#125 Board Activity clarity in governance
Closed 8 months ago by spotz. Opened a year ago by spotz.

Currently all board members are contacted by the Community Architect at the beginning or midway through the year to determine if current board members wish to remain on the Board. These contacts are spread through the year to maintain continuity in the board should folks wish to resign.

The purpose of this issue is to add clarity to https://centos.org/about/governance/board/ in regards to activity on the board and to review current proceedures. This is a follow up to the same type of effort made in regards to what is an active SiG and how to proceed in regards to less active ones, ie assistance to remain active or retirement.

I think we should focus this around absence from regular activities and duties combined with a lack of communication. We certainly don't want to be overly strict or punitive, particularly considering this is a free-time volunteer position for most of the Board members. To start us off, here are some things that may warrant a discussion among the Board in terms of determining if a member is effectively absent:

  • absent from 3 consecutive Board meetings without prior communication
  • lack of response to the Community Architect participation inquiry within 2 months
  • no response to direct communication in multiple forms for 3 months

These are fairly open ended and not arduous to comply with in general, so hopefully they aren't very controversial. Before proposing follow-on actions on confirmed absentees, I would want to hear other's thoughts.

Yeah that's what I was thinking plus adding in the the communication on the missed meetings, etc. could be to the rest of the Board, or in the case of something more private to the Chair or Community Architect

Metadata Update from @spotz:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

8 months ago

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