| |
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
| |
+ #!/bin/bash
| |
| |
+ # This script will let you upload sources/blobs to new CentOS lookaside cache
| |
+ # requirements:
| |
+ # - curl
| |
+ # - valid TLS certs from https://accounts.centos.org (or dev instance for testing)
| |
| |
+ # Some variables, switch for new url
| |
+ lookaside_baseurl=$LOOKASIDE_BASEURL
| |
+ hash_parameter="sha512"
| |
| |
+ if [ -z $LOOKASIDE_BASEURL ]; then
| |
+ lookaside_baseurl="https://git.centos.org"
| |
+ echo "Base URL set to default: $lookaside_baseurl"
| |
+ fi
| |
| |
+ function usage {
| |
| |
+ cat <<EOF
| |
| |
+ You need to call the script like this : $0 -arguments
| |
| |
+ -f : filename/source to upload (required, default:none)
| |
+ -n : package name for that source (requred, default:none, example "httpd")
| |
+ -h : display this help
| |
| |
+ It is also possible to amend the default base url (currently set to https://git.centos.org):
| |
+ LOOKASIDE_BASEURL=<urlOfYourChoice> ./lookaside_upload_sig ...
| |
| |
+ }
| |
| |
+ function varcheck {
| |
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
| |
+ usage
| |
+ exit 1
| |
+ fi
| |
| |
+ }
| |
| |
+ function f_log {
| |
+ echo "[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> $*"
| |
+ }
| |
| |
+ while getopts “hf:n:” OPTION; do
| |
+ case $OPTION in
| |
+ h)
| |
+ usage
| |
+ exit 1
| |
+ ;;
| |
+ f)
| |
+ file=$OPTARG
| |
+ ;;
| |
+ n)
| |
+ pkgname=$OPTARG
| |
+ ;;
| |
+ ?)
| |
+ usage
| |
+ exit
| |
+ ;;
| |
+ esac
| |
+ done
| |
| |
+ varcheck $file
| |
+ varcheck $pkgname
| |
| |
+ if [ ! -f ~/.centos.cert ]; then
| |
+ f_log "No mandatory TLS cert found (~/.centos.cert) .."
| |
+ f_log "please use centos-cert to retrieve your ACO TLS cert"
| |
+ exit 1
| |
+ fi
| |
| |
+ if [ ! -f "${file}" ]; then
| |
+ f_log "Source to upload ${file} not found"
| |
+ exit 2
| |
+ fi
| |
| |
+ checksum="$(${hash_parameter}sum ${file} | awk '{print $1}')"
| |
| |
+ f_log "Checking if file already uploaded"
| |
+ local_size=$(stat -c %s ${file})
| |
+ http_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash_parameter}/${checksum})
| |
+ remote_size=$(curl --silent -i --head ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash_parameter}/${checksum} | grep "Content-Length" | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr -d [:blank:] | tr -d '\r')
| |
| |
+ if [ "$http_code" -eq 200 ] && [ "$local_size" -eq "$remote_size" ]; then
| |
+ f_log "File already uploaded"
| |
+ exit 3
| |
+ fi
| |
| |
+ f_log "Initialing new upload to lookaside"
| |
+ f_log "URL : $lookaside_baseurl"
| |
+ f_log "Source to upload : ${file} "
| |
+ f_log "Hash parameter : ${hash_parameter}"
| |
+ f_log "Package name: $pkgname"
| |
+ f_log "sha1sum: ${checksum}"
| |
+ f_log " ====== Trying to upload ======="
| |
+ echo ""
| |
| |
+ # Concatenating sha512
| |
+ hash_cmd="$(${hash_parameter}sum ${file} | awk '{print $1}')"
| |
+ curl ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/upload_sig.cgi \
| |
+ --fail \
| |
+ --cert ~/.centos.cert \
| |
+ --form "name=${pkgname}" \
| |
+ --form "hash=${hash_parameter}" \
| |
+ --form "${hash_parameter}sum=${hash_cmd}" \
| |
+ --form "file=@${file}" \
| |
+ --progress-bar | tee /dev/null
| |
| |
+ upload_result="${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
| |
| |
+ if [ "$upload_result" -ne "0" ]; then
| |
+ f_log "[ERROR] Something didn't work to push to ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${checksum}"
| |
+ f_log "[ERROR] Verify at the server side"
| |
+ exit 1
| |
+ fi
| |
| |
+ f_log "Validating that source was correctly uploaded ...."
| |
+ remote_size=$(curl --silent -i --head ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash}/${checksum} | grep "Content-Length" | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr -d [:blank:] | tr -d '\r')
| |
+ if [ "$local_size" -eq "$remote_size" ]; then
| |
+ f_log "[SUCCESS] Source should be available at ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash}/${checksum}"
| |
+ else
| |
+ f_log "[ERROR] it seems there is a mismatch with source size and remote file size"
| |
+ fi
| |
WIP - do not merge