#11 Import lookaside_upload and get_sources.sh from centos-git-common
Merged 9 months ago by arrfab. Opened 3 years ago by dcavalca.
centos/ dcavalca/centos-packager centos-git-common  into  master

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash

+ #

+ # Might want to drop this in ~/bin/ and chmod u+x it

+ #


+ #  Initial Author: Karanbir Singh <kbsingh@centos.org>

+ #         Updates:

+ #                  Mike McLean <mikem@redhat.com>

+ #                  Pat Riehecky <riehecky@fnal.gov>

+ #                  Tyler Parsons <tparsons@fnal.gov>

+ #                  Tuomo Soini <tis@foobar.fi>

+ set -eux



+ #####################################################################

+ usage() {

+     echo ''                                               >&2

+     echo "$0 [-hcq] [-b branch] [--surl url]"             >&2

+     echo ''                                               >&2

+     echo 'Script to parse the non-text sources metadata file'   >&2

+     echo ' and download the required files from the lookaside'  >&2

+     echo ' cache.'                                              >&2

+     echo ''                                                     >&2

+     echo 'PLEASE NOTE: this script is non-destructive, it wont' >&2

+     echo ' replace files that already exist, regardless of'     >&2

+     echo ' their state, allowing you to have work-in-progress'  >&2

+     echo ' content that wont get overwritten.'                  >&2

+     echo ''                                                     >&2

+     echo 'You need to run this from inside a sources git repo'  >&2

+     echo ''                                               >&2

+     echo ' -h: This help message'                         >&2

+     echo ''                                               >&2

+     echo "  $0 -b c7"                                     >&2

+     echo "  $0 -q -b c7"                                  >&2

+     echo "  $0 -c -b remotes/origin/c7"                   >&2

+     echo "  $0 -c -b c7 --surl '$SURL'"                   >&2

+     echo "  $0"                                           >&2

+     exit 1

+ }


+ #####################################################################


+ SURL="https://git.centos.org/sources"






+ # for setting any overrides, such as SURL, default BRANCH, or force CHECK

+ if [ -f /etc/centos-git-common ]; then

+   . /etc/centos-git-common

+ fi


+ #####################################################################

+ # setup args in the right order for making getopt evaluation

+ # nice and easy.  You'll need to read the manpages for more info

+ # utilizing 'while' construct rather than 'for arg' to avoid unnecessary

+ # shifting of program args

+ args=$(getopt -o hcqb: -l surl: -- "$@")

+ eval set -- "$args"


+ while [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]; do

+     case $1 in

+         -- )

+             # end of getopt args, shift off the -- and get out of the loop

+             shift

+             break

+            ;;

+          -c )

+             # verify the sha1sum of the downloaded file

+             CHECK=1

+             shift

+            ;;

+          -q )

+             # suppress warnings

+             QUIET=1

+             shift

+            ;;

+          -b )

+             # Check this particular branch

+             BRANCH=$2

+             shift

+             shift

+            ;;

+          --surl )

+             # override sources url

+             SURL=$2

+             shift

+             shift

+            ;;

+          -h )

+             # get help

+             usage

+            ;;

+     esac

+ done


+ # set curl options this way so defaults can be set in /etc/centos-git-common

+ # across multiple scripts

+ if [[ ${QUIET} -eq 1 ]]; then

+     QUIET='--silent'

+ else

+     QUIET=''

+ fi


+ command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1

+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then

+     echo 'You need git in PATH' >&2

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1

+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then

+     echo 'You need curl in PATH' >&2

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ if [ ! -d .git ] && ([ ! -d SPECS ] || [[ ! -s sources ]] ); then

+       echo 'You need to run this from inside a sources git repo' >&2

+       exit 1

+     fi


+ # sort out our branch

+ if [ -n "$BRANCH" ]

+ then

+   branches=("$BRANCH")

+ else

+   # generate a list of all branches containing current HEAD

+   branches=()

+   while IFS='' read -r line

+   do

+     # input from: git branch --contains HEAD

+     branch="${line:2}"

+     if [[ "$branch" =~ "detached from" ]]

+     then

+       # ignore detached heads

+       continue

+     fi

+     if [ ".${line:0:1}" = ".*" ]

+     then

+       # current branch, put it first

+       branches=("${branch}" ${branches[@]+"${branches[@]}"})

+     else

+       branches=(${branches[@]+"${branches[@]}"} "${branch}")

+     fi

+   done <<< "$(git branch -r --contains HEAD | sed 's#origin/##g')"

+ fi


+ if [[ -f sources ]]; then

+     echo "Flat layout style"

+     if [[ ! -s sources ]]; then

+       echo "Empty sources file -- nothing to check"

+     else

+       # This section is for the "flat" dist-git layout, where the spec file and

+       # patches are all present at the top level directory and the sha of the tarball

+       # present in a 'sources' file.

