#222 Update jekyll-theme-centos to v1.51.1.beta.53
Merged 4 months ago by areguera. Opened 4 months ago by areguera.
centos/ areguera/centos.org staging  into  staging

file modified
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: Page not found

- layout: aside



  The requested page could not be found.

file modified
+2 -6
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ 


  # This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running.

  # Happy Jekylling!

- gem "jekyll", "~> 4.0.0"

+ gem "jekyll", "~> 4.3.0"


  # This is CentOS default website theme for new Jekyll based web sites. You may

  # change this to anything you like.

- gem "jekyll-theme-centos", "0.9.20220201124228"

+ gem "jekyll-theme-centos", "2.51.1.beta.53"


  # If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and

  # uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`.  gem
@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@ 

  group :jekyll_plugins do

    gem "jekyll-feed"

    gem "jekyll-toc"

-   gem "jekyll-paginate-v2"

-   gem "jekyll-tidy"

-   gem "jekyll-algolia"

-   gem "webrick"



  # Windows and JRuby does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem

file modified
+155 -75
@@ -1,124 +1,204 @@ 


    remote: https://rubygems.org/


-     addressable (2.8.0)

-       public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)

-     algolia_html_extractor (2.6.4)

-       json (~> 2.0)

-       nokogiri (~> 1.10)

-     algoliasearch (1.27.5)

-       httpclient (~> 2.8, >= 2.8.3)

-       json (>= 1.5.1)

+     addressable (2.8.7)

+       public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 7.0)

+     bigdecimal (3.1.8)

      colorator (1.1.0)

-     concurrent-ruby (1.1.9)

+     concurrent-ruby (1.3.3)

      em-websocket (0.5.3)

        eventmachine (>= 0.12.9)

        http_parser.rb (~> 0)

      eventmachine (1.2.7)

-     ffi (1.15.5)

-     filesize (0.2.0)

+     ffi (1.17.0)

+     ffi (1.17.0-aarch64-linux-gnu)

+     ffi (1.17.0-aarch64-linux-musl)

+     ffi (1.17.0-arm-linux-gnu)

+     ffi (1.17.0-arm-linux-musl)

+     ffi (1.17.0-arm64-darwin)

+     ffi (1.17.0-x86-linux-gnu)

+     ffi (1.17.0-x86-linux-musl)

+     ffi (1.17.0-x86_64-darwin)

+     ffi (1.17.0-x86_64-linux-gnu)

+     ffi (1.17.0-x86_64-linux-musl)

      forwardable-extended (2.6.0)

-     htmlbeautifier (1.4.1)

-     htmlcompressor (0.4.0)

+     google-protobuf (4.27.2)

+       bigdecimal

+       rake (>= 13)

+     google-protobuf (4.27.2-aarch64-linux)

+       bigdecimal

+       rake (>= 13)

+     google-protobuf (4.27.2-arm64-darwin)

+       bigdecimal

+       rake (>= 13)

+     google-protobuf (4.27.2-x86-linux)

+       bigdecimal

+       rake (>= 13)

+     google-protobuf (4.27.2-x86_64-darwin)

+       bigdecimal

+       rake (>= 13)

+     google-protobuf (4.27.2-x86_64-linux)

+       bigdecimal

+       rake (>= 13)

      http_parser.rb (0.8.0)

-     httpclient (2.8.3)

-     i18n (1.9.1)

+     i18n (1.14.5)

        concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)

-     jekyll (4.0.1)

+     jekyll (4.3.3)

        addressable (~> 2.4)

        colorator (~> 1.0)

        em-websocket (~> 0.5)

-       i18n (>= 0.9.5, < 2)

-       jekyll-sass-converter (~> 2.0)

+       i18n (~> 1.0)

+       jekyll-sass-converter (>= 2.0, < 4.0)

        jekyll-watch (~> 2.0)

-       kramdown (~> 2.1)

+       kramdown (~> 2.3, >= 2.3.1)

        kramdown-parser-gfm (~> 1.0)

        liquid (~> 4.0)

-       mercenary (~> 0.3.3)

+       mercenary (>= 0.3.6, < 0.5)

        pathutil (~> 0.9)

-       rouge (~> 3.0)

+       rouge (>= 3.0, < 5.0)

        safe_yaml (~> 1.0)

-       terminal-table (~> 1.8)

-     jekyll-algolia (1.7.1)

-       algolia_html_extractor (~> 2.6)

-       algoliasearch (~> 1.26)

-       filesize (~> 0.1)

-       jekyll (>= 3.6, < 5.0)

-       json (~> 2.0)

-       nokogiri (~> 1.6)

-       progressbar (~> 1.9)

-       verbal_expressions (~> 0.1.5)

-     jekyll-feed (0.16.0)

+       terminal-table (>= 1.8, < 4.0)

+       webrick (~> 1.7)

+     jekyll-feed (0.17.0)

        jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)

-     jekyll-paginate-v2 (3.0.0)

-       jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0)

-     jekyll-sass-converter (2.1.0)

-       sassc (> 2.0.1, < 3.0)

-     jekyll-theme-centos (0.9.20220201124228)

-       jekyll (~> 4.0)

-     jekyll-tidy (0.2.2)

-       htmlbeautifier

-       htmlcompressor

-       jekyll

-     jekyll-toc (0.17.1)

+     jekyll-sass-converter (3.0.0)

+       sass-embedded (~> 1.54)

+     jekyll-theme-centos (2.51.1.beta.53)

+       jekyll (~> 4.3.0)

+     jekyll-toc (0.19.0)

        jekyll (>= 3.9)

-       nokogiri (~> 1.11)

+       nokogiri (~> 1.12)

      jekyll-watch (2.2.1)

        listen (~> 3.0)

-     json (2.6.1)

-     kramdown (2.3.1)

+     kramdown (2.4.0)


      kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0)

        kramdown (~> 2.0)

-     liquid (4.0.3)

-     listen (3.7.1)

+     liquid (4.0.4)

+     listen (3.9.0)

        rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)

        rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)

-     mercenary (0.3.6)

-     mini_portile2 (2.7.1)

-     nokogiri (1.13.1)

-       mini_portile2 (~> 2.7.0)

+     mercenary (0.4.0)

+     nokogiri (1.16.6)

+       racc (~> 1.4)

+     nokogiri (1.16.6-aarch64-linux)

+       racc (~> 1.4)

+     nokogiri (1.16.6-arm-linux)

+       racc (~> 1.4)

+     nokogiri (1.16.6-arm64-darwin)

+       racc (~> 1.4)

+     nokogiri (1.16.6-x86-linux)

+       racc (~> 1.4)

+     nokogiri (1.16.6-x86_64-darwin)

+       racc (~> 1.4)

+     nokogiri (1.16.6-x86_64-linux)

        racc (~> 1.4)

      pathutil (0.16.2)

        forwardable-extended (~> 2.6)

-     progressbar (1.11.0)

-     public_suffix (4.0.6)

-     racc (1.6.0)

-     rb-fsevent (0.11.0)

-     rb-inotify (0.10.1)

+     public_suffix (6.0.0)

+     racc (1.8.0)

+     rake (13.2.1)

+     rb-fsevent (0.11.2)

+     rb-inotify (0.11.1)

        ffi (~> 1.0)

-     rexml (3.2.5)

-     rouge (3.27.0)

+     rexml (3.3.1)

+       strscan

+     rouge (4.3.0)

      safe_yaml (1.0.5)

-     sassc (2.4.0)

-       ffi (~> 1.9)

-     terminal-table (1.8.0)

-       unicode-display_width (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+       rake (>= 13)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-aarch64-linux-android)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-aarch64-linux-gnu)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-aarch64-linux-musl)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-aarch64-mingw-ucrt)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-arm-linux-androideabi)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-arm-linux-gnueabihf)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-arm-linux-musleabihf)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-arm64-darwin)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-riscv64-linux-android)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-riscv64-linux-gnu)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-riscv64-linux-musl)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-x86-cygwin)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-x86-linux-android)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-x86-linux-gnu)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-x86-linux-musl)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-x86-mingw-ucrt)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-x86_64-cygwin)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-x86_64-darwin)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-x86_64-linux-android)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-x86_64-linux-gnu)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     sass-embedded (1.77.5-x86_64-linux-musl)

+       google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0)

+     strscan (3.1.0)

+     terminal-table (3.0.2)

+       unicode-display_width (>= 1.1.1, < 3)

      thread_safe (0.3.6)

-     tzinfo (1.2.9)

+     tzinfo (1.2.11)

        thread_safe (~> 0.1)

-     tzinfo-data (1.2021.5)

+     tzinfo-data (1.2024.1)

        tzinfo (>= 1.0.0)

-     unicode-display_width (1.8.0)

-     verbal_expressions (0.1.5)

+     unicode-display_width (2.5.0)

      wdm (0.1.1)

-     webrick (1.7.0)

+     webrick (1.8.1)



+   aarch64-linux

+   aarch64-linux-android

+   aarch64-linux-gnu

+   aarch64-linux-musl

+   aarch64-mingw-ucrt

+   arm-linux

+   arm-linux-androideabi

+   arm-linux-gnu

+   arm-linux-gnueabihf

+   arm-linux-musl

+   arm-linux-musleabihf

+   arm64-darwin

+   riscv64-linux-android

+   riscv64-linux-gnu

+   riscv64-linux-musl


+   x86-cygwin

+   x86-linux

+   x86-linux-android

+   x86-linux-gnu

+   x86-linux-musl

+   x86-mingw-ucrt

+   x86_64-cygwin

+   x86_64-darwin

+   x86_64-linux-android

+   x86_64-linux-gnu

+   x86_64-linux-musl



-   jekyll (~> 4.0.0)

-   jekyll-algolia

+   jekyll (~> 4.3.0)


-   jekyll-paginate-v2

-   jekyll-theme-centos (= 0.9.20220201124228)

-   jekyll-tidy

+   jekyll-theme-centos (= 2.51.1.beta.53)


    tzinfo (~> 1.2)


    wdm (~> 0.1.1)

-   webrick



-    2.2.24

+    2.3.25

file modified
+62 -45
@@ -32,48 +32,26 @@ 

  # The base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com

  url: "https://www.centos.org"


- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- # Build settings

- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

+ # site.theme - Set theme name. The theme versions are controlled using

+ # jekyll-theme-centos container images.  These images are versioned and provide

+ # all you need to build jekyll sites with jekyll-theme-centos.

  theme: jekyll-theme-centos



    - jekyll-feed

    - jekyll-toc

-   - jekyll-paginate-v2

-   - jekyll-tidy


- permalink: /:path/:basename/





      permalink: /:categories/:title/


- exclude:

-   - .sass-cache/

-   - .jekyll-cache/

-   - gemfiles/

-   - Gemfile

-   - Gemfile.lock

-   - .bundle

-   - node_modules/

-   - vendor/bundle/

-   - vendor/cache/

-   - vendor/gems/

-   - vendor/ruby/

-   - .git


- sass:

-   sass_dir: _sass

-   style: compressed


  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Jekyll Pagination

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------


    # Site-wide kill switch, disabled here it doesn't run at all

-   enabled: true

+   enabled: false


    # Set to 'true' to enable pagination debugging. This can be enabled in the

    # site config or only for individual pagination pages
@@ -137,24 +115,63 @@ 

    # 'index.html') Without file extension.

    indexpage: 'index'


- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- # Jekyll Tidy

- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- jekyll_tidy:

-   exclude: []

-   compress_html: false

+ # site.component_data_dirname - Set the directory name where the navbar data

+ # files is stored. For example, if the navbar file is at

+ # `_data/base/navbar.yml', the value you need to provide here is `base'. For

+ # consistency purposes, the value of this variable is overriden each time the

+ # pipeline runs using the value of ${CI_PROJECT_NAME##jekyll-theme-centos-}

+ # variable.

+ component_data_dirname: "centos"


+ # site.component_data_navbar - Set the name of the navbar data file. For

+ # example, if the navbar file is at `_data/base/navbar.yml', the value you need

+ # to provide here is `navbar', without the extension.

+ component_data_navbar: "navbar"


+ # site.defaults - Set global default values.

+ defaults:

+   - scope:

+       path: "" # an empty string here means all files in the project.

