#200 missing "sponsors" section on frontpage, since specific commit
Closed 3 months ago by arrfab. Opened 2 years ago by arrfab.

For some days now, the "sponsors" section/block on frontpage on www.centos.org is missing and was wondering why.
So creating this issue here to track it with @areguera as it seems it disappeared with his last pushed commit : https://git.centos.org/centos/centos.org/c/92cce89256888b2ca6542bf909f522d8006b43bd?branch=main
Can that be reverted and investigated (if that commit was supposed to fix something else) ? I wouldn't want to see more sponsors leaving because of this (and some are really looking after this)

@arrfab thanks for creating the ticket. I already opened https://git.centos.org/centos/centos.org/pull-request/199 to revert the footer.html and expose the former issue.

@arrfab we need to apply the following patch on main branch:

The staging branch is not synced with main at the moment to create a MR from it. I'll do that when reach home, in about a couple of hours. Appreciate if someone can do it sooner. Thanks!

Removed the _includes/footer.html and expose the root cause:


When you click the source definition, it is possible to see the sponsor class being disabled in the very first lines. Note there are much more there:


Where does this come from? It looks to be Firefox uBlock Origin plugin doesn't like the sponsor class (unexpected change). When uBlock is active, the sponsors section is disabled and, when uBlock is disabled the sponsor section appears. I am taking note of this to change that name to something else because many users using uBlock Origin may be facing this situation. The same happens on chrome when you use Adblock plugin.

Please confirm.

As conclusion, the footer.html section shouldn't be replaced in first place. I am sorry about that. It was a wrong assumption from my side. The section has been restored, and action will be taken to change the class name to something else, and so, grant maximum visibility to sponsors on browsers with uBlock Origin plugin active.

I confirm what you found. Strangely uBlock doesn't show anything being blocked (0 request blocked)


Here is a work in progress to fix this issue:


A live example for testing this fix is available at https://centos.gitlab.io/artwork/centos-web/jekyll-theme-centos-sponsors/includes/carousel/

The fix is part of the ongoing website redesign effort. The development related to sponsors component is happening openly at https://gitlab.com/CentOS/artwork/centos-web/jekyll-theme-centos-sponsors. Comments and suggestions are welcome.


thanks for the hard work @areguera .. Got sponsor reaching out recently to ask why sponsor section was removed from front page and so revisiting that issue to see when it can be fixed so that I can give them a kind of ETA (but /sponsors link is still working though)

I wish to give a date but I do not have an exact one, yet. I need to redesign the homepage layout first, to accommodate what we have there. I would like to have it ready for this year.

@areguera tagging with revamp tag/label as it's something we can reconsider with new jekyll centos theme ?

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue tagged with: revamp

3 months ago

Does the current state of https://www.stg.centos.org/ solves this issue?

Looks good to me. I'll let @arrfab decide.

Perfect, LGTM. Thanks a lot !

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 months ago

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