          cfg, "centpkg.internal", "rhel_dist_git"

@@ -307,12 +279,19 @@ 

                      rhel_version = centpkg.utils.stream_mapping(stream_version)



-                         x_version, active_y, is_beta, in_stabilization = (

-                             centpkg.utils.determine_active_y_version(

-                                 rhel_version, pp_api_url

-                             )

+                         rhel_state = centpkg.utils.determine_rhel_state(

+                             rhel_dist_git=rhel_dist_git,

+                             namespace=self.cmd.ns,

+                             repo_name=self.cmd.repo_name,

+                             cs_branch=stream_version,

+                             pp_api_url=pp_api_url,


-                     except AssertionError as e:

+                     except centpkg.utils.RHELError as e:

+                         self.log.error("Could not determine RHEL state of this package")

+                         self.log.error(str(e))

+                         raise SystemExit(1)


+                     except:


                              "  Error: centpkg cannot determine the development phase."

@@ -323,79 +302,31 @@ 


                          raise SystemExit(1)


-                     if is_beta:

-                         # Special case: for X.0 betas, there will never be a prior branch

-                         # In this case, always work on the active branch.

-                         divergent_branch = True

-                     else:

-                         divergent_branch = centpkg.utils.does_divergent_branch_exist(

-                             self.cmd.repo_name,

-                             x_version,

-                             active_y,

-                             rhel_dist_git,

-                             "rpms",

-                         )


-                     # Good to know

-                     if divergent_branch and not is_beta:

-                         self.log.info("    a divergent branch was found.")

-                     elif divergent_branch and is_beta:

-                         self.log.info("    we are working on a beta release.")

-                     else:

-                         self.log.info("    a divergent branch was not found.")

-                     if in_stabilization:

-                         self.log.info("    we are in stabilization mode.")

-                     else:

-                         self.log.info("    we are not in stabilization mode.")

+                     # Output the current state

+                     self.log.info(

+                         centpkg.utils.format_current_state_message(rhel_state)

+                     )


                      # Update args.custom_user_metadata

+                     temp_custom_user_metadata = self.get_custom_metadata()


                      if (

-                         hasattr(self.args, "custom_user_metadata")

-                         and self.args.custom_user_metadata

+                         rhel_state.phase == centpkg.utils.pp_phase_stabilization

+                         or not rhel_state.rhel_target_default


-                         try:

-                             temp_custom_user_metadata = json.loads(

-                                 self.args.custom_user_metadata

-                             )

-                         # Use ValueError instead of json.JSONDecodeError for Python 2 and 3 compatibility

-                         except ValueError as e:

-                             self.parser.error(

-                                 "--custom-user-metadata is not valid JSON: %s" % e

-                             )

-                         if not isinstance(temp_custom_user_metadata, dict):

-                             self.parser.error(

-                                 "--custom-user-metadata must be a JSON object"

-                             )

-                         if divergent_branch:

-                             temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = "latest"

-                         elif not divergent_branch and not in_stabilization:

-                             temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = "zstream"

-                         else:

-                             self.log.error("We are currently in Stabalization mode")

-                             self.log.error(

-                                 "You must either set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)"

-                             )

-                             self.log.error("or branch for the previous version.")

-                             self.log.error("Exiting")

-                             raise SystemExit(1)

-                         self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.dumps(

-                             temp_custom_user_metadata

-                         )

-                     else:

-                         if divergent_branch:

-                             self.args.custom_user_metadata = '{"rhel-target": "latest"}'

-                         elif not divergent_branch and not in_stabilization:

-                             self.args.custom_user_metadata = (

-                                 '{"rhel-target": "zstream"}'

-                             )

-                         else:

-                             self.log.error("We are currently in Stabalization mode")

-                             self.log.error(

-                                 "You must either set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)"

-                             )

-                             self.log.error("or branch for the previous version.")