+       # This code was re-used from the fedpkg-pkg minimal project which is licensed

+       # under GPLv3 or any later version.


+       pkgname=$(basename "$PWD")

+       # Read first word of first line. For old MD5 format it's the 32 character

+       # hash. Otherwise let's assume the sources have the BSD format where lines

+       # start with hash type.

+       hashtype="$(head -n1 sources | cut -d' ' -f1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"

+       # The format is

+       #   SHA512 (filename) = ABCDEF

+       # We don't care about the equals sign. We also assume all hashes are

+       # the same type, so we don't need to read it again for each line.

+       while read -r _ filename _ hash || [[ -n "$filename" && -n "$hash" ]]; do

+           if [ -z "$filename" ] || [ -z "$hash" ]; then

+               continue

+           fi

+           # Remove parenthesis around tarball name

+           filename=${filename#(}

+           tarball=${filename%)}

+           if [ ! -e "$tarball" ]; then

+             for br in "${branches[@]}"

+             do

+               br=$(echo ${br}| sed -e s'|remotes/origin/||')

+               # Try the branch-specific lookaside structure

+               url="${SURL}/$pkgname/${br}/$hash"

+               echo "Retrieving ${url}"

+               HTTP_CODE=$(curl -L ${QUIET} -H Pragma: -o "./$tarball" -R -S --fail --retry 5 "${url}" --write-out "%{http_code}" || true)

+               echo "Returned ${HTTP_CODE}"

+               if [[ ${HTTP_CODE} -gt 199 && ${HTTP_CODE} -lt 300 ]] ; then

+                  echo "bailing"

+                  break

+               fi

+               # Try the hash-specific lookaside structure

+               url="${SURL}/$pkgname/$tarball/$hashtype/$hash/$tarball"

+               echo "Retrieving ${url}"

+               curl -L ${QUIET} -H Pragma: -o "./$tarball" -R -S --fail --retry 5 "${url}" && break

+             done

+           else

+             echo "$filename exists. skipping"

+           fi

+       done < sources

+       "${hashtype}sum" -c sources

+     fi

+ else

+     echo "Exploded SRPM layout style"

+     # This section is for the "non-flat" dist-git layout, where the spec file

+     # is stored in a SPECS folder, the patches in a SOURCES folder and the sha

+     # of the tarball of the project is present in a '.<pkg_name>.metadata' file.


+     mkdir -p SOURCES

+     # should go into a function section at some point

+     weakHashDetection () {

+       strHash=${1};

+       case $((`echo ${strHash}|wc -m` - 1 )) in

+         128)

+           hashBin='sha512sum'

+           ;;

+         64)

+           hashBin='sha256sum'

+           ;;

+         40)

+           hashBin='sha1sum'

+           ;;

+         32)

+           hashBin='md5sum'

+           ;;

+         *)

+           hashBin='unknown'

+           ;;

+       esac

+       echo ${hashBin};

+     }


+     # check metadata file and extract package name

+     shopt -s nullglob

+     set -- .*.metadata

+     if (( $# == 0 ))

+     then

+         echo 'Missing metadata. Please run from inside a sources git repo' >&2

+         exit 1

+     elif (( $# > 1 ))

+     then

+         echo "Warning: multiple metadata files found. Using $1"

+     fi

+     meta=$1

+     pn=${meta%.metadata}

+     pn=${pn#.}


+     while read -r fsha fname ; do

+       if [ ".${fsha}" = ".da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" ]; then

+         # zero byte file

+         touch ${fname}

+       else

+         hashType=$(weakHashDetection ${fsha})

+         if [ "${hashType}" == "unknown" ]; then

+           echo 'Failure: Hash type unknown.' >&2

+           exit 1;

+         fi

+         hashName=$(echo ${hashType}| sed -e s'|sum||')


+         if [ ${CHECK} -eq 1 ]; then

+           which ${hashType} >/dev/null 2>&1

+           if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then

+             echo "Failure: You need ${hashType} in PATH." >&2

+             exit 1;

