#260 First pass at adding events
Opened 6 days ago by shaunm. Modified 3 days ago
centos/ shaunm/centos.org events  into  main

Adding a couple of talks to SCaLE22x
Shaun McCance • 3 days ago  
Adding a bit more to events pages
Shaun McCance • 4 days ago  
First pass at adding events
Shaun McCance • 6 days ago  
file modified
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ 

      - name: "Chat"

        link: "https://matrix.to/#/#centos-space:fedora.im"

        icon: "fa-solid fa-message"

+     - name: "Events"

+       link: "/events/"

+       icon: "fa-solid fa-users"

      - name: "Calendar"

        link: "/community/calendar/"

        icon: "fa-solid fa-calendar-days"

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ 

+ {% for talk in page.talks %}

+ <div class="row mb-6">

+ <div class="col-4">

+ {% if talk.youtube %}

+ <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={{ talk.youtube }}">

+ <img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/{{ talk.youtube }}/hqdefault.jpg" width="400" class="rounded"></a>

+ {% elsif talk.thumb %}

+ <img src="{{ talk.thumb }}" width="400" class="rounded">

+ {% else %}

+ <img src="/events/thumb.png" width="400" class="rounded">

+ {% endif %}

+ </div>

+ <div class="col">

+ <h3>{{ talk.title }}</h3>

+ {% if talk.link %}

+ <p><i class="fa-solid fa-circle-info"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="{{ talk.link }}">Information</a></p>

+ {% endif %}

+ {% if talk.youtube %}

+ <p><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={{ talk.youtube }}">Video</a></p>

+ {% endif %}

+ {% if talk.slides %}

+ <p><i class="fa-solid fa-file-pdf"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="{{ talk.slides }}">Slides</a></p>

+ {% endif %}

+ {% if talk.when %}

+ <p><i class="fa-solid fa-calendar-days"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ talk.when }}</p>

+ {% endif %}

+ {% if talk.speakers %}

+ <p><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{% for speaker in talk.speakers %}{{ speaker.name }}{% unless forloop.last %} • {% endunless %}{% endfor %}</p>

+ {% endif %}

+ {{ talk.desc }}

+ </div>

+ </div>

+ {% endfor %}

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ 

+ ---

+ title: "Events"

+ ---


+ ## Upcoming Events


+ * CentOS @ [SCaLE 22x](/events/scale22x-2025), March 6-9, 2025


+ ## Past Events


+ ### 2025


+ * CentOS @ [FOSDEM 2025](fosdem-2025), February 1-2, 2025

+ * [CentOS Connect 2025](https://connect.centos.org/), January 30-31, 2025



+ ### 2024


+ * [CentOS Showcase 2024-11](/events/showcase-2024-11), November 4, 2024


+ * CentOS @ [Flock 2024](/events/flock-2024), August 7-11, 2024


+ * [CentOS Connect 2024](/events/connect-2024), February 1-2, 2024



+ ### 2023


+ * CentOS @ [Flock 2023](/events/flock-2023), August 1-4, 2023


+ * [CentOS Connect 2023](/events/connect-2023), February 3, 2024

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+ ---

+ title: "CentOS Connect 2023"

+ title_lead: "February 3, 2023 • Brussels, Belgium"

+ talks:

+   - title: "Offered CentOS Infra services for SIGs"

+     youtube: P5mW1Hc3w9Y

+     speakers:

+       - name: Fabian Arrotin

+     desc: |

+       In this talk, we'll do a quick recap about which kind of services (from git

+       hosting to building and cdn delivery, as well as CI testing) the CentOS Infra

+       team is offering and maintaining for the Special Interest Groups

+   - title: "MirrorManager and CentOS Stream 9"

+     youtube: ZCnhKL1UycM

+     speakers:

+       - name: Adrian Reber

+     desc: | 

+       <p>Fedora relies on MirrorManager since 2008 and with CentOS Stream 9 CentOS

+       mirrors are now also managed by the MirrorManager instance.</p>

+       <p>For the CentOS community I want to use this session to give an overview how

+       MirrorManager works. I want to give an introduction about all the different

+       parts that are necessary to make MirrorManager work as well as how the Fedora

+       instance is set up. I also want to highlight how MirrorManager differs from

+       the traditional CentOS mirror infrastructure.</p>

+       <p>In addition to the introduction for the CentOS community I also want to present

+       what has changed in the last 6 years and how and why we rewrote core components

+       in Rust.</p>

+   - title: "One year on: Experiences using ebranch to bring over Fedora packages to EPEL"

+     youtube: 0oxHgY2SgVk

+     speakers:

+       - name: Michel Salim

+     desc: |

+       <p>At this event last year, I described a WIP tool called ebranch

+       (https://pagure.io/epel/ebranch) that is meant to simplify the workflow

+       of branching a specific package for an EPEL release, together with all the

+       missing dependencies needed to build it.</p>

+       <p>One year on, this tool has been used for bringing over various sets of new

+       packages to EPEL,  in different programming language stacks (from Python to

+       Perl to Rust); this talk discusses the current state of the tool, how features

+       are added to address specific needs, the experiences gained in writing and

+       using the tool, and the pros and cons of how different language stacks are

+       managed in Fedora when it comes to branching to EPEL.</p>

+   - title: "Hyperscale SIG update"

+     youtube: EGlSsPgIgIE

+     slides: "https://gitlab.com/CentOS/promo/centos-events/-/raw/main/2023-02-connect/hyperscale-sig.pdf"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Davide Cavalca

+     desc: |

+       Update on what the Hyperscale SIG has been working on, what deliverables

+       are available and how to use them, and what's coming up next.

