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# svg_doLastActions.sh -- This function performs last-rendition
878a2b |
# actions for SVG files.
878a2b |
e6bbbf |
# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Project
878a2b |
878a2b |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
878a2b |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
878a2b |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
878a2b |
# your option) any later version.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
878a2b |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
878a2b |
878a2b |
# General Public License for more details.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
878a2b |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
878a2b |
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# $Id$
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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function svg_doLastActions {
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Verify position of file being produced in the list of files been
878a2b |
# currently processed.
878a2b |
if [[ $THIS_FILE_DIR == $NEXT_FILE_DIR ]];then
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
local ACTION=''
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Redefine SVG last-rendition actions as local to avoid undesired
878a2b |
# concatenation when massive rendition is performed.
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Define SVG directory-specific actions. This is required in order
878a2b |
# to provide a predictable way of producing content inside the
878a2b |
# repository and save you the time of writing long several
878a2b |
# commands each time you need to produce images inside the
878a2b |
# repository.
878a2b |
if [[ $FLAG_DONT_DIRSPECIFIC == 'false' ]];then
878a2b |
if [[ $TEMPLATE =~ "Distro/$(cli_getPathComponent --release-pattern)/Gdm/.+\.svg$" ]];then
878a2b |
LASTACTIONS[((++${#LASTACTIONS[*]}))]='convertPngToDm:Gdm:800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1360x768 2048x1536 2560x1240'
878a2b |
elif [[ $TEMPLATE =~ "Distro/$(cli_getPathComponent --release-pattern)/Kdm/.+\.svg$" ]];then
878a2b |
LASTACTIONS[((++${#LASTACTIONS[*]}))]='convertPngToDm:Kdm:800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1360x768 2048x1536 2560x1240'
878a2b |
elif [[ $TEMPLATE =~ "Distro/$(cli_getPathComponent --release-pattern)/Ksplash/.+\.svg$" ]];then
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Define SVG last-rendition actions. Since last-rendition makes
878a2b |
# use of all files in the output directory structure and
878a2b |
# directory-specific rendition modifies all the files in the
878a2b |
# output directory structure as well, these actions must be
878a2b |
# defined after the directory-specific definition. Otherwise,
878a2b |
# modifications impossed by these actions may interfier the whole
878a2b |
# purpose of having a directory-specific rendition.
878a2b |
[[ $FLAG_LASTRENDITION != '' ]] && LASTACTIONS[((++${#LASTACTIONS[*]}))]="doLastActions:(png|jpg):${FLAG_LASTRENDITION}"
878a2b |
878a2b |
# At this point centos-art.sh should be producing the last file
878a2b |
# from the same unique directory structure, so, before producing
878a2b |
# images for the next directory structure lets execute the list of
878a2b |
# last-rendition actions for the current directory structure.
878a2b |
for ACTION in "${LASTACTIONS[@]}"; do
878a2b |
svg_$(echo "$ACTION" | cut -d: -f1)
878a2b |
878a2b |
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