title: "CentOS SIG Council"
title_lead: Structure and Purpose
**This document is a work in progress.**
## The CentOS SIG Council
The CentOS Board has established the CentOS SIG Council, which manages investigations of technical issues among the SIGs and coordinates requests to the CentOS Stream and CentOS
Infrastructure teams. The Board is responsible for all decisions related to policy and governance and would defer to the Council for technical decisions. Should a technical decision
effect policy, finances or legal issues, the Council should provide a recommendation to the Board, who would then make an informed decision.
Initial membership of the Council is made up of the SIG Chair (or their designee) from each Active SIG as determined by the board. Standing invites to the meeting are given to:
- members of the CentOS Infrastructure Team at Red Hat
- a representative from the CentOS Stream Engineering team
- a representative from RHEL Engineering
- the CentOS Board chair (or a designated representative)
- the EPEL Steering Commitee chair (or a designated representative)
The SIG Council may request attendance at certain meetings from other stakeholders through the Board or the Red Hat Liason.
The SIG Council will determine future governance, in accordance with the principles set forward by the Board, but the initial requirements are:
- Regular, minuted meetings
- A strong preference for deliberative, open, discussion
- The ability to enter Executive session to discuss sensitive technical matters. To be used only in extraordinary circumstances
The Board also requests this group produce a State of the SIGs report at least twice a year, covering the Council activities and highlights from the individual SIGs.