#91 CentOS Wiki website not functional in creating new accounts
Opened 2 years ago by northurland. Modified 11 months ago

*I don't know if it is appropriate to put this issue here, but I couldn't find a more suitable place where it goes.


Unable to create new account for CentOS wiki via this link, which is provided in the Contribute page in centos.org: https://wiki.centos.org/FrontPage?action=newaccount
Issue repeatable in both Firefox and Chromium-based browser (Edge). The page generates an error message 'unknown action newaccount' below the header.
Additional information:
OS: Windows 10, version 21H2

As new members of Promo SIG, we are assigned tasks to update & localise the wiki contents. This problem makes such tasks virtually impossible. As stated before, I am not sure if it is appropriate to state this issue here; if it is not, please tell me where should I put it... thank you very much!

During Monday's doc day we learned that new logins had been turned off by Infra as a result of the current wiki getting spambotted. We spent a good portion of the morning discussing wiki alternatives and have a few things in mind.

I can see if Infra can make logins but we were talking about freezing the wiki in order to migrate

Metadata Update from @spotz:
- Issue assigned to dcavalca

2 years ago

Davide can do the scrapping but requires infra help to lock the wiki while data is being collected.

What about migrating the wiki content into a new jekyll site following the same git model used to introduce changes in CentOS website?

Related to localization, a workaround is under development and the wiki content might be fertile land to test it. I am currently focused on jekyll theme development and may have not enough time to lead the content migration myself but I would be happy to assist if there is interest on it.

The CentOS wiki, as collaboration place, was an important element of CentOS identity worth to preserve. The wiki software is deprecated but the collaboration place does not need to be. Content translation is an excellent entry point for new community members.

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