-                             self.log.error("Exiting")

-                             raise SystemExit(1)

+                         # It shouldn't be possible for rhel_target_default

+                         # to be None except during Stabilization phase,

+                         # but we'll check anyway.

+                         self.log.error("We are currently in Stabilization phase")

+                         self.log.error("You must set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)")

+                         self.log.error("to 'zstream' (for 0day) or 'exception'.")

+                         self.log.error("Exiting")

+                         raise SystemExit(1)


+                     temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = (

+                         rhel_state.rhel_target_default

+                     )

+                     self.update_custom_metadata(temp_custom_user_metadata)


                      # Good to know


file modified
+278 -57
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ 

  import re

  import requests

  import sys

+ from collections import namedtuple

  from datetime import date, datetime

  from http import HTTPStatus

  from pyrpkg import rpkgError
@@ -28,6 +29,40 @@ 


  dist_git_config = None


+ # RHEL Product Pages Phase Identifiers

+ pp_phase_name_lookup = dict()

+ # Phase 230 is "Planning / Development / Testing" (AKA DevTestDoc)

+ pp_phase_devtestdoc = 230

+ pp_phase_name_lookup[pp_phase_devtestdoc] = "DevTestDoc"


+ # Phase 450 is "Stabilization" (AKA Exception Phase)

+ pp_phase_stabilization = 450

+ pp_phase_name_lookup[pp_phase_stabilization] = "Stabilization"


+ # Phase 600 is "Maintenance" (AKA Z-stream Phase)

+ pp_phase_maintenance = 600

+ pp_phase_name_lookup[pp_phase_maintenance] = "Maintenance"


+ rhel_state_nt = namedtuple(

+     "RHELState",

+     [

+         "latest_version",

+         "target_version",

+         "rule_branch",

+         "phase",

+         "rhel_target_default",

+         "enforcing",

+     ],

+ )



+ # Super-class for errors related to internal RHEL infrastructure

+ class RHELError(Exception):

+     pass



+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)



  def do_fork(logger, base_url, token, repo_name, namespace, cli_name):

@@ -312,43 +347,27 @@ 




-         Correspoinding RHEL name.

+         Corresponding RHEL name.


      if csname == "c8s" or csname == "cs8":

-         return "rhel-8"

+         return 8, "rhel-8"

      if csname == "c9s" or csname == "cs9":

-         return "rhel-9"

+         return 9, "rhel-9"

      if csname == "c10s" or csname == "cs10":

-         return "rhel-10"

+         return 10, "rhel-10"

      if csname == "c11s" or csname == "cs11":

-         return "rhel-11"

+         return 11, "rhel-11"

      return None



- def does_divergent_branch_exist(

-     repo_name, x_version, active_y, rhel_dist_git, namespace

- ):

-     logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


+ def does_branch_exist(rhel_dist_git, namespace, repo_name, branch):

      # Determine if the Y-1 branch exists for this repo


-     if x_version >= 10 and active_y <= 0:

-         # For 10.0 and later X.0 releases, check for a rhel-X.0-beta branch

-         divergent_branch = "rhel-{}.0-beta".format(x_version)

-     elif x_version <= 9:

-         divergent_branch = "rhel-{}.{}.0".format(x_version, active_y - 1)

-     else:

-         # Starting with RHEL 10, the branch names have dropped the extra .0

-         divergent_branch = "rhel-{}.{}".format(x_version, active_y - 1)


-     logger.debug("Divergent branch: {}".format(divergent_branch))


      g = gitpython.cmd.Git()




              os.path.join(rhel_dist_git, namespace, repo_name),

-             divergent_branch,

+             branch,


          branch_exists = True

      except gitpython.GitCommandError as e:
@@ -381,30 +400,28 @@ 

      return major_version, minor_version, extra_version



- def determine_active_y_version(rhel_version, api_url):

-     """

-     Returns: A 4-tuple containing:

-       0. The major release version(int)

-       1. The active Y-stream version(int)