+   - title: "Introducing CentOS Stream CoreOS and OKD Streams"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Christian Glombek

+       - name: Alessandro Di Stefano

+     desc: |

+       <p>CentOS Stream CoreOS (SCOS) is a Linux distribution built from CentOS

+       Stream RPM packages, and focused on running container-based workloads

+       with Kubernetes. It is part of the SCOS Stream of OKD, the Kubernetes

+       community distribution of OpenShift, co-maintained by the CentOS Cloud

+       SIG and the OKD Working Group.</p>

+       <p>In this presentation, we'll present the technologies and methodologies

+       driving the CentOS Stream CoreOS (SCOS) release engineering, and the

+       Cloud-Native architecture we leverage to package the operating system

+       that runs Kubernetes/OKD.</p>

+       <p>We'll show how this framework, powered by Tekton pipelines and operated

+       via GitOps, can enable, thanks to rpm-ostree, the CoreOS Assembler and the

+       Layering model, delivery scenarios for different OSes beyond the Cloud-Native

+       ones: IoT, multimedia, automotive, thin-client-based environments. Users can

+       derive their own purpose-driven variants by maintaining a common multi-arch

+       base OS, distributed as a bootable Open Container Image (OCI).</p>

+   - title: "CentOS Stream: RHEL development in public"

+     youtube: mJQa-9gehaU

+     speakers:

+       - name: Adam Samalik

+     desc: |

+       CentOS Stream is where RHEL development happens in public. You can preview

+       content coming to RHEL, test your things on top of it, and even participate!

+       We'll show you how it works, highlight the key differences between Fedora ELN,

+       CentOS Stream and RHEL, and see where it's all happening.

+   - title: "Kmods SIG Update"

+     youtube: T59Mq2GToN4

+     speakers:

+       - name: Peter Georg

+     desc: |

+       Update on what the Kmods SIG has been working on with a particular emphasis

+       on automation of rebuilding kABI tracking kernel modules if required.

+   - title: "Network management in Enterprise Linux: present and future"

+     youtube: hr9YJX11H_c

+     speakers:

+       - name: Fernando Fernandez Mancera

+     desc: |

+       The talk will explore the current state of network management in Enterprise

+       Linux systems and discuss potential future developments in the field. The

+       presentation will cover topics such as network configuration and troubleshooting,

+       with a focus on the NetworkManager and Nmstate tools. The aim of the talk is to

+       provide a comprehensive overview of network management in Enterprise Linux and

+       to discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for enterprise Linux

+       users.

+   - title: "Introduction to Rocky Linux and Peridot: Maintaining a downstream fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux"

+     youtube: TVa6J7GzJeA

+     speakers:

+       - name: Neil Hanlon

+     desc: |

+       Learn about Peridot, a new open source build system created and used by

+       Rocky Linux to simplify the process of maintaining a downstream fork of

+       Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Discover how Peridot can be used to patch and

+       rebuild RPMs, modify upstream RPMs, or package your own software, and how

+       Rocky Linux uses it to manage the rebuilding of all packages in Enterprise

+       Linux and help drive upstream contributions while enabling Rocky's unique

+       special interests. This presentation is ideal for users of RHEL-like

+       operating systems who want to improve their Linux deployment and management

+       processes. Join us to learn about the benefits of Peridot and Rocky Linux

+       and how you can use them to optimize your Linux system and streamline your

+       development workflow.

+   - title: "From code to cloud - the journey of Openstack package"

+     youtube: jaoIph_mEqM

+     speakers: 

+       - name: Karolina Kula

+     desc: |

+       OpenStack is a huge cloud computing project, which does not provide

+       packaging for platforms – RDO does it for rpm-based Linux distros.

+       Delivering packages for such project with new release every half a

+       year is a challenging task. In this talk I’d like to bring closer to

+       audience our continous-delivery approach to package delivery – starting

+       from creating and adding new packages, through updates and managing all

+       packages already delivered, share our practice in automation and tips

+       how to not get drown in dependencies of dependencies. The journey will

+       also have quick stop in building tools we are using in RDO and continuous

+       integration to ensure stability and compatibility, to finally reach the

+       point of having new OpenStack release. This talk is intended not only for

+       those, whose daily duties are connected with cloud or continous-delivery

+       technologies, but also for anyone interested in topic of delivering

+       packages at great scale in open source cloud project, or would like to

+       contribute to RDO.

+   - title: "A year in review 2023 - CentOS Automotive SIG"

+     youtube: YXEx83_y9VU

+     speakers:

+       - name: Eric Curtin

+     desc: |

+       A review of what's going on in our CentOS Automotive SIG, our AutoSD

+       image, how to run an AutoSD VM to try AutoSD, PREEMPT_RT kernel. Similar

+       in ilk to "Fedora: The Vehicle for Automotive Linux" presented by Stephen

+       Smoogen and Allison King at "Nest with Fedora 2022".

+   - title: |

+       Running Cloud Native Applications on CentOS on a Cloud Native Processor;

+       Setting up and running a Mastodon Server on Arm servers in the cloud

+     youtube: rTepNBWgySo

+     speakers:

+       - name: Aaron Williams

+     desc: |

+       <p>In recent months, Mastodon has garnered a lot of attention, and seen a huge

+       influx of new users. Mastodon is a social network built on ActivityPub, a

+       protocol for federated social media. In early December, the network broke 8

+       million users, and had 2.5M active daily users in one week.</p>

+       <p>That influx of new users and interest has led to many new Mastodon instances

+       being added, some with a very broad appeal, and others targeting smaller

+       groups and niche interests. It has also led to some of the more popular

+       instances of Mastodon struggling to scale with the new demand.</p>

+       <p>In this talk, we will walk you through how Mastodon’s federated architecture

+       is designed for the cloud and how easy Mastodon is to set up and run on a

