#208 The Great Website Work Roundup
Opened a year ago by shaunm. Modified 6 months ago

This is a tracker bug for things we need to do to the website. Some of these are low-hanging fruit for people wanting to get involved. Some are harder. Anything that requires discussion or elaboration should have a separate issue filed and linked from here.

  • Remove posts from the top. It doesn't get updated, and anything important can be on the blog.
  • Add a way to put a banner image near the top to promote Connect, major releases, or other big news.
  • The FAQ link in the header points to the wiki. Move to www or docs, or delete.
  • The SIGs link in the header points to the wiki. Move to www or front page of sigs.centos.org. (Further discussion needed.)
  • The Variants page is outdated. It could have images from Hyperscale, Alt Images, and other SIGs. Or those images could just be on the Download page.
  • The Contribute link in the header points to the wiki. Move to www or docs.
  • The header links to Forums. We need to decide what to do with this long-term.
  • The header links to the wiki for Mailing Lists and IRC. Maybe put a single Contact page on www?
  • The calendar is fragile and weird. Could we use the same infra as calendar.fedoraproject.org?
  • The Submit Bug link in the header links to the wiki. Should probably be a section in the Contributors Guide.
  • There's a link to the wiki under Documentation.
  • The Downloads page is very unclear, and offers CentOS Linux 7 as the first option.
  • The front page should feature downloads, like Fedora does.
  • All pages on www should be audited to make sure they're current and correct.
  • Add items here.

The Downloads page is very unclear, and offers CentOS Linux 7 as the first option.

Agreed. There is an ongoing effort to improve this situation using YAML to define the downloads data and HTML templates to present them. See some documentation and examples.

The Contribute link in the header points to the wiki. Move to www or docs.
The header links to Forums. We need to decide what to do with this long-term.
The header links to the wiki for Mailing Lists and IRC. Maybe put a single Contact page on www?

Similarly, here is also an effort to manage header links using YAML to define the navbar data and HTML templates to present it. See the following documentation links:

While working on the homepage redesign, I realized that I was not sure about the alignment between what I was trying to present and what others expect to have presented. In this respect, I would like to add, to the previous list, the following point:

  • Create a collaborative document where we can coordinate the website content structure in hierarchy order. This document would be versioned and it would provide the reference necessary to implement the website components, like navbar. Also, to review the current dependency between pages.

What do you think about having a document with such definitions? Would it help us to be aligned in what we all want to present on the website?

I'd love to get the mission statement up on the site.

  • Add a way to put a banner image near the top to promote Connect, major releases, or other big news.

The with_breakingnews configuration variable was added to jekyll-theme-centos and documented to promote Connect and other big news. Note that this component uses texts instead of images to provide more flexible way of presenting these messages. Producing different images for each message may take more time because we need to manage both image files and message configuration. With texts we only manage message configuration. Anyway, I am open to adjust. Here are a couple of screenshots:

with_breakingnews with_announcements
Screen_Shot_2023-12-26_at_20.29.25.png Screen_Shot_2023-12-26_at_20.29.53.png

@areguera What's your timeline on the new theme stuff? We should really get some changes in by the end of the month when CL7 goes EOL. In particular, we should stop highlighting it in the top fold of the index page. It would be awesome if visual updates could accompany that.

I've been taking notes and sketching some layout stuff on hackmd: https://hackmd.io/qOsVnJRjT4KBaFnalmnitw

I'd love an about/support page that says there is no official support. Perhaps text cribbed from Fedora?

@shaunm Thanks for your sketches and notes, they are very valuable. I am taking them as reference to initiate the website implementation right away based on the current theme implementation. A first version for review should be visible on www.stg.centos.org during the next week.

Preparing changes for staging in the following location:


There are some structural changes related to how we organize files and build the site. Don't know if you agree with me here, but the current process to get started involves too many steps. I am wondering what you think about using a pre-baked container image that holds all the theme files and dependencies necessary to build the site? I've updated the README file and added a Makefile with some examples you can try yourself.

I am still accommodating things, here is a first website view built locally:


Theme documentation was also updated in case anyone wants to know how the theme works. There are some features not present in the past like category index that may be worth to consider during the content accommodation process.

I've recently updated the staging branch using the gem model instead of the container image model proposed earlier in the next branch. The command we were using to render www.stg.c.o might be failing because of the Gemfile changes. In case it helps, the following command should build the site:

bundler exec jekyll serve

The package version I am using is: rubygem-bundler-2.5.9-9.fc40.noarch.

Though it is not strictly related to www.c.o, I would like share with you a PR to update the blog theme using the same visual presentation proposed in www.stg.c.o. Both blog.stg.c.o and www.stg.c.o should look visually aligned once published.

The website redesign should be driven by a well defined information architecture. I am not sure such thing is available somewhere. So, here is one based on my interpretation of @bex public talks and CentOS board meetings. Does it match reality? Would you change something?


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