#64 centpkg should check package name before cloning
Closed 2 years ago by tdawson. Opened 2 years ago by tdawson.

gitlab repos are case insensitive. This means I can check out Bash and bash and the directory names would be different, but the content would be the same.

centpkg currently uses the directory name to determine things like source name. This can cause problems and confusion when people check out rpm repo's where the package name has capital letters, such as WALinuxAgent.

Originally, we though we should use the spec name instead of the directory name for determining the package name. But there are many packages where the spec name does not match the repository name.

If you were doing this using rhpkg or fedpkg, you would get an error stating that the doesn't exist. Thus we should fix centpkg so that it fails to download a package with the wrong capitalization. Then it would do the same as rhpkg or fedpkg.

Metadata Update from @tdawson:
- Issue tagged with: Bug, Feature Request

2 years ago

This shouldn't be too hard because I have verified that rhpkg already does this. We should be able to just copy what they do.

Turns out it's a bit trickier than we thought. Moving the directory works, but checking out the directory doesn't. So this isn't really a matter of "directory name"

centpkg clone bash
mv bash Bash
cd Bash
centpkg sources


centpkg clone Bash
cd Bash
centpkg sources

I re-worded the description to now have us use the spec name for the directory name. There are too many exceptions to that rule, and adds too much complexity. We should also act more like rhpkg and fedpkg, and not do a clone if the name or capitilization is wrong.

This has been pushed out and is centpkg-0.7.4

Metadata Update from @tdawson:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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