-       2. Whether the active release is the pre-X.0 beta

-       3. Whether we are in the Exception Phase(bool)

-     """

-     logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

+ def parse_rhel_branchname(shortname):

+     # The branchname is in the form rhel-9-1.0 or rhel-10.0[-beta]

+     m = re.match(

+         "rhel-(?P<major>[0-9]+)[.-](?P<minor>[0-9]+)([.]0|[-](?P<extra>.*))?", shortname

+     )

+     if not m:

+         raise RuntimeError("Could not parse version from {}".format(shortname))


+     major_version = int(m.group("major"))

+     minor_version = int(m.group("minor"))

+     extra_version = m.group("extra") or None


-     # Phase Identifiers

-     # Phase 230 is "Planning / Development / Testing" (AKA DevTestDoc)

-     # Phase 450 is "Stabilization"

-     phase_devtestdoc = 230

-     phase_stabilization = 450

+     return major_version, minor_version, extra_version


-     # Query the "package pages" API for the current active Y-stream release

-     request_params = {

-         "phase__in": "{},{}".format(phase_devtestdoc, phase_stabilization),

-         "product__shortname": "rhel",

-         "relgroup__shortname": rhel_version,

-         "format": "json",

-     }


+ def query_package_pages(api_url, request_params):

+     """

+     api_url: A URL to the API endpoing of the Product Pages (e.g.

+         "https://example.com/pp/api/")

+     request_params: A set of python-requests-compatible URL parameters to

+         focus the query.

+     """

      res = requests.get(

          os.path.join(api_url, "latest", "releases"),

@@ -413,37 +430,241 @@ 


      payload = json.loads(res.text)

      logger.debug("Response from PP API: {}".format(json.dumps(payload, indent=2)))

-     if len(payload) < 1:


+     return payload



+ def format_branch(x_version, y_version, is_beta):

+     if x_version <= 9:

+         # 9.x and older releases include an excess .0 in the branch name

+         if is_beta:

+             branch = "rhel-{}.{}.0-beta".format(x_version, y_version)

+         else:

+             branch = "rhel-{}.{}.0".format(x_version, y_version)

+     else:

+         # Starting with RHEL 10, the branch names have dropped the extra .0

+         if is_beta:

+             branch = "rhel-{}.{}-beta".format(x_version, y_version)

+         else:

+             branch = "rhel-{}.{}".format(x_version, y_version)

+     return branch



+ def determine_rhel_state(rhel_dist_git, namespace, repo_name, cs_branch, pp_api_url):

+     """

+     Arguments:

+     * rhel_dist_git: an https URL to the RHEL dist-git. Used for determining

+       the presence of the prior release's Z-stream branch.

+     * namespace: The dist-git namespace (rpms, containers, modules, etc.).

+       Used for determining the presence of the prior release's Z-stream

+       branch.

+     * repo_name: The name of the repo in the namespace from which we will

+       determine status. Used for determining the presence of the prior

+       release's Z-stream branch.

+     * cs_branch: The CentOS Stream branch for this repo. Used to determine the

+       RHEL major release.

+     * pp_api_url: The URL to the RHEL Product Pages API. Used for determining

+       the current development phase.


+     Returns: a namedtuple containing key information about the RHEL release

+     associated with this CentOS Stream branch. It has the following members:


+     * latest_version: The most recent major and minor release of RHEL. This

+       is a presentation string and its format is not guaranteed.

+     * target_version: The major and minor release of RHEL that is currently

+       targeted by this CentOS Stream branch. This is a presentation string

+       and its format is not guaranteed.

+     * rule_branch: The branch to be used for check-tickets rules (str)

+     * rhel_target_default: The default `--rhel-target` (str) or

+       None (NoneType). The possible values if not None are "latest" or

+       "zstream".