+     values:

+       layout: "base/default"

+       categories: []

+       # ----------------------------------------------------------------

+       # Nav

+       # ----------------------------------------------------------------

+       with_logo: "centos-whitelogo.svg"

+       with_manifestation: ""

+       # ----------------------------------------------------------------

+       # Header

+       # ----------------------------------------------------------------

+       with_breakingnews: []

+       with_announcements: []

+       with_motif: "centos-motif.png"

+       with_title: true

+       with_preamble: true

+       # ----------------------------------------------------------------

+       # Main

+       # ----------------------------------------------------------------

+       with_breadcrumbs: true

+       with_toc: true

+       with_artwork: false

+       with_content: true

+       with_locales: []

+       # ----------------------------------------------------------------

+       # Footer

+       # ----------------------------------------------------------------

+       with_footer: true

+       with_shortcuts: true

+       with_sponsors: false

+       with_social: true

+       with_finale: true

+       with_copyright: true

+       # ----------------------------------------------------------------

+       # Script (also changes Head, to manage script-related stylesheets)

+       # ----------------------------------------------------------------

+       with_highlight: stackoverflow-light

+       with_datatables: false


- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- # Jekyll Algolia

- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- algolia:

-   application_id: ""

-   index_name: "www.centos.org"

-   search_only_api_key: ""

+ exclude:

+   - _locales


- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- # Jekyll ToC

- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- toc:

-   min_level: 2 # default: 1

-   max_level: 5 # default: 6

+ permalink: /:path/:basename/

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ 

+ {

+     "status": "ok",

+     "feed": {

+         "url": "https://blog.centos.org/feed/",

+         "title": "Blog.CentOS.org",

+         "link": "https://blog.centos.org/",

+         "author": "",

+         "description": "News, views, and reports on CentOS",

+         "image": "https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/centos-logo-348x350-c-150x150.png"

+     },

+     "items": [

+         {

+             "title": "June 2024 News",

+             "pubDate": "2024-06-27 16:05:53",

+             "link": "https://blog.centos.org/2024/06/june-2024-news/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=june-2024-news",

+             "guid": "https://blog.centos.org/?p=3191",

+             "author": "shaunm",

+             "thumbnail": "",

+             "description": "June 2024 News CentOS Linux 7 will be EOL on June 30. Please migrate to CentOS Stream 9 or another suitable option. Various services that used CentOS Linux 7 will be retired at the end of June. In particular, the CentOS Forums will be shut down, and redirect to the CentOS category on Fedora Discourse. […]",

+             "content": "\n<h1 dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"1:1-1:16\">June 2024 News</h1>\n<ul dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"3:1-14:0\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"3:1-4:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"3:3-3:198\">CentOS Linux 7 will be <a href=\"https://blog.centos.org/2023/04/end-dates-are-coming-for-centos-stream-8-and-centos-linux-7/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"3:26-3:135\">EOL on June 30</a>. Please migrate to CentOS Stream 9 or another suitable option.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"5:1-6:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"5:3-5:296\">Various services that used <a href=\"https://lists.centos.org/hyperkitty/list/devel@lists.centos.org/thread/EGOA27SGN7W7ASFFFBNUZJ5BXSFT4NKX/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"5:30-5:167\">CentOS Linux 7 will be retired</a> at the end of June. In particular, the CentOS Forums will be shut down, and redirect to the CentOS category on Fedora Discourse.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"7:1-8:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"7:3-7:196\">The Alternative Images SIG has <a href=\"https://lists.centos.org/hyperkitty/list/devel@lists.centos.org/thread/RM3JOXXCMLW2RBYOG2PJ3VXWZ2K2UTWX/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"7:34-7:161\">released live images</a> for multiple desktop environments.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"9:1-10:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"9:3-9:133\">The CentOS mailing lists have been migrated to Mailman 3 with the <a href=\"https://lists.centos.org/hyperkitty/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"9:69-9:132\">Hyperkitty web interface</a>.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"11:1-12:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"11:3-11:251\">CentOS <a href=\"https://lists.centos.org/hyperkitty/list/devel@lists.centos.org/thread/QCO73CKFMPNMERUWIQ47OVJMMUM7YUXU/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"11:10-11:149\">Stream 10 composes are available</a> for testing and development. These are preview releases, and are not yet intended for production use.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"13:1-14:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"13:3-13:196\">CentOS <a href=\"https://lists.centos.org/hyperkitty/list/devel@lists.centos.org/thread/EW57G6NQEZEZIBBLS4FGHPSL44R6ZHI4/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"13:10-13:147\">Stream 10 targets are also now</a> available on the CentOS Community Build Service.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"15:1-15:46\">\n<a class=\"anchor\" href=\"https://blog.centos.org/#kmods-sig\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></a><a href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/kmods/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"15:4-15:46\">Kmods SIG</a>\n</h2>\n<p dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"17:1-17:105\">The Kmods SIG focuses on packaging and maintaining kernel modules for CentOS Stream and Enterprise Linux.</p>\n<ul dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"19:1-24:0\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"19:1-20:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"19:3-19:165\">No SIG members have been added since last report. We welcome anybody that’s interested and willing to do work within the scope of the SIG to join and contribute.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"21:1-22:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"21:3-21:170\">Thanks to good cooperation with Red Hat and help from the CentOS infrastructure team, the Kmods SIG is once again able to provide kernel modules built for RHEL targets.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"23:1-24:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"23:3-23:327\">In addition to kernel modules built for Enterprise Linux kernels the Kmods SIG now also provides Fedora flavored kernels. This includes both the current stable release as well as LTS versions. See our <a href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/kmods/packages/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"23:204-23:281\">documentation on available packages</a> for more details on provided kernel versions.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"25:1-25:54\">\n<a class=\"anchor\" href=\"https://blog.centos.org/#virtualization-sig\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></a><a href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/virt/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"25:4-25:54\">Virtualization SIG</a>\n</h2>\n<p dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"27:1-27:321\">The Virt-SIG aims to deliver a user-consumable full stack for virtualization technologies that want to work with the SIG. This includes delivery, deployment, management, update and patch application (for full lifecycle management) of the baseline platform when deployed in sync with a technology curated by the Virt-SIG..</p>\n<ul dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"30:1-38:0\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"30:1-33:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"30:3-30:89\"><a href=\"https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/speaker/C8BTZX/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"30:3-30:68\">Dorinda Bassey</a> presented at FOSDEM:</p>\n<ul data-sourcepos=\"31:3-33:0\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"31:3-31:195\"><a href=\"https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event/fosdem-2024-1910-making-virtio-sing-implementing-virtio-sound-in-rust-vmm-project/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"31:5-31:195\">Making VirtIO sing - implementing virtio-sound in rust-vmm project</a></li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"32:3-33:0\"><a href=\"https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event/fosdem-2024-1686-pipewire-audio-backend-in-qemu/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"32:5-32:125\">Pipewire audio backend in QEMU</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"34:1-35:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"34:3-34:75\">Seeteena dropped from Virtualization SIG as email address became invalid.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"36:1-38:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"36:3-36:121\">We collaborated with CentOS Automotive SIG pushing upstream changes to rust-vmm related to virtio-sound and virtio-gpu.</p>\n<ul data-sourcepos=\"37:3-38:0\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"37:3-38:0\">oVirt released <a href=\"https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine/releases/tag/ovirt-engine-4.5.6\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"37:20-37:110\">oVirt Engine 4.5.6</a> fixing a CVE.</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"39:1-39:38\">\n<a class=\"anchor\" href=\"https://blog.centos.org/#isa\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></a><a href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/isa/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"39:4-39:38\">ISA</a>\n</h2>\n<p dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"41:1-41:163\">The ISA SIG explores ways to deliver optimized package builds targeted at instruction set architecture (ISA) variants of architectures already supported by CentOS.</p>\n<ul dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"43:1-52:0\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"43:1-43:172\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"43:3-43:172\">The GNU2 TLS descriptors for x86-64 had ABI issues, which have been fixed in Fedora rawhide and Fedora 40. These changes are about to be integrated into CentOS 10 Stream.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"44:1-44:132\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"44:3-44:132\">The x86 string function performance optimizations were merged from the Hyperscaler SIG repositories into mainline CentOS 8 Stream.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"45:1-46:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"45:3-45:196\">Override packages with CPU optimizations that cannot be put into CentOS 9 Stream proper are now available and can be activated using <code data-sourcepos=\"45:137-45:175\">dnf install centos-release-isa-override</code> on CentOS 9 Stream.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"47:1-48:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"47:3-47:203\">Phoronix used the ISA SIG builds for a benchmarking article: <a href=\"https://www.phoronix.com/review/centos-isa-optimized\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"47:64-47:203\">CentOS Stream ISA Optimized Packages Show Great Results On Intel Xeon Emerald Rapids</a></p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"49:1-52:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"49:3-49:51\">The current override packages are available here:</p>\n<ul data-sourcepos=\"51:3-52:0\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"51:3-52:0\"><a href=\"https://buildlogs.centos.org/9-stream/isa/x86_64/packages-override/Packages/i/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\">https://buildlogs.centos.org/9-stream/isa/x86_64/packages-override/Packages/i/</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"53:1-53:63\">\n<a class=\"anchor\" href=\"https://blog.centos.org/#alternative-images-sig\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></a><a href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/altimages/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"53:4-53:63\">Alternative Images SIG</a>\n</h2>\n<p dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"55:1-55:95\">The Alternate Images SIG's goal is to build and provide alternate iso images for CentOS Stream.</p>\n<ul dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"57:1-64:0\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"57:1-58:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"57:3-57:169\">Troy Dawson gave a presentation at CentOS Connect at FOSDOM. It was titled <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwA4mULGiF8\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"57:79-57:169\">Alternative Images SIG - Let's Talk About It</a></p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"59:1-60:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"59:3-59:123\">We had our first quarterly update of <a href=\"https://mirror.stream.centos.org/SIGs/9-stream/altimages/images/live/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"59:40-59:123\">Live Images</a></p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"61:1-62:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"61:3-61:237\">We have added four new <a href=\"https://mirror.stream.centos.org/SIGs/9-stream/altimages/images/live/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"61:26-61:109\">Live Images</a>. We now have CINNAMON, GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE and MAX. MAX has all of the other Live Image desktops, along with a few others.</p>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"63:1-64:0\">\n<p data-sourcepos=\"63:3-63:60\">We have created scripts to make it easier to build images.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"65:1-65:51\">\n<a class=\"anchor\" href=\"https://blog.centos.org/#artwork-sig\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></a><a href=\"https://gitlab.com/CentOS/artwork\" data-sourcepos=\"65:4-65:51\">Artwork SIG</a>\n</h2>\n<p dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"67:1-67:120\">The CentOS Artwork SIG exists to produce <a href=\"https://wiki.centos.org/ArtWork/Identity\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"67:42-67:119\">The CentOS Project Visual Identity</a>.</p>\n<ul dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"69:1-71:0\">\n<li>\n<ul dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"69:1-71:0\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"69:1-69:176\">The jekyll-theme-centos theme pipeline is being rewritten based on <a href=\"https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/architecture/blueprints/ci_pipeline_components/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"69:70-69:167\">GitLab CI/CD Catalog</a> concept.</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<ul dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"69:1-71:0\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"70:1-71:0\">The jekyll-theme-centos theme pipeline is introducing HTML localization based on GNU Gettext approach. See <a href=\"https://gitlab.com/CentOS/artwork/centos-web/templates/jekyll-site-l10n\" data-sourcepos=\"70:110-70:200\">jekyll-site-l10n</a>, <a href=\"https://gitlab.com/CentOS/artwork/centos-web/templates/jekyll-site-l10n/-/jobs/6409265601\" data-sourcepos=\"70:203-70:311\">pipeline example</a> and content translation test rendered from <a href=\"https://centos.gitlab.io/artwork/centos-web/templates/jekyll-site-l10n/documentation/example/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"70:356-70:459\">English</a> to <a href=\"https://centos.gitlab.io/artwork/centos-web/templates/jekyll-site-l10n/es/documentation/example/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"70:464-70:570\">Spanish</a>.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"72:1-72:58\">\n<a class=\"anchor\" href=\"https://blog.centos.org/#integration-sig\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></a><a href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/integration/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"72:4-72:58\">Integration SIG</a>\n</h2>\n<p dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"74:1-74:245\">Provide a shared space to develop and maintain tooling and knowledge base on collaborative gating and testing of CentOS Stream updates before they are published to CentOS mirrors. This includes both - package-level and compose-level integration.</p>\n<ul dir=\"auto\" data-sourcepos=\"76:1-79:134\">\n<li data-sourcepos=\"76:1-76:52\">An Integration SIG meeting was held at FOSDEM 2024</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"77:1-77:255\">Git Interface for the Compose Gate Proposal presented: <a class=\"gfm gfm-epic\" title=\"Git for the Compose Gate\" href=\"https://gitlab.com/groups/CentOS/Integration/-/epics/2\" data-placement=\"top\" data-container=\"body\" data-epic=\"2097215\" data-iid=\"2\" data-group-path=\"CentOS/Integration\" data-group=\"74171912\" data-link-reference=\"true\" data-link=\"true\" data-original=\"Issue\" data-reference-type=\"epic\" data-popover-listener-added=\"true\">Issue</a>, <a href=\"https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/centos-connect-follow-up-proposal-for-the-git-interface-to-the-compose-gate/104981\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" data-sourcepos=\"77:123-77:255\">Proposal</a>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"78:1-78:154\">Continued with the migration of legacy tests to the new tmt+beakerlib format in the <a href=\"https://gitlab.com/CentOS/Integration/compose-tests\" data-sourcepos=\"78:87-78:154\">compose-tests</a>\n</li>\n<li data-sourcepos=\"79:1-79:134\">Testing Farm integration completed for test contributions validations in the <a href=\"https://gitlab.com/CentOS/Integration/\" data-sourcepos=\"79:80-79:134\">compose-tests</a>\n</li>\n</ul>\n",

+             "enclosure": {},

+             "categories": [

+                 "Newsletter"

+             ]

+         },

+         {

+             "title": "CentOS Board Meeting Recap, June 2024",

+             "pubDate": "2024-06-21 19:07:21",

+             "link": "https://blog.centos.org/2024/06/centos-board-meeting-recap-june-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=centos-board-meeting-recap-june-2024",

+             "guid": "https://blog.centos.org/?p=3189",

+             "author": "shaunm",

+             "thumbnail": "",

+             "description": "The recording of the April CentOS Board meeting is now available. Watch the recording Read the minutes The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting: Davide created an \"Ask the CentOS Board\" Matrix room. Pat has documented the new SIG retirement […]",

