#86 Proposal for CentOS China SIG
Closed 2 years ago by spotz. Opened 2 years ago by acyanbird.

Proposal for CentOS China SIG (COSSIG)

This sig aims to improve the communication of the Chinese CentOS community as well as the broader open source community with their international counterparts, to address misinformation and disinformation, to promote CentOS, and to spread the open source ideology in China since the country doesn't have a strong open source tradition. This SIG mainly does media work in forseeable future.

Main goal: to act as a bridge between the Chinese community and the international one, that provides correct, on-time community information, a channel of feedback to the CentOS decision makers even for those who can't use English, and easy-to-reach, reliable guidelines for those who want to contribute to this project.

The long-term goal of the SIG is to build a downstream distro for CentOS that faces Chinese users and Contributors, since many of the Chinese developers cannot use English properly. We believe that this could be a good way for them to contribute to CentOS. This means that our SIG will maintain a close relationship to the rest of this community even if a distro is built.

What's In Scope
Media works, including:
- Running social media channels on a variety of platforms - this includes Chinese domestic platforms such as the video platform 'BiliBili', and international platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, etc.
- Translating community news and reporting them on the said platforms. Mind that community news include both international community news that are going to be distributed in China, and Chinese community news that will be distributed on the other side.
- Updating information about conferences, community meetings, and other arrangements within the CentOS community to our audience.
- Uploading and translating conference talk videos, community meeting recordings, interviews, tutorials, or any other audio / video materials related to CentOS / RedHat.

Setting up an official site of our SIG

Opening a GitHub repository for our SIG; this repo is for translation job.

Providing contribution guidelines to our audience; this includes guidelines of the SIG's own tasks and guidelines for contributing CentOS. These guidelines will be uploaded to our social media channels.

Accepting questions / feedback about CentOS from our audience and presenting them to those who in charge.

Addressing misinformation / disinformation about CentOS on Chinese Internet platforms by informing with the actual ones. We would not do this by trying to delete any mis-informing media.

Opening a QQ group for our Chinese community for discussions and activities. QQ is a popular IM in China, especially Mainland.

Interviewing prominent community members and share their opinion with our audience

Content creating on topics such as the open source ideology, the open source movement, CentOS itself, and Linux, to attract those who don't necessarily have technical knowledge

Translating CentOS documentations to Chinese. This won't happen soon.

Building a downstream distro of CentOS. This won't happen soon.

Meeting place, time & date
probably on the IRC.

Proposed Initial Members
The following people are the proposed initial members of the SIG based on experience in writing, translating, interviewing, and audio/video editing. Team members have good relationships with a range of open-source OS communities.
Xingyu Wang —— Leader of Linux China community, the person who proposed the idea
Betty Liu —— student of the University of Warwick, has experience in translating documentation/video and technical articles. Responsible for media operation and setting up translation team.
Yanran Ning —— student of Imperial College London, the artist who is responsible for designing and artwork for this SIG.

And you can ignore the distribution part right now because it will not happen within the seeable future... It is just our wish.

The board's recommendation is to fold this into the Promo SiG due to overlapping functionality albeit in a different language

This group had been folded into the Promo SiG

Metadata Update from @spotz:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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