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# CentOS.org website
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The CentOS.org website is using the following tools:
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* [jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) 4.3
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* [bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) 5.3.
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* [podman](https://podman.io) (but should work with other know containers solutions too)
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## Contributing to changes to this repo
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### Needed tools
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Just ensure that you have git, podman installed on your CentOS, Fedora workstation (or any other linux distro, just showing this as example):
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sudo yum install slirp4netns podman git
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### Cloning this repo, from your forked version
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You should first login with your [ACO](https://accounts.centos.org) login on
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https://git.centos.org, and then fork this repo (if not already done)
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Once done, you'll have to clone your fork locally, and submit changes. This
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section describes the steps you need to follow in order to render the final
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site using jekyll in Fedora 31/CentOS 8, with rootless container.
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Let's assume the following (so feel free to update):
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export git_upstream="ssh://git@git.centos.org/forks/<ACO_LOGIN>/centos/centos.org.git" # replace with your ACO username
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export git_directory="${HOME}/git/" # where you'll git clone git repo
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Let's first clone git repo and ensure that some files in container will be owned by jekyll:
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test -d ${git_directory} || mkdir -p ${git_directory}
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pushd ${git_directory}
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test -d centos.org || git clone ${git_upstream}
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## Running
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### Development
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The better way to work on local changes is to have jekyll to automatically
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"watch" for local changes, and rebuild automatically on the fly when it detects
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that files were added/modified. To do this, and then to be able to browse
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"live" on http://localhost:4000, launch Jekyll like this:
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8845f9 |
install -d public
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podman run --rm -d \
8845f9 |
--name jekyll-theme-centos-site-server \
8845f9 |
-v $PWD/:/site:z \
8845f9 |
-p \
8845f9 |
registry.gitlab.com/centos/artwork/centos-web/jekyll-theme-centos:latest \
ea3ab8 |
bundle exec jekyll serve -H -p 4000 --config /site/_config.yml -s /site -d /site/_site
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### Production
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The `jekyll serve` command fits well on development environments, however when
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you want to use a more robust web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx) in production
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environments the `jekyll serve` command may be not appropriate. Instead, you
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may use the `jekyll build --watch` command inside a container and control it
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using systemd. In this configuration the web server should be configured to
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expose the `${git_directory}/centos.org/_site/` directory as document root, the
6b4efb |
place where jekyll build command renders the final files.
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8845f9 |
8845f9 |
install -d public
8845f9 |
podman run --rm -d \
8845f9 |
--name jekyll-theme-centos-site \
8845f9 |
-v $PWD/:/site:z \
8845f9 |
registry.gitlab.com/centos/artwork/centos-web/jekyll-theme-centos:latest \
ea3ab8 |
bundle exec jekyll build --config /site/_config.yml -s /site -d /site/_site
8845f9 |
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### Opening a PR (Merge request)
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Once you're satisfied with local changes, proceed as usual:
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* `git commit` and `git push` to origin (your fork)
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* open PR on git.centos.org
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### Reviewing a PR (for admins)
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When someone will open a PR, there is a way to pull locally the proposed
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changed and render locally. We can apply the method above with "jekyll serve"
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but we can pull locally. On each PR, there is a link at bottom named "Pull
6b4efb |
this pull-request locally" with a link to instructions. If you proceed, that
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will create a new temporary branch named pr<number>, so you can then `git
6b4efb |
checkout pr<number>`, render website automatically and see if that looks ok.
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If it is, you can go back to git.centos.org, and then either comment (if you
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need some changes) or just `merge` it. Merging it in main branch will
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automatically means that website will be rebuilt and pushed in the next
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minute[s] to www.centos.org nodes.