+             "content": "\n<p>The recording of the April CentOS Board meeting is now available.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"https://youtu.be/LUkSQTH-rIk\">Watch the recording</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"https://hackmd.io/@centosboard/H19jLKNSA\">Read the minutes</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Davide created an \"Ask the CentOS Board\" Matrix room.</li>\n<li>Pat has documented the new SIG retirement process.</li>\n<li>The board discussed some pull requests on the website.</li>\n<li>The board discussed the SIG Council and its role for enabling secureboot.</li>\n<li>We discussed how to communicate the development cycle of CentOS Stream 10.</li>\n</ul>\n",

+             "enclosure": {},

+             "categories": [

+                 "Uncategorized"

+             ]

+         },

+         {

+             "title": "How to watch for CentOS Stream activity on Fedora Message Bus",

+             "pubDate": "2024-06-05 10:42:19",

+             "link": "https://blog.centos.org/2024/06/how-to-watch-for-centos-stream-activity-on-fedora-message-bus/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-watch-for-centos-stream-activity-on-fedora-message-bus",

+             "guid": "https://blog.centos.org/?p=3170",

+             "author": "bookwar",

+             "thumbnail": "",

+             "description": "As you probably know, CentOS Stream development is happening in the open on Gitlab.com. You can see changes happening in real time in the redhat/centos-stream/rpms namespace. You can check open merge request, create yours and provide feedback. Yet, due to the limitations of the Gitlab platform, we have not been able to provide an unauthenticated […]",

+             "content": "\n<p>As you probably know, CentOS Stream development is happening in the open on Gitlab.com. You can see changes happening in real time in the <a href=\"https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/\">redhat/centos-stream/rpms namespace</a>. You can check open merge request, create yours and provide feedback.</p>\n<p>Yet, due to the limitations of the Gitlab platform, we have not been able to provide an unauthenticated access to the feed of CentOS Stream events.</p>\n<p>We are now solving it by publishing all Gitlab events to the Fedora Message Bus.</p>\n<h2>How to read messages</h2>\n<p>Let's start with the interesting part first.</p>\n<p>Install the <a href=\"https://packages.fedoraproject.org/pkgs/fedora-messaging/fedora-messaging/\">fedora-messaging</a> package:</p>\n<p><code>$ sudo dnf install fedora-messaging</code></p>\n<p>Create a local copy of the configuration file:</p>\n<p><code>$ cp /etc/fedora-messaging/fedora.toml ./centos-integration-messaging.toml</code></p>\n<p>Change the <em>routing_keys</em> variable in the configuration file to subscribe to the topic <em>org.centos.sig.integration</em>:</p>\n<p><code> routing_keys = [\"org.centos.sig.integration.#\"]</code></p>\n<p>Run the client:</p>\n<p><code>$ fedora-messaging --conf ./centos-integration-messaging.toml consume</code></p>\n<p>The client will now listen to the topic on the message bus and will print all messages to the standard output.</p>\n<p>Of course you can do much more than just printing. For example, you can trigger a Jenkins job with the help of the <a href=\"https://plugins.jenkins.io/amqp-build-trigger/\">AMQP Build Trigger</a>, or you can develop your own application.</p>\n<p>Please check the <a href=\"https://fedora-messaging.readthedocs.io/en/latest/\">Fedora Messaging documentation</a> for more details.</p>\n<p>By the way, events from the CentOS Stream build system are also available on the Fedora Message Bus under the topic <em>org.centos.prod.buildsys</em>.</p>\n<h2>How does it work</h2>\n<p>There is a stateless application deployed to the <a href=\"https://sig.centos.org/guide/ci/#openshift\">CentOS SIGs Openshift cluster</a>. A webhook on GitLab sends an event to the endpoint of the application, and it then translates the event into a message on the Fedora Message Bus.</p>\n<p>The sources are available in the <a href=\"https://gitlab.com/CentOS/Integration/gitlab-webhooks\">gitlab-webhooks repository</a>. And contributions are of course welcome. </p>\n<p>The service is maintained by the community under the umbrella of the CentOS Integration SIG.</p>\n<h2>What's next</h2>\n<p>We hope that the service will be useful for everyone who wants to build automation on top of the CentOS Stream.</p>\n<p>When you build such an automation - please let us know and consider joining the <a href=\"https://sig.centos.org/integration/#how-to-join\">CentOS Integration SIG</a>.</p>\n<p>We might be changing the messaging schema in the future to adopt a more strict message validation, and we would want to know your requirements.</p>\n<p>We also may expand the coverage and add events for other namespaces, such as, for example, events from CentOS SIG repositories.</p>\n",

+             "enclosure": {},

+             "categories": [

+                 "ci",

+                 "SIG",

+                 "fedora-messaging",

+                 "gitlab"

+             ]

+         },

+         {

+             "title": "CentOS Infrastructure Update Q1 2024",

+             "pubDate": "2024-05-27 09:21:37",

+             "link": "https://blog.centos.org/2024/05/centos-infrastructure-update-q1-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=centos-infrastructure-update-q1-2024",

+             "guid": "https://blog.centos.org/?p=3166",

+             "author": "zlopez",

+             "thumbnail": "",

+             "description": "This is a summary of the work done by the CentOS Infrastructure team. This team maintains the infrastructure for both CentOS and CentOS Stream. This update is made from infographics and detailed updates. If you want to just see what’s new, check the infographics. If you want more details, continue reading. About Purpose of this […]",

+             "content": "\n<p><span>This is a summary of the work done by the </span><a href=\"https://docs.infra.centos.org/\"><span>CentOS Infrastructure team</span></a><span>. This team maintains the infrastructure for both CentOS and CentOS Stream.</span></p>\n<p><span>This update is made from infographics and detailed updates. If you want to just see what’s new, check the infographics. If you want more details, continue reading.</span></p>\n<p><span></span></p>\n<p><a href=\"https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CentOS_Infra_Q1_2024-scaled.jpg\"><img decoding=\"async\" loading=\"lazy\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-3167\" src=\"https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CentOS_Infra_Q1_2024-scaled.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"2141\" height=\"2560\" srcset=\"https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CentOS_Infra_Q1_2024-scaled.jpg 2141w, https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CentOS_Infra_Q1_2024-251x300.jpg 251w, https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CentOS_Infra_Q1_2024-857x1024.jpg 857w, https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CentOS_Infra_Q1_2024-768x918.jpg 768w, https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CentOS_Infra_Q1_2024-1285x1536.jpg 1285w, https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CentOS_Infra_Q1_2024-1713x2048.jpg 1713w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 2141px) 100vw, 2141px\"></a></p>\n<h1><span>About</span></h1>\n<p><span>Purpose of this team is to take care of day-to-day business regarding CentOS and CentOS Stream infrastructure. It’s responsible for maintaining the services running in CentOS and CentOS Stream infrastructure and preparing for the new CentOS Stream release.</span></p>\n<p><b>Issue trackers</b></p>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issues\"><span>CentOS Infrastructure</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://issues.redhat.com/issues/?filter=12399439&amp;jql=project%20%3D%20CS%20AND%20component%20%3D%20infrastructure%20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC\"><span>CentOS Stream Infrastructure</span></a></li>\n</ul>\n<h2><span>Closed tickets</span></h2>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><span>CentOS Infrastructure - 52</span></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><span>CentOS Stream Infrastructure - 10</span></li>\n</ul>\n<h2><span>Highlights</span></h2>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CS-1893\"><span>r740-1.stream.rdu2.redhat.com is down</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/1373\"><span>Major hardware issue impacting crucial services</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/1382\"><span>Deploy mailman3 stg instance</span></a></li>\n</ul>\n",

+             "enclosure": {},

+             "categories": [

+                 "Infra"

+             ]

+         },

+         {

+             "title": "CentOS Board Meeting Recap, April 2024",

+             "pubDate": "2024-04-12 22:34:00",

+             "link": "https://blog.centos.org/2024/04/centos-board-meeting-recap-april-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=centos-board-meeting-recap-april-2024",

+             "guid": "https://blog.centos.org/?p=3159",

+             "author": "shaunm",

+             "thumbnail": "",

+             "description": "The recording of the April CentOS Board meeting is now available. Watch the recording Read the minutes The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting: The board discussed what to do with CentOS 7 AMIs after the CentOS 7 EOL. We […]",

+             "content": "\n<p>The recording of the April CentOS Board meeting is now available.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"https://youtu.be/XHAevtJNKZE\">Watch the recording</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"https://hackmd.io/@centosboard/r1hmwXxe0\">Read the minutes</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>The board discussed what to do with CentOS 7 AMIs after the CentOS 7 EOL.</li>\n<li>We also discussed communications around the upcoming CentOS Linux 7 EOL and CentOS Stream 8 EOB.</li>\n<li>The board had a lengthy discussion about trademark usage in mirrors.</li>\n<li>We discussed events, including the open CFP for Flock to Fedora.</li>\n</ul>\n",

+             "enclosure": {},

+             "categories": [

+                 "Board minutes"

+             ]

+         },

+         {

+             "title": "Thanks to Equinix for sponsoring the CentOS Project",

+             "pubDate": "2024-04-11 12:46:30",

+             "link": "https://blog.centos.org/2024/04/thanks-to-equinix-for-sponsoring-the-centos-project/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=thanks-to-equinix-for-sponsoring-the-centos-project",

+             "guid": "https://blog.centos.org/?p=3154",

+             "author": "Fabian Arrotin",

+             "thumbnail": "",

+             "description": "The CentOS Project , as long as I can remember, wouldn't have been possible without help of various sponsors over the years. Most sponsors listed on https://www.centos.org/sponsors sponsored one or more machines hosted in various datacenters over the globe, but some had a huge impact over the content delivery. Some years ago, Packet.net (now Equinix.com) […]",

+             "content": "\n<p>The CentOS Project , as long as I can remember, wouldn't have been possible without help of various sponsors over the years.</p>\n<p>Most sponsors listed on <a href=\"https://www.centos.org/sponsors\">https://www.centos.org/sponsors</a> sponsored one or more machines hosted in various datacenters over the globe, but some had a huge impact over the content delivery. Some years ago, Packet.net (now <a href=\"https://www.equinix.com/\">Equinix.com)</a> reached out to see how they'd be able to help us at the infra/network/bandwidth level and we agreed to use 4 machines in our mirror.centos.org (and from now on mirror.stream.centos.org pool) machines pool, itself seeding/feeding the whole <a href=\"https://mirror-status.centos.org/\">external mirrors network</a></p>\n<p>I recently had a look at the collected stats/metrics from our zabbix monitoring solution and here is an interesting graph about these 4 machines (two in the USA - one on the east-coast and other on west-coast, one in Europe/Germany and last one in Asia/Japan) :</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/equinix-bandwidth-usage.png\"><img decoding=\"async\" loading=\"lazy\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-3155 size-large\" src=\"https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/equinix-bandwidth-usage-1024x312.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1024\" height=\"312\" srcset=\"https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/equinix-bandwidth-usage-1024x312.png 1024w, https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/equinix-bandwidth-usage-300x92.png 300w, https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/equinix-bandwidth-usage-768x234.png 768w, https://blog.centos.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/equinix-bandwidth-usage.png 1298w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\"></a></p>\n<p>From that graph (from the last 30 days) it's easy to guess when there is a new CentOS Stream compose going out (still happening for Stream 8 and Stream 9 when we'll publish this blog post), and also still CentOS 7 updates.</p>\n<p>That's without counting the various Special Interest Groups (SIGs) <a href=\"https://mirror.stream.centos.org/SIGs/\">repositories</a> which are maintained by community (and for the community).</p>\n<p>Thanks a lot <a href=\"https://www.equinix.com/\">Equinix </a>for sponsoring these machines that really help getting new packages for the distributions but also SIGs content being delivered in a timely fashion to all our users</p>\n",

+             "enclosure": {},

+             "categories": [

+                 "Uncategorized"

+             ]

+         },

+         {

+             "title": "CentOS Board Welcomes Troy Dawson",

+             "pubDate": "2024-04-04 19:26:44",

+             "link": "https://blog.centos.org/2024/04/centos-board-welcomes-troy-dawson/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=centos-board-welcomes-troy-dawson",

+             "guid": "https://blog.centos.org/?p=3149",

+             "author": "shaunm",

+             "thumbnail": "",

+             "description": "CentOS is excited to welcome Troy Dawson to the Board of Directors. The CentOS Board is made up of 10 members, nominated by the community and appointed by a vote of the board. Celeste Lyn Paul decided not to serve another term this year, so the board began the process of selecting a new directory. […]",

+             "content": "\n<p>CentOS is excited to welcome Troy Dawson to the Board of Directors.</p>\n<p>The CentOS Board is made up of 10 members, nominated by the community and appointed by a vote of the board. Celeste Lyn Paul decided not to serve another term this year, so the board began the process of selecting a new directory. We'd like to thank Celeste for her service and insights over the last two years. We had a lot of great nominations this time, and we'd also like to thank all the candidates for their willingness to serve, as well as the entire community for being engaged in the process.</p>\n<p>Troy works on the Emerging RHEL team at Red Hat, which looks at the future of RHEL based on Fedora and CentOS, as well as the CentOS Stream team, which handles the day-to-day maintenance of CentOS Stream. He's a well-known and longtime CentOS and Fedora contributor, having been a Fedora contributor for 12 years and a CentOS contributor for 7. Before working on CentOS, he was one of the co-founders of Scientific Linux.</p>\n<p>Troy is involved in a number of projects across the CentOS ecosystem. He's actively involved with EPEL, and has been an EPEL committee chair for almost four years. He's a member of the Fedora KDE SIG, which produces the Fedora KDE Plasma edtion. He's the chair and co-founder of the Alternative Images SIG, which is currently producing live CentOS images with both GNOME and KDE, and is working on adding more images. He's a member of the ISA SIG, which tests packages built with new CPU features enabled. And he was a co-founder of the original PaaS SIG, which worked on packaging OpenShift on CentOS (work that is now done in the Cloud SIG).</p>\n<p>If you've seen Troy at a conference, you probably saw him wearing one of his Hawaiian penguin shirts. He designs and makes these shirts himself in his side business, <a href=\"https://www.casualpenguins.com/\">Casual Penguins</a>.</p>\n<p>Troy's extensive experience, community involvement, and general friendliness will be a great addition to the board, and we look forward to working more closely with him.</p>\n",