+       CentOS instance on AArch64 cloud instances for free. And since Mastodon’s

+       backend is written in Ruby on Rails, using Redis and PostgreSQL, we will

+       show how easily they run on an AArch64 processor.</p>

+       <p>In addition, we will look at how well the Ampere Altra processor handles

+       cloud native workloads on CentOS. We will show you not only how to run

+       Mastodon on AArch64, but how to do it for free, without having to worry

+       about getting a large cloud bill. Recent events at Twitter gave us the

+       fun idea of how to combine all of this: create and run a Mastodon server

+       on Oracle Cloud’s (OCI) Always Free tier using Ampere A1 and CentOS.</p>

+       <p>We will also talk about some of the scaling issues that Mastodon runs

+       into, and how Ampere cores designed for cloud native workloads like

+       Mastodon are uniquely able to give you predictable throughput and

+       scaling as your server grows in popularity. All while doing this on a

+       processor that is more efficient (i.e. greener) than other processors

+       out there.</p>

+   - title: "AlmaLinux Build System and Project Updates"

+     youtube: TFrImmTPUOc

+     speakers:

+       - name: Jack Aboutboul

+     desc: |

+       Since introducing ALBS at a prior Dojo event, please join the AlmaLinux

+       as they discuss updates and enhancements to their build system, including

+       how they are tackling supply chain security and SBOM.

+ ---


+ <p class="lead mb-6">CentOS Connect is a free mini-conference focusing on CentOS Stream,

+ the CentOS SIGs, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem.

+ CentOS Connect at FOSDEM happens February 3, 2023, the day before FOSDEM.</p>


+ {% include event.html %}

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+ ---

+ title: "CentOS Connect 2024"

+ title_lead: "February 1, 2024 - February 2, 2024 • Brussels, Belgium"

+ talks:

+   - title: "Hyperscale SIG update"

+     youtube: YOC1mxCGAi8

+     speakers:

+       - name: Davide Cavalca

+       - name: Neal Gompa

+     desc: |

+       Update on what the Hyperscale SIG has been working on, what deliverables

+       are available and how to use them, and what's coming up next.

+   - title: "State of EPEL"

+     youtube: Jj83w4gaF40

+     speakers:

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       Troy Dawson, the EPEL Steering Committee chair, presents the State of EPEL.

+       What has EPEL done, what it's currently working on, and what to expect in the future.

+   - title: "EPEL 10 Overview"

+     youtube: mUoI0rqWfmY

+     speakers:

+       - name: Carl George

+     desc: |

+       Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) is a yum repository of community

+       maintained packages for use on CentOS Stream and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

+       In EPEL 9, package maintainers were able to build against CentOS Stream 9 early

+       to have packages ready before the RHEL 9.0 launch.

+       For EPEL 10, the EPEL Steering Committee is planning on expanding that strategy

+       to all minor versions of RHEL 10.

+       Attend this talk to learn more about this initiative and the progress towards it

+       so far.

+   - title: "AlmaLinux: How we automated testing without inventing the wheel and instead improving it"

+     youtube: HgZKLs5ItH4

+     speakers:

+       - name: Elkhan Mammadli

+     desc: |

+       As the AlmaLinux OS Foundation, we take the testing seriously while pioneering

+       on the speed of the delivery.

+       When you have multiple major versions with the support of multiple architecutes,

+       testing of a GNU/Linux distribution can be exhausting.

+       One of the phase on our journey of testing was the automation.

+       We will talk about the openQA and Testinfra as the technologies choice of us,

+       the challenges we faced while adopting them and how we handled them with contributing

+       back to upstream and Enterprise Linux ecosystem.

+   - title: "Bridging the Gap: Packit automation for CentOS and upstream projects"

+     youtube: Eqb6IqG7Jek

+     speakers:

+       - name: František Lachman

+       - name: Evgeny Fedin

+     desc: |

+       <p>Are you a package maintainer striving for a seamless integration with upstream projects?

+       Are you an upstream project developer aiming to ensure your software functions flawlessly

+       on CentOS Stream? Look no further – Packit is your solution!</p>

+       <p>Since the beginning of CentOS Stream, Packit has allowed developers to execute

+       CentOS Stream RPM builds directly from their upstream changes.

+       But that's just the beginning – delve into the possibilities of running tmt-based tests

+       on a pristine virtual machine with the newly-built RPMs installed.

+       This approach enables you to identify and address potential issues as they are introduced

+       to the codebase, ensuring robust and reliable software when the new code reaches the user.</p>

+       <p>More and more projects are using Packit to automatically synchronise upstream

+       releases to Fedora. And we are pleased to announce that the very same is now

+       available for CentOS Stream as well!</p>

+       <p>In this talk, we will guide you through the functionalities Packit brings

+       to the table specifically tailored for CentOS Stream.

+       Discover how you can effortlessly enhance collaboration between upstream projects

+       and CentOS Stream, fostering a more efficient and reliable development process.</p>

+   - title: "Alternative Image SIG - Let's Talk About It"

+     youtube: vwA4mULGiF8

+     speakers:

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       An update on the CentOS Alternative Images SIG. What are our goals.

+       What progress have we made. What do we see in the near, and far future.

+   - title: "Discuss your identity: how FreeIPA helps running CentOS community infrastructure"

+     youtube: mIbp7GUa2KI

+     speakers:

+       - name: Alexander Bokovoy

+     desc: |

+       <p>It is time to gather a feedback!</p>

+       <p>CentOS Stream upstream and downstream communities rely on infrastructure bits

+       provided by FreeIPA project. Fedora uses FreeIPA since 2017, providing the shared

+       infrastructure together with the CentOS project.</p>

+       <p>FreeIPA team would like to hear a community feedback! At this session let us dive

+       into what is working and what could be improved in CentOS community's usage of FreeIPA.</p>

+   - title: "Open Secrets of CentOS Stream"

+     youtube: eQTQn61_UXo

+     speakers:

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       CentOS Stream has a goal of being as open as possible. Even though it has

+       been around for several years, many people think it is still keeping secrets.

