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Board minutes 2014-06-04


  • need to close to get versioning email out from board, assist from Jason
  • invite for Jason to talk about ftp messaging coming from Red Hat
  • basic update on where things stand, readiness.


mikem needs access to git.centos.org for pushing altsrc content team needs one-time-for-first-time access to source of 24 to 36 hours in advance of release for internal-only pre-staging. mikem will bring this up in thu internal altsrc meeting Setting up internal host on possibly OSAS lab machines as pre-staging git devel server in 10.x VPN space. Can do a daily sync on #centos-devel when doing public prebuild dress rehearsal.


Packages that are from EL7 that need to go into EL6. (right?) MikeM has list prepupgrade-assistance, redhat-preupgrade-tool, preupgrade-* These are going to be EL6 packages that only have source in git.centos.org and not in FTP - this means at least some EL6 source is moving to git from FTP. When do we sync to RHN?