+             "enclosure": {},

+             "categories": [

+                 "Uncategorized"

+             ]

+         },

+         {

+             "title": "CentOS mailing lists migration to mailman3",

+             "pubDate": "2024-04-03 12:15:24",

+             "link": "https://blog.centos.org/2024/04/centos-mailing-lists-migration-to-mailman3/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=centos-mailing-lists-migration-to-mailman3",

+             "guid": "https://blog.centos.org/?p=3147",

+             "author": "Fabian Arrotin",

+             "thumbnail": "",

+             "description": "Due to a needed upgrade , we'll have to move the existing CentOS mailman instance (aka https://lists.centos.org) to a new server/host. Migration is scheduled for \"\"\"\"Monday April 8th, 7:00 am UTC time\"\"\"\". You can convert to local time with $(date -d '2024-04-08 07:00 UTC') The expected \"downtime\" is estimated to ~60 minutes , time needed […]",

+             "content": "\n<p>Due to a needed upgrade , we'll have to move the existing CentOS<br>\nmailman instance (aka <a class=\"moz-txt-link-freetext\" href=\"https://lists.centos.org/\">https://lists.centos.org</a>) to a new server/host.</p>\n<p>Migration is scheduled for \"\"\"\"Monday April 8th, 7:00 am UTC time\"\"\"\".<br>\nYou can convert to local time with $(date -d '2024-04-08 07:00 UTC')</p>\n<p>The expected \"downtime\" is estimated to ~60 minutes , time needed to :<br>\n- take last mailman2 backup<br>\n- reimport / convert mailman2 archives to mailman3 DB<br>\n- DNS propagation for A/AAAA/MX records</p>\n<p>Here are also some important information about the mailman2 =&gt; mailman3 migration :</p>\n<p># Renamed lists<br>\nWorth knowing that, based on open discussion on the centos-devel list (see whole thread at <a class=\"moz-txt-link-freetext\" href=\"https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2024-March/165576.html\">https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2024-March/165576.html</a>), existing lists will be <b class=\"moz-txt-star\"><span class=\"moz-txt-tag\">*</span>renamed<span class=\"moz-txt-tag\">*</span></b> , so while we'll put aliases for incoming mails, each list member will start receiving list mails from new list name. So start updating your filters if you filter on email address instead of \"subject:\"</p>\n<p>Here is the overview of the new lists names :</p>\n<p>arm-dev at centos.org =&gt; arm-dev at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos at centos.org =&gt; discuss at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos-devel at centos.org =&gt; devel at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos-announce at centos.org =&gt; announce at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos-automotive-sig at centos.org =&gt; automotive-sig at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos-{cz,de,es,fr,nl,pt-br,<a class=\"moz-txt-link-abbreviated\" href=\"mailto:zh%7D@centos.org\">zh}@centos.org</a> =&gt; discuss-{cz,de,es,fr,nl,pt-br,<a class=\"moz-txt-link-abbreviated\" href=\"mailto:zh%7D@lists.centos.org\">zh}@lists.centos.org</a><br>\nci-users at centos.org =&gt; ci-users at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos-gsoc: =&gt; gsoc at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos-mirror at centos.org =&gt; mirror at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos-mirror-announce at centos.org =&gt; mirror-announce at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos-newsletter at centos.org =&gt; newsletter at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos-promo at centos.org =&gt; promo at lists.centos.org<br>\ncentos-virt at centos.org =&gt; virt at lists.centos.org</p>\n<p># Authentication<br>\nMailman2 had no real concept of authentication so you could just subscribe to one or more lists, and have a password associated with your email address for that/these subscription(s).<br>\nMailman3 itself is split into \"core\" and \"webui\" components, so when we'll import mailman2 lists/config into mailman3, your existing subscriptions will continue to work <b class=\"moz-txt-star\"><span class=\"moz-txt-tag\">*</span>but<span class=\"moz-txt-tag\">*</span></b> not your password.</p>\n<p>Mailman3 will be configured to support SSO, and so if you already have a FAS/ACO account (<a class=\"moz-txt-link-freetext\" href=\"https://accounts.centos.org/\">https://accounts.centos.org</a>) you'll be able to login directly into new webui and manage your settings/subscriptions <b class=\"moz-txt-star\"><span class=\"moz-txt-tag\">*</span>if<span class=\"moz-txt-tag\">*</span></b> your ACO email address of course matches the one you initially subscribed with for lists.centos.org.</p>\n<p>If that's not the case, either create an ACO/FAS account that will match and you'll be then able to \"link\" your mailman3 account with FAS and so manage your settings/subscriptions.</p>\n<p>If you don't want to, there is always the documented process : <a class=\"moz-txt-link-freetext\" href=\"https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/userguide.html#making-a-mailman-account\">https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/userguide.html#making-a-mailman-account</a></p>\n",

+             "enclosure": {},

+             "categories": [

+                 "Uncategorized"

+             ]

+         },

+         {

+             "title": "March 2024 News",

+             "pubDate": "2024-03-29 13:54:21",

+             "link": "https://blog.centos.org/2024/03/march-2024-news/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=march-2024-news",

+             "guid": "https://blog.centos.org/?p=3144",

+             "author": "shaunm",

+             "thumbnail": "",

+             "description": "March 2024 News CentOS Linux 7 and CentOS Stream 8 will both go EOL in just a couple months. Fabian Arrotin posted some details on how this will affect CentOS infrastructure. As a reminder, we have a blog post with EOL details and migration options. CentOS will migrate from Mailman 2 to 3 soon. Fabian Arrotin has asked […]",

+             "content": "\n<h1 class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"0\">March 2024 News</h1>\n<ul class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"2\">\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"2\">\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"2\">CentOS Linux 7 and CentOS Stream 8 will both go EOL in just a couple months. Fabian Arrotin <a href=\"https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2024-March/165575.html\" data-href=\"https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2024-March/165575.html\">posted some details on how this will affect CentOS infrastructure</a>. As a reminder, we have a <a href=\"https://blog.centos.org/2023/04/end-dates-are-coming-for-centos-stream-8-and-centos-linux-7/\" data-href=\"https://blog.centos.org/2023/04/end-dates-are-coming-for-centos-stream-8-and-centos-linux-7/\">blog post with EOL details and migration options</a>.</p>\n</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"4\">\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"4\">CentOS will migrate from Mailman 2 to 3 soon. Fabian Arrotin has <a href=\"https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2024-March/165576.html\" data-href=\"https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2024-March/165576.html\">asked for feedback</a> on details of the migration, including possibly renaming some lists.</p>\n</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"6\">\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"6\">Brian Stinson announced that <a href=\"https://blog.centos.org/2024/03/centos-stream-is-now-available-in-azure-community-galleries/\" data-href=\"https://blog.centos.org/2024/03/centos-stream-is-now-available-in-azure-community-galleries/\">CentOS Stream is now available in Azure community galleries</a>. Read the blog post for details on how to use it.</p>\n</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"8\">\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"8\">The Kmods SIG is once again able to <a href=\"https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/124\" data-href=\"https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/124\">provide kernel mods built for RHEL targets</a>.</p>\n</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"10\">\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"10\">The <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuRtbOXpVDjA30Q8EQzJBjfl0gCFo8vpK\" data-href=\"https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuRtbOXpVDjA30Q8EQzJBjfl0gCFo8vpK\">videos from CentOS Connect</a> are available to watch on YouTube.</p>\n</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"12\">\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"12\">Speaking of CentOS Connect, registered attendees received a link to a survey about the event. If that survey is sitting in your inbox, please take a few minutes to fill it out. It helps us make a better event next year.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"15\"><a href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/cloud/\" data-href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/cloud/\">Cloud SIG</a></h2>\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"17\">Packaging and maintaining different FOSS based Private cloud infrastructure applications that one can install and run natively on CentOS Stream.</p>\n<ul class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"19\">\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"19\">RDO is preparing the next OpenStack release Caracal/2024.1</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"20\">OKD releases are currently on hold. OKD has so far been re-using images from OCP CI, which have pivoted from a UBI base to a RHEL one. This makes them inadequate for distribution with OKD. A process is being set up to build all components on a CentOS 9 Stream base. OKD releases will resume once the process is implemented.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"21\">OKD releases are currently on hold. OKD has so far been re-using images from OCP CI, which have pivoted from a UBI base to a RHEL one. This makes them inadequate for distribution with OKD. A process is being set up to build all components on a CentOS 9 Stream base. OKD releases will resume once the process is implemented.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"16\"><a href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/storage/\" data-href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/storage/\">Storage SIG</a></h2>\n<h3 class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"18\">Purpose</h3>\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"28\">The CentOS Storage Special Interest Group (SIG) is a collection of like-minded individuals coming together to ensure that CentOS is a suitable platform for many different storage solutions. This group will ensure that all Open Source storage options seeking to utilize CentOS as a delivery platform have a voice in packaging, orchestration, deployment, and related work</p>\n<h3 class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"22\">Releases</h3>\n<ul class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"32\">\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"32\">GlusterFS 10 and 11 have been updated to 10.5 and 11.1 respectively. It has been decided not to package GlusterFS in CentOS Stream 10.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"33\">Ceph Pacific (16) has been updated to 16.2.14. By the time you read this it will have been updated to 16.2.15, its last update.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"34\">Ceph Quincy (17) has been updated to 17.2.7.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"35\">Ceph Reef (18) was released, and has since been updated to 18.2.1</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"36\">Ceph Squid (19) is scheduled to be released in the first half of 2024.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"37\">NFS-Ganesha 5 (including libntirpc 5) has been released. Ganesha has been updated to 5.7; libntirpc is 5.0</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"38\">Apache Arrow (libarrow) and Apache ORC (liborc) are now packaged in EPEL</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"39\">Samba 4.18 has been updated to 4.18.10.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"40\">Samba 4.19 has been updated to 4.19.5.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"41\">Samba 4.20 is scheduled to be released in March 2024.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"42\">Samba 4.20(yet to release) will be the last version packaged on CentOS Stream 8.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"38\"><a href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/automotive/\" data-href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/automotive/\">Automotive SIG</a></h2>\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"47\">The Automotive SIG provides a center of gravity for CentOS automotive projects. The SIG produces three types of artifacts:</p>\n<ul class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"49\">\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"49\">AutoSD, a streaming distribution of CentOS designed for in-vehicle automotive use cases.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"50\">An Automotive SIG RPM repository that allows the community to expand the content of AutoSD or experiment with some of its parts.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"51\">Sample images, built using OSBuild, which provide examples of how to assemble production images based on AutoSD, customized for some hardware, including container images, based on CoreOS/ostree technologies.</li>\n</ul>\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"53\">AutoSD, or Automotive Stream Distribution, is a streaming distribution for automotive in-vehicle software development based on CentOS Stream. It is transparently the upstream project for Red Hat's eventual in-vehicle OS product. AutoSD has been downloaded and used by many organizations who have commented or asked for help, so we know it is getting some traction though of course we don't have exact metrics on usage.</p>\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"55\">Over the past year, we have done many things!</p>\n<ul class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"57\">\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"57\">The <a href=\"https://github.com/eclipse-bluechi/bluechi\" data-href=\"https://github.com/eclipse-bluechi/bluechi\">BlueChi project</a>, a lightweight container management system, was developed in the automotive SIG and contributed to the <a href=\"https://sdv.eclipse.org/\" data-href=\"https://sdv.eclipse.org/\">Eclipse SDV Working Group</a>.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"58\">\n<a href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/automotive/\" data-href=\"https://sigs.centos.org/automotive/\">AutoSD documentation</a> has been much improved.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"59\">A new TI-based SOC (<a href=\"https://www.ti.com/product/AM69\" data-href=\"https://www.ti.com/product/AM69\">AM69</a>) works with AutoSD.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"60\">CentOS automotive folks spoke at a number of events last year, including <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DqhKBXONJ4&amp;ab_channel=EclipseSoftwareDefinedVehicle\" data-href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DqhKBXONJ4&amp;ab_channel=EclipseSoftwareDefinedVehicle\">Eclipse SDV Community Days at EclipseCon</a>.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"61\">Leo Rossetti's kubernetes spec (based on podman) was merged in the <a href=\"https://gitlab.com/soafee/architecture\" data-href=\"https://gitlab.com/soafee/architecture\">SOAFEE architecture repository</a> for the 2.0 release</li>\n</ul>\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"63\">In addition, there is a great deal of work in progress:</p>\n<ul class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"65\">\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"65\">Adding BlueChi support for EWAOL in the upcoming SOAFEE 2.0 draft specification.</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"66\">Adding podman, quadlet and systemd in Linaro's TRS (Trusted Reference Stack)</li>\n<li class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"67\">Further documentation upgrades, including an upcoming Getting Started Guide.</li>\n</ul>\n<p class=\"code-line\" dir=\"auto\" data-line=\"69\">Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month - please send email to <a href=\"mailto:jefro@redhat.com\" data-href=\"mailto:jefro@redhat.com\">jefro@redhat.com</a> to be included on the invite. We hope you will join us!</p>\n",