+       Join Troy, from the CentOS Stream team at Red Hat, as he works through the

+       whole development workflow, showing how everything is hidden in plain site.

+   - title: "Promo SIG and Docs SIG Updates"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Shaun McCance

+     desc: |

+       Did you know we have SIGs for Promo and Docs? The Promo SIG has been recently

+       revitalized, while Docs has finally been officially recognized as a SIG. This

+       talk will showcase the work being done in both SIGs, and show you how you can

+       get involved. Spoiler: we're having a working day on Monday after FOSDEM, and

+       you're invited!

+   - title: "Ansible usage in CentOS Infra"

+     youtube: xLf8Ma94dHE

+     speakers:

+       - name: Fabian Arrotin

+     desc: |

+       CentOS Infrastructure is heavily relying on Ansible for automation.

+       Let's summarize how we use it, where to find the roles, describe the modular

+       approach with multiple inventories (why and how) and how we maintain these.

+       Also how we use ARA to browse the ansible logs/reports.

+   - title: "Building And Utilizing Purpose-Built GNU/Linux Distribution Images Using Mkosi"

+     youtube: NEEqySq7uE4

+     speakers:

+       - name: Akashdeep Dhar

+     desc: |

+       Mkosi is a tool in the Systemd software suite, facilitating the creation of

+       customized distribution images for various Linux bases like Fedora, Debian,

+       Ubuntu, Arch, Red Hat, Rocky, Alma, Gentoo, etc. It supports multiple system

+       architectures and deployment methods, offering finer control than alternatives

+       like Cloud-init and Ignition, using an INI-styled format for configuration.

+   - title: "How SIGs can facilitate contributions to the CentOS Stream kernel"

+     youtube: pN14gOgBVlo

+     speakers:

+       - name: Paolo Bonzini

+     desc: |

+       The CentOS Stream kernel receives backports for thousands of upstream

+       commits every month. In this talk, I will show how CentOS SIGs can be

+       used to help testing and tracking future contributions to CentOS Stream,

+       helping to structure them into multiple merge requests for the CentOS

+       Stream kernel project on GitLab. The content of this talk are based on

+       the experience gained when developing a TDX-enabled kernel variant within

+       the Virtualization SIG.

+   - title: "The self-abolition of Enterprise Linux Distributions"

+     youtube: F5SWz3yPXjo

+     speakers:

+       - name: Dan Čermák

+     desc: |

+       <p>Enterprise Linux Distributions have been caught in a downward spiral

+       for the past decade. The distributions have been steadily reducing

+       their package sets, as it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain

+       packages in a faster moving ecosystem. This in turn renders enterprise

+       distributions less desirable as a deployment or a development target

+       and especially as a workstation. There is a growing realization that

+       the current release cadence and package maintenance workflow become

+       less suitable for the world where workloads are run as containers

+       based on non-enterprise distributions.</p>

+       <p>What is the way out of this? How can enterprise vendors solve the

+       problem to remain relevant in a cloud native world? Will a more

+       modular distribution be the solution? Or perhaps the container

+       ecosystem, where everything is containerized, is the answer?</p>

+   - title: "Testing the CentOS Hyperscale systemd backport with mkosi"

+     youtube: yK_7tKZLQ68

+     speakers:

+       - name: Daan De Meyer

+     desc: |

+       <p>The CentOS Hyperscale SIG maintains a backport of the latest systemd.

+       This talk will discuss how we use mkosi to test this backport. mkosi is

+       the image building sister project of systemd

+       (<a href="https://github.com/systemd/mkosi">https://github.com/systemd/mkosi</a>).

+       We'll start with a brief introduction to mkosi before moving on to discussing

+       how we use it to test the backport. This involves locally building the systemd

+       rpm locally from the systemd and Hyperscale systemd rpm sources within mkosi,

+       building initrd and system images including the newly build systemd rpms and

+       finally booting the resulting image with qemu. If there's time left, we'll

+       also discuss the SELinux policy module we maintain for the systemd backport.</p>

+       <p>My previous talk on mkosi at ASG:

+       <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EelcbjbUa8">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EelcbjbUa8</a></p>

+   - title: "Using PoI Tracker for Enterprise Linux preparedness and to audit your dependencies"

+     youtube: u4ng7bdLVtA

+     speakers:

+       - name: Michel Lind

+     desc: |

+       <p>PoI Tracker is a tool intended to improve organizations' readiness to adopt

+       the next major Enterprise Linux release, and also make it easier to track the

+       packages they need - especially those community-maintained in the Extra Packages

+       for Enterprise Linux repository as well as projects such as the Hyperscale SIG

+       - and the dependency graph of these packages. This talk will cover both the

+       rationale, the development of the tool itself, and some of its use cases.</p>

+       <p>In addition, having this information about not only the leaf packages organizations

+       care about but also their dependencies, PoI tracker can be used to analyze the health

+       of these dependencies (e.g. surfacing dependencies that have major unfixed bugs, have

+       only a single maintainer) as well as their criticality (e.g. surfacing packages that

+       it turns out is used by many leaf packages) - organizations can then hopefully use

+       this information to invest resources in this (e.g. helping with packaging, contributing

+       code fixes, or funding the development)</p>

+   - title: OpenStack RDO deployment on Community Distribution of Kubernetes (OKD)"

+     youtube: LocoEPmbL4U

+     speakers:

+       - name: Karolina Kula

+       - name: Alfredo Moralejo Alonso

+     desc: |

+       <p>During the last year a new mechanism to deploy OpenStack has been created

+       in the OpenStack Kubernetes Operators project

+       (<a href="https://github.com/openstack-k8s-operators/">https://github.com/openstack-k8s-operators/</a>).