+           fi

+         fi

+         if [ -e ${fname} -a ${CHECK} -eq 1 ]; then

+             # check hash sum and force download if wrong

+             downsum=$(${hashType} ${fname} | awk '{print $1}')

+             if [ "${fsha}" != "${downsum}" ]; then

+                 rm -f ${fname}

+             fi

+         fi

+         if [ ! -e "${fname}" ]; then

+           for br in "${branches[@]}"

+           do

+             br=$(echo ${br}| sed -e s'|remotes/origin/||')

+             # Try the branch-specific lookaside structure

+             url="${SURL}/${pn}/${br}/${fsha}"

+             echo "Retrieving ${url}"

+             HTTP_CODE=$(curl -L ${QUIET} -H Pragma: -o "${fname}" -R -S --fail --retry 5 "${url}" --write-out "%{http_code}" || true)

+             echo "Returned ${HTTP_CODE}"

+             if [[ ${HTTP_CODE} -gt 199 && ${HTTP_CODE} -lt 300 ]] ; then

+                echo "bailing"

+                break

+             fi

+             # Try the hash-specific lookaside structure

+             url="${SURL}/$pn/$fname/${hashName}/$fsha/$fname"

+             echo "Retrieving ${url}"

+             curl -L ${QUIET} -H Pragma: -o "${fname}" -R -S --fail --retry 5 "${url}" && break

+           done

+         else

+           echo "${fname} exists. skipping"

+         fi

+         if [ ${CHECK} -eq 1 ]; then

+             downsum=$(${hashType} ${fname} | awk '{print $1}')

+             if [ "${fsha}" != "${downsum}" ]; then

+                 rm -f ${fname}

+                 echo "Failure: ${fname} hash does not match hash from the .metadata file" >&2

+                 exit 1;

+             fi

+         fi

+       fi

+     done < "${meta}"


+ fi

@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash


+ # This script will let you upload sources/blobs to new CentOS lookaside cache

+ # requirements:

+ #  - curl

+ #  - valid TLS certs from https://accounts.centos.org (or dev instance for testing)

+ #  - valid group membership to let you upload to specific "branch"


+ # Some variables, switch for new url

+ lookaside_baseurl="https://git.centos.org"


+ function usage {


+ cat <<  EOF


+ You need to call the script like this : $0 -arguments


+         -f : filename/source to upload (required, default:none)

+         -n : package name for that source (requred, default:none, example "httpd")

+         -b : "branch" where to upload to (required, default:none, example "c7-sig-core")

+         -h : display this help




+ }


+ function varcheck {

+ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then

+         usage

+         exit 1

+ fi


+ }


+ function f_log {

+   echo "[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> $*"

+ }




+ while getopts “hf:n:b:” OPTION

+ do

+      case $OPTION in

+          h)

+              usage

+              exit 1

+              ;;

+          f)

+              file=$OPTARG

+              ;;

+          n)

+              pkgname=$OPTARG

+              ;;

+          b)

+              branch=$OPTARG

+              ;;

+          ?)

+              usage

+              exit

+              ;;

+      esac

+ done


+ varcheck $file

+ varcheck $pkgname

+ varcheck $branch


+ if [ ! -f ~/.centos.cert ] ;then

+   f_log "No mandatory TLS cert found (~/.centos.cert) .."

+   f_log "please use centos-cert to retrieve your ACO TLS cert"

+   exit 1

+ fi


+ if [ ! -f "${file}" ] ;then

+   f_log "Source to upload ${file} not found"

+   exit 2

+ fi


+ checksum=$(sha1sum ${file}|awk '{print $1}')


+ f_log "Checking if file already uploaded"

+ local_size=$(stat -c %s ${file})

+ http_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${branch}/${checksum})

+ remote_size=$(curl --silent -i --head ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${branch}/${checksum}|grep "Content-Length"|cut -f 2 -d ':'|tr -d [:blank:]|tr -d '\r')

+ if [ "$http_code" -eq 200 ] && [ "$local_size" -eq "$remote_size" ] ; then

+   f_log "File already uploaded"

+   exit 3

+ fi


+ f_log "Initialing new upload to lookaside"

+ f_log "URL : $lookaside_baseurl"

+ f_log "Source to upload : ${file} "

+ f_log "Package name: $pkgname"

+ f_log "sha1sum: ${checksum}"

+ f_log "Remote branch: ${branch}" 

+ f_log " ====== Trying to upload ======="

+ echo ""

+ curl ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/upload.cgi \

+ 	--fail \

+ 	--cert ~/.centos.cert \

+ 	--form "name=${pkgname}" \

+ 	--form "branch=${branch}" \

+ 	--form "sha1sum=${checksum}" \

+ 	--form "file=@${file}" \

+ 	--progress-bar | tee /dev/null


+ upload_result="${PIPESTATUS[0]}"


+ if [ "$upload_result" -ne "0" ] ;then

+   f_log "[ERROR] Something didn't work to push to ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${branch}/${checksum}"

+   f_log "[ERROR] Verify at the server side"

+   exit 1

+ fi


+ f_log "Validating that source was correctly uploaded ...."