+             "enclosure": {},

+             "categories": [

+                 "Uncategorized"

+             ]

+         },

+         {

+             "title": "CentOS Board Meeting Recap, March 2024",

+             "pubDate": "2024-03-28 15:27:53",

+             "link": "https://blog.centos.org/2024/03/centos-board-meeting-recap-march-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=centos-board-meeting-recap-march-2024",

+             "guid": "https://blog.centos.org/?p=3141",

+             "author": "shaunm",

+             "thumbnail": "",

+             "description": "The recording of the March CentOS Board meeting is now available. Watch the recording Read the minutes The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting: There was some discussion on SIGs, including the SIG Council proposal (Issue 126) and the SIG […]",

+             "content": "\n<p>The recording of the March CentOS Board meeting is now available.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"https://youtu.be/h9Is5Cy-D0s\">Watch the recording</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"https://hackmd.io/@centosboard/BJ5Xnxapa\">Read the minutes</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>There was some discussion on SIGs, including the SIG Council proposal (<a href=\"https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/126\">Issue 126</a>) and the SIG offboarding procedure (<a href=\"https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/122\">Issue 122</a>).</li>\n<li>Amy provided a quick recap of events, including the <a href=\"https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/21x/presentations/centos-classroom-and-packaging-workshop\">CentOS Classroom at SCaLE</a>.</li>\n<li>There was a lengthy conversations about how we can better communicate the upcoming EOL dates for CentOS Linux 7 (June 30, 2024) and CentOS Stream 8 (May 31, 2024).</li>\n</ul>\n",

+             "enclosure": {},

+             "categories": [

+                 "Board minutes"

+             ]

+         }

+     ]

+ }

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ 

  # site.data.centos.distributions - This file controls the information related

  # to CentOS Project distributions.


- - name: "CentOS Stream"

+ - title: "CentOS Stream"

    page: "centos-stream"

    description: "Continuously delivered distro that tracks just ahead of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) development, positioned as a midstream between Fedora Linux and RHEL. For anyone interested in participating and collaborating in the RHEL ecosystem, CentOS Stream is your reliable platform for innovation."


file modified
+5 -9
@@ -6,18 +6,14 @@ 

    - "About"

    - "Community"


+   - icon: "fab fa-facebook-f"

+     link: "https://www.facebook.com/groups/centosproject/"

+   - icon: "fab fa-twitter"

+     link: "https://twitter.com/CentOS"

    - icon: "fab fa-youtube"

      link: "https://youtube.com/TheCentOSProject"

-   - icon: "fab fa-mastodon"

-     link: "https://fosstodon.org/@centos"

-   - icon: "fab fa-facebook-f"

-     link: "https://www.facebook.com/CentOSProject"

    - icon: "fab fa-linkedin"

-     link: "https://www.linkedin.com/company/centos-project/"

-   - icon: "fab fa-twitter"

-     link: "https://x.com/centos"

-   - icon: "fab fa-discourse"

-     link: "https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/c/neighbors/centos/"

+     link: "https://www.linkedin.com/groups/22405"

    - icon: "fab fa-reddit"

      link: "https://www.reddit.com/r/CentOS/"


file modified
+1 -1
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  # site.data.centos.identity - Control the site branding (corporate visual

  # identity) information.

- # 

+ #


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    image: "/assets/img/logo.png"

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- # 

+ #

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- # 

+ #

  - name: "Download"

    icon: "fas fa-download"

    link: "/download"

    menu: []

+   visible_on: ["navbar"]

  - name: "About"

    icon: "fas fa-info-circle"

    link: "#"
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ 

        link: "/about/governance"

      - name: "Code of Conduct"

        link: "/code-of-conduct"

+   visible_on: ["navbar"]

  - name: "Community"

    icon: "fas fa-users"

    link: "#"
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ 

      - name: "Submit Bug"

        link: "https://wiki.centos.org/ReportBugs"

        icon: "fas fa-bug"

+   visible_on: ["navbar"]

  - name: "Documentation"

    icon: "fas fa-book"

    link: "#"
@@ -57,7 +60,9 @@ 

        link: "https://docs.centos.org/"

      - name: "GPG Key Info"

        link: "/keys"

+   visible_on: ["navbar"]

  - name: "Help"

    icon: "fas fa-life-ring"

    link: "https://wiki.centos.org/GettingHelp.html"

    menu: []

+   visible_on: ["navbar"]

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ 


  # site.data.centos.project - This file controls the information related

  # to CentOS Project as organization.

- # 

+ #

  title: "The CentOS Project"

  email: "centos@centos.org"

  url: "https://www.centos.org"

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ 

+ ---

+ - title: The CentOS SIG Guide

+   url: "https://sigs.centos.org/guide"

+ - title: The CentOS AltImages SIG Documentation

+   url: https://sigs.centos.org/altimages

+ - title: The CentOS Automotive SIG Documentation

+   url: https://sigs.centos.org/automotive

+ - title: The CentOS Cloud SIG Documentation

+   url: https://sigs.centos.org/cloud

+ - title: The CentOS HyperScale SIG documentation

+   url: https://sigs.centos.org/hyperscale

+ - title: The CentOS Integration SIG Documentation

+   url: https://sigs.centos.org/integration

+ - title: The CentOS ISA SIG Documentation

+   url: https://sigs.centos.org/isa

+ - title: The CentOS Kmods SIG Documentation

+   url: https://sigs.centos.org/kmods

+ - title: The CentOS NFV SIG Documentation

+   url: https://sigs.centos.org/nfv

+ - title: The CentOS Storage SIG Documentation

+   url: https://sigs.centos.org/storage

+ - title: The CentOS Virt SIG Documentation

+   url: https://sigs.centos.org/virt

file modified
+116 -93
@@ -1,103 +1,126 @@ 

- <!DOCTYPE html>

+ <!doctype html>

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-   <body>

-     {% include navbar.html -%}

-     <main class="bg-light">


-       <header class="header header__home">

-         <section class="header__home__presentation">

-           <h1 class="header__home__presentaiton_title">The CentOS Project</h1>

-           <p class="header__home__presentation__description">Community-driven free software effort focused around the goal of providing a rich base platform for open source communities to build upon.</p>

-           <div class="header__home__presentation__distributions">

-             <div class="card">

-               <a class="btn" role="button" href="centos-stream">

-                 <div class="card-body">

-                   <h2 class="card-title">CentOS Stream</h2>

-                   <p class="card-text">Continuously delivered distro that tracks just ahead of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) development, positioned as a midstream between Fedora Linux and RHEL. For anyone interested in participating and collaborating in the RHEL ecosystem, CentOS Stream is your reliable platform for innovation.</p>

-                 </div>

-               </a>

-             </div>

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-               <div class="card">

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-                   <p class="card-text">Mailing Lists</p>

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-               <div class="card">

-                 <div class="card-body">

-                   <h2 class="card-title"><i class="fas fa-hashtag"></i></h2>

-                   <p class="card-text">IRC</p>

-                 </div>

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-               <div class="card">

-                 <div class="card-body">

-                   <h2 class="card-title"><i class="fas fa-calendar-alt"></i></h2>

-                   <p class="card-text">Calendar &amp; IRC Meeting List</p>

-                 </div>

-               </div>

-             </a>

-             <a class="btn" role="button" href="https://blog.centos.org/">

-               <div class="card">

-                 <div class="card-body">

-                   <h2 class="card-title"><i class="fas fa-newspaper"></i></h2>

-                   <p class="card-text">Blog</p>

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-             <a class="btn" role="button" href="https://wiki.centos.org/ReportBugs">

-               <div class="card">

-                 <div class="card-body">

-                   <h2 class="card-title"><i class="fas fa-bug"></i></h2>

-                   <p class="card-text">Submit Bug</p>

-                 </div>

-               </div>

-             </a>

+   {% include base/head.html -%}

+   <body id="top" class="bg-dots">


+     {% include base/navbar.html -%}


+     {% if page.with_breakingnews and page.with_breakingnews.size > 0 -%}

+     {% assign height = 38 %}

+     <div class="sticky-top sticky-top-breakingnews">

+       {% for news in page.with_breakingnews %}

+       {% assign height = height | plus: height %}

+       {% include base/breakingnews.html

+           title=news.title

+           content=news.content

+           color=news.color

+           url=news.url

+       -%}

+       {% endfor %}

+       <style>

+         main {

+           .content > h1,

+           .content > h2,

+           .content > h3,

+           .content > h4,

+           .content > h5,

+           .content > h6 {

+             scroll-margin-top: {{ 80 | plus: height }}px;

+           }

+         }

+       </style>

+     </div>

+     {% endif %}


+     <main class="container bg-body py-3">


+       {% if page.with_announcements and page.with_announcements.size > 0 -%}

+       {% for announcement in page.with_announcements %}

+       {% include base/announcements.html

+           title=announcement.title

+           content=announcement.content

+           color=announcement.color

+       -%}

+       {% endfor %}

+       {% endif -%}


+       {% if page.with_breadcrumbs == true or page.with_locales.size > 0 %}

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+         <div class="col">

+         {% if page.with_breadcrumbs == true %}

+         {% include base/breadcrumbs.html %}

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+         <div class="col-auto">

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+           {% include base/languages.html %}

+           {% endif %}

+         </div>

+       </div>

+       {% endif %}


+       <div class="d-flex justify-content-center bg-dark bg-image text-bg-dark py-5">

+         <div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">

+           <div class="mb-5"><img src="{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/centos-symbol.svg" height="92" alt="CentOS"></div>

+           <div class="h1">{{ site.data.centos.project.title }}</div>

+           <div class="lead mb-3">{{ site.data.centos.project.description }}</div>

+           <div class=""><a class="btn btn-primary text-nowrap" role="button" href="" role="button" aria-label="Learn more">Learn more <i class="fa-solid fa-arrow-right"></i></a></div>

+         </div>

+       </div>


+       <div class="bg-primary d-flex justify-content-around py-3 mb-5">

+       {% assign community_items = site.data.centos.navbar | where: "name", "Community" %}

+       {% for community_item in community_items %}

+       {% for shortcut in community_item.menu %}

+       <a class="btn btn-primary text-nowrap" href="{{ shortcut.link }}"><i class="{{ shortcut.icon }}"></i> {{ shortcut.name }}</a>

+       {% endfor %}

+       {% endfor %}

+       </div>


+       {% if page.with_content == true %}

+       <div class="row justify-content-center mb-4">

+         <div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">

+           <div class="content">

+           {{ content }}


-         </section>

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-         <div class="hr__centos-color-0"></div>

-         <div class="hr__centos-color-1"></div>

-         <div class="hr__centos-color-2"></div>

-         <div class="hr__centos-color-3"></div>

+         </div>


+       {% endif %}


-       {{ content }}

-       {% include home/news-and-events.html %}

-       {% include home/planet.html %}



-     {% include footer.html -%}

+     {% if page.with_footer == true %}

+     <footer class="footer small bg-dark bg-image text-light">

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+       <div class="container">

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+       {% endif %}


+       {% if page.with_finale == true %}

+       <div class="container border-5 border-top border-primary">

+       {% include base/finale.html %}

+       </div>

+       {% endif %}


+       {% if page.with_sponsors == true %}

+       <div class="container-fluid bg-light">

+         <div class="container">

+         {% include sponsors/carousel.html -%}

+         </div>

+       </div>

+       {% endif %}


+       {% if page.with_copyright == true %}

+       <div class="container py-1">

+         {% include base/copyright.html %}

+       </div>

+       {% endif %}


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+     {% endif %}


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-     <script src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/js/customization.js"></script>

+     {% include base/script.html -%}




@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: "Connect at FOSDEM"

- layout: "aside"

  category: news-and-events



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/altushost.png

  address: https://www.altushost.com/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/aws.png

  address: https://aws.amazon.com



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/baseip_240x60.jpg

  address: http://www.baseip.com/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/cdn77.png

  address: http://www.cdn77.com/



file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 


- name: ClientVPS 

+ name: ClientVPS

  country: Finland

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/clientvps.png

  address: https://www.clientvps.com/

file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/codero.png

  address: http://www.codero.com



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/cpanel.png

  address: http://www.cpanel.com/



@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/dedicatedsolutions.png

  address: https://www.dedicatedsolutions.com/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/equinix.png

  address: https://metal.equinix.com/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/eukhost.png

  address: http://www.eukhost.com/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/fasthosts.png

  address: https://www.fasthosts.co.uk/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/heficed.png

  address: http://www.heficed.com/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/host-stage.png

  address: http://www.host-stage.net/



@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/hostiserver.png

  address: https://www.hostiserver.com/



@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/itsyndicate.png

  address: https://itsyndicate.org/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/leaseweb.png

  address: http://www.leaseweb.com/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/liquidweb.png

  address: http://www.liquidweb.com/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/nexcess.png

  address: http://www.nexcess.net/



file modified
+1 -2
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ 

- --- 

+ ---

  name: psw group

  country: usa

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/PSW_Banner_240x60.jpg

  address: http://www.psw.net/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/serverel.png

  address: http://www.serverel.com/



@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/servermania.gif

  address: http://servermania.com/



@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/serverpoint.png

  address: http://www.serverpoint.com



@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/serverpronto_small.gif

  address: http://www.serverpronto.com/



@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/stablepoint.png

  address: https://www.stablepoint.com/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/steadfast.png

  address: http://steadfast.net/



@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/tailoredservers.png

  address: http://www.tailoredservers.com



file modified
+1 -2
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ 


- name: trabia network 

+ name: trabia network

  country: usa

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/trabia.png

  address: https://www.trabia.com/



file modified
+1 -2
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 

- --- 

+ ---

  name: vHost

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/vhostvn.gif

  address: http://vhost.vn/



file modified
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/webnx1.png

  address: http://www.webnx.com



@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ 

  logo: /assets/img/sponsors/whitelabelitsolutions.gif

  address: http://whitelabelitsolutions.com/



file modified
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: About CentOS

- layout: aside



  ## CentOS Linux

file modified
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: "Governance"

- layout: aside



  The CentOS Project has two main levels of governance - The Board of Directors (“The Board”), and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
@@ -66,4 +65,3 @@ 

  * [Joining the project](/about/governance/joining-the-project)

  * [Voting](/about/governance/voting)

  * [Appendix:  Glossary](/about/governance/appendix-glossary)


@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title:  "Glossary"

- layout: aside



  ## Meritocracy

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: "Responsibilities"

- layout: aside



  ## CentOS Governing Board Responsibilities
@@ -47,6 +46,6 @@ 

  * Allow for the Board to bring concerns or perspectives from the community to Red Hat.