+       In this session we are going to share update about our ongoing work on

+       adopting this project for testing and deploying RDO repositories. We will

+       provide a high level overview of the architecture and concepts behind this

+       model and also share some ideas about CI usage and community-friendly way

+       of deploy full stack RDO.</p>

+   - title: "CentOS Automotive SIG update"

+     youtube: Ry54_HYwdeQ

+     speakers:

+       - name: Eric Curtin

+       - name: Pierre-Yves Chibon

+     desc: |

+       <p>It's going to be similar to the

+       <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2oX-oHUbRA">CentOS Connect talk at flock</a>,

+       but with new content with updated information.</p>

+       <p>We will speak about newer projects such as initoverlayfs, maybe our work

+       with Texas Instruments.</p>

+       <p>In the new year, we will meet with Red Hat Automotive people internally

+       and the CentOS Automotive SIG community externally to decide what content

+       we present.</p>

+   - title: "CentOS Integration SIG: current state and future plans"

+     youtube: p7xiF0psQTA

+     speakers:

+       - name: Aleksandra Fedorova

+     desc: |

+       <p>In this talk I would like to introduce the CentOS Integration SIG.</p>

+       <p>We will discuss our current work, plans and possibilities how you can join and use the</p>

+       <p>We will discuss the current work and the possibilities how the SIG can

+       help you integrate CentOS Stream in your infrastructure or develop your

+       own projects on top of it.</p>

+   - title: "Provisioning hosts with Foreman"

+     youtube: Wzxsz_DQyRc

+     speakers:

+       - name: Shimon Shtein

+     desc: |

+       I would like to introduce the Foreman project that deals with provisioning,

+       configuration management and configuration monitoring aspects of datacenter

+       management. This project allows to manage systems no matter the deployment

+       architecture: physical, virtual or on-cloud. It allows a single pane of glass

+       for most management aspects of the infrastructure.

+   - title: Cloud SIG Update

+     youtube: 1hB2mrttDmc

+     speakers:

+       - name: Joel Capitao

+       - name: Christian Glombek

+     desc: |

+       Please come join the chairs of the CentOS Cloud SiG as they provide a review

+       of the SiG over the past year and where the SiG is going in the next. This

+       review will include information on both RDO and SCOS as the two leading

+       components of the SiG but will also provide information how you and your

+       cloud related project can be a part.

+ ---


+ <p class="lead mb-6">CentOS Connect is the contributor conference for CentOS,

+ focusing on CentOS Stream, Special Interest Groups, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem.

+ CentOS Connect at FOSDEM happens February 1-2, 2024, as part of the FOSDEM Fringe.</p>


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+ ---

+ title: "CentOS @ Flock 2023"

+ title_lead: "August 1, 2023 - August 4, 2023 • Cork, Ireland"

+ talks:

+   - title: "CentOS Alternative Images SIG status report"

+     youtube: MDWAiDiI5qA

+     speakers:

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       The CentOS Alternative Images SIG's goal is to provide Alternative CentOS Stream images.

+       I will report how we are doing, and what we have planned next.

+   - title: "CentOS Stream and RHEL development in public"

+     youtube: BrOYsOvfqig

+     speakers:

+       - name: Adam Samalik

+     desc: |

+       <p>CentOS Stream is where RHEL development happens in public.

+       It's also where many SIGs build on top of an enterprise linux platform

+       while having the ability to influence its development.

+       You can preview content coming to RHEL, test your creations on top of it,

+       and also participate!</p>

+       <p>We'll cover how CentOS Stream works and where you can find it.

+       We'll compare it to Fedora ELN and how it relates to RHEL,

+       and even mention CentOS Stream 10.</p>

+   - title: "Rocky Linux: Journey to secureboot"

+     youtube: lP4hSI8Fg3A

+     speakers:

+       - name: Sherif Nagy

+     desc: |

+       <p>Secureboot is one of your earliest lines of defence against malware,

+       unauthorized code execution during the boot process of the Operating System

+       (at least in theory).

+       It is advised to always have it enabled and most of modern PC's and servers

+       come with secureboot enabled by default.</p>

+       <p>This presentation will be an overview of secureboot and the processes both

+       technical and non-technical that Linux distribution has to go through to be

+       secureboot enabled / ready.

+       I will be talking about my understanding and experience with secureboot,

+       how and why Rocky Linux and other Linux distribution are able to boot in

+       secureboot environment, how to provide a chain of trust, what are the

+       processes involved in getting distribution's shim signed by Microsoft,

+       the technical and non-technical that Linux distributions faces during this

+       process and the benefits to the end user of having Linux distribution

+       supporting and running in secureboot environment.</p>

+       <p>We hope that this presentation will help the GNU/Linux community to

+       understand how secureboot works and how Linux distributions are able

+       to achieve secureboot.</p>

+   - title: "Hyperscale SIG update"      

+     youtube: f86L_rcZW4U

+     slides: "https://gitlab.com/CentOS/promo/centos-events/-/raw/main/2023-08-flock/hyperscale-sig.pdf"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Neal Gompa

+       - name: Davide Cavalca

+     desc: | 

+       Update on what the Hyperscale SIG has been working on, what deliverables

+       are available and how to use them, and what's coming up next.

+   - title: "CentOS Automotive SIG"

+     youtube: P2oX-oHUbRA

+     speakers:

+       - name: Eric Curtin

+     desc: |

+       A review of what's going on in our CentOS Automotive SIG.

