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# 2021-12 CentOS board meeting
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Meeting starts: 20:00 UTC on Wednesday 8th of December:
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`date -d "2021-12-08 20:00 UTC"`
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Zoom link : https://zoom.us/j/93879964686
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Passcode will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place.
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# 2021-12 CentOS board meeting - Agenda
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# Attendees
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## Board members
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* Pat Riehecky
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* Thomas Oulevey
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* Rich Bowen
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* Davide Cavalca
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* Tru Huynh
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* Mike
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* Jim
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* Bex
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* Josh Boyer joined at :30
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## Directors Absent
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* Josh Boyer sends regrets (but made it a bit late :)
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* Johnny
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## Guests
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* Lance
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* Neal
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* Shaun
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* Peter Georg
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* Aoife Moloney
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* Steven
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* Amy
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# Agenda
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* Previous minutes
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* https://blog.centos.org/2021/11/october-2021-board-meeting-minutes/
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* November meeting was skipped
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* Board seat nominations
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* https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2021-November/077422.html
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* 11 nominations
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* 7 accepted, with nomination statements
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* 2 declined
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* 2 never responded in any way
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* Proposal for -extras on CS9 (Brian)
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* https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2021-November/077417.html
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* Proposal: Remove extra red tape from process to get packages into -extras repo
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* SIG-like structure for the repo, with SIG chairs as members
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* Members could tag packages for release when they're ready
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* Will proceed unless there are objections expressed
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* What do we do about third-party repos like EPEL?
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* Need a policy drafted for this.
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* Policy on retiring unmaintained repos
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* Pat&Davide: document the process (and for SIGs) so they are well informed
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* Brian: yes
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* Tru : How do you resolve conflicts ?
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* Brian: just for -release packages so likely no conflicts
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* Tru: Concerned also about conflicts with third-party repos
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* Davide: would the infra SIG be a good parent organization?
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* Bex: reporting on how many releases are updating their repo defs (and what that means in context) might be a useful stat.
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* Davide: finding out how many folks are downstream consumers of a SIG Repo def could help identify a general number of users (which could be handy).
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* Move forward with the proposal and document it in the SIG Guide + above comments
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### On going discussion
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* Secure boot and SIGs (ie, issue #67 below)
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* SIGs want to ship content that needs to be signed
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* Signing with personal keys results in a terrible user experience
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* Options
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1. Just use project key
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2. Make a separate key for these artifacts, and get this added to the shim
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* Pat: preference for 2/ - separate volonteers effort
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* Brian: For the Infra, figure out a long term gov for people interacting with Microsoft. Trusted set of people to manage keys.
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* Davide: Could be centralized for all SIGs ? Does it need to be someone at RH ?
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* Bex: Board perspective on why having all the released signed by the same key could be a problem ? Safeguard at the SIG acceptance level ?
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* Neal : Delegate key that can be removed / Think about users perspective for booting things in an easy way
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* Understand how delegate key and shim can be done ? Brian is happy to follow up the different technical questions.
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* Bex : Write a detailed proposal and bring it to Red Hat.
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* Neal: There's a ticket for this (CS9 secureboot ?) - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2027505
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* Reasonnable to target CS9 only if need be.
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### Issues
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**Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)**
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* None
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**New issues**
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* None
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**Pending issues**
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* **[#67](https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/67)** Trusting the SIGs by default, from a CentOS Project perspective (Secureboot)
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* See above↓
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* **[#65](https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/65)** Intel OneApi and Centos stream (Clarification sought - do we actually have any contacts at Intel?
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* Rich has sent feedback via the website, but don't know whether that will make it to a human.
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* **[#45](https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/45)** CentOS variant artifacts (ISOs, disk images, etc.) branding
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* Resolved/Approved, but needs to be published. Someone needs to take an action item here.
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* Publish this in the SIG handbook - Rich will do this
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* Add note/reference in the TM guidelines, and vice versa
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* Neal will file a ticket requesting further policy around this
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* **[#44](https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/44)** Remove former Directors from various accounts and permissions
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* This has been hanging around for 7 months, but it's unclear how to proceed here.
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* Are former directors still on the mailing lists?
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* Are there specific actions we need to take here?
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* Mailing list, IRC channel, HackMD, mailing list ownership
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* Brian: create a ticket to Infra SIG when a board member goes.
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* Bex: seperate access link to your board role and to the community roles
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**Issues on hold**
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* **#04** Definitive answer requested regarding logo design (On hold as I work with Brand to register. No Board action needed at this time.)
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* **#27** Providing Official AMIs in Amazon CN regions.
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* **#03** Getting official CentOS images into Azure
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### Community Architect updates
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* Stream 9 "launch" messaging - https://blog.centos.org/2021/12/introducing-centos-stream-9/ and https://centos.org/stream9/
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* FOSDEM Dojo CFP - https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/FOSDEM2022
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* AMA on the 4th of Feb
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### SIG Reports
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* Virtualization - https://blog.centos.org/2021/12/centos-community-newsletter-december-2021/#:~:text=the%20past%20quarter.-,Virtualization,-Advanced%20Virtualization%20updates
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* OpsTools - https://blog.centos.org/2021/12/centos-community-newsletter-december-2021/#:~:text=CentOS%20OpsTools%20SIG%20Quarterly%20Report
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### AOB
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### Executive Session
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* This part is reserved for board members.
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###### tags: `agenda`
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