+     * enforcing: Whether ticket approvals should be enforced. (bool)

+     """


+     x_version, rhel_version = stream_mapping(cs_branch)


+     # Query the "package pages" API for the current active Y-stream release

+     request_params = {

+         "phase__in": "{},{}".format(

+             pp_phase_devtestdoc, pp_phase_stabilization, pp_phase_maintenance

+         ),

+         "product__shortname": "rhel",

+         "relgroup__shortname": rhel_version,

+         "format": "json",

+     }


+     try:

+         pp_response = query_package_pages(

+             api_url=pp_api_url, request_params=request_params

+         )

+     except (ConnectionError, HTTPError) as e:

+         raise RHELError("Could not contact Product Pages. Are you on the VPN?")


+     if len(pp_response) < 1:

          # Received zero potential release matches

          logger.warning("Didn't match any active releases. Assuming pre-Beta.")


          # Fake up a Beta payload

-         payload = [

+         pp_response = [


-                 "shortname": "{}.0.beta".format(rhel_version),

-                 "phase": phase_devtestdoc,

+                 "shortname": "{}.0-beta".format(rhel_version),

+                 "phase": pp_phase_devtestdoc,




      active_y_version = -1

      beta = False

-     for entry in payload:

+     phase_lookup = dict()

+     for entry in pp_response:

          shortname = entry["shortname"]


          # The shortname is in the form rhel-9-1.0 or rhel-10.0[.beta]

          # Extract the active Y-stream version

          x_version, y_version, extra_version = parse_rhel_shortname(shortname)


-         if y_version > active_y_version:

+         entry_is_beta = bool(extra_version and "beta" in extra_version)


+         # Enable looking up the phase later

+         branch_name = format_branch(x_version, y_version, entry_is_beta)

+         phase_lookup[branch_name] = entry["phase"]


+         if y_version > active_y_version or (

+             y_version == active_y_version and beta and not entry_is_beta

+         ):

+             # Replace the saved values with a higher Y version if we

+             # see one. Also check whether we have the same Y version

+             # but without the Beta indicator

              active_y_version = y_version

-             beta = bool(extra_version and "beta" in extra_version)

+             beta = entry_is_beta


+     if beta:

+         latest_version = "{}.{} Beta".format(x_version, active_y_version)

+     else:

+         latest_version = "{}.{}".format(x_version, active_y_version)


+     logger.debug("Latest version: {}".format(latest_version))


+     # Next we need to find out if we're actually USING the latest version or

+     # the previous one, by asking RHEL dist-git if the rhel-X.(Y-1).0 branch

+     # exists. (Or rhel-X.Y.0-beta in the special case of Y=0)


+     # If the latest release is the Beta, we can skip checking for a prior

+     # release branch, since none can exist and we know it cannot be in

+     # the Stabilization Phase yet. Thus, we return the CS branch and

+     # --rhel-target=latest

+     if beta:

+         return rhel_state_nt(

+             latest_version=latest_version,

+             target_version=latest_version,

+             rule_branch=cs_branch,

+             phase=pp_phase_devtestdoc,

+             rhel_target_default="latest",

+             enforcing=False,

+         )


-         in_exception_phase = entry["phase"] == 450

+     # First, check if this is the special case of Y=0

+     # Note: since this is being written during the 10.0 Beta timeframe, there

+     # is no need to special case older formats like 9.0.0-beta. We can just

+     # use rhel-X.0-beta instead.

+     if active_y_version == 0:

+         prior_release_branch = format_branch(x_version, active_y_version, is_beta=True)

+     else:

+         prior_release_branch = format_branch(

+             x_version, active_y_version - 1, is_beta=False

+         )


+     logger.debug("Prior release branch: {}".format(prior_release_branch))


+     try:

+         branch_exists = does_branch_exist(

+             rhel_dist_git, namespace, repo_name, prior_release_branch

+         )

+     except gitpython.GitCommandError as e:

+         raise RHELError("Could not read from RHEL dist-git. Are you on the VPN?")