+   - title: "KDE in EPEL"

+     youtube: IlFtpKTk7Uw

+     speakers:

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       The KDE Plasma Desktop is in EPEL 8 and 9.

+       I will be talking about the current state of KDE in EPEL,

+       as well as the future plans for EPEL 8, 9 and 10.

+   - title: "Building KubeVirt CI with CentOS Stream"

+     youtube: mK48ndRxS9g

+     speakers:

+       - name: Brian Carey

+     desc: |

+       <p>An introductory talk on how KubeVirt uses CentOS Stream as a solid

+       base for all of its End-to-End testing. This includes:</p>

+       <ul>

+       <li>A quick overview of what KubeVirt is and how the End-to-End tests are currently run</li>

+       <li>How the virtual CentOS Stream based Kubernetes cluster is built and verified</li>

+       <li>Some of the benefits and issues with this approach</li>

+       <li>Bonus: where to find images for CentOS Stream VMs on KubeVirt and how to run them with KubeVirt</li>

+       </ul>

+   - title: "State of EPEL"

+     youtube: woEPqd-ghiY

+     speakers:

+       - name: Carl George

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       The yearly State of EPEL talk.

+       Troy Dawson (the EPEL Steering Committee chair) and Carl George (the CPE EPEL team lead),

+       will present what EPEL and its community have done in the past year,

+       and what we are planning for the future.

+ ---


+ <p class="lead mb-6">Flock is the Fedora Project's annual contributor-focused conference.

+ The conference provides a venue for face-to-face meetings and conversations.

+ CentOS managed a track at Flock 2023.</p>


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+ ---

+ title: "CentOS @ Flock 2024"

+ title_lead: "August 7, 2024 - August 11, 2024 • Rochester, NY, USA"

+ talks:

+   - title: "CentOS Stream - a preview of RHEL, a solid base for CentOS SIGs"

+     youtube: LNJtXYOSMio

+     slides: https://gitlab.com/CentOS/promo/centos-events/-/raw/main/2024-08-flock/centos-stream.pdf

+     speakers:

+       - name: Adam Samalik

+     desc: |

+       <p>CentOS Stream is a Linux distribution built by Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

+       engineers as part of RHEL development.</p>

+       <p>Innovation within the OS happens in Fedora.

+       CentOS Stream provides a solid base for innovation on top of an OS.

+       Many CentOS Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are building on and extending it

+       in all sorts of interesting ways without needing to reinvent the wheel.</p>

+       <p>The source, the builds, the release, it all happens in the open.

+       And because it's what's coming to RHEL, not a rebuild of what's already

+       been there, you can contribute as well.</p>

+       <p>We've had CentOS Stream around for over three years now.

+       Recently we've retired CentOS Stream 8, our first release that reached its end

+       of life, and got a pre-release of CentOS Stream 10 out!</p>

+       <p>We've learned a lot on the way, many things have changed,

+       and we keep working on making it better every day.

+       We introduced release tests, and we're looking at contribution guidelines

+       and even at accepting external 3rd-party test results to ensure CentOS

+       Stream works well for all sorts of use cases.</p>

+       <p>Come and learn about what's new, what's coming, how to get involved

+       both directly and through CentOS SIGs.</p>

+   - title: "What's Up With Automotive in CentOS?"

+     youtube: wf9nHX0tBgc

+     speakers:

+       - name: 'Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon'

+     desc: |

+       This presentation introduces the CentOS Automotive SIG,

+       which provides an automotive-specific version of CentOS -

+       the Automotive Stream Distribution -

+       along with very lightweight container management via BlueChi.

+       We will go over why the SIG was formed and what it provides,

+       its ties to Fedora and RHEL, and the vibrant community forming

+       around Linux in the automotive industry.

+   - title: CentOS Hyperscale SIG update

+     slides: https://gitlab.com/CentOS/promo/centos-events/-/raw/main/2024-08-flock/hyperscale-sig.pdf

+     youtube: UuIU8StQaXY

+     speakers:

+       - name: Neal Gompa

+       - name: Davide Cavalca

+     desc: |

+       Update on what the Hyperscale SIG has been working on,

+       what deliverables are available and how to use them,

+       and what's coming up next.

+   - title: "State of EPEL"

+     slides: https://gitlab.com/CentOS/promo/centos-events/-/raw/main/2024-08-flock/state-of-epel.pdf

+     youtube: uBM020o-gIM

+     speakers:

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+       - name: Carl George

+     desc: | 

+       The annual State of EPEL presentation.

+       What we have done the past year, what we are currently doing, and what is next.

+       We will be giving an extra emphasis on EPEL 10.

+   - title: "Bootstrapping CentOS Stream with Fedora ELN"

+     youtube: HAi3D54lUWY

+     speakers:

+       - name: Stephen Gallagher

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       Let's discuss the launch of CentOS Stream 10 development,

+       how Fedora ELN enabled it and where we go next.

+       This will be a two-part event: the first part will be a retrospective

+       to look into what went well and what could be improved.

+       The second part will be planning for the future of EPEL and CentOS Stream 11.

+   - title: "Stream Alt Images - Let's Talk About It"

+     youtube: mjtnfg8EZpc

+     speakers:

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       The CentOS Alternative Images SIG has made a lot of progress last year.

+       Troy will go over all the Images we are currently building, what we have planned next,

+       as well as demo some of his favorite images.

+ ---


+ <p class="lead mb-6">Flock is the Fedora Project's annual contributor-focused conference.

+ The conference provides a venue for face-to-face meetings and conversations.