+ remote_size=$(curl --silent -i --head ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${branch}/${checksum}|grep "Content-Length"|cut -f 2 -d ':'|tr -d [:blank:]|tr -d '\r')

+ if [ "$local_size" -eq "$remote_size" ] ; then

+   f_log "[SUCCESS] Source should be available at ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${branch}/${checksum}"

+ else

+   f_log "[ERROR] it seems there is a mismatch with source size and remote file size"

+ fi



@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash


+ # This script will let you upload sources/blobs to new CentOS lookaside cache

+ # requirements:

+ #  - curl

+ #  - valid TLS certs from https://accounts.centos.org (or dev instance for testing)


+ # Some variables, switch for new url

+ lookaside_baseurl=$LOOKASIDE_BASEURL

+ hash_parameter="sha512"


+ if [ -z $LOOKASIDE_BASEURL ]; then

+ 	lookaside_baseurl="https://git.centos.org"

+ 	echo "Base URL set to default: $lookaside_baseurl"

+ fi


+ function usage {


+ 	cat <<EOF


+ 	You need to call the script like this : $0 -arguments


+ 			-f : filename/source to upload (required, default:none)

+ 			-n : package name for that source (requred, default:none, example "httpd")

+ 			-h : display this help


+ 	It is also possible to amend the default base url (currently set to https://git.centos.org):

+ 	LOOKASIDE_BASEURL=<urlOfYourChoice> ./lookaside_upload_sig ...


+ }


+ function varcheck {

+ 	if [ -z "$1" ]; then

+ 		usage

+ 		exit 1

+ 	fi


+ }


+ function f_log {

+ 	echo "[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> $*"

+ }


+ while getopts “hf:n:” OPTION; do

+ 	case $OPTION in

+ 	h)

+ 		usage

+ 		exit 1

+ 		;;

+ 	f)

+ 		file=$OPTARG

+ 		;;

+ 	n)

+ 		pkgname=$OPTARG

+ 		;;

+ 	?)

+ 		usage

+ 		exit

+ 		;;

+ 	esac

+ done


+ varcheck $file

+ varcheck $pkgname


+ if [ ! -f ~/.centos.cert ]; then

+ 	f_log "No mandatory TLS cert found (~/.centos.cert) .."

+ 	f_log "please use centos-cert to retrieve your ACO TLS cert"

+ 	exit 1

+ fi


+ if [ ! -f "${file}" ]; then

+ 	f_log "Source to upload ${file} not found"

+ 	exit 2

+ fi


+ checksum="$(${hash_parameter}sum ${file} | awk '{print $1}')"


+ f_log "Checking if file already uploaded"

+ local_size=$(stat -c %s ${file})

+ http_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash_parameter}/${checksum}/${file})

+ remote_size=$(curl --silent -i --head ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash_parameter}/${checksum}/${file} | grep "Content-Length" | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr -d [:blank:] | tr -d '\r')


+ if [ "$http_code" -eq 200 ] && [ "$local_size" -eq "$remote_size" ]; then

+ 	f_log "File already uploaded"

+ 	exit 3

+ fi


+ f_log "Initialing new upload to lookaside"

+ f_log "URL : $lookaside_baseurl"

+ f_log "Source to upload : ${file} "

+ f_log "Hash parameter : ${hash_parameter}"

+ f_log "Package name: $pkgname"

+ f_log "${hash_parameter}sum: ${checksum}"

+ f_log " ====== Trying to upload ======="

+ echo ""


+ # Concatenating sha512

+ hash_cmd="$(${hash_parameter}sum ${file} | awk '{print $1}')"

+ curl ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/upload_sig.cgi \

+ 	--fail \

+ 	--cert ~/.centos.cert \

+ 	--form "name=${pkgname}" \

+ 	--form "hash=${hash_parameter}" \

+ 	--form "${hash_parameter}sum=${hash_cmd}" \

+ 	--form "file=@${file}" \

+ 	--progress-bar | tee /dev/null


+ upload_result="${PIPESTATUS[0]}"


+ if [ "$upload_result" -ne "0" ]; then

+ 	f_log "[ERROR] Something didn't work to push to ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${checksum}"

+ 	f_log "[ERROR] Verify at the server side"

+ 	exit 1

+ fi


+ f_log "Validating that source was correctly uploaded ...."

