#119 Decision Needed for Open CPE Initiative on lists.centos.org
Closed 2 years ago by jwboyer. Opened 2 years ago by amoloney.

Hi all,

I have this request to upgrade the frontend on lists.centos.org open in the CPE initiative repo for quite some time (2 years), so I wanted to bring it to your attention here to get a decision on it https://pagure.io/cpe/initiatives-proposal/issue/14

The team had a review on this a few days ago, and while it is technically doable (mailman3 is now packaged and available in EPEL 9 afaik, and limited capacity from our team to spend on packaging this was one of the core reasons this request was continuously deferred), given that lista.centos.org runs on CentOS 7 and will be EOL next year, and a move to Discourse could also be considered as a solution, is the request to upgrade the frontend of this service a priority for the Board, or can I drop this request from the CPE initiative backlog until the future of lists.centos.org is clearer?

Thank you kindly,

Marking as a duplicate of #118

Metadata Update from @jwboyer:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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