+ CentOS managed a track at <a href="https://fedoraproject.org/flock/2024/">Flock 2024</a>.</p>


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+ ---

+ title: "CentOS @ FOSDEM 2025"

+ title_lead: "February 1, 2025 - February 2, 2025 • Brussels, Belgium"

+ talks:

+   - title: "Fedora and CentOS stand"

+     thumb: /events/booth1.png

+     desc: |

+       Find Fedora and CentOS contributors at the stand in the K building.

+   - title: "CentOS Stream and the Power of SIGs: KDE, Hyperscale, and Beyond"

+     slides: "https://fosdem.org/2025/events/attachments/fosdem-2025-5616-centos-stream-and-the-power-of-sigs-kde-hyperscale-and-beyond/slides/237378/2025-FOSD_BxjmNaw.pdf"

+     link: "https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-5616-centos-stream-and-the-power-of-sigs-kde-hyperscale-and-beyond/"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       <p>CentOS Stream is a unique Linux distribution built by Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) engineers,

+       serving as a preview of the next minor version of RHEL and a contribution path to RHEL itself.

+       But CentOS Stream is much more than just a stepping stone to RHEL.

+       CentOS Project's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are expanding the platform in all sorts of

+       interesting ways, including live KDE images, tweaks for hyperscale deployments, immutable

+       CoreOS builds, and so much more.</p>

+       <p>Come and learn how CentOS relates to Fedora, how it's built, how it's tested and released,

+       the new CentOS Stream 10 release (yay!), and how you can get involved!</p>

+   - title: "The Road to EPEL 10"

+     slides: "https://fosdem.org/2025/events/attachments/fosdem-2025-6844-the-road-to-epel-10/slides/237476/the-road-_Ny3Et4L.pdf"

+     link: "https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-6844-the-road-to-epel-10/"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Carl George

+     desc: |

+       Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) is a yum repository of community maintained

+       packages for use on CentOS Stream and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

+       For most of its history, each version of EPEL was made available after the corresponding

+       major version of RHEL.

+       This slowed down package availability, which then slowed down adoption of new RHEL major versions.

+       In EPEL 9, package maintainers were able to build against CentOS Stream 9 early to have

+       a large number of packages ready before the RHEL 9.0 launch.

+       For EPEL 10, the EPEL Steering Committee is expanding that strategy to all minor versions of RHEL 10.

+       This will improve support for CentOS Stream and for specific minor versions of RHEL,

+       resolving several key pain points of users and maintainers.

+       Attend this talk to learn more about this bold initiative and the results achieved so far.

+ ---


+ <p class="lead mb-6">FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet,

+ share ideas and collaborate.

+ Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all

+ over the world gather at the event in Brussels.

+ CentOS participates in <a href="https://fosdem.org/2025/">FOSDEM 2025</a> and helps to run the

+ <a href="https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/track/distributions/">Distributions Devroom</a>.</p>


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+ ---

+ title: "CentOS @ SCaLE 22x"

+ title_lead: "March 6, 2025 - March 9, 2025 • Pasadena, USA"

+ talks:

+   - title: "Booth #102"

+     thumb: /events/booth1.png

+     desc: |

+       Visit Fedora and CentOS at <b>Booth #102</b>.

+       CentOS experts will be on hand throughout the day to talk about CentOS Stream 10,

+       EPEL, bootc, image-mode Linux, and OpenStack.

+   - title: "Fedora+CentOS Classroom"

+     link: "https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/22x/presentations/fedoracentos-classroom"

+     when: "Room 208, Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 14:00 to 17:00"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Carl George

+       - name: Shaun McCance

+       - name: Jason Brooks

+     desc: |

+       <p>Learn about the ecosystems in the Fedora and CentOS projects,

+       and how you can package software for both.

+       Fedora Linux is the leading edge, community built operating system.

+       CentOS is the open source, community operating system derived from Fedora.

+       Although separate projects, Fedora and CentOS have a lot in common,

+       such as packaging and build infrastructure.

+       Both projects also have a wide ecosystem of special interest groups that

+       develop on top of the core operating systems.</p>

+       <p>We will present an overview of the Fedora project followed by an overview CentOS ecosystem.

+       We'll show how both systems are developed and what the various special interest groups are doing.

+       We will then provide a packaging workshop where you can learn how to package your favorite software,

+       whether you want it in Fedora, EPEL, a CentOS SIG, or just for your own personal use.

+       No prior packaging experience is necessary, but we will assume a basic familiarity

+       with Linux and the command line.</p>

+   - title: "Getting Started With OpenStack"

+     link: "https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/22x/presentations/getting-started-openstack"

+     when: "Room 106, Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 11:00 to 11:30"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Amy Marrich

+     desc: |

+       In this session we'll go over the history of the OpenStack project before

+       diving deeper into how it all works and how you can contribute.

+       We will look at the landscape of the project as it is today,

+       while diving deeper into what some of the projects are and the services

+       they provide and how they interact together.

+       We will finish with a call to action on how you can get involved in the project.

+       After this session, you should walk away with a better understanding of OpenStack

+       as a project and an infrastructure-as-a-service, and how you can get involved

+       and contriibute to the project.

+   - title: "Evolving a DSL: How bpftrace makes language design decisions"

+     link: "https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/22x/presentations/evolving-dsl-how-bpftrace-makes-language-design-decisions"

+     when: "Ballroom C, Saturday, March 8, 2025 - 11:15 to 12:15"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Jordan Rome

+     desc: |

+       On its face, bpftrace is a simple DSL/tracing-tool for writing BPF programs.

+       It abstracts away a lot of the complicated user and kernel space code

+       neccessary to write observability and debugging programs.

+       However, adding new language features/syntax isn't easy.

+       There are a lot of considerations to be made in regards to bpftrace's primary

+       usecases and the classic problem of how much complexity/details to hide from the user.