  * The Liaison may be requested by the Board Chair to escalate a decision beyond the Board in some cases when the Board cannot reach consensus. This is discussed in the section on The Role of the Liaison.


- The Liaison is required to be a Red Hat employee, which will enable this person to be an effective bi-directional conduit between Red Hat and the CentOS Project. The Chair, however, can be anyone selected by the Board from among its members. The Liaison may be rotated at any time to an alternate Red Hat employee who is a  Board member. Newly appointed Board members may also hold the Liaison seat. The Chair and the Liaison cannot be the same person. 

+ The Liaison is required to be a Red Hat employee, which will enable this person to be an effective bi-directional conduit between Red Hat and the CentOS Project. The Chair, however, can be anyone selected by the Board from among its members. The Liaison may be rotated at any time to an alternate Red Hat employee who is a  Board member. Newly appointed Board members may also hold the Liaison seat. The Chair and the Liaison cannot be the same person.


  The Board will operate under the principles of [meritocracy](/about/governance/appendix-glossary/#meritocracy), having the Board be driven by a [consensus-based decision model](/about/governance/appendix-glossary/#consensus-decision-making). This model fosters an active healthy debate that furthers the Project while recognising its relationship to Red Hat's product source, the new formal relationship with Red Hat, and preserving the viability of the key upstream that feeds it.

file modified
+1 -4
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ 


  title: "Board of Directors"

  title_lead: Structure and Policies

- layout: aside



  **This document is a work in progress.**
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ 


  #### Activity


- All directors are contacted by the Community Architect towards the end of their cohort period during the year to determine if they wish to continue serving. It is important for the community and the project that directors are 

+ All directors are contacted by the Community Architect towards the end of their cohort period during the year to determine if they wish to continue serving. It is important for the community and the project that directors are

  active and participating. While it is understood that members of the board (not including the laison) are volunteers, it is important that directors are accessible. As such not attaining the following criteria could result in a director being considered inactive:


  * Absence from 3 consecutive Board meetings without prior communication
@@ -180,5 +179,3 @@ 

  * Managing the budget provided by Red Hat OSPO, for the benefit of the community


  The Board of Directors may, at any time, petition the Red Hat OSPO to replace or remove the Community Architect for dereliction of duty, violation of the Code of Conduct, or other reasons agreed upon by the Board and presented to the CA’s management.



@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: "Director Requirements"

- layout: aside



  ## Director Requirements
@@ -28,4 +27,3 @@ 

  Directors *do not* act on behalf of their employer, with the important exception of the [Red Hat Liaison](https://www.centos.org/about/governance/board-responsibilities/#red-hat-liaison-responsibilities). Board membership is an individual role. If you feel that you cannot act in the best interests of the project, even when it might not be the preferred decision of your employer, or if doing so may negatively impact your employment, this is not the role for you. You should discuss this with your employer and your management, and make this expectation clear to them, so that this does not come as a surprise to them at some later date. Furthermore, your employer should not issue public statements that imply that you are their representative.


  Directors will typically be nominated based on their merit in the community. This includes, but is not limited to, active participation in the CentOS Project, and a clear understanding of project goals and governance. The community may decide, however, to nominate an “outsider”, if they believe that the new perspective of a potential candidate will be in the best interests of the project.


@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title:  "Joining the Project"

- layout: aside



  There are 3 primary paths within the CentOS Project  for individuals to obtain and grow merit.
@@ -28,4 +27,4 @@ 


  Based upon the merit criteria, the existing Board may nominate additional Board members. The Board must consist of at least 8 members and is capped at a total of 11 members. The Board values user representation on the Board directly through members seated on the Board who have met the merit criteria. This is in addition to the indirect user community influence via interactions with individual Board members.


- As the new CentOS grows and learns, the CentOS community may propose to the Board and/or the Board may propose its own changes to the governance and/or the merit criteria to account for, among other things, confusion or inadequacies.    

+ As the new CentOS grows and learns, the CentOS community may propose to the Board and/or the Board may propose its own changes to the governance and/or the merit criteria to account for, among other things, confusion or inadequacies.

@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ 

    specific CentOS Project variants. Variants are specialized and focused rebuilds

    of CentOS to meet the needs and requirements of their corresponding communities

    and the technology associated with those communities.

- layout: aside



  SIGs are usually self-forming around a technology by a small community of

file modified
+3 -4
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: "CentOS Governance - Voting"

- layout: aside



  The voting system used by all SIGs and the Governing Board uses a
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ 

  appropriate for the issue at hand.


  All -1s votes require reason/ explanation, -1's with no substantiation may be

- overturned. 

+ overturned.


  ## When do votes need to be called?

@@ -53,11 +52,11 @@ 

  present or a quorum of Board members has cast their votes; or (2) after 3

  working days if a Board quorum is not present at a meeting or a quorum has not

  cast their votes (list votes); provided that the Chair may (or at the request

- of the Liaison, will) call a meeting and demand that a quorum be present.  

+ of the Liaison, will) call a meeting and demand that a quorum be present.


  Unless the Liaison specifically indicates on a specific issue that they are

  acting in their official capacity as Liaison, either prior to a vote or later

  (e.g., after an issue has been deemed time or business critical), the Liaison's

  voice and vote is treated the same as any other member of the Board. Decisions

  indicated as Liaison decisions made on behalf of the Board by the Liaison may

- not be overturned. 

+ not be overturned.

file modified
+1 -3
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@ 

  title_lead: |

      CentOS Linux 8 will reach End of Life on December 31, 2021. Here's

      what that means.

- layout: aside



  CentOS Linux 8 will reach End Of Life (EOL) on December 31st, 2021. Here's what that means.


  In line with the EOL of previous releases, we will **NOT** be automatically migrating anyone to the next version (which is CentOS Stream 8 in this case).


- We **will** be shipping a rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.5 once it is released, even if that means that this is released slightly after the EOL date. 

+ We **will** be shipping a rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.5 once it is released, even if that means that this is released slightly after the EOL date.


  The release of a RHEL point release is often accompanied, immediately afterwards, by a set of zero-day updates. We **will** be providing this content as part of the final CentOS Linux 8 release. There will, however, be no more updates to the CentOS Linux 8 content after that time.

@@ -22,4 +21,3 @@ 


  * [CentOS Project shifts focus to CentOS Stream](https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/)

  * [How CentOS Linux compares to CentOS Stream](/cl-vs-cs)


file modified
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ 

    Consistent, manageable platform that suits a wide variety

    of deployments. For some open source communities, it is a solid, predictable

    base to build upon.

- layout: aside



  <div class="container alert alert-danger" role="alert" style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr; column-gap: 20px;">

file modified
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ 

    (RHEL) development, positioned as a midstream between Fedora Linux and RHEL.

    For anyone interested in participating and collaborating in the RHEL

    ecosystem, CentOS Stream is your reliable platform for innovation.

- layout: aside



  <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><a href="https://blog.centos.org/2023/04/end-dates-are-coming-for-centos-stream-8-and-centos-linux-7/">End dates are coming in 2024 for CentOS Stream 8 and CentOS Linux 7. Check the blog post for information on upgrade and migration options.</a></div>

file modified
+1 -3
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ 

  title: Comparing CentOS Stream and CentOS Linux

  title_lead: |

    What's the difference between CentOS Stream and CentOS Linux?

- layout: aside



  # Comparing Centos Linux and CentOS Stream
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ 

  Getting changes into CentOS Linux involves contributing to the upstream projects that are included in the distribution. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, contributing to Fedora. Change that make it into Fedora might be in the next release of RHEL, which will then be in the next CentOS rebuild. This process can take years.


  CentOS Stream provides a way to [contribute directly](https://docs.centos.org/en-US/stream-contrib/), cutting this process down to weeks or days.



  ## Testing


  Testing for CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream is very similar, and differs mostly in the timing in which things happen.
@@ -45,4 +44,3 @@ 

  Changes hit CentOS Stream and RHEL only once they have undergone [rigorous testing](https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/centos-stream-is-continuous-delivery/). These tests occur both internally to Red Hat, and in our public distro-wide test suite. As such, you can [contribute your tests](https://github.com/CentOS/sig-core-t_functional) to that system, so that future changes don't break the things you care about.


  As a rebuild, CentOS Linux benefits from all of these same tests, but, prior to CentOS Stream, lacked a way for you to influence what was tested and how.


file modified
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: "CentOS Code of Conduct"

- layout: aside



  ## CentOS Community Code of Conduct
@@ -96,5 +95,3 @@ 

  * [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/how-my-restaurant-successfully-dealt-with-harassment-from-customers/2018/03/29/3d9d00b8-221a-11e8-badd-7c9f29a55815_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/how-my-restaurant-successfully-dealt-with-harassment-from-customers/2018/03/29/3d9d00b8-221a-11e8-badd-7c9f29a55815_story.html)

  * [https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/Pages/1214-workplace-investigations.aspx](https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/Pages/1214-workplace-investigations.aspx)

  * [https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/harassment.html](https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/harassment.html)



file modified
+2 -3
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ 


  title: "CentOS IRC meetings"

  title_lead: ""

- layout: page

  permalink: /:path/:basename/index.html

  toc: true

@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ 

  * [Link to Project Site](http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud)

  * The CentOS Cloud SIG (CCS) is a group of people coming together to focus on packaging and maintaining different FOSS based Private cloud infrastructure applications that one can install and run natively on CentOS. We are a non vendor, non technology and non agent specific focus group, but we will gladly work with and build content to suit relevant niches or vendor ecosystems. This group specifically targets users who wish to install and run their own, independent ( or hybrid ) cloud infrastructure on CentOS.


- The CCS intends to take ownership of existing CentOS Project relationships with vendors, and help to maintain the updated package repositories for all participating cloud projects. 

+ The CCS intends to take ownership of existing CentOS Project relationships with vendors, and help to maintain the updated package repositories for all participating cloud projects.



  ### CPE Infra and Releng Team stand-up
@@ -185,4 +184,4 @@ 




- Page generated on 2023-09-13 17:30:55.950002 UTC 

\ No newline at end of file

+ Page generated on 2023-09-13 17:30:55.950002 UTC

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+10 -10
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ 


  DESCRIPTION:Project:  Automotive SIG\nChair:  Jefro Osier-Mixon (JeffreyOs

   ierMixon)\, acting\nDescription:  The purpose of the Automotive SIG is two

-  -fold. First\, it is meant to be a neutral public space for collaboration 

-  between third parties interested in open development of software targeted 

+  -fold. First\, it is meant to be a neutral public space for collaboration

+  between third parties interested in open development of software targeted

   at in-vehicle automotive use cases. Second\, it is meant to provide such p

   rojects with build and test infrastructure. (This second purpose is\, as w

   e understand it\, common to many SIGs)\n\nThe goal of the SIG is to provid
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ 




- DESCRIPTION:Project:  Board of Directors\nChair:  Rich Bowen (rbowen) and 

+ DESCRIPTION:Project:  Board of Directors\nChair:  Rich Bowen (rbowen) and

   Thomas Oulevey (alphacc)\nDescription:  Board of Directors open discussion

   . Scheduled for one week after the monthly Board of Directors meeting\n\nP

   roject URL:  None
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ 


  DESCRIPTION:Project:  Cloud SIG\nChair:  Alfredo Moralejo Alonso (amoralej

   )\nDescription:  The CentOS Cloud SIG (CCS) is a group of people coming to

-  gether to focus on packaging and maintaining different FOSS based Private 

+  gether to focus on packaging and maintaining different FOSS based Private

   cloud infrastructure applications that one can install and run natively on

    CentOS. We are a non vendor\, non technology and non agent specific focus

    group\, but we will gladly work with and build content to suit relevant n
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ 

   G hangout (Zoom VC\, not IRC): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84411093900?pwd=R

   UxKUFAxVlJnQWVMODhobThLU3BHdz09\nThe Hyperscale SIG focuses on enabling Ce

   ntOS Stream deployment on large-scale infrastructures and facilitating col

-  laboration on packages and tooling. This is a monthly VC to work together 

+  laboration on packages and tooling. This is a monthly VC to work together

   on a common project\, ask questions\, or just hang out. This occurs on the

    third Wednesday of each month. If Zoom asks for a passcode\, use 550255 (

   the meeting ID is 844 1109 3900).\n\nProject URL:  https://wiki.centos.org
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ 