+ remote_size=$(curl --silent -i --head ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash_parameter}/${checksum}/${file} | grep "Content-Length" | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr -d [:blank:] | tr -d '\r')

+ if [ "$local_size" -eq "$remote_size" ]; then

+ 	f_log "[SUCCESS] Source should be available at ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash_parameter}/${checksum}/${file}"

+ else

+ 	f_log "[ERROR] it seems there is a mismatch with source size and remote file size"

+ fi

file modified
+40 -2
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@ 

+ %global centos_git_common_url https://git.centos.org/centos-git-common

+ %global centos_git_common_commit 28b610e9fb79594c49bc64c7c331d0aaab382e7e


  Name:           centos-packager

  Version:        0.7.0

- Release:        6%{?dist}

+ Release:        14%{?dist}

  Summary:        Tools and files necessary for building CentOS packages

  Group:          Applications/Productivity


- License:        GPLv2+

+ License:        GPL-2.0-or-later

  URL:            https://git.centos.org/centos/centos-packager

  Source0:        cbs-koji.conf

  Source1:        COPYING

  Source2:        centos-cert

+ Source3:        %{centos_git_common_url}/raw/%{centos_git_common_commit}/f/lookaside_upload

+ Source4:        %{centos_git_common_url}/raw/%{centos_git_common_commit}/f/lookaside_upload_sig

+ Source5:        %{centos_git_common_url}/raw/%{centos_git_common_commit}/f/get_sources.sh


  Requires:       koji

  Requires:       rpm-build rpmdevtools rpmlint
@@ -39,14 +45,46 @@ 

  mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}

  ln -s koji %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/cbs

  install -p -m 0755 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centos-cert

+ install -p -m 0755 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centos-lookaside-upload

+ install -p -m 0755 %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centos-lookaside-upload-sig

+ install -p -m 0755 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centos-get-sources



  %license COPYING

  %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/koji.conf.d/cbs-koji.conf



+ %{_bindir}/centos-lookaside-upload

+ %{_bindir}/centos-lookaside-upload-sig

+ %{_bindir}/centos-get-sources



+ * Wed May 29 2024 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca@centosproject.org> - 0.7.0-14

+ - Import lookaside_upload, lookaside_upload_sig and get_sources.sh from

+   centos-git-common

+ - Convert license tag to SPDX


+ * Tue Jan 23 2024 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-13

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Fri Jan 19 2024 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-12

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Wed Jul 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-11

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Wed Jan 18 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-10

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Wed Jul 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-9

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-8

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-7

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild


  * Tue May  4 2021 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca@fb.com> - 0.7.0-6

  - Use the correct macro for the license file

  - Preserve timestamps on install

LGTM but I'd like to also have @bstinson's opinion on this one before we can merge

Just reading https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/543 reminded me of this PR.

Merging this PR would make life easier for new users as all required tools by a SIG member to work with CBS would then be included in centos-packager.
What are the reasons this has not yet been merged?

@bstinson opinion on this ? I'd be tempted to say that it's good to me and merge it but don't know if you have other plan for a centpkg tool instead ? centos-packager is just the cbs koji profile and metadata pkg that is pulling fasjson-client (and bash wrapper) .

Hi, could we revive this and also add the lookaside_upload_sig script too? It'd be great to get rid of having to clone the centos-git-common repo..

@dcavalca : revisiting this (old) thread/PR and I think it's now safe to just merge your request but can you just rebase with actual lookaside_upload and lookaside_upload_sig scripts ?
Then we'll be at the latest level for these and you can then submit fedora/epel builds for centos-packager ?

1 new commit added

  • Refresh lookaside_upload and get_sources.sh, add lookaside_upload_sig
10 months ago

Sorry for the delay @arrfab, I've updated this now. Once it's merged I'll get the Fedora package updated as well.

rebased onto bb71a6a

10 months ago

Rebased this again to import the latest changes from the Fedora side otherwise it'd be tricky to merge down the road.

LGTM too .. let's merge and @dcavalca will be able to also submit builds for Fedora/EPEL branches

Pull-Request has been merged by arrfab

9 months ago