86e000 |
86e000 |
86e000 |
# docbook_expandLicenses.sh -- This function modifies the final
86e000 |
# DocBook instance to add license information. We are doing this way
86e000 |
# because using XInclude doesn't work and we want to reuse license
86e000 |
# information in all documents. So, if we cannot link the files, we
86e000 |
# modify the final instance and append the license information to it.
86e000 |
# Later, to reuse translation messages, the locale functionality takes
86e000 |
# care of merging po files related to licenses into documentation po
86e000 |
# file so changes made to licenses translations will also be available
86e000 |
# to documentation manuals in different languages.
86e000 |
e6bbbf |
# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Project
86e000 |
86e000 |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
86e000 |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
86e000 |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
86e000 |
# your option) any later version.
86e000 |
86e000 |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
86e000 |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
86e000 |
86e000 |
# General Public License for more details.
86e000 |
86e000 |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
86e000 |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
86e000 |
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
86e000 |
86e000 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
86e000 |
# $Id$
86e000 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
86e000 |
86e000 |
function docbook_expandLicenses {
86e000 |
86e000 |
local INSTANCE=$1
86e000 |
819c26 |
# Define absolute path to DocBook models.
819c26 |
local DOCBOOK_MODELS="${TCAR_WORKDIR}/Documentation/Models/Docbook"
2321ce |
86e000 |
# Define list of files holding licenses you want to include. Note
86e000 |
# even this files are not inside the documentation structure
86e000 |
# itself, they are connected with it. The files holding license
86e000 |
# information does contain id information used inside the
86e000 |
# documentation structure at cross references.
9d65db |
local LICENSES="${DOCBOOK_MODELS}/Default/Licenses/Gpl/gpl.docbook \
9d65db |
86e000 |
86e000 |
# Define top level structure in the instance. This is the tag
86e000 |
# defined in the second field of DOCTYPE definition.
86e000 |
local DOCTYPE=$(egrep '^
86e000 |
| gawk '{ print $2 }')
86e000 |
86e000 |
# Define temporal file to store license block.
86e000 |
local BLOCK=$(cli_getTemporalFile "licenses.docbook")
86e000 |
86e000 |
# Build license block into memory.
86e000 |
86e000 |
BLOCK="${BLOCK}\n<part id=\"licenses\">\n"
86e000 |
BLOCK="${BLOCK}\n<title>`gettext "Licenses"`</title>\n"
86e000 |
BLOCK="${BLOCK}\n$(cat ${LICENSES} | sed -r '/<\?xml/,/]>/d')\n"
86e000 |
86e000 |
86e000 |
86e000 |
# Expand the licenses section. Remove everything in-between
86e000 |
# Licenses and Back matter comment. Recreate the comments to
86e000 |
# support further actualizations and concatenate license
86e000 |
# information without their document type definitions preamble.
86e000 |
# This is required in order to prevent validation errors and reuse
86e000 |
# (through locale functionality) the translation messages already
86e000 |
# available for these license files. Finally, close any open tag.
86e000 |
sed -r -i -e "//,//c$(echo ${BLOCK})" $INSTANCE
86e000 |
86e000 |