  DESCRIPTION:Project:  ISA SIG\nChair:  Josh Boyer (jwboyer) and Florian We

   imer (fweimer)\nDescription:  The ISA SIG explores potential benefits of a

-  pplying existing compiler technology to distribution packages\, targeting 

+  pplying existing compiler technology to distribution packages\, targeting

   more recent CPUs\, and evaluating different options for how these optimiza

   tions can be maintained in a scalable way\, and delivered to end users.\n\

   nProject URL:  https://sigs.centos.org/isa/
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ 



  DESCRIPTION:Project:  Infrastructure SIG\nChair:  Aoife Moloney (amoloney)

-   or Brian Stinson (bstinson)\nDescription:  The CentOS Infrastructure SIG 

+   or Brian Stinson (bstinson)\nDescription:  The CentOS Infrastructure SIG

   will provide a working group to manage all\nCentOS infrastructure. It will

    be responsible for oversight of all\ninfrastructure resources\, and provi

   ding guidelines for who may be granted\nadministrative access to shared se
@@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ 


  DESCRIPTION:Project:  NFV SIG\nChair:  Alfredo Moralejo (amoralej)\nDescri

   ption:  The goal of NFV SIG is to provide a set of packages related to vir

-  tual networking and Network Function Virtualization for CentOS and pursue 

-  the cooperation between different users and projects sharing the interest 

+  tual networking and Network Function Virtualization for CentOS and pursue

+  the cooperation between different users and projects sharing the interest

   on these software pieces.\n\nAgenda URL:  https://hackmd.io/oRe_HVJiTteDI4

   H332ApMw\nProject URL:  http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/NFV

@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ 

  DESCRIPTION:Project:  Storage SIG\nChair:  Karanbir Singh (kbsingh)\, Niel

   s de Vos (ndevos)\, Giulio Fidente (gfidente)\nDescription:  The CentOS St

   orage Special Interest Group (SIG) is a collection of like-minded individu

-  als coming together to ensure that CentOS is a suitable platform for many 

+  als coming together to ensure that CentOS is a suitable platform for many

   different storage solutions. This group will ensure that all Open Source s

   torage options seeking to utilize CentOS as a delivery platform have a voi

   ce in packaging\, orchestration\, deployment\, and related work. We meet m

file modified
+30 -32
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ 

    The CentOS ecosystem has been built up with and around people. With no real

    commercial ambition we set out to try and solve problems for people as they

    exist in the sysadmin / operations trenches around the world.

- layout: aside



  This page will try and collect some of the user stories over the next few
@@ -13,44 +12,44 @@ 


  ## Major Hayden's story


- I started with Linux in 1998 and my first distribution was Mandrake. My 

- PowerPC machines (older Macs) ran Yellow Dog Linux and I really started 

- to enjoy using YUP (YUM's predecessor).  I transitioned later to Gentoo 

- Linux and spent quite a few sleepless nights testing the effects of USE 

- flags as I compiled various software packages. Eventually, I stumbled 

- upon some of the early Red Hat releases (prior to Enterprise Linux) and 

- I enjoyed the ease of use and stability of the releases.  It seemed like 

- so many other distributions were being pulled in multiple directions but 

+ I started with Linux in 1998 and my first distribution was Mandrake. My

+ PowerPC machines (older Macs) ran Yellow Dog Linux and I really started

+ to enjoy using YUP (YUM's predecessor).  I transitioned later to Gentoo

+ Linux and spent quite a few sleepless nights testing the effects of USE

+ flags as I compiled various software packages. Eventually, I stumbled

+ upon some of the early Red Hat releases (prior to Enterprise Linux) and

+ I enjoyed the ease of use and stability of the releases.  It seemed like

+ so many other distributions were being pulled in multiple directions but

  the group working on Red Hat was highly organized.


- When Red Hat switched to the Enterprise Linux model, I didn't have the 

- large sums of money available to purchase the support licenses.  After 

- all, I was just a college student at the time.  CentOS was a welcomed 

- find and I was able to get it running quickly with my previous Red Hat 

+ When Red Hat switched to the Enterprise Linux model, I didn't have the

+ large sums of money available to purchase the support licenses.  After

+ all, I was just a college student at the time.  CentOS was a welcomed

+ find and I was able to get it running quickly with my previous Red Hat



- Linux has always been enjoyable for me because I don't have to fork over 

- large sums of money for Windows licenses on multiple machines. It's also 

- really rewarding to teach other people how to use Linux-based operating 

- systems and I love seeing the smiles on their faces when they see how 

+ Linux has always been enjoyable for me because I don't have to fork over

+ large sums of money for Windows licenses on multiple machines. It's also

+ really rewarding to teach other people how to use Linux-based operating

+ systems and I love seeing the smiles on their faces when they see how

  much they can do with a free, open source operating system.


- When I started at Rackspace six years ago, I worked in support and spent 

- much of my time assisting customers with servers running Red Hat.  That 

- led me to a position in our Cloud Servers product group as a Linux 

- Engineer.  We worked through the Slicehost acquisition and eventually 

- created a brand new cloud compute offering with OpenStack.  My 

- contributions were a small part of what became The Rackspace Open Cloud 

- servers product.  The knowledge we gained from operating such a large 

- multi-tenant virtualization solution was poured into our new offering 

- and we're excited to be working closely with the OpenStack community for 

- features and bug fixes.  My focus has shifted a bit as the Chief 

- Security Architect at Rackspace but I'm still a big fan of CentOS for my 

+ When I started at Rackspace six years ago, I worked in support and spent

+ much of my time assisting customers with servers running Red Hat.  That

+ led me to a position in our Cloud Servers product group as a Linux

+ Engineer.  We worked through the Slicehost acquisition and eventually

+ created a brand new cloud compute offering with OpenStack.  My

+ contributions were a small part of what became The Rackspace Open Cloud

+ servers product.  The knowledge we gained from operating such a large

+ multi-tenant virtualization solution was poured into our new offering

+ and we're excited to be working closely with the OpenStack community for

+ features and bug fixes.  My focus has shifted a bit as the Chief

+ Security Architect at Rackspace but I'm still a big fan of CentOS for my

  personal projects.


- If you'd like to get in touch with me, find me on Twitter[1] or on IRC 

- (mhayden on Freenode).  I've made plenty of posts regarding CentOS, 

- Red Hat, and Fedora tips on my blog[2] and I maintain some Fedora/EPEL 

+ If you'd like to get in touch with me, find me on Twitter[1] or on IRC

+ (mhayden on Freenode).  I've made plenty of posts regarding CentOS,

+ Red Hat, and Fedora tips on my blog[2] and I maintain some Fedora/EPEL

  packages[3] that may be of interest.


  1.  [http://twitter.com/majorhayden/](http://twitter.com/majorhayden/)
@@ -68,4 +67,3 @@ 

  For the foreseeable future, the core SIG will probably be the part of CentOS in which I will be most interested/most used by me.


  It is also looking like we will be deploying some more machines with CentOS6 at work, as running typo3 and wordpress is starting to pick up momentum there.


file modified
+5 -7
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: FAQ - CentOS Project shifts focus to CentOS Stream

- layout: aside



  The future of the CentOS Project is CentOS Stream, and over the next year we’ll be shifting focus from CentOS Linux, the rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), to CentOS Stream, which tracks just ahead of a current RHEL release. CentOS Linux 8, as a rebuild of RHEL 8, will end at the end of 2021. CentOS Stream continues after that date, serving as the upstream (development) branch of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. [Read the rest of our announcement](https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/).
@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ 


  ### Q4: How will CVEs be handled in CentOS Stream?


- **A:** Security issues will be updated in CentOS Stream after they are solved in the current RHEL release. Obviously, embargoed security releases can not be publicly released until after the embargo is lifted. While there will not be any SLA for timing, Red Hat Engineers will be building and testing other packages against these releases. If they do not roll in the updates, the other software they build could be impacted and therefore need to be redone. There is therefore a vested interest for them to get these updates in so as not to impact their other builds and there should be no issues getting security updates. 

+ **A:** Security issues will be updated in CentOS Stream after they are solved in the current RHEL release. Obviously, embargoed security releases can not be publicly released until after the embargo is lifted. While there will not be any SLA for timing, Red Hat Engineers will be building and testing other packages against these releases. If they do not roll in the updates, the other software they build could be impacted and therefore need to be redone. There is therefore a vested interest for them to get these updates in so as not to impact their other builds and there should be no issues getting security updates.



  ### Q5: Does this mean that CentOS Stream is the RHEL BETA test platform now?
@@ -50,14 +49,14 @@ 


  **A:** Each major release will have a branch, similar to how CentOS Linux is currently structured; however, CentOS Stream is designed to focus on RHEL development, so only the latest Stream will have the marketing focus of the CentOS Project.


- Because RHEL development cycles overlap, there will be times when there are multiple code branches in development at the same time.This allows users time to plan migrations and development work without being surprised by sudden changes. 

+ Because RHEL development cycles overlap, there will be times when there are multiple code branches in development at the same time.This allows users time to plan migrations and development work without being surprised by sudden changes.


  Specifically, since the RHEL release cadence is every 3 years, and the full support window is 5 years, this gives an overlap of approximately 2 years between one stream and the next.



  ### Q7: How do I migrate my CentOS Linux 8 installation to CentOS Stream?


- **A:** Instructions to convert from the CentOS Linux 8 distribution to CentOS Stream 8 are published at 

+ **A:** Instructions to convert from the CentOS Linux 8 distribution to CentOS Stream 8 are published at


  and are also below for your convenience.

@@ -91,9 +90,9 @@ 


  ### Q12: I used CentOS for CI because I could not use RHEL developer licenses for this. CentOS Stream is aimed at the next generation when I need the last/current one. What is my alternative?


- **A:** Red Hat is aware of these concerns and we encourage you to [talk to them](mailto:centos-questions@redhat.com). If you’re testing for RHEL, RHEL is the best operating system to use. We also think that CentOS Stream has a place in your CI testing to help you be ready for the next RHEL. 

+ **A:** Red Hat is aware of these concerns and we encourage you to [talk to them](mailto:centos-questions@redhat.com). If you’re testing for RHEL, RHEL is the best operating system to use. We also think that CentOS Stream has a place in your CI testing to help you be ready for the next RHEL.




  ### Q13: Can I start up a SIG that will maintain CentOS Stream 8 after RHEL8 reaches the end of Full Support?

  **A:** We will not be putting hardware, resources, or asking volunteers to work towards that effort, nor will we allow the CentOS brand to be used for such a project. Once RHEL8 reaches the end of full support, CentOS Stream 8 will be retired from build servers, community build systems, primary mirror sites (copies will remain on vault.centos.org), and other places within our ecosystem. Having SIGs build against multiple streams, and packaging/distributing multiple streams, once they are no longer active, is a distraction from what we want to be our main focus - the active stream that precedes the next RHEL release.

@@ -108,4 +107,3 @@ 

  ### Q16: Where can I ask more questions?


  **A:** Since many people will have the same questions, we encourage you to ask your questions on the public project mailing list, [devel](https://lists.centos.org/hyperkitty/list/devel@lists.centos.org/), where everyone can benefit from the questions and answers being publicly archived. However, we will also be watching our various social media accounts for questions and comments.


file modified
+11 -3
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: Download

- layout: aside



  <div class="container alert alert-danger" role="alert" style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr; column-gap: 20px;">
@@ -10,7 +9,16 @@ 

  Read the <a href="https://blog.centos.org/2023/04/end-dates-are-coming-for-centos-stream-8-and-centos-linux-7/" class="alert-link">information on upgrade and migration options</a>.</p></div>



- {% include download/cards.html %}

+ {% include download/cards.html id="DownloadsCard-1"

+ with_title=true

+ with_description=true

+ with_releases=true

+ with_screenshots=true

+ with_mirrors=true

+ with_documentation=true

+ with_eol=true

+ with_commands=false

+ %}


  As you download and use CentOS Linux or CentOS Stream \([What's the

  difference?](/cl-vs-cs/)\), the CentOS Project invites you to [be a part of the
@@ -63,7 +71,7 @@ 


  In order to help ease the workload for our primary mirror network, the source

  rpms are not kept in the same tree as the binary packages. If you need the

- source packages used to build CentOS, you can find them in our vault 

+ source packages used to build CentOS, you can find them in our vault



  ## Older Versions

file modified
+1 -2
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: "CentOS AWS AMI Cloud Images"

- layout: download-mirror



  CentOS Amazon AMI images
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@ 


  You can search for architecture or region through search bar.


- Please note that you can also directly use then the "Deploy Link" function to deploy in specific region, one click away. 

+ Please note that you can also directly use then the "Deploy Link" function to deploy in specific region, one click away.



  <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">

@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ 


  title: AltArch Mirror List

  title_lead: List of CentOS Mirrors providing alternative arquitectures.

- layout: download-mirror



  CentOS welcomes new mirror sites.  If you are considering setting up a public

file modified
+1 -2
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ 


  title: Mirror List

  title_lead: List of CentOS official mirrors.

- layout: download-mirror



  <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
@@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ 

  CentOS welcomes new mirror sites.  If you are considering setting up a public

  mirror site for CentOS, [please follow the mirror

  guidelines](http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreatePublicMirrors) to make sure

- that your mirror is consistent with the other mirror sites.  

+ that your mirror is consistent with the other mirror sites.