+       This talk will explore some recent case studies (e.g. adding "let")

+       and discuss some of the challenges of evolving this DSL.

+   - title: "Gotchas of Everyday Systemd"

+     link: "https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/22x/presentations/gotchas-everyday-systemd"

+     when: "Room 106, Saturday, March 8, 2025 - 14:30 to 15:30"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Anita Zhang

+     desc: |

+       When working with systemd there can be edge cases or "gotchas" that run

+       counter to how you think systemd should behave.

+       In this talk we'll go over a couple of them and suggestions on how to

+       resolve or work around such situations.

+   - title: "A simpler and faster firewall with bpfilter"

+     link: "https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/22x/presentations/simpler-and-faster-firewall-bpfilter"

+     when: "Ballroom C, Saturday, March 8, 2025 - 14:30 to 15:30"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Quentin Deslandes

+     desc: |

+       <p>For many years, firewall solutions on Linux have grown and evolved,

+       without any major change, until eBPF.

+       While eBPF can allow very fast and efficient packet filtering,

+       the learning curve doesn't make it easily accessible to non-developers.

+       bpfilter aims to bridge the gap between existing tools (nftables, iptables)

+       and modern technologies such as eBPF.</p>

+       <p>By translating filtering rules into native code, bpfilter abstracts the

+       complexity behind cutting-edge kernel technologies while maintaining backward

+       compatibility with existing solutions. Let's discuss about bpfilter and see it in action!</p>

+   - title: "Why You Should Join a Community"

+     link: "https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/22x/presentations/why-you-should-join-community"

+     when: "Room 103, Sunday, March 9, 2025 - 11:00 to 12:00"

+     speakers:

+       - name: Amy Marrich

+     desc: |

+       <p>In this session, you will learn the importance of joining and giving back to a community.

+       We will discuss the different roles within an Open Source Community and why they are all

+       important and most importantly how everyone's work is important and has value.</p>

+       <p>We will start with the different roles within a community touching on developers,

+       technical writers, graphic artists, operators, and community advocates.

+       We will discuss how these roles all come together to make up a community and

+       how they work together to maintain one.

+       We will also discuss how members of a community can work together to help grow

+       the community through onboarding new members, mentoring, and also providing feedback

+       to help improve both the project's output and the project itself.</p>

+       <p>At the conclusion of this session, attendees should leave with a realization that

+       what they do matters as well as how they help improve and growth their community as well.</p>

+ ---


+ <p class="lead mb-6">SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and

+ free software conference in North America.

+ It is held annually in the greater Los Angeles area.

+ CentOS participates in <a href="https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/22x">SCaLE 22x</a>.</p>


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+ ---

+ title: "CentOS Showcase 2024-11"

+ title_lead: "November 4, 2024 • Online"

+ talks:

+   - title: "Building EPEL 10 on CentOS Stream"

+     slides: "https://gitlab.com/CentOS/promo/centos-events/-/raw/main/2024-11-showcase/building-epel-10.pdf"

+     youtube: bCHDdTy7gd8

+     speakers:

+       - name: Carl George

+     desc: |

+       <p>EPEL has historically been built on RHEL.

+       This is changing with EPEL 10, which will primarily be built on CentOS Stream.

+       Join this session to learn more about this change and the benefits it will

+       provide maintainers and users.

+       We will also discuss the work completed so far and the timeline for the official launch.</p>

+       <p>It is recommended (but not mandatory) for attendees to have already watched the

+       "EPEL 10 Overview" talk from CentOS Connect earlier this year.</p>

+   - title: "Hyperscale SIG Update"

+     youtube: -nHy8pf0AYE

+     speakers:

+       - name: Davide Cavalca

+       - name: Neal Gompa

+     desc: |

+       We'll present an update on what the Hyperscale SIG has been working on lately,

+       what deliverables are available and how to use them, and what's coming up next.

+   - title: "CentOS Web Revamp"

+     youtube: X5HXtI9rbvY

+     speakers:

+       - name: Shaun McCance

+     desc: |

+       The Promo, Docs, and Artwork SIGs have been working on revamping our website and our docs.

+       With CentOS Stream 10 fast approaching, it's important that our web presence is clear,

+       consistent, and correct. Come see the work that's been done so far and what needs to be done,

+       and learn how you can help.

+   - title: "Alt Uses for Alt Images"

+     youtube: R8qKmkZxj6w

+     speakers:

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       You might have heard about CentOS Stream Alternative Images.

+       But what can you really do with them?

+       Troy will not only show you what images we have, but what you can do with them.

+   - title: "Using Hyperscale as a staging ground for Fedora improvements"

+     slides: "https://gitlab.com/CentOS/promo/centos-events/-/raw/main/2024-11-showcase/using-hyperscale-staging.pdf"

+     youtube: sCvawNYcfgA

+     speakers:

+       - name: Michel Lind

+     desc: |

+       In general, most work in the Hyperscale SIG is situated in between CentOS Stream

+       and EPEL (which we build on) and Fedora (which we often rebase on).

+       This is sometimes inverted - with Fedora changes driven by something we need in Hyperscale.

+       This talk will highlight some examples.

+   - title: "CentOS Stream on Windows"

+     youtube: cERMntyJuxc

+     speakers:

+       - name: Troy Dawson

+     desc: |

+       CentOS Stream is not in the official Microsoft WSL library, but that doesn't mean you can't add it.

+       Join Troy as he shows you how you can run CentOS Stream on Windows.

+ ---


+ <p class="lead mb-6">CentOS Showcase is a half-day virtual event that showcases the work

+ happening in the CentOS ecosystem. It features short talks focusing on CentOS Stream,

+ the CentOS SIGs, and various projects that build on the work done in CentOS.</p>


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