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# Openshift
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We have to support multiple (but not so many) Openshift/OCP 4.x clusters , deployed at various places and deployed differently, based on some rules/constraints,etc.
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What is common is that we need official subscription, and managed centrally, from https://console.redhat.com/openshift (see inventory for credentials and/or internal emails)
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## AWS
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### deployment
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To deploy in AWS, one can use the [adhoc-deploy-ocp-aws](https://github.com/CentOS/ansible-infra-playbooks/blob/master/adhoc-deploy-ocp-aws.yml) playbook.
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But you need first to read *all* the [current](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.11/welcome/index.html) documentation to understand what is needed
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Before running the playbook, you'll need :
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* Configure [needed Route53](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.11/installing/installing_aws/installing-aws-account.html#installation-aws-route53_installing-aws-account) public zone for the ocp sub-domain (and have delegation working)
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* needed aws access key and secret for [IAM role](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.11/installing/installing_aws/manually-creating-iam.html) able to create VPC, update route53, deploy EC2 instances , etc (see doc)
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* get official subscription/pull secret from https://console.redhat.com/openshift
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* prepare your ansible group with all [needed variables](https://github.com/CentOS/ansible-infra-playbooks/blob/master/adhoc-deploy-ocp-aws.yml#L3)
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!!! warning
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Be sure to review the VPC settings/subnets that openshift-install binary will create once running and ensure no overlap
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### management
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Depending on the env, the [ocp-admin-node](https://github.com/CentOS/ansible-role-ocp-admin-node) can be used to :
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* deploy/replace TLS certificates
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* backup etcd nodes data on daily basis
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* configure openshift for some settings (see role)
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* add/remove projects/groups/namespaces
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### authentication
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We don't want to use the internal auth but instead rely on FAS/ACO so the first thing can be done is to tie openshift to ipsilon (id.centos.org (or id.stg.centos.org).
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This is configured by the `ocp-admin-role` but it needs some variables first, so create the ocp cluster client id at the ipsilon side (admin operation) and then update the ansible invetory for all the `ocp_idp_` variables.
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Once applied through the role, openshift will allow to login through FAS/ACO.
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Worth knowing that the `ocp_fas_sync` boolean lets you also automatically create projects/groups/namespaces/RBACs for the groups starting with `ocp_fas_group_prefix` (for example for OCP ci, the IPA/FAS groups are all prefixed `ocp-cico-`)
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### Storage for PersistentVolumes
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OCP deployed on AWS by default can use EBS volumes but it would come with limitation.
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So one can use [EFS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/efs/?icmpid=docs_homepage_storage) as centralized storage solution for PersistentVolumes (and our playbook can use that feature).
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!!! warning
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if you want to ensure that PVC would use the created PVs on top of EFS, instead of EBS, you *should* disable the `gp2` StorageClass (under Storage/StorageClasses, edit and `storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: 'false'`)
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### Specific ocp CI cluster notes
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Here is an an overview of the deployed ocp ci cluster :
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Apart from the FAS/auth/EFS volumes, it's worth knowing that :
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* we use [VPC peering](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/peering/what-is-vpc-peering.html) between the Duffy and OCP VPCs (see ansible inventory for details)
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* we use [internal Route53 resolvers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/resolver-overview-DSN-queries-to-vpc.html) to forward queries to specific name servers
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* we use [Site-to-Site VPN](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpn-connections.html) connections between VPCs and on-premises DC (see ansible inventory for ec2gw nodes)
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* security group is attached to EFS to allow NFS traffic from OCP nodes (and so worker nodes able to mount NFS PVs)
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## Bare-metal (on premises)
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### deployment
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### management
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### authentication
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## Virtual Machines (on premises)
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### deployment
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### management
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### authentication