  If you're searching for mirrors providing AltArch content (like ppc64, ppc64le, aarch64,

  armfhp) please use [this link](/download/mirrors-altarch/).

file modified
+48 -6
@@ -2,17 +2,59 @@ 

  # Feel free to add content and custom Front Matter to this file.

  # To modify the layout, see https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/#overriding-theme-defaults


- layout: home

  title: The CentOS Project

  title_lead: |

    Community-driven free software effort focused on delivering a robust open

    source ecosystem around a Linux platform.

+ layout: home


+ with_toc: false

+ with_breadcrumbs: false

+ with_title: false



- <div class="container alert alert-danger" role="alert" style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr; column-gap: 20px;">

- <div style="font-size: 48px;"><i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div>

- <div><h4 class="alert-heading">Upcoming EOL Dates</h4>

- <p>CentOS Stream 8 end of builds is <b>May 31, 2024</b>. CentOS Linux 7 end of life is <b>June 30, 2024</b>.

- Read the <a href="https://blog.centos.org/2023/04/end-dates-are-coming-for-centos-stream-8-and-centos-linux-7/" class="alert-link">information on upgrade and migration options</a>.</p></div>

+ <div class="row">

+   {% assign distributions = site.data.download.cards %}

+   {% for distro in distributions %}

+   {% if forloop.first %}

+   <div class="col-sm-12 mb-3">

+   {% else %}

+   <div class="col-sm-6 mb-3">

+   {% endif %}

+     <div class="card">

+       <img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/download/distribution-release-screenshot-1.png" class="card-img-top" alt="...">

+       <div class="card-header h5">{{ distro.title }}</div>

+       <div class="card-body">

+         <p class="card-text">{{ distro.description }}</p>

+         <a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary text-nowrap" role="button" href="" role="button" aria-label="Learn more">Learn more <i class="fa-solid fa-arrow-right"></i></a>

+       </div>

+     </div>

+   </div>

+   {% endfor %}

+ </div>


+ ## Special Interest Groups


+ {% assign topics = site.data.centos.sigs %}

+ {% include base/topics.html topics=topics %}


+ ## News


+ {% for post in site.data.centos.blog.items limit: 4 %}

+ <div class="card border-0">

+   <div class="card-body ps-0 py-1">

+     <h5 class="card-title">{% include base/link.html name=post.title url=post.link %}</h5>

+     <p class="small">by {{ post.author }} @ {{ post.pubDate }} </p>

+   </div>

+ </div>

+ {% endfor %}


+ ## Videos


+ <div class="row">

+   <div class="col mb-3">

+     <div class="ratio ratio-16x9">

+       <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=user_uploads&list=TheCentOSProject" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

+     </div>

+   </div>


file modified
+3 -6
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ 


  title: "CentOS GPG Keys"

- layout: aside



  ## How CentOS uses GPG keys

- Each stable RPM package that is published by CentOS Project is signed with a GPG signature. By default, yum and the graphical update tools will verify these signatures and refuse to install any packages that are not signed, or have an incorrect signature. You should always verify the signature of a package prior to installation. These signatures ensure that the packages you install are what was produced by the CentOS Project and have not been altered by any mirror or website providing the packages. 

+ Each stable RPM package that is published by CentOS Project is signed with a GPG signature. By default, yum and the graphical update tools will verify these signatures and refuse to install any packages that are not signed, or have an incorrect signature. You should always verify the signature of a package prior to installation. These signatures ensure that the packages you install are what was produced by the CentOS Project and have not been altered by any mirror or website providing the packages.


  ## Importing Keys

- The Project GPG keys are included in the centos-release package, and are typically found in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg. Please note that not all keys in this directory are used by the CentOS project. Some keys may be placed in this directory by 3rd party repositories to enable the secure use of extra packages as well. The keys used by CentOS are enabled in the yum repository configuration, so you generally don't need to manually import them. 

+ The Project GPG keys are included in the centos-release package, and are typically found in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg. Please note that not all keys in this directory are used by the CentOS project. Some keys may be placed in this directory by 3rd party repositories to enable the secure use of extra packages as well. The keys used by CentOS are enabled in the yum repository configuration, so you generally don't need to manually import them.


  If you want to verify that the keys installed on your system match the keys listed here, you can use GnuPG to check that the key fingerprint matches. For example:

@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ 


  #### AltImages SIG

  [download key](/keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-AltImages)



      pub  2048R/B094B96D 2023-06-02 CentOS AltImages SIG (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/AltImages) <security@centos.org>

      Key fingerprint = 2C77 CFEB 1F99 C559 E52B  3CDC 8DEF 9614 B094 B96D

@@ -240,5 +239,3 @@ 


      pub  2048R/F533F4FA 2015-11-27 CentOS AltArch SIG - PowerPC (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/AltArch) <security@centos.org>

      Key fingerprint = BAFA 3436 FC50 768E 3C3C  2E4E A963 BBDB F533 F4FA



@@ -25,4 +25,3 @@ 





@@ -18,4 +18,3 @@ 





@@ -36,4 +36,3 @@ 





@@ -35,4 +35,3 @@ 





@@ -36,4 +36,3 @@ 





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+1 -2
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: "CentOS Legal"

- layout: aside



  ## Export Compliance/Customs Information
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ 

   * Your name, address, telephone number, email address, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located (or Wake County, North Carolina if your address is outside of the United States), and that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of infringement or an agent of such person.

   * The following statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the material identified above was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled."

   * Your electronic or physical signature.



  Red Hat has registered a designated agent with the Copyright Office pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 512(c). Please send notifications of infringement and counter notifications to the designated agent at:


      Assistant General Counsel

file modified
+14 -16
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ 


  title: "CentOS Project Licensing Policy"

- layout: aside



  # CentOS Project licensing policy


  ## Definitions


- A “Contribution” is any contribution to the CentOS Project, but does not include (a) already-existing upstream software or content that merely is packaged, or is intended to be packaged, in CentOS Linux or CentOS Stream, or changes or additions to such already-existing software or content, or (b) material intended to be used for CentOS project logos. 

+ A “Contribution” is any contribution to the CentOS Project, but does not include (a) already-existing upstream software or content that merely is packaged, or is intended to be packaged, in CentOS Linux or CentOS Stream, or changes or additions to such already-existing software or content, or (b) material intended to be used for CentOS project logos.


- Your Contribution is “Explicitly Licensed” if you specifically attach a license notice to it. 

+ Your Contribution is “Explicitly Licensed” if you specifically attach a license notice to it.


  “Default License” means the license you grant under this policy for a Contribution that is not Explicitly Licensed.

@@ -17,9 +16,9 @@ 


  ## Distributions


- The CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream distributions are [compilations](https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=17-USC-2076770877-364936160&term_occur=999&term_src=title:17:chapter:1:section:101) of software packages. Each package is governed by its own license. Like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream compilation copyright is licensed under [GPLv2](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html). To the extent you hold any copyright in the selection, coordination, or arrangement of packages making up the CentOS Linux or CentOS Stream distributions, you license that copyright under GPLv2. 

+ The CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream distributions are [compilations](https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=17-USC-2076770877-364936160&term_occur=999&term_src=title:17:chapter:1:section:101) of software packages. Each package is governed by its own license. Like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream compilation copyright is licensed under [GPLv2](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html). To the extent you hold any copyright in the selection, coordination, or arrangement of packages making up the CentOS Linux or CentOS Stream distributions, you license that copyright under GPLv2.


- The compilation license does not supersede the licenses of code and content contained in the distributions, including anything you may have contributed to that pre-existing material. The complete licensing terms applicable to a given package can be found in the source code of the package. 

+ The compilation license does not supersede the licenses of code and content contained in the distributions, including anything you may have contributed to that pre-existing material. The complete licensing terms applicable to a given package can be found in the source code of the package.


  ## Explicitly Licensed Contributions

@@ -27,11 +26,11 @@ 


  ## CentOS.org Content


- As of 2020-04-23, new content published on [www.centos.org](https://www.centos.org/), [wiki.centos.org](https://wiki.centos.org), [docs.centos.org](https://docs.centos.org), and [blog.centos.org](https://blog.centos.org) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 [International Public License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) (CC BY-SA 4.0), except as otherwise indicated in this document or the content itself. Accordingly, the Default License for Contributions to such content is CC BY-SA 4.0, with attribution solely to the CentOS Project. 

+ As of 2020-04-23, new content published on [www.centos.org](https://www.centos.org/), [wiki.centos.org](https://wiki.centos.org), [docs.centos.org](https://docs.centos.org), and [blog.centos.org](https://blog.centos.org) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 [International Public License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) (CC BY-SA 4.0), except as otherwise indicated in this document or the content itself. Accordingly, the Default License for Contributions to such content is CC BY-SA 4.0, with attribution solely to the CentOS Project.


  ## Licensed Repositories


- The Default License for Contributions to a CentOS Project repository that contains notice of a license is that same license. 

+ The Default License for Contributions to a CentOS Project repository that contains notice of a license is that same license.


  ## Code Contributions

@@ -39,21 +38,21 @@ 


      Copyright Contributors to the CentOS Project.


-     Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of 

+     Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of

      this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the

-     Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, 

+     Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,

      copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the

-     Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, 

+     Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,

      subject to the following conditions:


-     The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all 

+     The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all

      copies or substantial portions of the Software.












  ## Other Contributions
@@ -66,5 +65,4 @@ 


  ## Date


- This policy is in effect as of 2020-04-23. 


+ This policy is in effect as of 2020-04-23.

file modified
+1 -2
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: "CentOS Privacy Policy"

- layout: aside



  ## Scope of this Notice
@@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ 

  practices and to provide information about the choices you have regarding the

  ways in which information is collected by the CentOS Project is used and

  disclosed. For Convenience, the CentOS Project is referred to in this document

- as "CentOS". 

+ as "CentOS".



  ## Our Commitment to Privacy

file modified
+4 -5
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: "CentOS Trademark Guidelines"

- layout: aside



  ## Introduction
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ 


  ## General Principles


- Whenever you use the CentOS Marks, you must do so in a way that does not mislead others, either directly or by omission, concerning what they are obtaining and from whom. The law reflects this requirement in two principal ways: it prohibits creation of a "likelihood of confusion" but allows for "nominative use". 

+ Whenever you use the CentOS Marks, you must do so in a way that does not mislead others, either directly or by omission, concerning what they are obtaining and from whom. The law reflects this requirement in two principal ways: it prohibits creation of a "likelihood of confusion" but allows for "nominative use".


  For example, you are not allowed to say you are distributing CentOS software when you are actually distributing some downstream modification of an official CentOS release ("Official" packages, builds, and releases are those that have been approved for the CentOS Project&#39;s release by the CentOS Project) . Otherwise, your recipients would be confused if they do not receive the same features and functionality they would have obtained had they received software officially released by the CentOS Project. As another example, you are not allowed to use the Logos on your website in a way that suggests that your website is an official website of the CentOS Project, or that the CentOS Project endorses your website. On the other hand, you may of course say, for example, that you like the CentOS software distribution or that you participate in the CentOS Project.

@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ 


  4. You may use the 'Powered by CentOS' logo to truthfully state that your application runs on or uses an official CentOS release.


- 5. You may use the CentOS Marks in themes, personas, or skins for applications to show your support for the CentOS Project, provided that the use is noncommercial and is clearly decorative, as contrasted with a use that is likely to be understood as the branding for a website or application. 

+ 5. You may use the CentOS Marks in themes, personas, or skins for applications to show your support for the CentOS Project, provided that the use is noncommercial and is clearly decorative, as contrasted with a use that is likely to be understood as the branding for a website or application.


  ### Unacceptable uses

@@ -89,8 +88,8 @@ 

    * Acceptable: I installed a CentOS release on my friend&#39;s laptop.

  * Don&#39;t use a trademark as a verb.

    * Unacceptable: We are CentOSing our servers.

-   * Acceptable: We are installing the CentOS distribution on our servers. 

- * Don&#39;t use a trademark as a possessive. 

+   * Acceptable: We are installing the CentOS distribution on our servers.

+ * Don&#39;t use a trademark as a possessive.

    * Unacceptable: CentOS&#39;s distribution is stable.

    * Acceptable: The CentOS distribution is stable.


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+1 -3
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ 


  title: News and Events

  title_lead: News, views, and reports on CentOS.

- layout: blog

- pagination: 

+ pagination:

    enabled: true



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  title: "Sponsors"

- layout: sponsors



  If you are interested in becoming a CentOS sponsor, you can contact the us at <donate@centos.org>.

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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ 


  title: CentOS Stream 9

- layout: page 

  permalink: /:path/:basename/index.html

  toc: true

@@ -44,4 +43,3 @@ 

  * Davide Cavalca added default configs to enable systemd-oomd and make it usable out of the box ([BZ#1962255](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1962255))

  * Neal Gompa added Wayland support for the GNOME Classic session ([BZ#2015914](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2015914))

  * Andrew Lukoshko added product config for AlmaLinux ([BZ#2004653](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2004653))


file modified
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ 

    core distribution, then replaces or supplements a specific subset of

    packages. This may include replacing everything down to the kernel,

    networking, and other subsystems.

- layout: aside



  Some open source projects need different software components to run properly, such as updated development languages or kernel functionality. By being able to get these components directly in CentOS, a variant maintainer solves many of the steps for users.

no initial comment

1 new commit added

  • Merge branch 'staging' of ssh://git.centos.org/centos/centos.org into staging
4 months ago

Pull-Request has been merged by areguera

4 months ago
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