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<title>The CentOS Artwork Repository: 3.1 trunk/Identity</title>
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3.1 trunk/Identity
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3.1.1 Goals
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4c79b5 |
The <tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt> directory exists to organize CentOS
4c79b5 |
corporate identity artworks.
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3.1.2 Description
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4c79b5 |
The CentOS Project corporate identity is the "persona" of the
4c79b5 |
organization known as The CentOS Project. The CentOS Project
4c79b5 |
corporate identity plays a significant role in the way the CentOS
4c79b5 |
Project, as organization, presents itself to both internal and
4c79b5 |
external stakeholders. In general terms, the CentOS Project corporate
4c79b5 |
visual identity expresses the values and ambitions of the CentOS
4c79b5 |
Project organization, its business, and its characteristics.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
The CentOS Project corporate identity provides visibility,
4c79b5 |
recognizability, reputation, structure and identification to the
4c79b5 |
CentOS Project organization by means of corporate design, corporate
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communication, and corporate behaviour.
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4c79b5 |
The CentOS Project settles down its corporate visual identity on a
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"monolithic corporate visual identity structure". In this structure
4c79b5 |
The CentOS Project uses one unique name (The CentOS Brand) and one
4c79b5 |
unique visual style (The CentOS Default Theme) in all its
4c79b5 |
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4c79b5 |
The CentOS Brands
4c79b5 |
The CentOS brand is the name or trademark that conncects the producer
4c79b5 |
with their products. In this case, the producer is The CentOS Project
4c79b5 |
and the products are the CentOS distributions, the CentOS web sites,
4c79b5 |
the CentOS promotion stuff, etc.
4c79b5 |
5cee2c |
See section trunk/Identity/Brands, for more information.
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4c79b5 |
The CentOS Themes
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5cee2c |
The CentOS themes are a set of image files connected all together by
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one unique visual style. Each theme is organized in different visual
5cee2c |
manifestations, in order to cover each visual manifestation of The
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CentOS Project (i.e., distributions, websites, promotion stuff, etc.).
5cee2c |
See section trunk/Identity/Themes, for more information.
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4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Inside a monolithic corporate visual identity structure, internal and
4c79b5 |
external stakeholders use to feel a strong sensation of uniformity,
4c79b5 |
orientation, and identification with the organization. No matter if
4c79b5 |
you are visiting websites, using the distribution, or acting on social
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events, the one unique name and one unique visual style conect them
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all to say: Hey! we are all parts of the CentOS project. And,
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probably, some vister will say: Can I join the party? Yes you can, it
4c79b5 |
is free. :)
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3.1.3 Usage
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To produce identity artworks, use the following commands:
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4c79b5 |
<samp>`centos-art render 'path/to/dir''</samp>
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
When <samp>`path/to/dir'</samp> refers to one renderable directory under
4c79b5 |
<tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt>, this command renders identity artworks using
4c79b5 |
both related design models and related translation files.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
<samp>`centos-art render 'path/to/dir' --filter='pattern''</samp>
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
When <samp>`path/to/dir'</samp> refers to one renderable directory under
4c79b5 |
<tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt>, this command renders identity artworks using
4c79b5 |
both related design models and related translation files that match
4c79b5 |
the regular expression passed in <samp>`--filter='pattern''</samp> argument.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
To control the number of files produced by centos-art
4c79b5 |
command, you need to look into the translation path and provide a
4c79b5 |
regular expression pattern that matches the translation path, or
4c79b5 |
paths, related to the file, or files, you want to produce.
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4c79b5 |
The regular expression pattern you provide to centos-art
4c79b5 |
command is applied to the translation path from its very beginning.
4c79b5 |
It is not the same to say <samp>`5/en/01-welcome'</samp> that
4c79b5 |
<samp>`01-welcome'</samp>, the frist expression matches but the last one does
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4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
When using <samp>`--filter='pattern''</samp> you don't need to specify the
4c79b5 |
file extension. It is removed from translation path before applying
4c79b5 |
the pattern, so it doesn't count here.
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3.1.4 File name convenctions
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As file name convenction, inside CentOS Artwork Repository, both
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text-based and image-based file name produced by centos-art.sh
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script has the same name of their translation files without
4c79b5 |
the <samp>`.sed'</samp> extension. The file extension is set as follow:
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
5cee2c |
5cee2c | When text-based files are rendered
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4c79b5 |
Text-based files end up having the same extension of their design
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template file.
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4c79b5 |
5cee2c |
5cee2c | When image-based files are rendered
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
Image-based files always end up having the <tt>`.png'</tt> extension.
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
 Tip Once <tt>`.png'</tt> images are created, other image formats
4c79b5 |
may be created using the renderFormats post-rendering
4c79b5 |
action, inside the image-based related pre-rendering configuration
4c79b5 |
4c79b5 |
5cee2c |
See section trunk/Scripts/Bash, for more information.
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5cee2c |
3.1.5 See also
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4c79b5 |
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3.50 trunk/Translations
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3.1.6 References
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http://en.wikipedia.org/Corporate_identity (and related
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