#184 Use correct anchor links in meeting list
Closed 2 years ago by carlwgeorge. Opened 2 years ago by carlwgeorge.
centos/ carlwgeorge/centos.org community-calendear-anchors  into  main

file modified
+14 -14
@@ -26,20 +26,20 @@ 


  Here is a list of current meetings with their descriptions:


- * [Automotive SIG](#Automotive_SIG)

- * [Board of Directors](#Board_of_Directors)

- * [CentOS Stream Office Hours (meet.opensuse, not IRC)](#CentOS_Stream_Office_Hours_(meet.opensuse,_not_IRC))

- * [Cloud SIG](#Cloud_SIG)

- * [CPE Infra and Releng Team  stand-up](#CPE_Infra_and_Releng_Team__stand-up)

- * [Hyperscale SIG](#Hyperscale_SIG)

- * [Hyperscale SIG monthly hangout](#Hyperscale_SIG_monthly_hangout)

- * [Infrastructure SIG](#Infrastructure_SIG)

- * [Kmods SIG](#Kmods_SIG)


- * [OpsTools SIG](#OpsTools_SIG)

- * [Software Collections SIG Sync-up](#Software_Collections_SIG_Sync-up)

- * [Storage SIG](#Storage_SIG)

- * [Virtualization SIG](#Virtualization_SIG)

+ * [Automotive SIG](#automotive-sig)

+ * [Board of Directors](#board-of-directors)

+ * [CentOS Stream Office Hours (meet.opensuse, not IRC)](#centos-stream-office-hours-meetopensuse-not-irc))

+ * [Cloud SIG](#cloud-sig)

+ * [CPE Infra and Releng Team  stand-up](#cpe-infra-and-releng-team--stand-up)

+ * [Hyperscale SIG](#hyperscale-sig)

+ * [Hyperscale SIG monthly hangout](#hyperscale-sig-monthly-hangout)

+ * [Infrastructure SIG](#infrastructure-sig)

+ * [Kmods SIG](#kmods-sig)

+ * [NFV SIG](#nfv-sig)

+ * [OpsTools SIG](#opstools-sig)

+ * [Software Collections SIG Sync-up](#software-collections-sig-sync-up)

+ * [Storage SIG](#storage-sig)

+ * [Virtualization SIG](#virtualization-sig)


  ### <a name="Automotive_SIG">Automotive SIG</a>


no initial comment

This file is generated by https://github.com/CentOS/Calendar/ . We have to make changes there or this fix will be overwritten next time it's generated.

Pull-Request has been closed by carlwgeorge

2 years ago