+     if branch_exists:

+         # The branch is there, so work on the active Y-stream, which is always

+         # in DevTestDoc Phase

+         phase = pp_phase_devtestdoc

+         check_tickets_branch = cs_branch

+         rhel_target_default = "latest"

+         enforcing = False

+         target_version = latest_version

+     else:

+         # The branch is not present, so we'll work on the prior Y-stream

+         check_tickets_branch = prior_release_branch


+         target_x, target_y, target_extra = parse_rhel_branchname(prior_release_branch)

+         target_version = "{}.{}{}".format(

+             target_x,

+             target_y,

+             " Beta" if target_extra and "beta" in target_extra else "",

+         )


+         # The prior Y-stream is always in either Stabilization or Maintenance

+         # phase, so it always enforces.

+         enforcing = True


+         # Determine which phase the prior release is in:

+         phase = phase_lookup[prior_release_branch]


+         if phase == pp_phase_stabilization:

+             # We're in the Stabilization phase, so we can't automatically determine

+             # between the "zstream" and "exception" targets.

+             rhel_target_default = None

+         else:

+             # We must be in Maintenance phase

+             rhel_target_default = "zstream"


+     return rhel_state_nt(

+         latest_version=latest_version,

+         target_version=target_version,

+         rule_branch=check_tickets_branch,

+         phase=phase,

+         rhel_target_default=rhel_target_default,

+         enforcing=enforcing,

+     )



+ def format_current_state_message(rhel_state):

+     """

+     Returns a human-readable string providing actionable information about the

+     current state of this repository. Useful for `centpkg current-state` and

+     the check-tickets function in merge requests

+     """


+     message = (

+         f"Current RHEL status:\n"

+         f"\tThe latest active Y-stream release is RHEL {rhel_state.latest_version}\n"

+         f"\tThis project is targeting RHEL {rhel_state.target_version}\n"

+     )


+     if rhel_state.latest_version != rhel_state.target_version:

+         zstream_active_msg = (

+             f"\t\tThe latest and targeted versions differ.\n"

+             f"\t\tIf this is not intentional, please see\n"

+             f"\t\thttps://one.redhat.com/rhel-development-guide/#proc_centos-stream-first_assembly_rhel-9-development\n"

+             f"\t\tfor details on how to unlock Y-stream development by creating the {rhel_state.rule_branch} branch.\n"

+         )

+         message = "".join((message, zstream_active_msg))


+     target_phase = pp_phase_name_lookup[rhel_state.phase]

+     message = "".join(

+         (

+             message,

+             f"\tThe {rhel_state.target_version} release is currently in {target_phase} phase\n",

+         )

+     )


+     if rhel_state.phase == pp_phase_stabilization:

+         message = "".join(

+             (message, f"\t\tThe --rhel-target argument must be used when building.\n")

+         )


-     logger.debug(

-         "Active Y-stream: {}, Enforcing: {}, Beta: {}".format(

-             active_y_version, in_exception_phase, beta

+     message = "".join(

+         (

+             message,

+             f"\tTicket approvals are {'' if rhel_state.enforcing else 'not '}currently required for merge request approval.",




-     return x_version, active_y_version, beta, in_exception_phase

+     return message

These replace determine_active_y_version and does_divergent_branch_exist()

The return value from determine_rhel_state checks for both Product Pages
state and the presence of the prior release branch to return a complete
set of information about how the current cXs branch will behave.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Gallagher sgallagh@redhat.com

rebased onto b698f10

6 months ago

rebased onto b698f10

6 months ago

rebased onto b698f10

6 months ago

rebased onto 85cce45

6 months ago

rebased onto 85cce45

6 months ago

rebased onto 85cce45

6 months ago

rebased onto 85cce45

6 months ago

I have tested the latest rebase and edits. It looks very good.
I've tested it in as many ways as I can think of and it doesn't break and give the correct information, and/or does the correct thing.
Thank you for doing this.

Pull-Request has been merged by tdawson

6 months ago