878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# texinfo_updateStructureSection.sh -- This function looks for all
123ee8 |
# section entries (i.e., files holding section definitions) inside the
123ee8 |
# manual's base directory and updates menu, nodes and cross references
123ee8 |
# definitions for them all, one at a time.
878a2b |
e6bbbf |
# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Project
878a2b |
878a2b |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
878a2b |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
878a2b |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
878a2b |
# your option) any later version.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
878a2b |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
878a2b |
878a2b |
# General Public License for more details.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
878a2b |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
878a2b |
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
878a2b |
878a2b |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
878a2b |
# $Id$
878a2b |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
878a2b |
878a2b |
function texinfo_updateStructureSection {
878a2b |
802774 |
local PATTERN="${1}"
878a2b |
123ee8 |
# Define regular expression pattern used to build list of section
123ee8 |
# entries when pattern points to manual's file name or it is not
123ee8 |
# provided at all.
878a2b |
123ee8 |
|| [[ $PATTERN == '' ]]; then
123ee8 |
878a2b |
878a2b |
802774 |
802774 |
802774 |
802774 |
802774 |
878a2b |
# Define action to perform on menu, nodes and cross references
878a2b |
# definitions.
878a2b |
case "$2" in
878a2b |
878a2b |
--delete )
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Remove menu and node definitions for sections inside
878a2b |
# manual, in order to reflect the changes.
123ee8 |
ACTIONNAM_SECMENU='texinfo_updateSectionMenu --delete-entry'
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Remove cross reference definitions inside manual
878a2b |
# structure.
123ee8 |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
--update | * )
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Update menu and node definitions for sections inside
878a2b |
# manual, in order to reflect the changes.
123ee8 |
ACTIONNAM_SECMENU='texinfo_updateSectionMenu --add-entry'
878a2b |
123ee8 |
# Restore cross reference definitions inside manual
878a2b |
# structure. If a documentation entry has been removed by
878a2b |
# mistake and that mistake is later fixed by adding the
878a2b |
# removed documentation entry back into the manual
878a2b |
# structure, it is necessary to rebuild the missing cross
878a2b |
# reference information inside the manual structure in
123ee8 |
# order to reactivate the removed cross references, as
878a2b |
# well.
123ee8 |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Define list of target entries using find's regular expression
878a2b |
# pattern as reference. Notice that, when we update section
878a2b |
# definition files, the files already exist in the working copy so
878a2b |
# the pattern can be its absolute path without any problem. If the
878a2b |
# pattern is built correctly, it will match the location and so be
878a2b |
# returned to build the list of entries to process. Notice also
878a2b |
# that, when updating, it is possible to use a regular expression
878a2b |
# to match more than one location and build the list of entries
878a2b |
# based on such matching. In this last configuration, let you to
878a2b |
# update menu, nodes and cross references to many section
878a2b |
# definitions (i.e., all those section definition file that match
878a2b |
# the pattern you specified).
878a2b |
123ee8 |
--pattern="${PATTERN}" --mindepth="2" --maxdepth="2")
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Verify list of target entries. Assuming is is empty, define
878a2b |
# list of target documentation entries using pattern as reference
878a2b |
# instead. When we delete a section entry from the working copy,
123ee8 |
# using find to retrieve its path isn't possible because the
878a2b |
# section definition file is removed before executing find and by
878a2b |
# consequence no match is found. This issue provokes no section
878a2b |
# entry to be removed from menu, nodes and cross references. In
878a2b |
# order to solve this, use the pattern value as list of target
878a2b |
# entries. Notice that, in this case, the pattern value must be
878a2b |
# the absolute path to that documentation entry which doesn't
878a2b |
# exist and we want to update menu, nodes and cross references
878a2b |
# information for.
228c64 |
if [[ $MANUAL_ENTRIES == '' ]] && [[ $PATTERN =~ '^/[[:alnum:]./_-]+$' ]];then
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
c15d00 |
# Verify list of target entries. Assuming it is still empty, there
c15d00 |
# is nothing else to do here but printing an error message
878a2b |
# describing the fact that no section entry was found to process.
878a2b |
if [[ $MANUAL_ENTRIES == '' ]];then
54c0ab |
cli_printMessage "`gettext "There wasn't any section for processing found."`" --as-error-line
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |
# Loop through target documentation entries in order to update the
878a2b |
# documentation structure (e.g., it is not enough with copying
878a2b |
# documentation entry files, it is also needed to update menu,
878a2b |
# nodes and related cross-references).
878a2b |
c15d00 |
123ee8 |
# Define menu file based on manual entry. We use the menu file
123ee8 |
# as reference to build the nodes files and update the menu
123ee8 |
# file itself based on available section files.
123ee8 |
local MENUFILE=$(dirname ${MANUAL_ENTRY} \
123ee8 |
| sed -r 's,/$,,')-menu.${MANUAL_EXTENSION}
123ee8 |
2cac4b |
# Don't print action name here. Instead, make it integral part
2cac4b |
# of documentation entry creation process.
123ee8 |
#cli_printMessage "${MANUAL_ENTRY}" --as-stdout-line
c15d00 |
123ee8 |
878a2b |
878a2b |
texinfo_makeSeeAlso "${MANUAL_ENTRY}"
123ee8 |
c15d00 |
878a2b |
878a2b |
878a2b |